Author: Well peoples, another angst. This chap is a flashback, no warnings or whatever that I need to tell you about. I hope u enjoy this though, mebe it'll catch yur interest or whatever.

"Mom I'm gay."

There was silence in the room and then a sharp crack as the boy's mother slapped his cheek in anger.

Goten kept his eyes tightly shut, trying to block the torrent of tears that threatened to escape.

He felt betrayed. All he had wanted to do was confide in his mother, he had trusted her enough to let down his barriers if only momentarily to tell her his secret.

"Get out."

Goten felt his throat tighten, still fighting to keep his tears in. Those two words were not what he had ever wanted to hear from his mother.

"Mom." He pleaded.

Chi-Chi raised her hand and turned her head away from him. "No, I don't want you here anymore." She glared at him hatefully. "I don't want some queer in my house."

That was all Goten could take and he broke down in tears. "Please, don't do this to me, I love you!" He sobbed.

"You should have thought about that before you became a pervert." She spat. "Now get out."

Goten was by then trembling as he moved toward the door, hoping that this was some kind of cruel joke. But it wasn't and his mother simply stared at him through icy eyes as he left his childhood home for the last time.

He paused in the doorway, maybe in shock that this nightmare was actually his reality.

Goten jumped away as the door slammed behind him, his mother obviously tired of him wasting her space.

"This isn't happening." His breath was ragged.

He shook his head roughly and tangled his fingers in his hair, trying to figure a way out of this mess.

"Trunks." He murmured to himself.

His heart fluttered at the thought of his crush. The boy didn't know obviously, Goten had feared his secret coming out and had just witnessed the cruelty of truth.

"He won't treat me like that, I know he won't." Goten whispered. "If anything he's my friend."

With that final thought he took into the air and shot in the direction of Capsule Corp.

The wind rushed into his face as he flew with desperation toward his sanctuary.

"Hey Goten!"

The dark haired boy started in surprise and paused in the air to glance around him.

"Goten!" The voice said again.

He looked behind him and felt his breath hitch in fear at the figure hovering before him.


Goku waved happily at his youngest. "Hey Goten, what are you doing around these parts?"

Goten nervously looked around him. "I was going over to see Trunks." He whispered.

Goku seemed to think this over. "Hm, okay, but weren't you supposed to be at home with your mother?"

Goten laughed grimly. "Yeah, she said I could leave." His smiled was strained.

Goku grinned. "Alright then, I'll see you at home later." He waved.

Goten bowed his head. "I doubt it." He said softly.

They parted ways and Goten continued his flight toward his last hope. If Trunks didn't help him he didn't know what he would do.

He blinked in surprise as the thought hit him, he would be alone.

Thankfully he had not been far from the huge house and he spied it looming before him.

He could sense Trunks ki outside, the boy was training. Goten winced, Trunks had asked him earlier if he had wanted to spar with him.

He flew over the roof and spied the lavender beauty kicking at some invisible enemy and Goten smiled softly to himself.

"Please help me Trunks." He prayed.

Goten fell to the ground tiredly, not bothering with a soft landing, his eyes sought after the one person who would never stop loving him.

There he was, the beauty from his dreams, Trunks.

He staggered toward his friend, in his heart knowing the boy wouldn't turn him away.

"Trunks." He called softly.

The boy turned away from his training in curiosity. His eyes widened at Goten's torn clothes.

"Goten, what happened to you?" He demanded as he went to his friend.

Goten cracked a tired grin. "I fell." He said lamely.

Trunks shook his head. "Goten why are you here? I thought you were supposed to be at home studying."

Goten bit his lip. "Y-yeah, studying." He whispered.

Trunks frowned. "What's wrong Goten?"

Goten sobbed and threw himself into Trunks arms, the older boy automatically pulled him to his chest in comfort.

"Please Trunks, just help me forget." Goten whimpered, leaning into the hug.

Trunks awkwardly patted Goten's head, trying to sooth the boy.

"Don't worry Goten, we'll figure this out." He reassured.

"Thank you Trunks." Goten whispered into his chest, breathing in his scent.

Trunks nodded to himself. "Now tell me Goten, what happened?" He asked.

Goten shifted uncomfortably. "My mom kicked me out." He murmured.

"What?!" Trunks gasped.

Goten nodded slightly, hesitant to tell the boy why.

"Why the hell would she do that to you?" Trunks demanded angrily.

"I told her I was gay." Goten whispered.

"What?" Trunks leaned in closer to hear Goten's reply.

The younger clenched his eyes shut tightly. "I told her I was gay." He ground out.

He felt heartbroken when Trunks stiffened in his arms, especially when he untangled their limbs from one another. Goten looked up sadly at his friend.

"Y-you're gay?" Trunks repeated.

"What's wrong with that?" Goten sniffed.

Trunks spluttered, holding out his hands as though to ward off the other. "N-nothing."

Goten's eyes narrowed and he took a deep breath for courage. "Prove it." He said firmly.

He leaned forward and locked lips with the startled boy, forcing his tongue into the warm mouth and surprising Trunks even more with his boldness.

Trunks gained his senses quickly though, his eyes widening as he pushed Goten away in panic, breaking the kiss and throwing the boy to the ground.

"What are you doing!?" He cried.

Goten laughed softly as he remained on the ground. "You too Trunks?" He shook his head, smiling to himself. "I should have known."

Trunks trembled, confused as to what to do. He wanted to help his friend, but society's judgmental views had been drilled into his head and he felt disgusted by the younger boy.

"Goten why?" He wondered.

Goten shrugged, eyes watery as he looked up brokenly at his longtime friend. "It's just me." He replied sadly. "I don't know why no one will accept that."

"Can't you get help or something, I'm sure there are people out there." Trunks tried.

Goten laughed harshly. "Right Trunks." He shook his head, rising to his feet.

Trunks flinched back slightly and Goten smiled at him despite this.

"I hope you have a good life Trunks." He said. "Who knows, we might see each other again."

Trunks frowned. "What do you mean?"

Goten slowly moved away from the lavender haired boy. "I'm leaving Trunks, I don't have a place in everyone's perfect lives." He shrugged. "It's better if I just go."

Trunks felt his breath hitch in fear. "You're leaving me?" He repeated in disbelief.

Goten's dark orbs narrowed. "No one here wants me." He replied, silently challenging Trunks to prove otherwise.

Trunks' brain was on overload though, he knew that if he gave Goten the words he wanted, the boy would stay with him. But he was still confused, he didn't know if he felt the same way about the young Son.

Goten smirked after awhile. "Didn't think so Trunks." He turned away from the Briefs boy, waving over his shoulder. "See ya."

Trunks watched mutely as Goten walked away, not knowing that he wouldn't be seeing his friend for a long time.

Author: Well that's it for now, review and hopefully I'll have the next chap ready. :laughs: Ja ne!
