Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-gi-oh or related charactors.
Is This The End??
Yugi and the gang were walking through Yami's ancient underground city and all was quiet. There were no guards around for some reason. The gang didn't know how they got to the city and why they were there but they figured that since they were there they should look around. Yugi had somehow gotten separated from the rest of the gang and was wondering the corridors alone.
When suddenly Yugi heard a faint crunching sound like someone eating potato chips. It gradually got louder and louder until Yugi realized what it was. He looked down at his feet and realized that the ground beneath him was cracking. He tried to jump out of the way but was too late as the ground beneath him gave way and collapsed. He fell screaming down the hole and landed in heap on the floor below. A few minutes later Yugi looked up wondering what had happened. There he saw it. A huge stone sarcophagus in the middle of the room, the lid was missing from the top. Yugi was both frightened and curious as to what was in it. He slowly got to his feet and started across the room, he failed to notice the glistening stare of a large fox/wolf creature statue.
Feeling even more curious he reached his hand in and pulled off the cloth covering the body touching its arm in the process. Yugi gasped as he looked in the coffin, as he found himself looking an identical copy of his spirit-friend Yami. He was so startled that he stumbled backward and fell. He was frightened at the fact that the body wasn't only perfectly preserved; it was warm, like he was only sleeping. Yami had been out of his real body for 5,000 years and it was still like the day he left it. Yugi looked down at his leg to see why he tripped and saw a shiny gold shackle around his left ankle. He sat up and tried to undue it and pull it off. But to no avail. Yugi thought:
"This thing must be some sort of tomb trap to stop thieves from leaving. I'm not a thief but I still can't break free. Yugi was nervous on how Yami would react to being in his own tomb, but Yugi needed his help to get free.
"Uhh...Yami? Yami are you there? Yugi thought, hoping that Yami wasn't meditating.
"Yes, Yugi you called?" Yami's deep voice answered. Yugi gulped and asked:
"Could you come out here for a moment, there's something I need help with."
"Ermm," Yami responded nodding, he wondered why Yugi sounded scared to call him. Seconds later Yami's astro form appeared kneeling next to Yugi. The instant that he appeared he looked around to see what might be frightening Yugi. Yami's jaw dropped and he gasped looking shocked. Yugi gulped again afraid of what Yami would do next. When Yami got over being shocked he looked down at Yugi and asked:
"Yugi do you have any idea where you are??" his eyes shined and he almost looked mad. Almost. Yugi lowered his head and closed his eyes a sign that he was sorry.
"I do and I'm so sorry Yami fell through the floor and I was just looking for a way out." Yami looked confused:
What are you talking about Yugi? We're in some sort of ancient temple or sanctuary, why would you but sorry?", then he face darkened with realization, "Or is this a tomb?" Yugi slowly nodded silently without looking up.
"Hmm," Yami replied "Do you know who's tomb??" Again Yugi nodded but he knew that Yami wasn't just looking for a head shake he was looking for an answer. So he replied:
Yes, th-this t-tomb i-is..." Yugi paused to steady his shaking voice, "yours." Yami looked surprised again, now he understood why Yugi was scared. He thought Yami would hate anyone disturbing his tomb. The truth in fact was just the opposite; Yami was a little happy Yugi had found his tomb. He didn't remember his past and even though he was in his tomb; he held no emotional attachment to it. Yami had failed to see the large sarcophagus. Smiling at his young friend looking amused more than anything else and replied:
"I'm not angry Yugi, I'm kind of glad you found it," Yami looked past Yugi, "maybe I can find some answers about my past." He gaze returned to Yugi's face where realizing that he wasn't in trouble he smiled. Then something behind Yami caught Yugi's eye. It was a hand, and it was sticking straight up from inside the sarcophagus. Yami said:
"I just hope my past doesn't come back to haunt me," Yugi gulped seeing as the body had just sat up in the coffin and the head was slowly turning to face them.
"Uhh, Yami I think it just did!!"s Yugi pointed over Yami's shoulder and the figure which at this point was standing facing them with his eyes still shut and his arms folded in a 'x' across his chest; the symbol of the Pharaoh. Yami turned following Yugi finger with his eyes which widened at the sight he was pointing to. As soon as Yami laid eyes on it, the figures eyes shot open. Yugi gasped and reacted by grabbing Yami's arm. He said in a small voice:
That's your real body Yami and it looks angry with us." Yami stared at the figure and justified that Yugi was right. The figure looked like Yami but with dark more tan skin. It had no shirt on and the traditional kilt like shorts. But this was nothing compared to the horrors on his face. His normally white and violet eyes were black and blood red, no white anywhere in them. Then the last gruesome sight was the Millennium Eye on its forehead, it was blood red and real blood seeped from it and ran down the rest of his face. The horrid figure had just reached back into the sarcophagus and grabbed a gold elongated knife, the 'Sacred Saber'. Yugi's grip on Yami's arm tightened as the figure advanced toward them. Yugi murmured:
"Yami I can't run there's a shackle on my leg. Please don't let it hurt me I didn't mean to enter here at all." Yami's face hardened:
"It's a spell, my body acts as it's own tomb trap," Yugi looked at Yami's face which was fixed on the figure.
"If it's a spell can't you break it or something...please," Yami shook his head.
"I don't know how to break it Yugi, but I won't let it hurt you I promise. Just then the figure attacked, Yugi and Yami dodged as best they could. Yugi swallowed hard; the bodies' 'Sacred Sabers' tip was sticking in the ground less than an inch to the left of Yugi's head. Yami stood up, preparing to face the figure and stop it from harming Yugi. The figure struck again, but this time Yugi had nowhere to go. As the blade plummeted down at defenseless Yugi Yami reached out to grab the figure. At the same time the fox/wolf statue started cracking, the cracks lit up with gold light. Just before the blade could touch Yugi's neck Yami seized the figure and the fox/wolf creature attacked with flame vapor. This caused the blade to stop and disappear, but that wasn't the only thing that disappeared. So did the body Yami was wrestling. The fox/wolf creature lifted her head back and howled before disappearing as well.
"Demon," Yami breathed. This was one of the few beings that Yami remembered from his past. Demon looked like a Pokemon ninetails only she had orange fur leading from her paws half-way up her lower foreleg. Up from the orange was dark blood red, and were the red stopped at the shoulders, black covered the rest of the body. She also had fourteen tails, exactly double the amount of Millennium Items.
The Millennium Eye glowed brightly on Yami's forehead and puzzle hanging around his neck. The clasp around Yugi's ankle disappeared; there was a sudden hush in the small room. And then the two heard sounds, chanting, lots of chanting, and it was getting louder. Suddenly there were iridescent colored lights circling around Yami. Yugi gasped, he wasn't sure what was going on but he didn't like it. Yami's body began to glow too; he opened his eyes and looked down at Yugi. Yugi saw tears cascading down his sad but smiling face.
"This is the time I must leave you Yugi..." Yugi looked horrified at his statement,
"Thank-you for all you've done for me, and thank the others for me too. I could never repay you guys for all the good you helped me do. And I'm sorry I must leave you now,"
"NO!" Yugi screamed above the chanting, he jumped up and hugged Yami tightly. "You can't go, not now, we...we haven't even figured out your past yet. Your still needed here, please don't go." By this point Yugi was balling his eyes out, he was so upset. Yugi buried his face against Yami shirt to muffle his crying. Yami wrapped his arms tightly around Yugi and said:
"I'm sorry Yugi I can't stay...Look at me..." Yugi slowly raised his tearstained face to look at Yami with eternal sorrow in his big blue eyes. "You knew this day would come the same way everyone else did. You promised me that when this day came you wouldn't cry..." Yugi looked back down at Yami's shirt and replied:
"I-I can't stop Yami I don't want to see you go, we've been friends for so long you're..." Yugi paused and looked up once again, "You're like a brother to me Yami, someone I can count on and someone I look up to. Please don't change that." Yami's smile widened:
"I'm flattered Yugi, but you don't need someone to be standing next to you for you to be brave. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you have the heart of a true Pharaoh." The light began glowing brighter and more intense. Yami started fading away, before he left he kissed Yugi forehead and said:
"I'll never forget you or our friends and I promise I will return someday to finish what I started. Until then I will always be in your heart, so please let me go." Yugi knew that he meant let him go emotionally not just physically. But now Yugi felt more ready to since Yami kissed his forehead. Yami's kiss was a tradition in ancient Egypt, it was meant to cheer up someone who was sad, angry or hurt by kissing the space on the forehead where the Millennium Eye appears. It was a magic touch that Yami had used only a few times and not just on Yugi. And it was not meant to show love. Yugi slowly released his grip, trying and failing miserably to stop crying. Yami said:
"I promise..." then he vanished completely.
Yugi awoke still crying inside his living room. Tristan, Joey and Tea were just waking up too. Joey yawned:
"How did we get back here? The last thing I remember is wondering through that labyrinth-like city of the Pharaohs'." Tea looked over at Yugi who was looking down at his shirt, he felt empty without the spirit and the Puzzle.
"Yugi what happened, why are you crying?" then she noticed the absence of the Puzzle, "Where's the Puzzle Yugi?" upon hearing this Joey and Tristan crawled over to Tea and Yugi. Yugi didn't even try to stop crying anymore, he knew it was useless.
"Its gone guys...And the spirits been put to rest," the friends gasped at his statement. Yami put to rest? That didn't make sense to them, after all the spirit wouldn't relax let alone be put to rest.
"Are ya sure?" Joey asked. Yugi responded:
"He left and said that his time with us was done and he wanted me to thank you for helping he all the time you helped him." The room fell silent as the full realization set in. The Pharaoh, affectionately nick-named Yami was gone. The all four friends, not just Yugi felt like a piece of them was torn away when the spirit departed. About an hour later the friends said their good-byes and went home.
Even though it was still early Yugi decided to skip dinner and go straight to bed. As he lie there looking out of his skylight softly tearing Yami's last words came back to him.
"I promise..." after thinking about what that meant he fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about his friends and his go times with Yami. Yugi smiled.
Me: My friend Jadu Skia came up with the idea for Demon so thanks to her. Also I have a picture of Yami's pychodic body, but I don't know where to post it. (It's really creepy) If you have any idea's where I should post it e-mail me please. (but I don't join forums)
Demon:(talks telapathicly) Yay! Thanks Jadu.
Me: I know it's sad but, sad and tragic stories are all I seem to write about. No my life isn't bad but that's just the way my mind works.