Welcome to the world of Yu Yu Hakusho when a girl is thrown into the mix with the attitude of Yusuke's but armed with wit, intelligence, a great body, and... some hidden powers?

Disclaimer: I am not nearly creative enough to come up with Yu Yu all by myself.


    Kay Kamiya-Shina sat upon the edge of her friend Keiko's bed. Kay was staying over at Keiko's for the first time in awhile.

    "What have you been up to, Kay?" Keiko asked me.

    "You know me, a little this and a little that." I answered. She frowned at my answer.

    "And where have you been?"

    "Here and there."

    "Seriously, Kay!" Keiko sat up on her bed, angrily.

    "I've been hanging!" I answered defensively. "I go to school sometimes and I take my kendo, karate, dance, and whatever else to keep me out of that damn house."

    Keiko sighed and frowned again. I loved to get on her nerves, especially without trying.

    " The Hsus seem to be really nice people. Why can't you just be fair?"

    " Don't let those sweet smiles fool you. Those people are crazy as all hell. I can't wait for two years to come. I'll be eighteen and out of the foster care system." I said.

    "And how will you support yourself?" Keiko asked.

    "I can model. All of those agencies are all over me. The only things holding me back are the Hsu's. They don't feel it is proper for a lady to expose herself to the world."

    "Oh." Keiko did not have an answer for that.

    I owe my looks to my parents, whom I have never met. My history is practically a mystery to me. I was given a brief history from a letter that was left to children's services. My father was Japanese and my mother was African-American. As far as I know, they were both martial artists. My parents met and married here and moved to the United States, where I was born. My mother died when I was two years old and my father moved back to Japan. Then I was abandoned before my third birthday and have been in the foster care system ever since. I was left with no memories or pictures. With the letter, I was found with a gold name chain. This is how I know that my first name is Kay. I don't dwell on it; it was just a bad break I was given.

    As far as my looks are concerned, (because I know you are dying to know) I stand at 5"11 and have a creamy mocha complexion. My eyes are light brown and slanted. My hair is very long (it sweeps my backside) and thick. I have to have it relaxed to keep it straight. My chest is not exceedingly large but I have more than enough to keep most jealous. I am curvy with a small waist and a behind that is definitely from an African-American woman. I never knew I was considered good-looking until a scout stopped me and offered me some work.

    My last two families did not mind me making any extra money since I would give them a cut. I was making good money at fourteen but at sixteen I had to leave the last couple because they liked my money a bit too much. Now I live with the Hsus, who do not want me to have any money. They barely gave me an allowance and now want me to work in a dentist's office and quit my karate. I told them flat-out there was no way in hell that was going to happen.

    "See? They're crazy. I stay out of there to keep my sanity."

    "I don't know if it is working." Keiko said.

    "Watch it, Smartass." I snapped. Keiko laughed, playfully. She liked annoying me as much as I did her.

    "I am crazy but we don't need to go overboard." Keiko laughed at my statement.

    "You are a nut but you're one of the smartest girls around."

    "When I show up to class, that is." I half-joked. Keiko shook her head at me, showing me she did not approve.

    "I always pass with an A. I don't care and neither do the teachers."

    "You just have life all figured out, right?" Keiko asked, sarcastically.

    "No, I do not." I replied indignantly. "Nobody has their life planned. I just have a simpler way of getting by than everyone else." I sighed. "Besides, if I had everything planned then I would not be stuck in Hsu-ville missing my fat pockets."

    "What do you want to do with your life, Kay?" Keiko was asking a lot of questions.

    "Keiko, why are you interrogating me?" I asked, annoyed. "How the hell should I know?"

    Keiko sighed and turned out her light. She got into bed with me still sitting on it. I could feel one of her pep talks coming up.

    "You are confusing, Kay. You're beautiful, you're smart, you have money and you just don't give a-"She stopped talking, causing my ears to perk up.

    "Was Keiko going to say damn?" I asked with interest.

    "No." She said firmly. "I was going to say hoot."

    "Right." I chuckled.

    "Don't tease me! Whenever we're around anyone else you're quiet and cold but when you're around me you are loud and crazy."

    "Hmmm, sounds like anyone we know?" I teased. I could feel Keiko stiffen as I brought my favorite subject to annoy her with.

    "Don't drag Yusuke into this! Kay, we are talking about you!"

    "Actually, you are talking about me." I corrected.

    A pillow slapped me in the face shortly after that comment. I was ready for war but Keiko just yawned.

    "Don't kill me tonight." She begged me.

    "Fine. We can just talk about Yusuke."

    "Please. I have seen less of him than I have of you." She said, clearly disappointed.

    "I'm surprised. Normally we are both fighting over your time."

    "No, normally you two fight." Keiko said, reflecting on our past encounters.

    "Well, we're getting along much better. After that incident...or accident...I have begun to like him better. But if you tell him that, you die." I threatened.

    "Finally you say something nice about a guy." She said.

    "That is all you'll ever get, especially with these clowns." I smirked.

    "Not all guys are clowns." She said.

    "Yeah, just the ones with dicks are." I retorted.

    "KAY!" Keiko wanted to scold me but she was more amused than disgusted. "I can't believe you said that!"

    "Well believe it, because that is the way it is. These males are just animals without an ounce of respect or compassion."

    "Not all of them, Kay."

    "You mean not Yusuke. And you're right, he has class." Keiko remained silent but I know it was because she was smiling.

    "There is hope for you yet." She said, happily.

    "Hope?" I did not know I was hopeless.

    "That you won't die a lonely spinster. You just need to meet the right guy."

    "I'm not looking. Guys don't talk to me anyway."

    "They are all intimidated by you. You walk like you don't notice anybody."

    "Mostly because I am taller than everybody." I joked.

    " Kay." She sighed.

    "Alright, I'm sorry."

    "You are always acting so hard and mean. Nobody believes we are friends."

    "I don't give a damn! We know that we are friends and no one else matters. Everyone else is so damn phony anyway."

    "Aren't you lonely when I'm not around? We haven't talked in about two months."

    Now this conversation was going too far with those personal questions. I was not ready to share anything, though I had nothing to share.

    "No." I stood and walked over to my sleeping bag that was to the right of her bed and a few feet away from the door. Once I had lain down, I turned to my side to face her. "I keep busy. I've never been lonely a day in my life. I have been by myself a lot but I have never been lonely." I stressed.

    "I understand." Keiko said with eyes wide open.

    I must have gotten a bit emotional with my last statement so I changed my attitude.

    " I like having people around me. When I am not around anyone, it does not bother me. I do not miss you, as evil as that sounds. I do not have a need to miss you. That has nothing to do with me not liking you." I sighed. "I am not making any sense am I?"

    "You are. I understand." Keiko said, calmly. "I'm very understanding." She said, causing us to smile at each other. I then yawned, unaware that I was tired.

    "Keiko, I'm fading. Let's go to the mall tomorrow."

    "Sure. Goodnight."

    " 'Night." I immediately turned on my stomach and closed my eyes. I noticed that Keiko was not moving but I knew she was still awake. I wanted to ask her if she was okay, I had not meant to offend her. I then let that thought go because Keiko was not a liar. She spoke her mind often, which I respected. I went to sleep and was out for what I felt was a long time when I heard some whispers from out of my sleep zone. I opened my eyes slightly and from the light of the moon I saw two figures standing next to Keiko's window. Immediately I sat up in silence but stopped when I saw the two calmly talking. The one on the right was Keiko. She was in her robe and was standing with her arms crossed.

    "Please keep this a secret, Keiko." From the voice, I knew it was Yusuke. I lay back on my bag because I wanted to know what this was about.

    "She's my friend, Yusuke. She has a right to know what's going on." Keiko said.

    "I know that but you're mouth is going to have to stay shut, okay?" He said hastily.

    I was about to tell Yusuke to hold his horses but I had to remember the point was to stay quiet.

    "Fine, calm down." She snapped. "But why would anyone want to hurt her? She barely knows anyone outside of us."

    " How the hell should I know? I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"


    "And?" Yusuke added.

    "I will not say a word, especially to Kay."

    My ears perked up. I had no clue what they were talking about but I really wanted to know why I could not know.

    "Right." I heard Yusuke step closer to her. I could smell a smart comment coming.

    "I always wanted to know what you looked like in bed."

Keiko slapped him so hard that I felt the sting.

    "Hey!" I heard Yusuke yelp. I buried my face in a pillow to muffle my laughter.

    "I'm surprised she did not hear that." She said, referring to me.

    "That beast? She sleeps like a brick. I kicked her a few times when you were out and she did not move."

    "YUSUKE!" Keiko snapped with disapproval as Yusuke began to climb out the window.

    I narrowed my eyes. Yusuke was going to get it come tomorrow.

    "She would kill you if she found out." My best friend knew me so well.

    "You should know better then anyone else, I am not scared of death."

    Keiko did what I expected and watched him until he was out of eyesight. She then crawled back into the bed. Not surprising to me, she fell asleep quickly, leaving me to stay awake full of questions. I had not seen Yusuke since the time before that he had gotten into that horrible accident, some time ago. I had been out of town around then and when I came back he had fully recovered. A lot could have happened since then and I had not witnessed any of it. For one, Yusuke was trying to protect someone. Urameshi never was the one to be concerned with anyone's well being except his own and Keiko's. That didn't sit right with me but I planned on playing detective tomorrow and went back to sleep.

    Coming up in "Secrets" : Kay and Keiko's mall trip gets crashed by everyone's favorite Spirit Detective and his loud-mouth friend. Then if it could get any worse, some guys in trench coats also decide to drop in. Kay is a tough girl but it looks like she's going to need some backup to handle these guys...but from who?