Some L&L fluff before the 'stuff' hits the fan!! Enjoy!


Lorelai slumped onto a chair in the kitchen of the Dragonfly. Sookie took one look and slid the plate she was holding in front of her friend.

"Sookie, no, I can't eat your lunch."

"It's not mine. I made the sandwich for Jackson but you look like you need it more. He's not here yet and it will just take a minute to make him another." They shared an understanding smile. The morning had been hectic for both of them.

"Thanks. I haven't even had time for coffee. Crazy people... Why can't people get their acts together before they call me? First Amanda called to change some things about her wedding...then she called to cancel the whole thing. I had just finished making all the cancellation calls when she called back and said the whole thing was back on. Hasn't she heard of Vegas? Have we learned nothing from Brittany? And the shoes...."

"The shoes?" Sookie shook her head at the change of subject.

"I wore the wrong shoes for all the running I've been doing. Think I need some of those ugly white things with no ties and the crazy swoopy thing on the side. Or, maybe old lady orthopedic ones and elastic hose..."

Sookie laughed and walked over to her buzzing oven.

Lorelai quietly nibbled at her food while she watched her friend work. Sookie hummed as she went from one task to another and finally started to assemble another special creation for her husband's lunch. Lorelai took note of her soft smile and the way she rubbed her stomach absently from time to time. Remembering those little absent minded stomach rubs, she sighed and felt true happiness for her friend. She came out of her reminiscing stupor when Jackson popped into the kitchen. He smiled at his wife as he ran his hand down her back, giving her a quick squeeze on the butt and then moving his hand gently across her stomach. Lorelai didn't need to hear their conversation; the way they looked at each other said it all. It was nice watching them, she envied what they shared. She hadn't had that when she was pregnant, a loving mate to share it with. Chris had come around a few times but he had seemed to fear her stomach more than wanting to touch it.

Jackson bent down and kissed the top of his wife's head and then waved goodbye to both women.

"Hey, Sook, how would you feel if I disappeared for a couple of hours?"

"Okay, by me. And it will drive Michel crazy, which is always a plus. I'm almost done here myself. I'm going to find a place to put my feet up and work on menus for a while. So I'll be around for any crisis, real or imagined," Sookie giggled. "Going home for a quick nap? You were here really early."

"No. I really need...some coffee."

"Honey, I have coffee here. Fresh too, just made it." Sookie smiled teasingly.

"And it's wonderful but..."

"But it's not his 'coffee'."

"Yeah, something like that."

"Well, you go. Enjoy his 'coffee'."

"You say that like its something else."

"Lorelai, go. We'll be fine for a couple hours. Go to the diner, have your coffee...."

Lorelai was out the door in five minutes and driving towards town. She'd only stopped to run a comb through her hair, dab on some lipstick and spritz cologne behind her ear.


Luke had experienced his own crazy morning. The breakfast crowd had run into the lunch crowd and now at two o'clock he had finally caught up. Caesar was in the kitchen ready to take over the afternoon stragglers and Luke was just about to head upstairs and work on the books. He just had to start a new pot of coffee. But when he turned the coffee maker on it brought forth thoughts of Lorelai. He thought of the way he had left her that morning....warm in her bed, covers pulled over her naked body, hair softly curled around her face. No one had the right to look that good first thing in the morning. God, it was hard to leave here like that. He was lost in those thoughts when the bell on the door rang.

He turned around and smiled....

Lorelai smiled softly back. She didn't know she was interrupting thoughts of her, she was just happy to see him. She'd been asleep when he'd left that morning but she had immediately felt his absence. The bed had grown bigger, colder and lonelier.


"Hey, yourself. If you want coffee you'll have to wait."

"No coffee."

"What? Are you alright?" Luke mocked.

Lorelai laughed, "Yeah, just needed to see your face."

Luke smiled, "Nothing wrong with that." He could tell her morning had been rough. By now, he knew the signs.

"Looks like I caught you at a good time."

"Yeah, I was just about to head upstairs and do some work."

"Mind if I tag along?"

Luke smiled, "I would never mind that. Go on up. I have to talk to Caesar."

Lorelai started up the stairs to the apartment. She let herself in and smiled. This place was starting to feel like a second home to her. It was the place they had first been together. What a night that had been, unexpected but wonderful. They had talked everyday during the summer and grown closer. But when he had taken her to Maize's and told her he was "all in" and asked if she was scared.... Scared, hell yes she was scared. Scared she would screw up this friendship forever; scared she would hurt this man like she had hurt every other man in her life. But it was like a train wreck. Maize had sent home dessert and they had stopped at the diner for coffee. He had pulled her into an embrace in the darkness and kissed her and touched her and they had headed up to his apartment. Everything forgotten except their raw need for each other. There was no stopping after that. There hadn't been a moment of awkwardness or a second of weirdness afterwards. It was like it was just meant to be, Luke and Lorelai, Lorelai and Luke.

Lorelai walked into the apartment. It was so masculine, so Luke. She loved every part of it; the leather sofa, the homey messiness of his possessions scattered everywhere. She turned back the comforter and the sheets and slipped out of her clothes. She climbed into his bed, snuggling deeply into the flannel sheets....enjoying their soft warmness and his scent embedded there. All her earlier frustrations just melted away as she waited for him. She heard his step on the stairs and felt the stirrings of her sheer need for this man.....

