Alright I know I officially suck. I am so sorry it took this long to get this out. I will try, key word being try, to get out the next chapter sooner. And I am so thankful for all the lovely reviews! I hope you all enjoy this!

Tuesday afternoon found Draco standing outside the History of Magic classroom waiting for the class to let out. Luckily for him his Charms class had let out early after Goyle had accidentally charmed Crabbe's hand away. Draco scoffed at the thought, vanishing charms were supposed to be review. He then noticed the Gryffindors filing out of the classroom. As Harry passed Draco called out.

"Potter, come here."

Both Harry and Ron looked up when Draco spoke.

"What do you want ferret?" Ron said nastily.

"I wasn't addressing you Weasel, I need to talk to Potter."

Harry looked over at Draco suspiciously, "Why?"

Draco rolled his eyes, "Not here," he said looking around. "This is private."

"How does he know this isn't a trick?" Ron interrupted.

"Look Weasel if it was a trick I wouldn't have come talk to him in front of all the seventh year Gryffindors first. Now if anything happens to him in the near future your entire year will automatically blame me."

Harry gave a small nod. "Makes a tad bit of sense. What is this about."

"Harry!" Ron tried to interrupt.

"Ron, it's Malfoy, even if he did try something I could take him."

"Like hell." Malfoy muttered in the background earning glares from the seventh year Gryffindors. Rolling his eyes at their responses he told Potter, "Look just show up at the Heads common room at seven. I'll talk to you then."

Draco then strode off without even looking to see if Harry had acknowledged him. The Gryffindors watched him as he turned the corner.

"That was weird," said Neville, "Even for Malfoy."

The others nodded their agreement.

"I wonder what he wants," said Lavender.

"Only way to find out is to show up tonight," was Harry's reply.

Hermione was pacing in the Heads common room; all of her belongings were packed except those she would need during the week. Her homework was done for the day, and Albus wouldn't give her extra. He had also forbidden the other teachers to do so as well.

Didn't he know she needed the distraction it would give her? All she could currently do was think about Malfoy's comments from the other night, and the look on George's face when she had called him her friend.

"What if Malfoy's right?" she whispered to herself. "What if George does fancy me?" Sitting down in a chair she began fiddling with her engagement ring. "Do I want him to fancy me? If I want him to fancy me does that mean I fancy him?"

Leaning back against the chair Hermione sighed as she recalled the past few days. George comforting her, offering to marry her, giving her the engagement ring, picking out wedding bands, dinner with Fred. The memory that stood out the most though was from the night before, when she and George had just sat on the couch in their newly decorated quarters reading. How he had pulled her over to him and held her as they read. They had stayed that way for over two hours, and if she was honest to herself, she had enjoyed the feel of his arm around her. She had enjoyed the way he had held her hand Monday, how he would be affectionate and hold her or kiss her cheek and forehead. She liked being near him, and not in the way that she liked being near Harry and Ron.

"I do fancy him," she said aloud. "Now what to do about it?"

Her musing was then interrupted by a knock on her door. Getting up to open it she was immediately engulfed into a hug by Mrs. Weasley. "Oh Hermione!"

Grinning Hermione hugged her back before telling her that she needed to breathe.

Mrs. Weasley smiled as she pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed her eyes. "I'm sorry Dear, I'm just so happy that you're going to officially be a part of the family."

Hermione smiled and hugged the older woman again. She knew that for years Mrs. Weasley had wanted her to be a part of the family, she had even offered to adopt her after her parents had died, but Hermione had politely declined. Mrs. Weasley had understood and the topic hadn't been brought up since.

"Hullo Hermione," came a voice behind Mrs. Weasley. Leaning over Hermione saw Arthur Weasley and George behind him. Moving past his wife Arthur gave Hermione another hug. "Molly isn't the only one happy to see you become a part of this family." Hermione smiled and sincerely thanked him.

She then turned to George and greeted him. George nodded and muttered a brief hello.

Mrs. Weasley seemed affronted by his behavior but Arthur shushed her before she could say anything. "Well we just wanted to drop in and say hello. Molly will be meeting you in Hogsmeade tomorrow and then staying here till Friday. For now though the two of us are going out."

Mrs. Weasley started to say something but her husband quickly guided her away before she could make a scene.

"Something is going on with those two. I think they need some time together to attempt to figure it out."

Molly then nodded her agreement and followed Arthur back to Albus's office.

Back in the hallway George and Hermione were left staring at one another. George finally spoke, "Well since they aren't staying I guess I'll be going. Goodnight Hermione."

Hermione was taken aback by the coolness of his tone. "George, wait. Would you like to eat dinner together?"

"No thank you," he said shortly as he walked away.

Hermione stared at his retreating back as a tear trickled down her cheek.

Back in his room George was mentally kicking himself for being so rude to Hermione. He had realized last night that he did fancy her. Now he just wasn't sure what to do about it. While Fred thought he had a chance with her, he just wasn't sure. They had so many differences.

It had been almost painful though to stand their and watch his parents hug and gush over how happy they were that Hermione was going to be part of the family while he had just stood there. Just yesterday he would have hugged her too, or held her hand, or put his arm around her. He hadn't even realized how much he had been touching her the past few days, or how much he enjoyed it, until he stopped.

Less than a week ago she had only been one of his little brother's best friends, and now, she was quickly becoming so much more.

"Friend," he whispered to the empty room, "That's all I am, but sometime in the last few days I discovered I wanted to be something more." George didn't even notice the tear that ran down his cheek.

After staring at the painting that led to George's quarters, and hers her mind supplied, she sighed and reentered her common room. Glancing around she picked up her Charms text deciding that a little rereading couldn't hurt since the professors refused to give her anything else to do.

About quarter to seven the door swung open and Draco strode in. He blanched when he saw Hermione sitting on the couch reading.

"What are you doing here?"

"This is still my common room until Friday; I have a right to be here."

"Um, right. Of course you do." Draco replied, obviously flustered. "It's just, I need you gone."

Hermione looked up at him, "Why?"

"Personal business."

"Malfoy I am not leaving here so you can snog whoever you have coming over here senseless."

At this comment Draco's face paled, and he started shaking. "Granger I am going to murder you for that mental image you just gave me. I am not snogging the person that is coming over! That is just disgusting!"

"Then why do I need to leave?"

Draco had to think for a minute before he practically shouted, "Quidditch! We're going to talk about Quidditch, and you'll be bored. So you have to go."

Hermione shot him a doubtful look, "You're up to something Malfoy, but to be honest I am not in the mood to figure out what it is. I'll just go to the library or something and read there."

Draco nodded his head up and down furiously. "That is an excellent idea. I will see you later."

"Any time limit on how long I should be gone? I don't want to come back and find you snogging on the couch."

Once again Draco's brain supplied a multitude of mental pictures of him and Harry snogging. Grabbing his head between his hands he shouted, "That is wrong! There will be no snogging! Stop saying there will be snogging!"

Rolling her eyes Hermione grabbed her book and walked out of the portrait muttering about Slytherins going insane and that maybe she should report Draco's odd behavior to Albus.

Draco decided to ignore her as he desperately tried to get the images of him snogging Potter out of his head. A few minutes later he heard a knock on the door. Opening it he saw Harry standing there a look of mistrust on his face.

The two sized one another up before Draco moved aside to let Harry inside the room. Neither one saw George standing outside his door watching them.

Once Harry and Draco entered the room Harry turned and glared at Draco. "Alright Malfoy I'm here, now what is it we need to talk about."

Draco had sat down on the couch and looked up at Harry lazily. "Granger and the Weasley Twin."

Upon hearing Draco actually use the name Weasley instead of Weasel Harry became suspicious. "Since when do you actually refer to the Weasleys as Weasleys?"

"I don't, George happens to be an exception."

"Since when?"

"Since Hermione threatened to hex me if I ever referred to George as The Weasel Twin again since she fancies him."

Harry just stared at Draco. "She doesn't fancy George."

Draco shrugged in reply, "Well if nothing else George fancies Hermione."

Folding his arms over his chest Harry leaned against the wall next to the fireplace. "Explain to me why I should believe you, and since when did you start calling either of them by their first names?"

"Slipped, sides I can't help liking George a bit can I? It's because of him I don't have to get married. Which to be honest isn't something I had planned on doing at this stage in my life."

"Doesn't explain why you think they fancy one another, or why you came to me with this."

"I came to you because I knew you were less likely to hex first and listen later than Weasel and Weaselette. Sides I've decided to consider my helping the two of them their wedding present."

Harry rolled his eyes, "I can't believe I'm standing here listen to Malfoy tell me that my best friend and her fiancé fancy one another." Turning back to Draco, "If they fancy one another why did you come to me?"

"Because honestly I think the odds of George killing me are currently high, even though it was my father who petitioned for Hermione, and I tried talking to Hermione. She is currently living very happily in Denial."

"And you know for sure its denial?"

"From Hermione to be honest I'm not completely sure. I am pretty much positive that George fancies her though."


"Conversation I overheard last night."

"You were eavesdropping on them?"

"I was coming back from my rounds, purely coincidental. Hermione was just getting back she thanked George and told him he was a good friend. George then looked like someone had killed his dog."

Harry went to interrupt Draco, but Draco just continued speaking.

"I know he doesn't have a dog, Hermione told me last night while I was talking to her. That is not the point; the point is George was upset when Hermione called him a friend. A bloke only gets a look on his face like the look George had if the bloke fancies the girl who called him a friend."

"And you know this how?" Harry asked picturing a girl telling that to Draco.

"Blaise had the same look on his face as George had when he was talking to Pansy one day trying to get up the courage to ask her out when she started babbling about what a great friend Blaise was. Was kind of sickening really. I wanted to smack her for being such a fool."

Harry raised his eyebrows.

Sighing Draco rested his head back on the couch, "I'm not a complete prat. I do want my friends to be happy. I like Blaise. Pansy is tolerable at times. I do think however that the two of them would be good together. Pansy however does not currently agree with me. I think I may have to give her a nudge or two as well."

"Draco Malfoy, matchmaker, who would have ever thought?"

"Now that's not a bad idea Potter, I could make this into a business if these two couples go right."

"Please tell me you're kidding," Harry pleaded.

"Maybe," was Draco's reply with a smirk on his face. "If nothing else just pitching the idea to Father would probably cause him to go into fits for weeks."

"You enjoy pissing off your father?"

"Yes I do," was his reply with a smile on his face.

"Do it often?"

"Whenever I get the chance nowadays. Just sent him a letter a few weeks ago that I'm sure pissed him off royally. It was probably another one of the reasons that he sent in the petition for Hermione."

"What was in it?" Harry asked after a moment, curiosity getting the best of him.

Draco smirked, "I doubt you would be able to handle the truth." His eyes then slowly wandered up and down Harry's body, discreetly of course, he was a Slytherin. Even though he hadn't acted like one earlier when trying to get rid of Hermione. His mind then began to drift as to why he had reacted how he had when Hermione mentioned snogging whoever it was that was coming to see him. He had been surprised and reacted very strongly in a negative fashion. Ignoring the odd glances that Harry was sending his way since he had drifted off into his thoughts Draco began to pursue that train of thought.

Even if he had wanted to, Draco would have been hard pressed to deny that Harry was a good looking bloke. Black hair and green eyes was always a good combination, and Harry was definitely in shape from Quidditch. They had things in common, not many but enough to get them by. Nodding to himself, Draco came to a conclusion; if Potter was gay he would have to at least suggest a one night stand. Content with his conclusions Draco then decided to turn back to the matter at hand.

"Anyway, as lovely as a topic as that was I invited you here to talk about Hermione and George."

Harry nodded and then began thinking aloud. "Well the two of us on our own won't do much good. I think we may need to bring in the Weasleys."

Draco looked over at him, "Can we do that and guarantee that my health will remain intact?"

Harry nodded, "I'll talk to them before hand. We may want to get them together now, I'll have to owl Fred and ask him to come. He's spent time with them outside the castle. Ginny will also have to come, she went ring shopping with George, and Ron otherwise his temper will be even worse if we don't include him at the beginning."

"If you write the letter to Fred I'll go send it now. Will there be a problem with him coming into the castle."

"No, Dumbledore's given him access to the castle whenever he wants from now on with George living here. I guess he's also already threatened to kick him out if he causes too much trouble."

"What about George?"

"Hermione gets to deal with him."

Both boys flinched at that comment then looked to one another and gave small shaky laughs.

As Harry wrote the letter to Fred asking him to come to the castle immediately Draco's thoughts drifted back to the moment they had just shared. It would definitely be worth finding out whether or not Potter was gay.

Draco came back to reality when Harry handed him a letter. "You have your own owl right?"

"Yea, why?"

"Well I was going to tell you to use mine if you don't."

"Oh, thanks." Surprise was clearly etched on Draco's features at Harry's thoughtfulness. "What time do you want to meet back here?"

"Well its half past seven now, I say eight. When will Hermione be back?"

"Damn, I told her I should only need an hour. I think she went to the library, I'll try and track her down and get her to stay out until later. Maybe suggest she go and spend time with George to see her reaction."

"That sounds like a decent idea. Alright I'll go get Ron and Ginny, and attempt to make sure that they won't immediately kill you, but I can make no promises."

Draco nodded and with that the two boys headed out and went their separate ways.

George still standing at the portrait hole half reading the book in his hands became even more suspicious. Deciding it was worth it to keep the chair at the doorway until Malfoy came back he attempted to pay attention to his book, but he couldn't help wondering what Harry and Malfoy could have talked about for a half hour.

Draco made his way to the library and quickly found Hermione. "I lied," was his way of greeting.

Hermione looked up from the book she was reading. "Explain," she said tiredly brushing her hair out of her face.

"I need more than an hour."

"Decided to turn snogging into shagging?" She asked with a smirk.

"While that actually now sounds like a good idea, that's not why I need more time."

"And why do you need more time?"

"Personal business."

"Why should I buy that?"

"Because it's true."

Hermione sighed, "It's still my common room too Malfoy."

"I know, which is why I'm very thankful that you're a kind and considerate Gryffindor that is going to allow me to conduct my personal business there. I swear I will be done by nine-thirty at the absolute latest. I have to patrol starting then anyway."

Resting her head in her hand Hermione didn't even look up as she replied, "Fine Malfoy. Go ahead. I don't care."

"Thanks Granger. Although I don't see why you don't just go spend this time with George. I'm sure if you do you'd see that I was right when I said he fancied you last night."

Hermione thought back to George's cold behavior that afternoon. "I doubt it Malfoy, now please just go away."

Draco turned quickly before she could see the smile on his face. She seemed depressed at the thought that George didn't fancy her. That was an obvious sign that she had come to fancy him.

Walking back to his common room Draco began to whistle, Granger fancied the Weasley Twin, the Weasley Twin fancied Granger, now he just had to help Potter and the other Weasleys get them to realize it. Then he could concentrate on trying to shag Potter. It really was a good idea that Granger had come up with snog Potter, and snogging would then lead to shagging. Definitely a good plan, he just had to find out if Potter was gay first.

George watched from behind the portrait hole as Malfoy walked to his room whistling. "That can't be a good sign." He was even more surprised when a few moments later Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Fred walked up to the portrait leading to the Heads common room. He leaned out slightly and heard Malfoy greet them and invite them in, he also heard the comment Malfoy made to Harry that he had made sure Hermione would be gone until at least nine-thirty. "Why would the five of them be holding a meeting? Especially without Hermione there?"

In the Heads common room three Weasleys were looking at Draco with distrust evident on their faces. Finally Fred spoke, "Are you sure you didn't bring us here to kill him, or at least severely injure him?"

Harry sighed, "Yes Fred. I'm sure. Besides if Hermione found out about it she would kill you."

"Good point. She is talented with a wand, plus George would kill me if I touched her."

"Really?" Draco perked up at that bit of news. "Interesting, he's very protective of her then?"

Ron glared at him, "Of course he is, we all are."

"Do you all fancy her?" Draco asked.

Fred looked up at Draco, "Why?"

Draco rolled his eyes, "I figured you at least would know that your twin fancied his fiancé."

Ginny grinned at this, "Told you Ron."

Ron stood there looking flabbergasted as Fred looked over Malfoy.

"What do you know?" Fred asked.

"George fancies Hermione, ask Potter the story later, and that Hermione is attempting to live in Denial, although I think it is becoming harder for her."

After the look Harry gave him Draco continued. "I mentioned her going to see him and she seemed to get a tad bit depressed, she seemed to feel that George did not fancy her. Most girls I know only get depressed when a bloke doesn't fancy them if she fancies him."

"Makes sense," said Ginny. Looking over at Harry and Ron she continued. "I don't know if the two of you noticed but Sunday night she could not stop playing and fiddling with her engagement ring, kept getting a dreamy smile on her face when she did."

Fred then picked up where Ginny left off. "Also I had dinner with the two of them last night. They walked in holding hands. George also spent most of the meal with his arm around Hermione. They also sat there and did the whole 'I'm attempting to touch you without being obvious, but it's obvious to everyone around us' thing during dinner."

Ron finally decided to speak, "So we actually think that Hermione and George fancy each other?" Seeing all four heads around him nod he nodded as well. "Alright. Just checking."

"Only question left is what should we do about it?"

The group of five then sat down and began to plan ways to try and get the two together for real. Although at one point Harry did ask, "Are we sure we can't just let them settle this amongst themselves?" He was immediately answered with four no's. Sighing he went back to work making plans.

Hermione sighed and rubbed her hands against her temple. "This is getting me nowhere, I don't care what Malfoy is doing, I just want to go to bed and sleep." With that Hermione got up gathered her books and began to head back to her dorm. When she passed by the portrait to George's room it opened. Blinking in surprise Hermione muttered a quick hello.

George stepped out and looked around before ushering Hermione inside.

"George what's going on?" she asked concern evident in her voice.

"Do you know what Malfoy's currently plotting?"

"No, why?"

"Because it apparently involves Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Fred." Hermione looked at him in surprise.

"Around seven I was getting ready to leave and go talk to you, I had seen you leave, and Harry went into the common room. I waited for a few minutes figuring he would leave when he saw you weren't there. I wanted to get his opinion on something for the joke shop. Funny thing is he didn't leave for a half hour, and when he did both him and Malfoy left. Harry headed towards Gryffindor common room, and I think Malfoy headed for the owlery. He had a letter in his hand. Came back a little while later and shortly after Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Fred showed up and went in. None of them have come back out."

Hermione nodded as he finished, "You're right that is definitely odd." After a moment's pause Hermione started to laugh, then as another realization hit her she began to make odd choking sounds.

George immediately rushed to her side and put his arm around her, "Are you ok?"

Hermione nodded and quickly caught her breath. "When he first asked me to leave I teased him about snogging whoever it was that was coming over. He freaked out, it was quite funny. Then in the library he found me and told me he needed more time. I made a comment about him shagging the person instead. He told me that it sounded like a good idea."

Both Hermione and George grimaced at the mental pictures that the statement brought.

"I'm scared," was all George said.

Hermione laughed and then noticed that George still had his arm around her, she then moved closer into his embrace and leaned her head against him. She felt George begin to stiffen so she reached up and put her arms around his neck. George then relaxed slightly and brought both arms around her waist holding her close against him as he rested his chin on her head.

"I'm sorry."

"For what Mione?"

Hermione smiled at the nickname, it annoyed her when most people called her that, but from George it was cute. "I think I hurt your feelings last night, I didn't mean to."

George sighed, "Don't worry about it Mione. It's forgotten."

Hermione heard the wistfulness in his tone. Her mind drifted back to Malfoy's comments, was it possible that he was right? She then decided to attempt to live up to the bravery that Gryffindors were supposed to be known for.

"George, I do think of you as a friend," she felt him begin to stiffen up again and quickly continued, "but during these past couple of days I've begun to see you as more than just a friend." After saying that Hermione started to pull away but George didn't let her get very far.

"Do you mean that?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. His face looked hopeful, but doubting and it caused Hermione to smile as she nodded. George then grinned and pulled Hermione back into his embrace and buried his head into her hair gently placing kisses on it.

Hermione let out a small giggle and rested her head against his chest once more and smiled, "I'm guessing you feel the same?" she asked, both wanting and needing to hear the words from him.

"Yes," was all he said as he continued to hold her.

The couple stood together for a few minutes before George led her over to the couch keeping his arms around her as the pair snuggled on the couch.

After awhile Hermione spoke up, "Can we take this slow?"

"Hermione I would never push you to do something you didn't want to do."

Hermione smiled, "I know, and I know we have to," she paused for a moment trying to think of the right word, "Consummate the marriage Friday, to make sure Lucius doesn't cause trouble, but after that I would like to take things slow."

George gave a silent chuckle at Hermione's words. "I understand Hermione, I will never push you, I promise. And I'll try to be as gentle as possible Friday night."

Hermione smiled at him while she gazed at his face. It was funny how it had become one of her favorite things to look at over the past few days. George then brought his hand up to her cheek and gently stroked it. As he started to lean in Hermione realized that he was going to kiss, and as soon as she did she realized exactly how much she wanted him to.

"Is this ok?" George whispered, his lips millimeters away from hers.

Hermione just nodded and George lowered his head until he was gently kissing her. It was barely a brushing of lips, and then George pulled away. He kissed her temple and then laid down on the couch with his arm around her, holding her close and they two of them just stared at the fire enjoying each other's company.

As Hermione stared into the fire she then remembered something. She attempted to get up and look over at the clock but George kept his arms around her and wouldn't let her get up. Hermione laughed at him and then told him she wanted to look at the clock.

"Its only nine." She said with a grin.


"I'm supposed to stay out of the common room until nine-thirty. What do you say we go over there now and find out what this secret meeting is about?"

"Why Hermione I'm shocked that you would suggest such a thing." Grabbing her hand he grinned. "Let's go!"

The two made their way to the Heads common room and silently opened the door. Dropping behind the couches they listened as Harry and Draco argued against Ron, Ginny, and Fred who thought that locking them in a closet with singing leprechauns was a good idea.

"How would that get them together?" Draco asked looking very exasperated.

Ron shrugged, "Not sure, but I bet it would be funny."

Harry sighed, "Ron the purpose is to get George and Hermione to admit they have feelings for one another, not to get George and Hermione to kill us."

Ron then pointed to the list, "Well we don't really have any grand ideas that we think are bound to work now do we?"

Hermione and George looked over at one another and grinned. They then stood up and George began to speak. "Well you could also have a secret meeting with the five of you, have one of us see it, tell the other, then the two of us would start talking and we would work it out ourselves."

Five faces looked at the two in shock, George grinned and slid his arm around Hermione's waist as she leaned against him. Ron broke the silence by falling out of his chair.

Harry then threw his hands up in the air, "I said an hour ago to just let them work it out themselves, but no, you four sat there and said that they couldn't. Well hah! They did." Harry walked over and shook George's hand. "Thank you. You have no idea the ideas those four have been coming up with this past hour."

Fred grinned at his twin, Ginny blushed, Draco smirked, and Ron pulled himself off the floor.

"I don't want to know," was Hermione's response.

Draco went to open his mouth, but Hermione interrupted him. "If you even think about saying anything I will tell everyone in this room what you said in the library."

Draco pretended to ponder her statement for a moment. "I don't think this would be the best time to bring that up," was his reply.

George snickered and Hermione sighed. "I'm not going to say a word."

"Can I?" George asked.

"No, we've both already been scared enough for one night."

Ginny looked on with interest, "I want to know."

"No you don't." Hermione and George said at the same time.

Hermione grinned, "Trust me you don't."

Ginny then proceeded to pout, "Fine then. Since they're together I'm guessing we're done so I'm heading back to the common room. Come on Ron."

"Why is it come on Ron, and no one else?"

"You've been in here an hour with Malfoy and haven't tried to kill him yet, I know you won't last much longer so I'm getting you out of here now."

This made the group laugh and Ron followed Ginny out muttering about little sisters and how they were annoying. Fred decided to follow them making comments about having to get up early and work. George threw a piece of parchment at him.

Hermione and George then headed out of the common room and back towards George's quarters. "I need to collect my things," she said.

Harry and Draco grinned at each other. "Oh is that what they're calling it these days?" Harry teased.

Another piece of parchment went flying across the room, this one hitting Harry in the head.

Draco laughed at the look on Harry's face as the two exited the room. He then began to lightly clap, "Priceless Potter, truly priceless."

Harry growled and threw the parchment at Draco. "Oh be quiet Malfoy."

The two stood in the common room staring at one another for a moment before Harry finally spoke again. "So you never did tell me how you pissed off your father."

"You really want to know?" Draco asked, surprise evident on his face.

Harry shrugged, "Yea."

"You asked for it." After a pause Draco continued. "I told him I was gay a few weeks ago. It ticked him off like you wouldn't believe. It was probably one of the main reasons he sent in a petition in my name. Something about carrying on the name of Malfoy. After how much he's drug it through the mud in recent years I'm not sure why he cares."

Harry looked over in surprise, "I'm shocked that's all he did."

"He would have tried to do more, but my mum decided not to care, and currently she has more power than him. Personally I think she took delight in siding against him just for the hell of it, but I don't really care."

"Your mum didn't care?"

"Nope, just told me if I ever got serious about a bloke I had better bring him home and introduce him to her."

Harry nodded. "It helps having people support you." Draco shot him a look. "I figured out I was gay over the summer. Well actually Hermione figured it out and then told me."

Draco laughed, then when he saw Harry's glare he began to laugh even harder. "Well it is kind of funny that Granger had to tell you that you were gay."

Harry then nodded kind of sheepishly, "Yea, I guess so. So when did you discover that you were gay?"

"End of the summer. I think my mum figured it out before I did though, she just didn't say anything until I brought it up. It makes me wonder if girls have a radar about these things."

"I dunno, maybe. Hermione never mentioned anything to me about you being gay, so they might not."

"Either that or I'm better at hiding things from her than you are."

"That's probably true. It's hard to have known someone since you were eleven and hide things from them."

Draco nodded, then the boys looked at the clock. "I need to get going." Harry commented.

"Yea you have curfew."

"Unlike you."

"One of the many privileges of being Head Boy."

Harry laughed and turned to go, but stopped when he heard Draco call his name. When he turned back around Draco was standing in front of him. Their difference in height was mere centimeters, Draco being slightly taller. Draco then leaned down quickly brushed his lips against Harry's and whispered, "I'll see you around," he then turned and headed towards his bedroom. "I'm sure you can see yourself out." He called over his shoulder.

Harry stood there dumbstruck for a second before turning around and seeing Hermione and George standing in the doorway.

"I definitely wasn't expecting to see that today." Hermione said with a snicker.

Harry felt his face turning as red as the Weasley's hair before mumbling a goodnight and sliding out the door.

George stood there in shock for a moment before turning to Hermione, "Do you have any idea what's going on?"

"I have an idea, but I don't know for sure."

"Care to fill me in?"

"Well Harry's gay, he came out last summer, and from that little display I'm guessing Malfoy is as well. Either that or he plays both sides of the fence."

George just dumbly nodded his head, "Oh, alright then. I'm just going to go to bed now and attempt to get that image out of my head."

"Goodnight." Hermione said sweetly as she leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Night," he said and kissed her gently on the forehead before he walked out.

Hermione looked over at Malfoy's door a wicked grin on her face. Practically skipping over to his door she knocked and called out "Draco! Let me in!"

She heard shuffling and then Draco opened the door. "Go away Granger. I'm busy."

"Doing what daydreaming of Harry? I saw that little display."

Draco just shrugged, "So what are you going to do about it?"

"Collect my five sickles from Ginny for one."

Draco just stared at her mouth agape. "You had a bet whether or not I was gay?"

"Yup, so when did you figure it out?"

"End of summer."

"How long have you fancied Harry?"

"Since this evening."

"Wow move fast don't you?"

"Says the girl who agreed to a marriage proposal before she knew she fancied the bloke."

"Well better to marry George than you."

"Couldn't agree more."

"So what's going on with you and Harry?"

"Why aren't you asking him?"

"Because he's not here, you are. Besides when he walked out the door he looked like he couldn't string two words together let alone full sentences."

Draco looked smug at this comment.

"I wouldn't look so smug; it could have been over the shock of how horrible you snog."

Draco then began to pout. "That's mean Granger. You've never kissed me so you can't make comments like that."

Hermione just shrugged. "Well when you figure out what you want let me know. Maybe I can help."

Draco looked after her, "You can't be serious."

"Why not? You got together with Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Fred to try and get me and George to admit our feelings. Of course we were able to do it on our own without your help, but I doubt you and Harry would end up being able to do the same."

"How do you know it wasn't their idea?"

"Because, no offense Malfoy, none of them would have gone to you for help. They would have kept it just between the four of them. Since you were there, I'm pretty sure you started it."

Malfoy then began to mutter about brainy know-it-alls.

"Plus there's always the fact that the two of you would look hot together."

Draco was stunned again for what seemed like the thousandth time that day. "I did not hear that." He said, "Hermione Granger did not just say Potter and I would look hot together." Draco then put his hands over his ears and walked back into his room slamming the door behind him.

Hermione just laughed as she went to her room to go to sleep.

And there we have it another chapter, with two first kisses! Thank you all again for the lovely reviews I've gotten. I can't believe I've gotten over a hundred with this story!