The last chapter. Finally finished. I'm sorry to those who had to go looking for it, but the summary and title didn't really fit with how the story progressed. Enjoy.

Sano rested his still sore head in his hands. Why did he agree to sign a contract without reading it? What stupid idiot does that? Now, he was bound by law to kill Kenshin. Even if he destroyed his copy, the man who hired him had made him sign a copy for the man to keep. Sano looked over the paper again, hoping he had read it wrong.

Then he saw the amount, 500,000 yen. That would pay off all his debts, with plenty left over. He could go home, finally showing his father the success he had become.

"But why is Kenshin at the dojo?" Sano asked himself. He shrugged it off, his mind dwelling on the amount of money he could make. But he'd have to kill Kenshin. This sparked a huge debate within himself. Destroy the life of his friend, or show his father that he wasn't a failure.

He remembered when he first met Kenshin, the change that had come on his face when he swore to never kill again. And the kindness he had shown him in their years together as companions. And Kenshin revelation that he was Hitokiri Battousai himself. The man who had killed for the evil Imperialists. The very same man who stood by, and let Captain Sagara be murdered by those malicious men. Sano's blood began to boil as he thought of Kenshin's vow to never kill again, and the irony that he could, and should, have killed the man who shot down Captain Sagara in cold blood like that. Just because he vowed to never kill again did not mean that others couldn't die at his hands. Why did Kenshin deserve to live, after he had taken the lives of so many others? Sano would finally bring him to justice.


"Kenshin! Kenshin, where are you?" Kaoru yelled throughout the Dojo.

"What's up Kaoru?" Yahiko asked, sweeping off the front step.

"Have you seen Kenshin? I can't find him anywhere."

"I think I saw him reading a letter this morning. He said he was going to go to the river bank to think for a while. Hey! Wait - where are you going?" Yahiko yelled after a fleeing Kaoru.

"I can't let Kenshin leave! He might never return if I can't convince him to stay!" Kaoru explained.

"Wait, I'm coming with you!" Yahiko chased after her.


Kenshin rested his right hand lightly on the hilt of his sword. "I must say, I was quite surprised by your letter. It's been a while, hasn't it, Sano?" Kenshin stood calmly.

"I have no time for your petty talking. I've come here to defeat you, to bring honor back to the name of Captain Sagara." Sano rested the tip of his zanbatou in the ground, ready to strike at Kenshin in an instant.

"I have no wish to-" Kenshin began, but was cut off when a loud voice called his name.

"Kenshin!" Kaoru called again. "What are you doing? Don't tell me you plan on leaving, not now!"

"Kaoru-dono, don't worry. I don't plan on leaving." Kenshin smiled at the girl.

Sano's eyes were glued to the young woman. "Kaoru," he whispered. He couldn't believe the young beauty standing in front of him was his imouto.

"Kenshin, who's the rooster head?" Yahiko asked, pointing at Sano.

"Who are you calling 'rooster head', you brat?" Sano yelled at the boy. At his outburst, Kaoru turned her attention to Sano.

"Who - who are you?" Kaoru stared unblinking at the tall man whose identity was still a mystery to her.

"Never mind who I am. Kenshin, let's get this fight over with!" Sano turned his attention back to his foe.

"I really have no wish to fight you Sano-kun." Kenshin replied, hoping that referring to him as he used to would bring back the young boy he once knew.

"Sano? As in, Sanosuke?" Kaoru whispered. "Sano, is it really you?"

Sano couldn't take it anymore. "Hai, Kaoru-chan. It is me. I've returned. Tell father -" Sano didn't get to repeat his thought as the wind got knocked out of him by Kaoru's vicious right fist. "Wha- what did you do that for?"

"You jerk. Do you know what you did? Mother got sick with worry over you leaving us. For months, Father couldn't even mentioned your name, he was so scared about you, being all alone. We all expected you back soon. But when you didn't even return when the revolution ended, I -" Kaoru stopped her tirade for a moment, her eyes burning with unshed tears. "You left me all alone. First Mother died, then Father, and still you never returned." She finally broke down and wept in Sano's arms. "Why didn't you return?"

Sano looked at his sister in shock. "Mother and Father are died?" Kaoru nodded. "Ohh, imouto, I - I'm so sorry. Can you ever forgive me? I could never come home, not until I proved to Father that I wasn't a failure. I'm sorry that I caused you pain. All of you." He held her tightly in his arms.

Kenshin smiled at the two. He was slightly surprised to find that Kaoru was the little sister Sano had talked so sweetly about. Watching them together was heartwarming, and a little inspiring.

"Kaoru-dono, may I speak with you?" Kenshin pulled the two siblings apart.

"Don't get any ideas Kenshin." Sano warned, teasely. "I may still try to get that 500,000 yen reward for you."

"Is that why you have chosen to wear the kanji 'warui' on your back? It's not very flattering for one of your nature." Kenshin smiled at his old friend.

"What is it Kenshin?" Kaoru asked when they were a little ways down the river bank.

"Kaoru-dono, there's something I want to ask you." Kenshin took a deep breath. He lowered his voice in as an unnecessary precation from being overheard. Sano and Yahiko were currently engaged in a loud greeting, one that consisted mostly of trying to best the other. "Do you remember, when you told me how, how you felt about me?" Kaoru nodded, barely daring to believe that Kenshin may actually be reciprocating those feelings. "Well, I love you too. And I'd like to ask you, if you'd be willing to have me as part of your life, permanently."

Kaoru's eyes shown. "Are - are you asking me to marry you?"

"Yes, if you will take this old, worthless -" Kenshin was cut off.

"Only if you stop belittling yourself. You've done great things with your life, don't dwell on just the bad."

Kenshin captured Kaoru's lips with his own, disregarding the fact that her brother, the man who just minutes ago had threatened to kill him, was staring right at him, open mouthed. Yet inside, Sano was glad that finally, he could go home.

As the group walked back to the dojo, a large man stepped out from the bushes. "Zanza, I believe you signed a contract stating you would kill the Battousai. Yet here I see you, walking calmly beside him. Is 500,000 not enough? I'll pay more."

Kaoru recongized the large man. "Gohei. You have defamed the Kamiya Kasshinryu, caused the ruin of my dojo, and now are trying to kill Kenshin. Haven't you learned your lesson already?"

"Defamed father's style and the dojo? Maybe I'll just have to kill you, and take the money from your cold, dead body." Sano threatened his would-be employer.

Gohei's eyes widened in fear of the younger man. He had seen him kill at least three men with a single swing of the large sword he carried effortlessly over his shoulder. "Here, take the money. It's all yours!" Gohei dropped his purse and took off running.

Sano, Kenshin, Kaoru, and Yahiko all looked at each other in mild surprise. "Hey, who wants some food? It's on me." Sano said, picking up the bulging sack of coins. The group walked on, in light hearts and happy spirits.



imouto - little sister
owari - end
warui - bad

That's it. I know, a crappy ending. Tell me if you want me to do more. If you want I can write an epilogue. Let me know!