Hitomi Kanzaki And A Semester Abroad

Part 1- Brand New

By : Seraph Anaesthesia

"England...that'll be amazing, Hitomi! Aren't you excited?!" Millerna chattered on with a cheery smile as they walked down the streets to Hitomi's house. Millerna was clinging to Hitomi's arm as the emerald-eyed girl drifted off to her own little world.

"Yeah...It'll be great." Hitomi sighed wearily as her friend finally stopped her giddy prattling. Millerna stuck a cool hand on Hitomi's forehead and had a concerned expression on her face. Hitomi just shrugged her shoulder's at her with a weary smile and slightly...sad...eyes?

"Hitomi...What's wrong? You feeling sick?" The young girl tried to calm Millerna by acting cheerful.

"No, of course not! I'm feeling just great. All the excitement is just getting to me...How about we go get some ice cream?" Hitomi tried her best to act like nothing was wrong, but inside she felt the heavy rock situate itself inside her stomach, along with the bulging lump in her throat.

'England...But what about Van?'

-Back to the Past-

AKA flashback

"Hi, is Van at home? Yes, this is Hitomi. Thank you." She waited patiently, tears still drying on her pale face. Bloodshot eyes glanced around the room as she sat down on her bed.

"Hello? Hitomi?"

"Van!" She burst out crying when she heard his deep voice, the tone becoming gentler as he spoke to her in a soothing voice.

"Shh...What's wrong, Hitomi?" Van, on the other side of the neighborhood, was pacing around his room with fists clenched. He was so desperate at the sound of her voice, he just wanted to barge into her house and see what was wrong.

"We...I'm...leaving tomorrow!"

Now THAT caught his attention.

"Hitomi, I'm coming over right now, okay?! We'll sort this all out."


Van ran as fast as he could around the house, grabbing the keys to black convertible that was hiding in the garage. He drove past the speed limit, and pulled into the parking lot. 'Why do that have so many god damn floors in this place?!' Van was in too much of a rush to get into the slow elevator, so he ran up all eleven floors with surprising speed.

Since they were both now in college, Hitomi had moved out and into a luxurious apartment with a balcony, two bedrooms, two baths and everything. Van's family was very wealthy, so he had just decided to buy a large Spanish house in the middle of the neighborhood, sheltered by bulky oak trees.

As he got to her apartment, 47B, he knocked his fist on the wood, angry at himself for not showing up sooner. Hitomi seemed so distressed. Van heard the latch open and suddenly felt a warm body pressed against his.

"I'm so glad you came..." Hitomi was crying quietly into his red T-shirt as Van wrapped his arms around her. The young man walked inside with her still attached to him, muttering things of comfort. He made her sit down on the couch so she was facing him, he was only crouched down.

"Now, Hitomi, what's this whole "leaving" thing about?" Van wiped the tears from her face and looked at Hitomi with a serious expression. He took Hitomi by the chin and carefully raised her face to look at him.

"I...I'm leaving...for England tomorrow." Hitomi's eyes suddenly squeezed shut as if she were afraid of Van's reaction. She instead felt him take a seat next to her on the couch, his face filled with anger and despair.

"For how long?"

"A couple fo months... Maybe even a year..."

"Fine." Hitomi heard Van let go of a heaving sad sigh, and bury his face in his hands. His eyes were wide as if he had just envisioned something terrible that was going to happen.

"Van...I'm so sorry." Hitomi wrapped her arms around Van's shoulders and leaned her head onto his chest. He wound his arms tightly around her waist and pulled her close. Their lips met, and they were happy for a few brief seconds, though tomorrow they knew it was going to end.

-End Back to the Past-

AKA end of flashback

'Don't pretend, you'll never get it

Don't send, you will regret it

Tear it up, just forget it

Writing a letter with the stains of tears

Don't act like it wasn't worth it

Don't try to change, you've got it all

Don't misbehave, this is role call

Hey guy, what's your name

You should of been asking him of he was a sane boy

Don't act like you couldn't use one of those

It's all over now, won't you grab the knife

Hang on tight, this is a bumpy ride

Tear down these walls of confusion

You're getting out of your hellhole

So why aren't you happy anymore

Don't smile, these tears are your friends

Don't sing, the melody's now the enemy

Now look, you've gone and lost it all

You're better off trying to crawl

Don't dance, you'll trip and fall

Don't die on me, I still need you

Don't cry, I won't deceive you

I'm sorry for acting like such a coward

Fear has been my only collaborator

Don't help me, I'm an ego supporter

Damn you and your sense of humor

Rip out all of these brain tumors

I'm so in love with you, with the mirror

I'm coming back to Earth

This satellite girl

...Is about to crash.'

The words pounded in Hitomi's head as she looked out of the small airplane window.

Hitomi smiled slightly as she listened to the heavy metal of Branded By Angels.

She saw the rainy scene below her, and grimaced. So this was England. New England to be exact. Boy, it looked so different from the America she was familiar with. The young woman took off her headphones and placed them into the carry-on bag. Hitomi looked at the picture in her wallet one last time, before stepping off the plane.

'I'll miss you, Van Fanel.'

First things first. Hitomi took a bus to the supposedly "beautiful" apartment she was supposed to be sharing with someone. She sighed again as she walked off of the bus, nearly landing in a puddle of cloudy mud-water. She shivered against the cold as she pulled the trench coat tighter around her fragile body.

Her black combat boots had mud splatters, but were fairly clean and Hitomi was destined to keep them that way. Clad in only a short plaid skirt and black "stockings" Hitomi walked into the cheesy little area that she was supposed to call "home" for the time being.

Hitomi opened the door with a little bit of fear. Inside she saw many people crowded along in the common room, doing various things. Only one person noticed her arrival to the building. It was cramped, with a warm fire lit, at least that was good.

"Excuse me, may I help you, Miss...?" A young man with extremely long blonde hair asked with a polite voice. Hitomi just looked at him with suspicion, before realizing how handsome he was.

"Hitomi. Hitomi Kanzaki."

"Allen Schzaer. Nice name, where'd you get it?" Allen asked with slight curiosity hidden in the depths of his blue eyes. Hitomi suddenly thought he reminded her of a shrew. The kind of rat with a long skinny nose and sort of a girly man. (Allen bashing!! YAY!) She giggled as he looked at her with a scrunched up nose and an expression that said, 'Are you on crack?'

"My mother was Japanese, my father was American. I used to live back in the states, now I'm here. My dad named me Hitomi as a symbol of my mother. Most of my friends are American, though." Hitomi grinned as Allen ran a hand through his hair with his...um...girly manner.

"Nice. So will you be needing your like... room key? I assume the fees have already been like... paid for." Allen ran a hand through his hair again, this time twirling it around his index finger. Hitomi just face-faulted mentally, silently thinking of flowers and girl stuff.

"Yeah, I was told I was in 33C. Would you happen to know if I'm sharing a room? I'd like to double check." Hitomi tried to smile politely as Allen picked up a clipboard and rolled his eyes down to number 33C. Handing her a rusted old-fashioned key, he smiled at her and wiggled his eyebrows curiously.

"Here's your key, and you are sharing a room. I'd tell you who the lucky person was, but they don't "fill me in" on that kind of stuff. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay!"

Hitomi was walking up to her room, when the door from the bathroom opened and all she heard was a loud yawn when something walked out...

A/N: Dun dun DUN! So, who should it be walking out of the bathroom? If I get reviews, and the person choses fit's the needs of the story, then I'll pick them! You can also submit created characters, but I will warn you. They will not play a MAJOR part, only a side part. But it's all good! Read and review, please! Flames are welcomed, as long as they have a good reason. Otherwise, I will be tooooo pissed off at you. Bye! -huggles reviewers- Thanks!