By Tora Macaw

Just because it's Christmas

Slight Yaoi warning

Disclaimer: I still don't own Prince of Tennis or any Christmas songs!!!!


T' was on a calm and foggy night, the ground all wet with dew

A bunch of gorgeous tennis boys formed up team Seigaku

And Inui he makes the juice to cause them all to spew

OH great burnings of comfort and joy comfort and joy

OH great burnings of comfort and joy

Ryoma joined the tennis team and blew their minds away

With his awesome twisting serve and Mada mada da ne

And the kids a total brat so what more can I say

Oh Great burnings of comfort and joy.......

Now Tezuka he's the captain and he has a gorgeous bod

But he can be rather harsh at times a complete and utter sod

But when he first viewed Tachi boy he bowed and called him god

Oh great burnings of comfort and joy.......

Fuji is a prodigy, the one we all adore

Those great glowing cerulean eyes that no one can ignore

The only one left standing when juice puts them on the floor

Oh great burnings of comfort and joy........

Kaido is a hissing snake we like to see him more

His tennis skills are awesome and I think he likes to draw

But show him a cursed racket and he's bolting for the door

Oh great burnings of comfort and joy.........

Take a look at Momo' boy he's famous for dunk slam

He likes to stirr up Kaido boy any way he can

The freshmen all adore him and they think he's quite a man

Oh great burnings of comfort and joy.........

Eiji and dear Oishi well they know a thing or two

Their known as the golden pair who love each other too

But sadly in the anime we'll never see them screw

Oh great burnings of comfort and joy...........

Last of all there's Takashi the guy is burning hot

Playing tennis very well great talent he has got

But shove a racket in his hand and quiet he is not

Oh great burnings of comfort and joy.........

Have I traumatised you yet?

Please Reveiw!!! Pretty please???

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!