Welcome to my third story. Just to let you know this has nothing to do with my other two fics, it's a completely different story. BRAND NEW FOR YOU! I know I haven't finished my other fic yet but I wanted to get this one started before the idea leaves my head. As usual I own noting but my ocs and story plot. The Bladebreakers are their normal age in this one.

This story is a cross over between Beyblade and Resident Evil. I'm using the game version not the film. Here is a quick summary, and pay attention 'cause I'm only saying this once:

The mid-western town of Raccoon City is a quiet town with friendly citizens. Unfortunately it's being controlled by a powerful organization known as the Umbrella Corporation. The all-powerful and greedy Lord Zagart runs this rich organization. He has created a life threatening virus know as the Z-virus. It turns humans and animals into mutating creatures, unimaginable to man.

The Chairman of the BBA, Mr. Dickenson, has heard a distress call from the law enforcement of the town, S.T.A.R.S. It is unknown what the cause of the distress call is but Mr. Dickenson has decided to send help. Lord Zagart's son, Zeo, has disappeared. Overhearing all this, Zeo's best friend Tyson has decided he wants to help and look for Zeo. But Mr. Dickenson disagrees and forbids him to go. The rest of the Bladebreakers also hear the news and, along with Hilary, have decided to sneak into Raccoon City and search for Zeo. But unknown to them, the whole town has become infested with the Z-virus...

Resident Beyblade

Chapter 1- Welcome to Raccoon City

The trucks drove full speed down the motorway towards their destination. The six teenagers hiding in several of the trucks were also with the Army. They were hiding in crates, which the soldiers thought were weapons.

"It's too small in here. And it smells as well!"

"Hilary shut up! If they hear us we're in the shit!"

Tyson wasn't going to let a girl ruin his chances of finding his best friend. Slowly, after five hours of traveling at almost 100 mph, the 20 trucks slowly came to a stop. They piled out and lined up as the General appeared. Hilary and Tyson peered out of the crate but all they could see was an empty street and smashed windows. The soldiers were given orders to search the city for any survivors, capture Lord Zagart and destroy any remains of the Z-virus. With those orders all the soldiers disappeared into the city.

Hilary and Tyson crept out of the truck and gasped at the state of the town. It was dull, deserted and completely destroyed. Small fires dotted the streets, vehicles were scattered everywhere and some were black from being on fire. Litter claimed every bit of space it could find, but worst of all, it was dead quiet. Max and Kenny emerged from a truck in front of Tyson and Kai and Ray appeared from one behind them.

"I am NEVER doing that again," said Kenny. Max looked around.

"Wow, this place is cheery"

"What happened here?" questioned Hilary.

"I bet you this is Zagart's doing"

"You might be right Ray, but he's not who we came here to look for" said Tyson.

They slowly walked away from the trucks and down the street. Everywhere they went it was the same story. A small banging noise caught their attention. It was a door to a café.

"Should we go in?"

"OK Chief, but because you suggested it you should go first"

"Tyson that's not fair!"

But Kenny went anyway. He opened the door and walked in, finding the place trashed and full of...


He hid behind Tyson and Hilary put her hand to her mouth. Everyone screwed their noses up at the smell which was floating in the air. Dead bodies littered the place and blood was everywhere. No one dared to move.

"Can we go now?" whispered Hilary.

"Sounds good to me" whispered Max.

They slowly walked backwards and then something moved from behind the bar.

"What was that?" Hilary was getting more nerves by the second.

"I don't know. Excuse me while I go and ask!" said Tyson sarcastically.

Noises continued to come from behind the bar and then someone stood up. The gang could tell it was a male and he just stood in the one spot, swaying slowly from side to side. He made several groaning noises and his shirt was ripped and covered in blood.

"Talk to him" Ray nudged Max.

"You do it"

The man groaned suddenly and slowly turned his head so he faced them. His face was covered in cuts and his eyes were pure white. He had bloodstains around his chin.

"That is not normal"

The man lifted his arms and began shuffling towards them. Several more stood up in the café, all in the same state as the man. They also shuffled towards the kids.

"For once I agree with you Tyson, now can we defiantly go now!"

Everyone agreed with Hilary and ran out of the café. They kept running until they came to an alleyway and stopped for breath.

"What the hell were they?" asked Max.

"I swear they were dead when we walked in there. They were fucking dead when we walked in there!"

"Calm down Hilary. I know that was a bit scary but there's no need to crazy over it just yet" Ray said.

"There's something not right about this place"

"Welcome to Earth, Kai, we'd thought you'd lost your voice"

"Quit kidding around Tyson. We've got to find out what happened here"

"I agree with Kai. This place is not safe. Anything could be lurking around, and they may not be friendly" Max said.

"Right then. No one goes anywhere alone just in case someone needs help" Everyone liked Kenny's idea and they were paired up; Max and Ray, Kai and Kenny, Hilary and Tyson, who didn't mind about being paired up because this could be a dangerous mission. They decided to stay together at the moment and explore. They left the alleyway and continued into the downtown area. The silence was killing them. A large car park caught their attention, and bright lights; it was a supermarket.

They entered the empty store, which was clear of dead bodies. Trolley carts were dotted around the place and the tills were empty of money. Shopping baskets had been knocked over and some of the cans and bags of food were lying on each isle. Everyone looked at one another and they all had the same idea. They grabbed a shopping cart each and filled it with everything they wanted, except food that needed to be cooked. They running up and down every isle like there were no tomorrow.




"OK, maybe Kai can tell us off but that's not the point" said Tyson to himself.

They continued to fill their carts, enjoying every moment of it. Ray walked down an isle full of chocolate and took some, until a very angry growling could be heard from the bottom of the isle. He turned to his left and saw a Doberman dog standing staring at him. He was growling and foam spilled from his mouth. His body was covered in deep cuts and his coat was badly matted. Another dog appeared, a German Shepherd, also in the same condition as the Doberman. Ray slowly backed away with the trolley in front of him.

"Fuck, Max and Tyson shouting must have attracted them here"

The dogs walked towards him still snarling. Suddenly they bolted up the isle. Ray pushed the cart with all his might towards the dogs. The German Shepherd jumped the cart but the Doberman collided with it and was knocked to the ground. Ray ran and called for the others. Max came out of one isle and almost crashed into him.

"Ray what's going on, why are you running?"

Ray grabbed Max's head and turned him towards the oncoming dog. Max screamed (A.N not girl style!) and also ran. More demon dogs came into the store to see what the commotion was.

"GUYS RUN!" warned Kai.

Everyone noticed the dogs and ran to the back of the store. They ran through big double blue doors and blocked it off just as the dogs reached it. They barked fiercely and clawed at the door. They looked around and noticed they were in the store's delivery room.

"First the living dead and now demon dogs, what next?" gasped Kenny.

Just on cue, more dead people appeared. They used to be staff members by the look of the outfits they were wearing. One had his jaw missing. Hilary screamed.

"Kenny, just shut you're mouth from now OK?" said Tyson.

They ran and found another way out which lead to the back streets of the city. They ran until they were clear of the supermarket. They looked for a place to hide and found a door open to a building. They walked in and found out it was a block of flats. Tyson went to open a door but was stopped but Hilary.

"We don't know what could be in there and something could easily climb through the window from the street. Maybe we should take a room further up"

They walked up a few flights of stairs and entered an open door. They checked they whole apartment and it was clear. Ray locked the door.

"We get six trolleys, fill them with food and then lost it all to a bunch of dogs" complained Max.

"Why doesn't Max come with me and we'll get some food to last us enough until tomorrow?"

Only because they were all hungry did Max agree to this and he went with Ray to find food. They emerged back into the street and cautiously walked halfway down the street until they came to a small convenient store.

"All right, food!"

"Ssh Max, we don't want anything to hear us"

Suddenly a young woman jumping up from behind the counter made them both jump. She was tall and had medium length brown hair, which was tied back into a high ponytail. She wore blue demin jeans and a black belly top with a red belly jacket. She was pointing a handgun at them. When she saw them she slowly put it down.

"Sorry, I though you were a zombie" Her voice was very mature. "Who are you?"

"I'm Ray Kon and this is Max Tate"

"My name's Claire Redfield. You boys look quite young"

"I'm 17 and Max here is 16"

"I'm 19. Listen, you shouldn't be walking around here by yourselves"

"Why not?" asked Max.

As if to answer Max's question a loud growl was heard and a large rumbling surrounded them. The roof of the convenient store caved in and a huge human-like creature appeared. He landed in the middle of the store and slowly stood up. His face was hideous and he wore strange clothing. His eyes were pure white and he looked angry. He said one word: S.T.A.R.S. Claire began to fire her gun at it but it was having no effect. The mutant growled again and with one punch he sent a whole isle of products towards them.

They ducked down and crawled towards the door. But the creature blocked their way. He was about to strike the boys when Claire fired her gun at his head making him stammer backwards. They ran out of the store and Ray and Max lead Claire to the safety of the apartment. The rest of the gang stood up at the sudden entrance of the three of them.

"Who's she?" asked Hilary.

"My name's Claire" She tried to catch her breath. They were all introduced and explained to the rest of the gang what had happened.

"So what was that thing?" asked Ray.

"It was one of Lord Zagart's experiments. Believe it or not that thing used to be a human"

"WHAT!" they all said in unison.

"Let me start at the beginning. Three years ago my older brother, Chris, was working for the law enforcement here, known as S.T.A.R.S. That stands for special tactics and rescue service. He set out on a mission with other members of his team, to a mansion on the outskirts of this city. It was full of creatures like this thanks to Zagart's doing. My brother helped stopped it and escaped. No one believed his story; they all believed Zagart's lies. But now he's missing and I came here to look for him and found the town like this. I searched the police station uptown and found reports on that creature which you two just saw"

"And I don't want to see it again!" said Max.

"Don't count on it. Anyway, the reports said that a spy had reported back that Zagart was planning to take over the town by sending out these creatures which only he could control. His son didn't like it and eventually disappeared"


"Yes how do you know Tyson?"

"He's my best friend and that's why we're here. To find him"

"You must be a good friend"

"How did the town end up like this?" asked Kai.

"Zargat created too many mutants and they developed a mind of their own. They escaped and ransacked the city. They carry the Z-virus and anyone who is bitten by these creatures is transformed into one. Eventually Zagart created Mr. Ugly back there to kill all law enforcement in the city, due to the fact that the police were killing all his experiments"

"We should give these creatures names so we can tell each other where one is. You know, like, I could warn Max that there's a zombie behind him or something"

"Please don't say that Tyson"

"I might have to"

"Some already have names, like zombies and lickers"

"What's a licker?" asked a frightened Kenny.

"A licker was also once a human. It's a red creature with long sharp claws and an extraordinary long, poisonous tongue. If he licks or claws you, you become infected with the virus. Or, I don't mean to scare you, you'll die instantly"

"Thanks for that," said Hilary.

"What about Mr.Ugly, does he have a proper name?" asked Max.

"Yes, I found out that Zagart named him after nightmares, death and practically all things scary and evil"

"What is it?" asked Ray.


Well, what do you guys think? I really needed to write this before all these ideas leave my head and I become a hollow head again. I had a panic attack last night as I left my mobile phone in the cinema when I went to see the Grudge, but I got it back this afternoon so I'm calm again. By the way if you're easily scared like me, don't go and see it! OK, make me even more happy and please review!!