Morning Ritual

A Shaman King 2-part story: Asakura Yoh/Kyouyama Anna pairing

Author's jibberish: Shaman King isn't mine. I leech off other's genius.


Something about watching her sleep was beautiful. Maybe it was the way her lashes fanned her cheeks. Or the way her mouth was parted, letting in and out even sets of breaths. Perhaps it was how her hair was scattered across his pillows, spreading her luminous locks on his linens.

It was a rarity to see her so unguarded. Most of the day, they were surrounded by friends and it was only in the early hours of the morning, near sunrise, that they had time to themselves. He loved spending time with his friends, true, but he loved her too. In that special, deep connection way. And she was usually very distant, perhaps detached sometimes, and cold, at times calculating, sure, but mostly simple and practical. To his friends, she had a beast of a personality: manipulative, cunning, demanding, and authoritative. But he wouldn't have his fiancée any other way. If she acted any different, she wouldn't be who she was.

Kyouyama Anna was Kyouyama Anna. He fell in love with her anyway.

Eventually, his friends respected her. Which was good; it was always nice for one's friends to get along with the future bride.

Under soft brown eyes, he gazed at her resting face. He stroked the apple of her cheek with his thumb; his fingertip barely touching her lashes. Then his hand moved back, feeling her satin-like gold strands between his fingers. His hand moved down, gently down her back, around her waist to her stomach, and then to her hair again.

She was beautiful. Now, five years ago when he first met her, and forever she will be the most beautiful sight to him.

He was so very crazy for her.

It was almost sunrise.

Today, they would be married.

If he woke up like this, with her every morning, life would be beautiful as well.

Yoh: Fin