A/N: wow I'm so totally bored! I should so be doing my homework but… screw that! I'm so excited that so many people asked me to continue! That's way cool! I'm sorry it took so long to update but I lost my notebook of all my stories so I had to start all over again and well it sucks! I lost like 30 stories! When I find them I will update a lot faster! You guys rock and thanks for the reviews! Hehe well these are my new one-shots even though I'm kind of against shipping now because I mean this is a kids novel what are we expecting? Some epic romance? Highly unlikely! Oh well it's fun to dream eh?

"Starbursts: unwrap and enjoy!" (I don't know why but I love that slogan! Catchy isn't it?)

Disclaimer: After all… you're my wonderwall! (Name that song! Actually I just named it… so can you name the artist?)


Situation: Ok well it's quite simple… Fred and George give Harry a Truth Tart containing a really miniscule dose of Veritaserum and well pour your heart out baby…

"Tart Harry?" Fred said innocently after lunch at the Burrow.

"Thanks," Harry replied taking the tart and eating it without even thinking twice.

Fred and George began to snicker.

"What'd you do to him?" Ginny asked not at all surprised at her brother's immaturity.

"Truth Tart Ginny-" George started.

"It won't hurt him," Fred finished.

"It's just for a bit of… fun!" they exclaimed excitedly. Ron and Ginny did not appear amused.

"See watch," George said slightly defensively. "Harry who does Ron like?"

"Hermione," he stated simply and without hesitation.

"Wicked!" Ginny yelled excitedly whereas Ron flushed a deep scarlet and muttered: "not funny!"

"Oh sure it is little brother! Here ask him something," Fred said patting him on the back.

"Anything!" George replied.

"Am I your best mate?"


"Oh c'mon Ron you can't get any more creative than that?" George said thoroughly disappointed.

"Erm right okay. Harry do you have pink underwear?" he asked giggling slightly.

"No," Harry replied honestly. "You do though."

George, Ginny and Fred cracked up like eggs.

"Not funny!" Ron muttered again.

"Ooh I've got one!" Fred yelled excitedly. "What ever happened between you and Cho?" he asked slowly.

"We kissed one time," Harry was forced to answer although the blush that entered his face wasn't forced.

Fred and George laughed and even Ron gave a slight chuckle although Ginny didn't seem to have found it funny.

"Well why did you two break up?" George asked curious.

"She wouldn't stop crying," he replied getting agitated.

George and Fred found this to be even funnier.

"Well do you still like her?" Ron asked also very curious.

"No." Ginny gave a small smile.

"Well then who do you like?" Ron asked grinning like an idiot.

Harry bit his lip trying with all his might to keep his mouth shut. "Minny," he hummed.

"What was that Harry? We couldn't understand you," Fred said smiling evilly.

Ginny however didn't want to hear Harry's answer so she went over toward the stairs but stopped before she even made it past the first step when she heard Harry whisper forcefully, "Ginny."

She turned to reveal her face contorted into a mix of emotions, and just stared in shock at Harry.

They sat there for what were the longest seconds of Ginny's life before Fred muttered smiling, "We'll just leave you two alone then," as he and George pulled Ron out of the kitchen.

Once the door was shut and Ron was fully restrained the twins pressed their ears against the door to eavesdrop just in time to hear Ginny whisper a confused, "Is this true?" and a muttered "Yes," from Harry.

Fred turned his face to George and said excitedly, "My God! We're gonna make millions!"

"What are you looking at?"

Situation: Hmm well a crush is in the air! Kelly this is the story I wrote that I refused to let you read! I told you it's better when you wait! Well this isn't my best work… in fact I think it is one of my least favorite. Eek sorry I was distracted when I wrote it. I like to call this KARMA! Muhahaha! The crushed becomes the crusher!

"What are you looking at?" Hermione asked confused by Harry's recent actions of doing stupid things such as tripping in the corridors or sitting down where there isn't a chair and falling on his bum.

"Nothing," he mumbled, going back to his potion's essay. Yet five minutes later his attention had floated back away from his studies and suspiciously enough back to the same area of the common room.

Hermione leaned across the table to see what exactly Harry was looking at but all she saw was Ron and Ginny playing chess. "Are you and Ron fighting or something?" she asked confused. Last she had checked her and Ron were the only ones fighting.

Harry stopped staring at his mystery object and looked at Hermione. He had an odd look on his face, almost as though he was in love.

"Am I the biggest git ever with the worst sense of timing ever?"

Hermione's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Harry what on earth are you talking about? You look as though you have fallen in love with Ron!" (Sorry I had to throw that in there!) she said stupidly.

"Hermione, for being the smartest witch in our year, you sure are stupid!"

"What are you on about?"

Harry groaned exasperated. "Hermione, I'm not in love with Ron." Hermione couldn't help but feeling oddly relieved. "You are," Harry finished as though it was obvious, because it was.

"Haha. Very funny Harry!" she said sarcastically.

"I'm only being honest," he replied.

"Hermione are you still mad at me?" Ron asked joining Harry and Hermione, Ginny following right behind him.

Harry quickly turned back to his essay.

"No Ron. Everything is just peachy!" she said icily.

Unfortunately Ron missed her cold tone and replied stupidly, "Good, I'm glad to see you're done being daft!"

Hermione made a frustrated noise, closed her books and rushed upstairs.

Ron's face held a dumbfounded expression before he mumbled, "mental," and bid Ginny and Harry, who was staring at his hardly even started essay, goodnight and went upstairs. This left a very nervous Harry alone with Ginny in a deserted common room.

"How's the essay going?" Ginny asked leaning over to see his parchment.

Harry jumped at their close proximity.

"Not good I'm guessing," she said smiling at the two words written on his paper: Snape sucks!

Harry just stared at her, unresponsive.

"Harry, what's the matter? You seem really… jumpy."

"I'm not jumpy," he said knocking his inkbottle over with his elbow. Ginny moved his books and began to clean up the ink.

Harry just stared at her.

"Okay what are you looking at?" she asked abandoning her ink-cleaning attempt.

Harry whispered back lightly, "you."

Casey just wants to post already!

Situation: I'm making this short because I really want to post tonight but I'm tired so this will be short and simple!


"Yes Ron?"

"Ginny is sitting over there all alone why don't you go kiss her… I mean talk to her!"

"Erm okay," he said going over to Ginny.

"Hello Harry!"

"Hi Ginny… Ron thinks we should snog," he said sitting with her.

"Oh that's odd… well do you want to?" she said blushing.

"Yeah," he said eagerly as he leaned in to kiss her.

On the other side of the common room Ron laughed evilly.

Nose Picking

Situation: Ok my totally awesome yet really pushy (I mean that in a good way Kel!) friend wrote this. It's way cute! And well I have good news: I found my notebook! Woo-hoo! So this is what Kelly has to say: "Don't judge the story by its title, you'll understand soon enough! Our group is in the Great Hall after dinner and there are no teachers!" Okay… (Even I'm intrigued!)

"Potter!" Malfoy sneered. "I know it was you who 'accidentally' knocked my cauldron over and spilled that Hairy Potion on me."

"Yes," Harry replied, "because I finally accomplished my goal of making you a chinchilla!" (Hehe that's a funny one Kelly!)

"Nosius Upturnim," Draco shouted. The silver streak hit Ginny causing her nose to become a giant curly A. Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle dashed out of the room, laughing the entire way.

Ginny burst into tears.

"Ginny we'll fix it," Hermione said muttering an incantation but he nose just twisted straight and shook madly. Ginny cringed as her nose vibrated.

"Here," Ron shoved forward, "Corectioso." Ginny's nose sprouted hundreds of pimples.

"Takakiahto," Hermione said. Ginny's pimples disappeared but tiny black hair sprung out of it.

Back and forth Ron and Hermione charmed and transfigured Ginny's nose. The hair was braided, died green, replaced by a flock of birds, dust that made her sneeze and finally a little elf that contorted her nose into odd shapes.

Ginny laughed for a second but began crying again as things looked bad for correcting her nose. Hermione dashed to the library to look for a spell in a book and Ron (naturally) followed her.

Harry and Ginny followed slowly and as they passed an empty classroom, Harry pulled her in.

"What kind of nose do you want?" he asked with great humor. "Pick a nose." He waved his wand in the air and five noses of varying shapes appeared. One of them was a perfect, Ginny's button nose.

"What do you mean?" Ginny asked.

"We're picking you're nose," Harry laughed.

"That one," she smiled pointing to her nose. With a slight incantation, Ginny's nose popped back into place. She giggled and looked at Harry, "thanks for helping me pick my nose!" They both laughed moving closed to each other.

"You're welcome, but honestly it wouldn't matter what kind of nose you had… as long as it didn't get in the way…" Harry smiled mischievously.

"In the way of what?" Ginny asked.

Harry stood awkwardly for a minute then took a deep breath. "Let me give you a hint," he whispered and placed his hand on her neck, leaned forward and kissed her softly.

"Ooh I get it. It can't get in the way of this," Ginny had that mischievous Weasley glint in her eyes as she pulled herself (if possible) even closer and kissed Harry, savoring every minute of it.


Okay I love this song so much that I decided to write a song fic. to it! I find it very fitting and if you have ever heard this song I bet you loved it because well it's like my favorite song so… I hope you liked it! Okay well what's going down is that Harry and Ginny are sitting in the common room talking and well let's say a confession can be expected! This is probably my favorite fic.! I just like it… I don't know why!

P.S. I recommend you listen to the song first it's called Wonderwall by Ryan Adams. It's worth the time to look up.

Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna give it back to you

By now you should of settled down, realized what you got to do

I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do

About you now

"Hello Gin," Harry said glumly as she sat down beside him in the empty common room.

"Hello Harry!" she said excitedly.

"Why are you so happy?"

"I don't know. Just am," she replied still smiling. "Now aren't you just a little ray of sunshine?"

"Yeah… woo-hoo," he said mockingly at her.

Back beat the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out

And I'm sure you've heard it all before and you never really had a doubt

I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do

About you now

"No really what's a-matter?" she said suddenly serious. "Is it… well… him?"

"Isn't it always?" he replied simply and the small traces of a smile that had remained on her face were gone.

"No. Other things happen to you besides… well bad stuff."

"Like what?" he asked self-pityingly.

"Stop talking like that. Like us, you know? The people who love you," she said slightly blushing.

And all the roads we have to walk are winding

And all the lights that lead the way are blinding

And there are many things that I would like to say to you,

But I don't know how

Maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me

After all, you're my wonderwall

"Yes I know. You guys are the closest thing I have to a family," he replied still down.

"That's funny you're nothing like one of my brothers," she replied not even looking at him now.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean my brothers are lazy prats and well… you're not," she said hastily. "I mean you're an honorable, sweet and moral person. In the end I know you'll do what's right."

"So would you're brothers," Harry replied examining her silhouette.

"Yes but you would give everything you have to save someone. There isn't anyone else I'd trust more with the fate of the wizarding world," she said smiling slightly.

Today is gonna be the day that they'll never bring it back to you

By now you should have sat down, realized what you got to do

I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do

About you now

And all the roads we have to walk are winding

And all the lights that lead the way are blinding

And there are many things that I would like to say to you

But I don't know how

I said maybe,

You're gonna be the one to save me

You're gonna be the one that saves me

After all you're my wonderwall…

"That means more to me than anything anyone has ever said to me before," he said and she turned to face him.

"Good I'm glad I could help," she said standing up and heading for her dormitory. "Harry," he turned to look at her," maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me." And with that she smiled and climbed the staircase.

Maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me…

"Hello mate," Ron said plopping down next to Harry. "What are you smiling about?" he said examining Harry's crooked smile.

"I don't know. Just am," he stated simply, thinking about the girl that had just saved him.

After all you're my wonderwall…

You're my wonderwall.