Disclaimer: I do not own the TV shows Charmed or any of the show's characters.
Prue Halliwell could not believe how beautiful the young woman standing in front of her had become. She watched inventively as her younger sister kept talking away with some of her co-workers, whom by the way seemed very found of her. Prue remember quite fondly the day the girl was born. She was lying in bed while her grams tried to read her a story, but every time she would get to a good part she would hear her mother's screams. At first she thought another bad man had come into the house like the night before, but she knew that couldn't be it because her grams would have gone to help her mom. Prue started to cover her ears, trying to block out the sound, when her grams jumped to her feet. "Stay put honey, I'll be right back" she said before exiting the room. "Ok" the 9 year old Prue replied.
After a while Prue became worried that something might have happened to her mom, so she crept out of her bed to see what all the noise was about. And that's when she saw her baby sister in her mother's hands for the first time. She couldn't believe it, another little sister to take care of and protect. She ran into the room, making sure that she was one of the first people that the new baby saw. Upon further examination she could see that her mom was crying. She must be so happy she thought to herself. That's when Prue decided to make her presents known. Hearing her daughter enter the room Patty turned and gave her daughter a weak smile. Prue didn't understand but she could tell that something was wrong. But right now all that mattered was laying her eyes on her little sister. After spending some time talking to her new sibling and kissing her head, her grams urged Prue to go to bed. After putting up a little fight she decided to listen to her mom and grams. "Good night my darling" her grams said while tucking the young child into bed. "Wait" she called to the older woman, she grabbed one of her stuffed animals. "Give this to mom for....grams what's my new sister's name?" the girl questioned. With a smile the women replied with a sad look "don't worry about that now dear, I'll just take that to her and we'll talk about it in the morning, ok?" "Ok grams the girl replied. With that her grams gave her one more kiss and went back to her mother.
Prue was interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone. It was Piper asking her to pick up something from the store on her way home. As she started her car, see took one last long look at the girl and started to head home. As the car drove past Paige Matthews and her friends she held an inquisitive look on her face. She seen the woman everywhere she went for quite a while now, but she didn't understand why. Oh well, she thought to herself as long she didn't approach her she didn't see the harm in anything. "Hey there's the birthday girl" a voice came from behind Paige. It was Nancy, one of her best friends. "Happy Birthday Paige, ready for a crazy night out on the town?" Nancy asked. "Hell yeah, let's go!" with that the group left for their night of fun.
End of teaser
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