Break Away

By Jessie


Sick and tired of her life, Emma Nelson starts out on a new adventure on her own. But when she runs into some one not expected will she have the courge to keep on going?

Chapter one

Packing Up

Grew up in a small town
And when the rain would fall down
I just stared out my window
Dreaming of what could be
And if I'd end up happy
I would pray (I would pray)

"Now Emily Dickinson was the greatest woman poet of her time. Writing more poems in her life time then other female poets, she has been proclaimed to be...." It all sounded blah to Emma Nelson. She was bored and had already counted the ceiling tiles (21) and floor tiles (42). English class was so boring.

"Emma what was Emily's most famous poem?" Ms. Kwan suddenly asked. Emma broke free from her trance and looked at her teacher.

"Ummm..she had so many that you couldn't choose one?" she asked praying.

"Good answer Emma. Now...." Emma looked down at her note book. It was the wrong note book. Her history note book. On top of was map of Canada and the Untied States. They had talked about easy routes to the U.S. The easiest would be to go west until you get to about Washington.

"Emily had once thought of running away...." Earlier that day, Emma had woken up to the sounds of screaming. Her mother was fighting with her step dad for the milionth time. Emma thought that any normal person would be glad their husband isn't dead from having cancer but her mother always found ways to get into fights. Emma hated the fights. She would hide in her room or sneak out and walk the streets of Toronto until very late when she knew they had gone to bed.

"She one time ran away for one hour before the nearby neighbors found her.." Emma's ears suddenly heard Ms. Kwan for the first time all class. Running away? She heard a girl ran away a few years ago and they finally tracked her down in Ohio. It didn't seem like the idea wasn't so horrid. The bell rang and she walked out and to her locker. She saw her old best friend Many Santos at JT Yorke's locker and glared. What a school slut , she thought. She put her books in her bookbag and shut her locker. The weekend. Oh joy. Right then and there Emma Nelson decided that she was going to run away to who knows where tonight.


When Emma got home that afternoon, the house was empty. Perfect. I can get away right now and no one will see, she thought. Emma packed her stuff into her backpack, grabbed her jacket and laptop and walked out her door. She had $120 saved from a few years birthdays and she figured it could get her to the last train station before Washington. She got a cab to the nearest trainstation and boarded a train heading to a small town called Ronstown.


"Emma, we're home!" Spike called when she entered her home with her husband. Emma didn't answer. "Emma?" She ran down to her bedroom and found a note that said:

Left for a new life. I'll let you know how it goes. -Emma


A/N: I know this is short but I'll make it up to you. I promise. Well looks like Emma has some problems now doesn't she. SEAN AND EMMA FOREVER!