's been over two years since I've updated. And it feels great to be back at it! Even when I put this story down, I was always thinking of it. I'm thankful for people who found it and favorited it even though it seemed unlikely I would ever update. To anyone who reads this--THANKS A MILLION!

I'll save you the excuses and just get to it--for those who don't remember: Kay is a former bad girl/model/friend of the gang (bff to Keiko) turned Energist Princess that has agreed to spy for Spirit World on bad man billlionaire Sakyo. Yet things are getting complicated as her suspect has become her husband and she has just found out she's knocked up. It's opening day of the Dark Tournament and someone has knocked on the door to her private chambers...

Her Secrets

Chapter Twenty-Nine (Part Two)

Opening Day (Kuwabara)

I threw the door open and…

There were two figures in front of me. One was human looking with his face covered by his security hat. The other was a blue demon that barely fit into the uniform. They were just standing there without an ounce of authority between the two of them. The demon I recognized instantly but the guy…I had no clue.

"Come in." I said quickly, not wanting to direct any attention for the cameras. Once the doors were closed behind us, I pulled the hat off the demon first. "Jorge?" I chuckled.

The only blue demon I was ever comfortable with goofily grinned and bowed.

"It's been a long time, Miss Kay." He replied.

"It has. You look good Jorge." I said, honestly. Koenma must have beaten him into a leaner version of himself.

Jorge blushed. "Thank you, Miss Kay. And may I say that you are the most beautiful that you have ever been."

"Can it, Ogre." A somewhat familiar voice commanded.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, not trying (hard) to be rude.

The guy sighed loudly, dropping his head. "You really can't tell?" He asked.

Again, there was something very familiar about that voice…and even that attitude. My confusion was the guy's saving grace because it distracted me from getting violent. It didn't stop me from being reckless though. I reached over and yanked the hat off of his head. Shiny brown hair fell, framing a young, handsome face. I was captivated by these warm hazel eyes. I knew these eyes. I examined the face silently trailing down…down to a blue pacifier.

"No." I barely whispered. I took a deep breath.

"Oh yes." His voice, with its hint of nerdy arrogance, was now mature.

"Get the fuck out of here." I whispered.

"Kay." He said, warningly.

"Koenma…you're…you're so sexy!" I squealed before wrapping him up in a huge hug. "Oh, you're so hot! You've grown so much—it's a miracle!"

All I could hear were his muffled protests but I did not care. It wasn't until his knees gave out that I decided to let him go.

"What are you doing here? This isn't safe!" I freaked.

"Spirit World Intelligence has everything under control. We took care of the room days ago. Those security guards work for us." He answered.

"Oh." I was impressed and concerned at the same time.

"When were you going to let me know?"

"Now." Koenma answered. "It's clear that you were quite busy in the past week."

That never stopped him before. When was the last time we were in communication? Jorge began walking around the room, checking things out, leaving Koenma and I to discuss important things.

"So how did you grow? Did you finally hit puberty after all these centuries? Hormones?"

Koenma rolled his eyes. "I've been able to assume this form for a long time. I just chose not to."

"So you like getting your butt wiped?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"…Anyway, I couldn't show up to the biggest tournament in the world looking like an infant. The form is temporary, though."

"I like it." I started rubbing his shoulder. "I like it a lot." I cooed.

Koenma blushed. "Stop it, Kay."

"Awww." I wrapped him up in a big hug again. It felt sooo good to see him. A strange part of my life had returned with him.

"Enough, Kay! You're going to ruin it!" He grumbled, yet failed to physically push me away—he clearly missed me too. We separated and got back to business. "Our original plan was to transport you to our chamber to watch the fight but security is advising us to stay put right now."

"And your view is much better." Jorge filled in.

"Do you expect Sakyo to be dropping in at any time?" Koenma asked.

"No. He's going to be with the club all day."

Koenma raised an eyebrow. "I'm still concerned. We weren't expecting him to be here earlier and yet he was."

Shit. I felt my heart jump.

"There were a few technical things that had to be worked out last minute." I covered. "He definitely won't be back."

"Great. Ogre—get the snacks. It'll be starting soon."

We drew up our seats at the window and I withdrew the screen, making us face-to-face with the crowd. The pre-show had finally ended as the fireworks went off. The crowd started roaring (literally!) and they were roaring for blood.

"Let's go dammit!" Some grunted.

"C'mon with the dismemberment!" Another screamed.

"Not the nicest bunch, right?" A reverted baby form Koenma teased, catching the look on my face.

Koto appeared in the center of the arena, looking good and over-excited. I had to smile with pride as I watched her do her thing.

"We're up first." Koenma said nervously.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Now here's the introduction you've been waiting for---Team Rokuyoukai!"

The demons started going nuts, more for the impending action that the actual team. Based on my insider info—they were a rough group but I knew the guys could handle them. I had given them everything I knew. I watched as Zeru, their blonde leader, and the others stepped out. I took a deep breath. I couldn't believe it was actually happening. This crazy shit was for real.

"And now for this year's guests, Team Urameshi!"

"GO GET 'EM, BOYS!" I screamed.

"Honestly, Kay." Koenma said as he put his hands to his ears. "They can't even hear you."

"I wish they could." I said softly as we were drowned out by the chorus of boos. The guys were really hated here. The doors slid open and I saw them step out…little Hiei looking as unfazed as he could. Everything about him showed he didn't give a shit what the crowd did. It made me laugh. Then there was the loser…also cool and calm. I had to give it to the demons, they were no joke. Then I saw Kuwabara, tall, focused, and ready. I smiled with immense pride.

"Go get it boy!" I screamed. There was somebody from my hood representing strong…and then there was Yusuke, slung over his shoulder, knocked the fuck out.

"He's not up yet!" Koenma screeched.

"Calm down, Koenma sir." Jorge begged.

"What's wrong with him?! He's going to get killed." Koenma continued.

I bit my lip. Genkai's training had put me smooth out in the past before as well, but this wasn't a good look at all. Still, I had faith in the boy, especially since I had a little money riding on him.

Finally I saw the Masked Fighter; the little one that I heard had kicked some serious ass on the way here. I wondered who it was.

"Both teams into the arena." Koto ordered.

I watched the teams step onto the arena and line-up as they faced off, their eyes locked and each of them sizing the other up. It was intense but subtle. The crowd probably could not even notice it but I could. I had seen it so many times before and had done it even more. I wanted to be there. I wanted to fight, And my boys were there…I should be there.

"I hope they choose wisely." Koenma said.

"Huh?" I snapped back from my thoughts.

"The terms. I hope they choose them wisely." He repeated.

I saw that Kuwabara was standing close to Zeru. The talk was brief and the looks were fierce. I didn't need the mic that was planted into the ring to tell what had been decided.

"Sounds like an agreement. We're looking at one!"

Kuwabara started walking back towards the team but I kept my eyes on Zeru. He wasn't moving fast enough, hell he wasn't moving at all.

"What's his deal?" I mused. Suddenly, his energy level spiked, sending a shock through me. His body began to glow a fiery red-orange. Flames wildly shot from his body and trailed to the guys, encircling them…I guess this was his version of 'whipping it out'…whatever. Judging by the looks on the guys' face—especially Hiei—that shit was NOT appreciated. It wasn't that impressive, either. His human torch impression wasn't over. The fire continued on…into the stadium.

"Oh shit!" I stood. "What the hell is he doing?"

Demons out of the crowd started burning up while others screamed and tried to get out of the way. Fortunately, it stopped way before it could get close—not that I was worried.

"He can do that?" I asked, mildly touched for the crisp, former audience members.

"This is the demon world, Kay." Koenma reminded me.

I sat down, amazed that I was still capable of being surprised.

"That's…and all the money they paid…that's fucked up." I shook my head. "AND it smells like rotisserie ass in here now!"

Koenma shot me a dry look. "Thank You."

"You're more than welcome."

"Now send your first fighter out!"

The first of the Rokuyoukai team to step out was the loudmouth munchkin, Rinku. I wasn't particularly fond of him. I hated bad ass kids, even if I was one of them. He wore pink and yellow paired with a hat that covered that wild tuft he called hair. On his face were three stars that would have been cute if he weren't such a brat. I hadn't collected much on him except that he was gifted at using "toys".

Kuwabara stepped out first, which was a bit surprising. I expected one of the demons to fight first, as it was a safe move. Kuwabara wasn't new to fighting, but this wasn't one of our backyard brawls…no, in a way this didn't surprise me. Kuwabara was tough. He was brave.

"Kuwabara, you go kick his ass!" I yelled as I pressed myself against the window. "You take him out, you hear me?!"

"Kay, sit down."

Kuwabara suddenly stopped walking and sharply looked up in my direction. I could swear he was directly at me even though I knew that was impossible. He couldn't have heard me…but maybe we were still distantly connected from last night. I smiled and I though I saw him grin, but he quickly refocused and continued towards the center.

"No limits have been set besides one-on-one. You're free to use any weapons or tricks you want. First person to stay down ten seconds our out of the ring is the loser."

The loud, stale buzz sounded and the first match of the Dark Tournament began.

Right off the bat, Kuwabara was too confident. He was smiling a bit, totally unfocused. I appreciated a little cockiness myself but this wasn't the time or the place. He had the option to size the child up and beat his ass or just straight beat his ass—nothing more.

Instead, Kuwabara gives him the first move. (I just wanted to hit him!)

Unfortunately, it didn't take Rinku long to get busy. He started zipping, bouncing, and leaping all over the damn place, as one would assume from a child. It wasn't a kid's game however, as he zip-kicked past Kuwabara's head; I saw blood drip down the side of his head.

"Oh shit." I mumbled.

He continued to zip around and Kuwabara lost sight of him, only to take a rising kick from below.

"Oh shit." I repeated. This wasn't good for my nerves.

Rinku's I-need-riddlin run continued it was so face it looked like there were multiples of him. I watched Kuwabara, it was clear that he was confused. Why was he when I had included this riddling run in my notes? Hadn't he read them? I closed my eyes for a second. When I re-opened them, I saw that Kuwabara had turned his game face on. He watched the runt for a second and then—wham—he had clocked Rinku in the center of his head—Japanese Discipline Style.

"That's what I'm talkin' bout!" I clapped.

Rinku wasn't ready for that shit, he started running but Kuwabara wasn't playing and kicked the kid good.

"Do that shit, boy!" I jumped out of my chair, dancing around in glee. I must have been one of the few happy because the crowd was pissed.

"The kid's a disgrace!" One of them yelled.

They weren't happy when Kuwabara nailed the little bugger in the gut.

"Whoo!" I threw my hands up in the air.

"Very princess-like." Koenma commented.

"Shut-", I stopped talking to watch Koenma go in for the kill. As he swung, Rinku zipped away; appearing behind Kuwabara to kick him in the back of is head. I screamed as he hit the ground. That angle…that position…it wasn't good. I turned to my private monitor so I could see up close. His eyes…I pressed myself against the glass to see if I could feel his energy level.

"Ew." Koto remarked, making me livid. She timidly approached Kuwabara to begin the count.


I had already relaxed, sensing that he was not dead.


"What's he thinking? Get up!" Koenma snapped, slamming his little fists.

"I'm sure he's trying." Jorge offered.


"Kuwabara." I groaned, he was stronger than this.


Kuwabara started getting up, causing all of us to sigh with relief. Rinku shook his head, now overtly cocky.

"I love it. Just when we thought it was done, the two face off again!"

Kuwabara was a little worked but he had put aside the pain mentally. He was focused now—damned focus. He stared Rinku down with an intensity I hadn't seen in him before. Rinku wasn't backing down either—the brat.

"The tournament's first fight is locked in a stare down. Who will throw the first punch?"

The stadium was quiet; the stare down even bringing the rowdiest of demons to attention. Koenma had stopped snacking to watch. A flash of lightening appeared, causing my body to tingle. I had been so focused on the fight that I hadn't noticed the impending storm. Instantly, I started to feel a little sick.

Finally, Rinku took action by pulling out a little sack. In his hand appeared these primary colored…yo-yo's.

Say it with me now: What The Fuck?

"The Serpent Yo-Yo Attack!" He announced.

The damn yo-yo's began dancing around by this increasingly powerful energy Rinku emitted. He was much more powerful than I thought, but Kuwabara didn't give me the chance to start worrying because he quickly channeled his energy. His power increased so quickly, I gasped.

"Double Spirit Sword!"

My boy unleashed not one—but TWO swords. For the non-spirit energy inclined—that may be just pretty damn cool but for those in the know, it's an amazing feat. There's so much concentration and work involved that I was extremely impressed.

"SKIN HIS ASS ALIVE!" I shouted.

"Kay, let's keep this PG-13, please."

Rinku wasted no time in throwing the yo-yo's at Kuwabara. When they were in range, Ku cut the stings but instead of them falling to the ground, they struck him in the face, sending him down.

All three of us exchanged a look.

As Kuwabara regrouped, I focused on Rinku. The energy he had was exponentially greater than Kuwabara's. I hadn't found enough information for Ku…it was my fault he wasn't prepared.

The child was on the attack again, releasing the yo-yo's in a walk-the-dog trick. Only, these dogs were destroying the arena, breaking the block tiles and sending them flying towards Ku. Kuwabara wasn't scared—he was using his swords to cut the tiles as they came.

"Yes!" He was making me proud with every move.

My relief turned into fear. Those damn toys struck him—hard. I watched as they beaned his head and torso and wove around his body. I stood when I saw his body rise 10 feet, 20 feet. I whimpered when he rose past my eye level to the top of the arena and lightly glided in the air, like a schoolboy kite.

"Oh…oh no." I could feel my heart rise to my throat, it was preventing me from breathing. He couldn't get out of this. The drop could—would kill him.

I would not let that happen. Damn the rules, my friend would not die here. I pressed myself against the window and began to concentrate. I'd have to focus to levitate his body.

"Well people, I'll let you use your own imaginations for what happens if that human's poor, fragile body falls from the top of the stadium and crashes down into the hard stone arena. Isn't this tournament to die for?"

I closed my eyes and felt for his energy, blocking out the atmosphere, the crowd, Koto, and Rinku. I was close, I could just feel it…just a few more seconds…


My eyes fluttered open. That voice…

"…Get off your lazy butt!..."

I knew that voice…correction I know that voice. That voice did not belong here. ANYWHERE near here.

"What is she doing here?" I sharply turned to Koenma, "WHY IS KEIKO HERE?" I freaked.

Koenma sat back in his seat, caught off guard by my anger.

"Botan told her by accident."

"That's ridiculous! How fucking irresponsible are you that you can't keep the reigns on Botan's mouth?!" I hollered. "Are you fucking crazy?"

Koenma winced. I had never been so harsh to him. Jorge was trembling. I felt the nausea being brought on by the stress and I softened. "I'm sorry. With Yusuke involved, there's little you can do anyway." I turned back to the window. I saw her now sitting with Kuwabara's hag of a sister (Gr-reat!) Botan, and…

"Atsuko???" I murmured. How the HELL did Yusuke's MOTHER get here? Was I in the twilight zone or something?

The sound of thunder brought my attention back to Kuwabara, who was still being drifted in the air.

"Oh shit! Shit!" I had dropped my focus and he was going to pay for it. I had to do something—anything. I felt my blood rushing through my system as my own spirit energy rose. My eyes flashed in silver.

"No, Kay." I heard Koenma say.

My lips trembled. "I can't…"

"Now what would Kuwabara say once he found out you stepped in. It would anger him that you had such a lack of faith in him."

Score one for the baby, zero for me. I HATED when he was right.

"Rinku seems to be hesitating. Why don't we ask the fans what they want?!" Koto instigated.

Shouts of 'Finish him!' and 'Make him splatter' filled the stadium.

My breathing became extremely labored. I was literally fighting myself to stand as my nerves overcame me.

I watched as Rinku slowly retracted the yo-yo's. I held my breath.

Kuwabara started falling rapidly towards the arena, screaming his head off.

"This is it, people. Get ready for the boom!"

I jerked. As he fell, I turned to the monitor. He was close…but he was bringing his hands together and his bright orange ki reappeared.


His sword reappeared and wildly extended, piercing the arena as Kuwabara reached the ground. It bent, supporting his weight before catapulting him towards Rinku.


"Goodness Kay, I think all of Japan heard you!"

I didn't care if they did. I was just so…so fucking happy that I couldn't think straight!

"Kuwabara makes a sensational recovery! Now it's time for the nitty-gritty!"

"You damn straight!" I cheered.

Rinku, unfazed (though his lil' ass shoulda been), sent out his yo-yo's. Kuwabara sent out his sword—but get this---he contorts it to bend and weave like yo-yo strings!

I gasped—I was so impressed. The next thing I knew—they were both hit!!! And they were both out of the ring.

The crowd was silent. Not necessarily at the magnitude of the fight, but in confusion of what was going to happen next. It had even thrown Koto for a loop.

"Umm…right…well. Both of the fighters have been extraordinarily knocked outside of the ring at the same time—"

"Get your ass up, Kuwabara!" I shouted. He was SO damn close.

"—By the rules, you're only allowed to stay out of the ring for ten seconds so I'm going to begin counting."

From where we were sitting, the view was very limited so I turned to my monitor and that's when I noticed the tiny earpiece sitting atop of it. I had forgotten I had planted microphones around to spy with. It also gave me high definition audio. I secretly placed it into my ear.

The audio was a bit muffled and drowned out by the damn demons but I could hear what I thought was Yusuke's voice.

"Get up! You're late, Kuwabara."

WTF? Was he talking in his sleep?

At the fifth count, Rinku's ass was up, a hole in the chest of his shirt. He was shaken, trying to heal himself while Kuwabara was still out.

"Rinku has entered the ring after five counts but it's not over yet!"

Then there was Yusuke's voice again. "Get up, Kuwabara. I'm serious. I know you're used to losing but not now."

I couldn't help but chuckle, even in his sleep, Yusuke was still an asshole.

I don't know if it was Yusuke's wiseass comment or…no it was definitely the comment that got Kuwabara up and pissed.

"WHAT YOU SAY?" He snapped, looking Yusuke's way.

"Six, Kuwabara." Koto answered, thinking he was paying attention to the COUNT of all things. "You have four counts to get in the ring."

"Not you, Urameshi!" He snapped onto his feet. "Get outta my way you bum! You wanna say that to my face? C'mon! Oh you're pretending to be asleep now?"

"Is he fucking kidding me?" I asked aloud. Did he even know he was still fighting?

"7! And an 8!"

Kuwabara turned back to Koto. "Hey! Hold your horses, I'm coming!"

Unfortunately Rinku wasn't ready for anymore hits. With his yo-yo strings, he wraps Kuwabara up, binding him from moving.

"Oh for Fuck's Sake?!" My blood was boiling. This could NOT be happening.

"9 and 10!"

Jorge had to duck because I think I threw something.

"And Rinku's the winner! The Rokuyoukai team gets the point!"

"What…" I weakly fell back into my seat.

"Don't…just don't." Koenma said, as burnt out as I was.

Kuwabara still wasn't finished, however. He jumped into the ring promising Rinku another fight which sent the brat running. I had to chuckle…at least he was okay.

Kuwabara had survived his first fight…and for that I was greatful…I guess…

Okay, so I have a LOT more written in my notebook that I have to type. Coming up: The next two fights with Hiei and Kurama....please review. I promise I have a lot of good stuff coming in the future--Kay's going to have a lot of dark days ahead. (Oh..and if any of the fighting dialogue is familiar--I referred a lot back to the episodes!)