Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to any superstars in the WWE and anything placed in this story that relates to real life, is completely coincidental.

Summary: Trish survives a horrible car crash only to end up in a coma. But while she is in the coma she experiences the greatest love story with the most unlikely man.

A/N: Before I go ahead and get into the thank you notes I have for all of you I wanted to say something general. When I started this story, I didn't realize that ending it would be so traumatic for me. If you want to me to be totally honest, the whole story for me was traumatic as I got further into it because I knew it wouldn't go on forever, as much as I and most of you wanted it too. When I wrote that last chapter, I debated coming back and even making stories, that was how powerful it was for me. Lucky for me, my husband told me that my fan fiction name meant more then just the title of the Hardy Brothers book. It meant that people that wanted to write but didn't think they were good, should indeed write anyway. He let me know that I inspire him to want to write like he used to (yeah I had to marry a writer didn't I?) and that the people on here were inspired by me too. So fear not, I will continue writing but this story here was a true labor of love for me and I hope you all come back for the second one.

Latisha C When I sit down and think about what to say to you here every story that I end, it gets harder because I believe I have said it all. Then, I think some more and I have to say, the amount of support you have given me over the whole span of time I have been on makes me feel like you are actually here with me in spirit and well it means a lot to me because you are one of the ones that makes me keep on writing. For you I thank you more then words can say, not only for the reviews, but for your unfaltering support of everything I do, good or bad. Thank you very much and I hope we have a long friendship on this site together.

Phoenix-Satori10 While I was writing this story, I went and read one of yours, aptly named The Best Deceptions. You not only took the time to review me, but you also wrote beautifully. On top of all the support you have given me, which I am more then grateful for and will be for a long time, you also turned me on to new music with that story. You truly do inspire imagination and much like Latisha before you, I hope to have the pleasure of knowing you for years to come.

HurricaneGurl41 You are my sister, and you know that. When I wrote this story, which was loosely based on my own love story, I hoped that it would inspire anyone younger then me, or older then me to try and to wait until that love came along. It is proof positive that it happens, because it happened to me, and I know that if you hold out, it will happen to you, Jordana my sister, and the rest of you as well. Thank you very much for being here with me for the last year, and I can't wait to get together with you again soon.

huntersgirl This is not the first story you have reviewed by me as my memory serves me. Usually when it comes to this site and the people that take their time and read my writing, I have a good memory. Thank you for taking the time and for coming back to it, maybe not every chapter, but for just coming back overall. It means a lot to me and I hope I can write something else that keeps you coming.

bkerbunny Also the same as the girl above you, you have reviewed a lot of my stories, and your faith in this one made me smile. Thank you for being a true romantic and for coming back every time. I also thank you for letting me know in each review you did what really touched you and just know that I was touched along with you and I wrote it. I hope to see you in the future as I continue with my writing, and it is nice to have fans like you.

Princess-Muse v2.0Is there anything I can say to you that you haven't heard at this point in our relationship? Why I think there might be. You added me to msn, which meant you took the time to read my profile, so you get two thanks. One for adding me to MSN and the other for letting me add you. I hope sometime that we get the chance to talk considering the time differences we share. I also wanted to say thank you for you unwavering support of all of my stories, even when you don't get the chance to review. You have been a strong hold in my life and I don't know where I would be without you. So a many thanks to you and I hope to keep making you happy and making you come back.

iccess-america: You aren't as much of a staple as you used to be for me, but then again I know you felt the blow when everyone left as much as I did. It took me a long time to get back into writing and then reading and well life has a way of getting in when you least expect it. I just wanted to say thank you for the time you took to read the story, and also for commenting on the suspense in the beginning. You truly are one of my greatest, long standing friends.

Trishrocks I need to say sorry to you because you are my main fan of my sequel on my other account which I have so horribly neglected. I know some work needs to be done with me so I can update that one too, but for that story, and for this one, where you took time out of your life to read and review it, I thank you. I also make a promise to you that I shall get back to writing that story as soon as possible. Thank you for being such a good fan.

Tink2 After such a long absence it seems we have found each other again. I have said it before and I will say it again. You entered my life online, and then with the phone call offline when I needed you the most and you are my best friend. I never knew anyone was out there like me, and then when I met you it was such a relief knowing there was someone. We have been through hell in our lives but I hope the one thing that remains is the strong bond we have together, and also with the wrestling business. Thank you for taking the time to read my stories, and I will always make a habit of coming back for yours.

J3r1ch0h0lic4eva If there is nothing else to thank you for, thank you for reviewing and for that wonderful name. It could have been written properly, but then it wouldn't have been you. I like the use of the numbers and I also like the fact that you took the time to review me, no matter how much you did. I hope all is well with you and I wish you continued success in whatever it is that you do.

Perfect Imperfections I believe this is the first story that you have read of mine, and I have to say I am glad you joined the rest of my fans at this point because this might have been the best one I have written. Thank you for taking the time to get into the story and for back reading all the chapters and then reviewing. It means a lot that anyone new takes the time to get involved in watching it unfold and you did that in droves. I hope things are well with you and I hope I can make you come back for the next one in the series.

Lexi: I have said it before and for you I will say it again, when someone doesn't have an account on and they come on just looking for something to read that has someone they like in it, well it just about means the world to me. I am a romantic at heart which means very emotional, and well seeing the reaction that you gave in your review, not only made my heart stop with sweetness, but you also let me know I had something good happening and it made me keep going.

TrishnJeff4ever I believe you have been through one of my other train wreck love stories, and well I thank you for the support you have given me on the ones that you have read. For this one, because it meant the most to me, you get my heartfelt thanks and I hope I can keep writing as well on the rest of my stories so that you keep coming back for more. Also I wanted to say good choice on the name, it makes me smile. They were such a good couple.

A.J.: Read above at Lexi's review in terms of how I feel when someone that isn't signed in reviews, I don't know if I want to write it all out seeing as how it means a lot that I am all mushy right now. I wanted to comment more on you then just a thank you, because I remember getting your review with the OMFG! When I read that at the beginning I knew I had something good, and I thank you for showing me that much emotion, it makes me keep trying to write something good. I hope that when I write the next one, you come back and do the same damn thing again, because that would be the best. Keep well and thanks for being a fan and for reading 21 chapters in a row. I've done that before and I know if the story sucks it isn't easy. The fact that you did that just means everything to me.

Jennifer: I am going to use this time to say thank you, but more then that I want to answer your question in case you come back to the story and want the answer to your question. When you upload to this site, if you have your story on a disk or CD, I would copy it to your C Drive and then make sure its in a spot where you can remember where you put it. When you go into the document manager (after you have signed up for an account) then you type in a title for that file you are going to upload and then click browse and then find the file you copied and then click OK and it will upload and take you to the Quick edit screen. Now I hope that helps you and well I hope to read something from you if it does. Thank you for reviewing and I hope I was of some help.

kandiland You said in your review that you wanted to find love like theirs, Shawn and Trish and I am here to tell you that since this whole thing spawned from my love of my husband Shawn(yeah ironic isn't it? LOL) it can happen and if you find him don't ever let him go. I believe it can happen for anyone, because of the fact that it happened to me and I didn't think it would either. So thank you for reviewing my story and liking where I took it and what I did with it, and I hope you come back for the rest of the love stories I have yet to tell.

Note to Those Who Review after Thank You Is Posted: Just as I did with the people listed above I want to say thank you to those that will review this story long after it has been finished and laid to rest. You all mean the world to me, taking time out of your day to read my writing and I will always be eternally grateful. For those of you that do read this after it is long ever, please feel free to join the rest of my wonderful fans with the rest of the stories. I would be more then glad to have you.