"Gibbs, I got the DNA results back. It was Mrs. Peter's child. She is lying. She had to know Taylor somehow," Abby said. They stood, staring into the interrogation room where Olivia sat, quivering.

"Well, that doesn't help us know who killed her," Tony said.

"Kate, you go talk to her," Gibbs ordered.

"What? Me?" Kate asked, shocked.

"Do you see any other Kate's in this room?"

"But Gibbs, I hardly ever do interrogation. It isn't exactly my area of expertice. Now profiling, that I can do."

"I said go Kate!"

Kate stood outside the door. She was nervous, really nervous. What if she screwed up? This case was big and screwing up would definitely not be good. Maybe it is a test. Mabye he is fed up with Tony and his obnoxious way of interrogating people. Whatever it was, Kate was still the one he chose to go poke and prod.

She entered the room with her head held high. She probably looked a lot more confident than she felt.

"Nervous Agent Todd?" Olivia questioned. Or not.

"You lied to us." Not bad so far.

"First time in interrogation?" Olivia kept asking questions.

"Taylor was carrying your child." Damn, her.

"What?" That stopped Olivia right in her tracks. "It wasn't mine. It was Lucas' and hers. That is why..." Oliva quickly stopped herself. She didn't want to give to much away.

Kate sat for a minute. She looked straight into her eyes. Olivia looked scared, but as Gibbs said, "Contrary to belief, eyes can lie." But then as Ducky said, "Your eyes are the window to your soul." Who should she listen to? Gibbs, Ducky? What about herself? What theory did she have about eyes? Going with her gut, Kate continued the interrogation. "That is why you what?" Kate stared at her some more. Profiling, it was her job. She knew how to read people and little by little, Olivia was turning into an open book. Kate smirked. Abby was right, I do smirk. "You thought it wasn't your child. Didn't you? Surrogation had been the plan, but Lucas was cheating?"

Tears formed in the corner of Olivia's eyes. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted her. She said that it wasn't mine. It was hers and Lucas'. NOT MINE! Now my baby is gone and it is all her fault. Why did I listen to her? I wanted her to die when I found out."

"So you had met her before?"

"Of course. You can't set up a surrogation without meeting your surrogate. She was nice, perfect. Didn't smoke, drink, pretty healthy. I couldn't have kids. Cancer of the uterus. All gone now though. No uterus, no kids."

"I'm sorry to here that," Kate said.

"Lucas said it didn't matter, so we got married anyway. I found out the night of our honeymoon that he had slept with Taylor. He told me there was a possiblity that it wasn't mine. Just hers and his. So I killed him. I would've killed her that night to, but I was already too close to getting caught. Besides, I needed to have someone else to frame."

"What made you think your child wad Taylor's?"

"That is what she told me. After my confrontation with Lucas, I decided to go talk to her. I wouldn't have killed Lucas, but she said she knew the baby was hers, so it just pissed me off even more."

"Agent Todd, please come out here." Gibbs' voice came over the intercom.

"What is it Gibbs?"

" Good work Kate. I'll take it from here. You guys can go home," Gibbs sighed. "It's over."

"Finally," Tony muttered. He wrapped his arm around Kate's waist.

"DiNozzo, I am not blind... yet."

"Sorry boss." Tony put his hand back down by his side as Gibbs turned to walk out the door. "Don't worry Kate. We will have fun tonight," Tony whispered in her ear.

"Kinky!" Abby laughed. "I am Wonder Woman. I hear everything."


Finally, I have finished that story. The ending wasn't all that great, but I have to admit... I had fun writing it. I hope you guys enjoyed it.