I'm coming out of my cage
And I've been doing just fine
Gotta gotta be down
Because I want it all
It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Now I'm falling asleep
And she's calling a cab
While he's having a smoke
And she's taking a drag
Now they're going to bed
And my stomach is sick
And it's all in my head
But she's touching his-chest
Now, he takes off her dress
Now, letting me go

And I just can't look its killing me
And taking control
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibis
But it's just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
'Cause I'm Mr Brightside

Lyrics by The Killers "Mr. Brightside"

Niles sat gloomily at a craps table placing bets absentmindedly. His mind would not stop wandering to thoughts of Miss Fine. He knew he had to stop thinking about her. What had happened was over and done with.

Besides she had admitted she had simply got caught up in their game of pretense. And he had agreed, saying the same about himself. Of course he knew not too far deeply down that that was one of the biggest lies he had ever told. How she hadn't seen through that he would never know. Well it was no matter anyway. She had made her choice with Mr. Sheffield. All was going well for her now and he wanted to be the best friend he could be to her, as painful as it was. He was going to be happy for her no matter what.

And he knew that she'd be happy knowing he was having a good time in Vegas. He sighed tiredly running a hand through his slightly ruffled blond hair. It was hard to have a good time though…not without her around….

Fran passed by a mirror in the lobby and got a horrifying look at herself. She realized she was a mess. Her hair was disheveled and big (but not in a good way) and was sticking out in all the wrong places, her clothes were wrinkled from the long plane ride, and her makeup was smeared.

No matter the urgency, Fran Fine was in no way going to show up to see Niles looking like the bride of Frankenstein. She had no control over what he would say when he saw her but she did have control of her own appearance. She ducked into the ladies' room.

Luckily she had a small bag with a change of clothes on her. She quickly emerged with her hair tastefully done big and her makeup carefully touched up. Fran had squeezed herself into a tight black miniskirt with a silver dangling chain around it, black tights, and a curve hugging long-sleeved silver blouse.

She stormed into the casino area, eager to find Niles, desperate to find him in fact. Her eyes shone brightly and there was bounce in her step. She felt like she was in a Vidal Sasoon commercial.

Her eyes scanned the casino area. It was very busy. People were strolling about all over. Tons of slot machines lined the walls and the middle area was filled with poker, blackjack, roulette, and craps…wait a minute. Craps tables.

Her eyes widened as she spotted a slumped figure looking standing against a craps table with a build similar to Niles'.

She watched from the corner of the room for a few moments.

The man's head tilted slightly in her direction, the light bouncing off of the dirty blond hair.

Fran let out a small gasp as she realized it was him.

My goodness she thought, he looked so worn. He wore a hangdog expression that suggested he wasn't doing so well in the game.

He threw another chip down on the table and absentmindedly pointed to where he wanted the money to go. Another player rolled the dice. The dealer scrapped the winnings towards the end of the table.

Niles' expression didn't even change.

Fran's heart tugged at the sight of him. This was awful.

Inhaling a deep breath she adjusted her miniskirt, straightened her posture and strode over towards him with a bounce in her walk.

Niles stared down at the table, the dice in his hand.

"Your roll, sir," the dealer spoke.

Niles nodded clutching the dice tightly. He brought them towards him and was about to shake them when suddenly a hand from behind him took hold of his wrist.

He stopped short, suddenly smelling Chanel No. 5 perfume as it wafted around his head.

He let in a sharp intake of breath as he slowly turned around, his wrist still being held firmly. The hand slid to his fingers clasping them over the dice as he stared in awe at the gorgeous figure before him.

Miss Fine. What in the world was she doing here?

His liquid blue eyes searched her face inquisitively. The rest of his body was still in shock including all other basic motor functions such as breathing. He finally released his breath.

Miss Fine, leaning down, slowly turned over his hand and brought it to her mouth where she gently kissed his fingers still curled around the dice.

"How 'bout a little luck this time?" She whispered huskily to him.

Niles' heart soared. He couldn't believe what was happening.

"How did you…when did you…I just can't—" He began babbling.

The dealer coughed and several other people at the table were giving glares in his direction.

Fran smiled sexily at him, "Just throw the dice, Niles." She let go of his hand.

Niles stared into her deep dark eyes feeling lost in them. He realized the double meaning to her statement and threw the dice in front of him without even looking away.

Shouts erupted all around the table.

"Sir! You just quadrupled your bet!" The dealer shouted and several other people oohed and ahhed in excitement.

Niles couldn't stop looking at Miss Fine, a goofy grin planted on his face.

Fran nudged his shoulder, "Collect your winnings you goof."

Dazedly he got up from the table and quickly gathered his winnings.

Fran began walking across the room heading out to the lobby. Niles ran to catch up to her.

Tears started forming at the corner of her eyes as Fran's emotions began to get the better of her.

"Hey, hey, Miss Fine," Niles grabbed her by the arm as the exited the building heading towards the waterfalls outside.

It was nighttime now and they had turned on the lights under the falls.

Fran looked back at him, her eyes simmering with hot tears.

Niles felt his heart melt at the sight of her. She looked gorgeous but so frail.

"Here Miss Fine, sit down," Niles gently ushered her to the stone ledge that lined the waterfalls.

Fran sniffled and looked down, unable to meet his eyes.

Niles felt in his suit-pocket for a handkerchief. Finding one he pulled it out and slowly brought the handkerchief to her face, dabbing away at her tears.

"What's going on?" He asked her quietly trying to get her to look at him.

She still wouldn't meet his eyes. She couldn't. She had hurt him so. What if it was too late?

"Hey…" He prodded.

"Hey…" He pocketed the handkerchief and reached his hand to her face, cupping it so he could look in her eyes. "What is it?"

"Ohhh Niiiiless…" she sobbed unable to hold back any longer. "I broke up with Mr. Sheffield and I came out here looking for you."

Niles looked at her questioningly still holding her face level.

"I realized what an idiot I've been and it's YOU I want to be with. All that time wasted on Mr. Sheffield and wishing he would love me back when all along you've been right there for me. Through every trial, thick and thin, every meshuganah thing I've done." She laughed slightly and Niles smiled back at her.

"I want to be with you…that is if you'll want a broken down, runny nose, makeup-smeared, mess." She finally met his eyes fully.

Niles' hand moved away from her chin and this time he brought his thumb to her cheek and softly wiped away her tears.

He paused for a moment, "Miss Fine, you opened something in me I didn't know was there. All those years of working together and I never even noticed. But once my eyes were widened, I realized there was never anyone else. It's only been you and it will only be you. I love you Miss Fine."

Fran heaved a sigh of relief and smiled broadly at him, "Niles, I think you can call me Fran now."

They laughed together, the sound tinkling in the air.

"I love you too."

"So what now?" His eyes twinkled.

"Who cares?" Fran flung her arms in the air.

Niles grabbed her gruffly pulling her tight against him to envelope her in his arms as he kissed her with built-up fervor.

Fran kissed him back, her worries dissipating rapidly. His arms felt like home. Boy had they come a long way. She ran her fingers through his soft hair as he clutched her back with his strong hands. They kissed as the waterfalls shot up in the air behind them, reds, oranges, greens, and blues, changing colors like a kaleidoscope


Hope you guys enjoyed the ending. Please review with all your thoughts and comments, it's greatly appreciated. And thanks for all who have already and for those who stuck with this story for over 2 years in the running! You guys were all a great inspiration. And I'd love to read more Niles/Fran fics so please share!