Kingdom Hearts: Voices of the Heart

Chapter- 8

Hey everyone! I'm back. Sorry about the cliffhanger. I just felt like being just a tad bit evil. XD Well anyways heres chapter 8 and keep the reviews coming!

Sora: Is there EVER a time when she's not complaining about reviews? GOD! (shakes head)
Me: Don't get lippy with me! Want to be raped again! HMMmmM? DO YOU?
Riku: I'm always up for a repeat performance! XD

Chills ran up his spine at the thought of another 'visitor' so soon. Hadn't they tormented him enough for now? Sora's heart jumped into his throat as the door slowly creaked open, revealing the same dim light of the hallway.

"Sora? Oh, Sora? Are ya in here?" A familiar voice called into the room.

"Dammit, Goofy! Just go in and see! You standing here in the middle of the hallway shouting is only going to draw more attention!" Another whispered harshly. Sora, recognizing the two voices at the door, immediately became excited.
"Goofy! Donald! I'm here!" He shouted in a raspy voice. He laughed when Goofy flung the door open and came running to his side with Donald trailing behind.

"SORA!" Goofy shouted happily while hugging the brunette.

"Ow! Ow! Not so hard, Goofy." Sora pleaded, smiling brightly.
"Sorry. Why did you just up and leave us like that? You knew it was dangerous ta go it alone!" Goofy asked, still hugging Sora's frail form.

"Yeah I know, it was dumb of me and I'm sorry. Trust me, the moment I got here I learned very quickly the consequences of my actions." He replied, trying not to sound too depressed. Donald, however, could see right through Sora's sunny disposition. He could feel that something horrible had happend to his dear friend, but knew now wasn't the time to bring it up.

"So is this young girl beside you Kairi?" Donald asked out of the blue.

"Yeah, thats her." Sora answered, sighing.

"Where's your Keyblade?" Donald asked while sitting down next to Sora.

"They took it from me..." Sora replied, lowering his head. Goofy, finally letting go of Sora, took a seat a few feet in front of him. His smile began to fade as he looked over Sora's body.

"Sora...what happened to you?" Goofy asked noticing that Sora was covered in deep gashes, bruises and cuts. Sora paused for a minute, not sure how much information he really wanted to give them. How would he explain to them that one of his best friends had beaten and raped him? One of the friends that he had vowed to save?

"It's nothing really. Things just got a little rough here and there. I'm fine, it looks a lot worse than it feels." Sora explained. Donald wasn't buying a word.

"Oh, well we can heal ya!" Goofy exclaimed, digging in his pocket for a healing potion. Donald shook his head.

"Goofy, you moron, don't you remember? We used them all on the way here!" He shouted, frustrated.

"Well then, lets use Curaga!" Goofy sugguested once more.

"Idiot. We're tapped out on MP too." Donald replied, shooting him down once more. Sora laughed nervously.
"Don't worry you guys. I'll be ok until we get back to Traverse Town." Sora reasurred them, hoping they wouldn't catch on to how weak he really was.

"You sure, Sora?" Goofy asked with obvious worry.
"Yeah! You guys worry too much. It's not that bad, really!" Sora lied, still trying to sound chipper. He knew Donald didn't believe him, but he was glad that Goofy did atleast.

"Well, we should atleast get you out of here." Donald said, deciding, for the moment, to go along with Sora. "Can you walk?" He asked, looking out in the hallway at the same time to make sure no one was coming.

"Um..." Sora began, trying to move his legs but failing. "No, I can't. They slipped me some potion earlier that causes incapacitation and I guess it hasn't worn off yet." He explained, feeling like a burden.

"That's not even a problem!" Goofy said cheefully while hoisting Sora up and over his shoulder. Sora winced a little as his broken bones shifted from the sudden movement, but he was glad to be reunited with his friends. "Are ya comfy?" Goofy asked, ignoring the fact that his outfit was quickly become soaked with Sora's blood.

"Yeah, thanks Goofy. Don't forget Kairi though. We can't leave her behind." Sora replied, motioning to where she was still sitting.
"You got it." Goofy said as he threw her over his other shoulder. "All set then?" He asked, walking towards the door with Donald right behind. Sora nodded. He was beginning to feel sleepy again and it was taking everything in him to stay awake. Their escape was going so well that he was acutally starting to relax, but that ended only seconds later.
"And just where do you think you're going?" Riku asked from the doorway. Sora could feel him grinning and immediately felt sick to his stomach.

"We're taking Sora and Kairi and leaving. Isn't it obvious?" Donald replied with a wry smile.

"What manners. Didn't anyone ever tell you that its not nice to steal other people's property?" Riku inquired, taking a step closer.

"What are you talking about?" Donald asked, becoming annoyed.
"I'm talking about him." Riku said while pointing at Sora. "HE belongs to me." He added, taking another step closer. "I am not very fond of vandals, but considering that you two animals call him your friend I suppose that your actions aren't too out of the ordinary. However, you've come a little too late. I've already claimed him and therefor, he's not going anywhere!" Riku shouted, sending a strong wave of energy their way and knocking them all to the other side of the room and into a wall. Sora was the first to hit and then Goofy, Donald and Kairi followed suit, all crashing into him with bone crushing force. Immediately beginning to feel lightheaded and already knowing their fate, Sora didn't fight unconsciousness this time.

"So, you decided to pay me another visit huh, Sora?" The same female voice asked, giggling happily. Sora, instinctively knowing where he was, opened his eyes and took in the Beautiful view of Destiny Island with a deep sigh.

"Kairi...why did you bring me here? You know that there's nothing I can do now. I'm powerless. Riku's won and I've lost. It's as simple as that." Sora said depressingly.

"Now what kind of talk is that?" Kairi asked, lying down next to Sora on the warm sand.

"I'm being rational. I've already seen where keeping my head in the clouds gets me. I might as well start living in reality." He replied, closing his eyes.

"Sora, you can't give up now. You've got to learn that you have the power to make and alter your own fate. Just throwing things to the wind won't get you far, but if you take charge the sky's the limit." She reassured, placing her warm hand on his. Sora opened his eyes at the sudden touch. "I believe in you with all my heart and maybe thats why..." Kairi began but trailed off.

"Why what? What is it, Kairi?" Sora asked, startled by her pause.

"Oh, its nothing... Just promise me that you wont give up just yet, alright?" She asked, shaking off his question

"Kairi, trust me when I say that I don't want to, but... I don't know what to do. I can't even walk, let alone take on Riku in my condition, and you? I don't even know where they've taken your heart and I highly doubt that Riku will be willing to tell me anything..." He replied, his gaze falling upon the sky once more.
"Sora, you idiot! Stop relying on pure brute force! Sometimes you need to use your inner power; your heart! You don't always have to search for the answers, sometimes, they'll just come to you." Kairi explained.

"How? How will the answers come to me?" Sora said doubtfully. Kairi laughed.
"Silly, all you have to do is open you eyes and your heart. After that, they'll never stop pouring in." She said, answering his question as though it were the simplest one in the world. Looking into her eyes, Sora could see that she told no lies and that maybe, just maybe she had a point. A moment of silence passed between them, the only noise that could be heard was that of the ocean waves as they crashed into the shore. Sora had become lost in Kairi's warm eyes and kind smile. He almost didn't want the moment to end. Finally, her smile began to fade and he knew that their time together was growing short.

"I have to go now, Sora." She said sadly, confirming his fear.
"Why? Can't we both just stay here forever?" Sora asked, looking at her pleadingly.

"Because this is not our reality anymore, Sora. It is but a place created when our hearts connect." Kairi explained, running her fingers through Sora's hair.

"Then how can I make all of this real? How do I bring you back to me, Kairi?" He asked desperately. Kairi, sighing, released his long strands of hair from her fingers and stood.
"Sora, I've been right here all along." She replied, pointing to his chest. "I'd never leave your side." She added, backing up onto the shore. Sora rose to his feet and began to reach for her, but no sooner than he did, his legs began to feel heavy and he couldn't go any further.

"Kairi!" He shouted, stretching his arm as far as it would go. He could feel tears running down his cheeks.

"It's alright, Sora. We'll be together soon..." Kairi replied, her body becoming transparent."
"Kairi!" Sora continued to shout, he could feel the sharp pain returning to his chest with new intensity as she finally disappeared.
"SORA!" came Goofy's voice, snapping Sora out of his dream. Opening his eyes and looking around the room he was shocked at the damage that Riku's blast had caused. Donald was half-conscious to his right and Goofy seemed to be close to joining him. Sora, however, had gotten the worst of it. He could feel that his right shoulder was dislocated and one side of his face was covered in blood from a fresh head wound. Riku, who had not left the doorway, was staring at the trio with pure delight.

"That was too easy." Riku said triumphantly, finally deciding to come closer. Sora, afraid of what he had in mind began to nudge at Goofy and Donald.
"Get out of here..." Sora whispered, knowing that he probably didn't have long before his body completely gave out from the abuse it was suffering. "Just go... he only wants me..." He added, trying to push them up.

"And leave you here? Heck no, Sora! We leave here together or stay here together." Goofy replied, refusing to budge.

"I should slap you for even saying something like that." Donald rasped, clearly annoyed by his sugguestion. "Then again, that wouldn't help matters much would it?" He mused, laughing a little. Sora couldn't help but crack a smile as well, but it faded the moment Riku grabbed him by his collar.

"Sorry to interrupt." He said dryly as he picked Sora up and slammed him against the wall. "But you and I have unfinished business and I won't let you forget that so easily." Riku warned, glaring at the brunette. Sora coughed, winded from the blow, and stared back at Riku, his glare just as unforgiving.

"Why don't you just kill me already?" He asked grinning. "You know that I'm close to death as it is, what are you waiting for? Do it!" Sora shouted, looking almost as insane as Riku. He had finally snapped from all the abuse and wasn't bothering to hide it.
"Is that what you'd like for me to do?" Riku asked, nuzzling his cheek.
"What the hell do you think?" Sora asked, annoyed by having his question answered by another.

"Fine, if that's what you want. I'll end your miserable your own weapon!" Riku exclaimed, pulling out the Oblivion Keyblade and shoving it against Sora's neck, pinning him. Sora hissed as the blade began to cut into his flesh. "Any last words before I slit your throat?" Riku asked, grinning even though his eyes were full of hesitation and regret.

"Yeah, wrong spot, asshole." Sora spat while reaching for the Keyblade and pulling it down and into his own heart at lightening speed. Blood splattered everywhere as it pierced the muscle, but to Sora it felt like a long awaited release. The last image he saw before dying was Riku's bloodsoaked face and the pure shock that now covered it.


BWAHAHAHAHAHA ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER AND OMG! Sora's DEAD! (gasping mice!). LOL I hope everyone enjoyed chapter 8 even though you're all probably wanting to kill me right now. XD I promise I will post chapter 9 soon. So don't kill me just yet if you want to see what happends next. ;D
