This was inspired by the Marriage Law challenge for HG/SS shippers, but I couldn't resist changing it into a HG/GW story. This little plot bunny has been nagging at me for weeks so I just had to write it. So please, read, enjoy, and leave your thoughts.

And for the record I do not own any rights to Harry Potter, I have just borrowed J. K. Rowling's characters for my own enjoyment, and now yours.

Also I do not have a beta so I apologize for any grammar/spelling/ other mistakes. If anyone would like to beta me please email me at Thanks.

Dear Miss Granger,

Please report to my office as soon as you have finished your breakfast.

Professor McGonagall

Turning over the letter Hermione Granger sighed and quickly put it in her bag. She looked over to the Head table and noticed Professor McGonagall's absence. "It's from Professor McGonagall. Must be something about Head duties, and I had hoped to be able to finish my potions essay this morning before we went to Hogsmeade." She quietly mumbled when Harry had looked up and asked her who the letter was from.

Her black haired best friend looked over at her and laughed, "Hermione, you know you will get that essay done in plenty of time, it's not due till Friday!"

Rolling her eyes at him Hermione replied, "Yes I know that, but Head duties do take up quite a bit of time, and I would rather get it done then wait and suddenly not be able to do it because something came up."

"I know Hermione, but still you'll get it done, even if you just have to wait until after the trip to Hogsmeade to do it."

"That's true."

Hermione then began to quickly finish her breakfast thinking that if she hurried, and the meeting with Professor McGonagall didn't take to long that she might still have time to finish her potions essay before the school left for Hogsmeade. They were supposed to leave at 11:00am, and according to her watch it was only 8:30am.

"Well I'm off, tell Ron when he gets here I'll meet you guys at 11 to go to Hogsmeade."

Giving her a distracted nod Harry went back to talking about Quidditch with Dean and Seamus. Rolling her eyes at her Quidditch obsessed friends Hermione grabbed her bag and headed to Professor McGonagall's office. Knocking on the door as she entered she saw Professor McGonagall look up and offer her a concerned smile. Beginning to slightly worry Hermione asked, "What was it you wished to see me about Professor?"

Sighing as she stood the professor said, "Why don't we go to my quarters to discuss this Miss Granger, away from prying eyes and curious ears."

"Of course Professor, what ever you think is best." Hermione's mind began racing trying to think of anything she could have done that warranted a private meeting in a professor's quarters. Whatever was going on did not involve Head business, Malfoy would have been present, and that could have easily been done in an office. Professor McGonagall seemed upset, she just couldn't figure out why. They stopped in front of a lovely painting featuring a vase of white lilies swaying slightly, as if there was a wind blowing through them. Professor McGonagall noticed Hermione admiring the painting and said, "They're my favorite flowers. Albus gave the portrait to me as a birthday gift many years ago." She then turned and whispered the password to allow her and Hermione access to her chambers.

Hermione slowly walked into the chambers and immediately felt at peace. The carpet was a rich Gryffindor maroon, while the walls were a rich cream color. The furniture alternated between maroon and cream. "Beautiful," Hermione whispered. She loved the room, it had a simple elegance to it.

Professor McGonagall smiled and thanked her student before gesturing to the couch. As the two sat down the professor sighed before asking, "Miss Granger you do know of the new Marriage Law."

Hermione's head shot up, of course she knew of the new law. It stated that any muggleborn witch 18 years and older who was not married must marry a pure blooded wizard. If a petition was sent to a witch she had a week to respond. She could either marry the person who designated in the petition, or she could hand in her wand and return to the Muggle world, and never be allowed to return to the wizarding world. Hermione had been upset when the law passed, but reasoned that her 18th birthday wasn't until next September, the 19th, after she graduated Hogwarts and had prayed that the law would be overturned by then.

Hermione then chose her words carefully, "Of course I've heard of the law professor, but I'm not sure how this concerns me, my 18th birthday isn't until next September."

"Unfortunately Hermione, the Ministry of Magic has decided to add your hours used with the aid of the time turner. With those extra hours they declared that your 18th birthday was two days ago."

"Can they do that?"

"Unfortunately they already have. It gets worse though, you have already been sent a petition. Albus arranged it for the Heads of House to receive any petitions sent on behalf of our students and I received one for you last night." She then handed it to Hermione who took it with a shaking hand and opened it.

Quickly scanning the first few lines Hermione dropped the scroll as one sentence stood out, I Lucius Malfoy petition on behalf of my son Draco Malfoy for the muggle born Hermione Granger to be his wife.

Professor McGonagall picked up the scroll before it hit the ground, "Do you mind," she asked the clearly shaken girl, Hermione shook her head. Her mind already racing trying to process this information. She could not figure out why the elder Malfoy would want her in the family, he hated muggleborns even more than his son did.

"Bloody hell," she whispered, then realized she was still in the presence of a teacher looked up guiltily.

"While normally I would not tolerate that type of language from a student, I think giving the circumstances it can be overlooked."

Hermione managed a small smile, but then looked downhearted again, "What am I going to do Professor," she asked, never having sounded so broken. "I love this world and don't want to leave, but I can't marry Malfoy, you've seen us together. We would kill each other. And why would his father even petition for me. He hates me as much if not more than Draco!" Placing her head in her hands Hermione sat there just trying to make sense of it all. Her professor gently put her arms around the girl and attempted to offer her a small measure of comfort.

"I don't know Hermione," she said gently, "But I will try and help you as best I can. We have a week before you must respond, if you don't mind I can talk this over with the other professor's and perhaps we can come up with a solution that doesn't involve you marrying Malfoy or leaving. You're a bright and talented witch, it would be a shame to let that talent go to waste." Hermione just dumbly nodded, beginning to feel numb inside, but she refused to cry. She refused to give them that victory, even though she wasn't entirely sure who them was.

The two witches sat there for awhile, silently thinking while Professor McGonagall held her, Hermione let the witch support her, knowing if it wasn't for her she probably would have broken down already. She hadn't felt this alone since Professor Dumbledore had called her up into his office and told her that her parents had been killed by a Death Eater looking for revenge over Voldemort's death. Eventually the witches noticed how much time had passed, it was almost 11.

"Go to Hogsmeade with your friends Hermione. Relax and try and keep your mind off of this. I will talk with the rest of the staff and see if we can find a solution. Sitting around moping won't help."

"Should I tell Harry and Ron?" She asked, "I'm afraid if I do, they might decide to go after Malfoy."

"Perhaps it's best if you don't mention it to them then. For all we know Mister Malfoy doesn't even know his father made the petition." Hermione shot her professor a look of disbelief. "Lucius is the head of the Malfoy family, even though he is in Azkaban. He can still make decisions in the Malfoy name, and yes he can force Draco into this marriage. I just still fail to see why he would want to."

Nodding slightly Hermione picked up her bag where she had placed it early. "I will talk to you later Professor."

"Of course, if you wish you could join me for dinner tonight instead of going down to the Great Hall."

"I think for tonight I would prefer to just have dinner in my rooms. I'm sure Dobby or one of the other house elves to bring me something. Perhaps breakfast tomorrow instead? Perhaps one of us can come up with an idea after a nights sleep."

"That sounds fine Miss Granger. Why don't you come here at 9 am tomorrow? Take an extra hour for sleep. My password is 'Lis de la vallée' I trust that you won't abuse it."

Stunned by the trust Professor McGonagall had given her, she just silently nodded, "Thank you Professor, I won't misplace your trust."

"I know." Was all she said, "Now go have fun with your friends."

"Yes Professor." Hermione replied as she slipped out the door. Making a quick stop at her room to drop off her bag, she shot a quick glance at the unfinished potions essay and sighed, she would have to try and finish it later tonight, if she could manage to concentrate that is. Deciding to just try and enjoy the afternoon with Harry, Ron, and his girlfriend of over a year Luna, and not think about Malfoy until later this evening when she would try and figure out a solution.

She arrived at the Great Hall just seconds before the students left. She hurried over to her friends and evaded their questions with shrugs, nods, and mumbles of getting distracted by a book in the library. Ron just nodded and went back to whispering to Luna. Harry looked at her with concern, but she smiled and just said she was fine. The four shared a carriage and talked the entire way to Hogsmeade about school and such. When they got to Hogsmeade Ron and Luna went off on their own, promising to meet Harry and Hermione around two at The Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer since they had to return to the school at three. Harry and Hermione wandered through the shops, stopping at Honeydukes and walked by the Shrieking Shack. Then Harry noticed Dean and Seamus going into Zonko's, Hermione saw them and told Harry, "Go on ahead, I want to head over to the book store."

Harry nodded and called out, "Just remember, The Three Broomsticks at two!"

Hermione waved in acknowledgement and headed into the small bookstore. While it had nowhere near the selection of Flourish and Blotts, it was still a bookstore, and Hermione felt like getting lost wandering the shelves looking for books.

She somehow ended up in the fairy tale section, it had both Wizard and Muggle fairytales and she trailed her fingers over the spines, some titles were familiar, and others she had never heard of. Opening a book of Wizard Fairy Tales, she skimmed them, but noticed most involved a witch getting swept away by a handsome wizard, similar to most Muggle Fairy tales she had read growing up. Tears began to prick at the corner of her eyes as she realized she would most likely not get her own Prince Charming. Fighting back her tears she placed the book back on the shelves and turned around. It was then she noticed that another person was in the aisle with her. He then turned around and recognized the person as George Weasley. He saw her at the same time and shot her a grin and a hello.

"Hullo George," she replied, "What brings you here?"

He held up a small book of Wizard and Muggle fairy tales, "Getting a baby gift for Charlie and Ashley's newborn." Charlie had married a young witch he worked with in Romania the summer after Hermione's fifth year. They were expecting their first child in late November. She vaguely remembered Ron mentioning it at the beginning of the school year. "Fred said he was going to pick up a joke book for the little tyke, so I decided to borrow his idea, but make it into one Charlie and Ashley should like." Charlie and Ashley both loved the twins, but sometimes thought they took being pranksters extreme a bit far.

"I'm sure they will. They probably already fear the two of you being anywhere near their baby and corrupting it."

"Who us? We're perfect angels. We would never corrupt anything?" George replied with what was supposed to be an angelic look on his face. Hermione let out a small smile. It was then that George got a good look at her face, and noticed how glassy her eyes were. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked her.

Looking at him in surprise she faltered, and then decided the best course to take would be denial. "Nothing George, I'm fine." She tried to give him a bright smile, but only managed a small upturn of lips.

"Hermione, don't lie. You wouldn't be in a bookstore near tears if it was nothing. Now come on, it can't be that bad. It's not like you're being forced to marry Malfoy or something." George teased her, then he noticed how her face paled and tears began streaking down her cheeks. Placing the book back on the shelf where he could find it easily he gently took Hermione in his arms and ran his hand over her hair, "Hey, it's ok, I'm here." He said softly murmuring soft words of comfort into her hair. He briefly noticed it wasn't as bushy as it had been a few years ago, had turned into defined curls over the years. Giving himself a mental shake, wondering why he was thinking about her hair. He lowered them onto the ground so that Hermione was sitting in his lap, her head burrowed into his shoulder clutching his shirt as she cried. George wasn't sure how long they sat there, but slowly Hermione's sobs became sniffles, and then she stopped. George just continued to sit there and stroke her hair. "What's going on Hermione? And don't tell me nothing, because you wouldn't break down like that over nothing."

Hermione just rested her head on his shoulder, not even realizing that she was sitting in George's lap, and had been for awhile. Then speaking so softly George had to lean in to hear her, "Do you know about the Marriage Law?" With a snort George nodded to her. "Malfoy's father petitioned for me on his Malfoy's behalf. I either have to marry him, find someone else to marry me, or leave the wizarding world forever." She started to sniffle again. "I can't marry Malfoy, you know how he is, but I don't want to leave here either. I've gone through so much here, how can I just pack up and leave to never return. Never to see Harry, Ron, and everyone else ever again?"

George just sat there in shock. He never agreed with Fudge's law, but this was the first time he had seen someone he knew directly affected by it. He knew he couldn't let Hermione marry Malfoy, or leave the Wizarding world. A person would have to be an idiot to not realize that Hermione belonged here.

"But wait, you just turned 17th last month. The law shouldn't affect you yet."

"I used a time turner during 3rd year, they are counting all those extra hours. I apparently turned 18 a couple of days ago."

"So that's how you took all of those classes. Fred and I had always wondered."

"Yeah, Professor McGonagall gave it to me, I handed it back after the end of 3rd year, it ended up being a bit to stressful."

"I can imagine, you seemed ready to fall apart, even with the extra hours."

The two then went back to just sitting in silence, alone in their thoughts, until Hermione caught a glance at her watch.

"Oh no!"


"It's almost two. I'm supposed to meet Harry, Ron, and Luna at The Three Broomsticks."

"Oh, yea I forgot. Fred and I ran into Harry in Zonko's he told us and invited us along. Why don't I go in and tell you're not feeling well. Then I can take you back to Hogwarts."

Knowing that she looked a wreck, and not sure if she would be able to manage not breaking down in front of her friends Hermione nodded. Then finally realizing she was in George's lap she began to blush and went to stand up. Hermione and George then began to gather their things, and George grabbed both the book he had picked out and the book he had seen Hermione skimming. Hermione opened her mouth, but George cut her off, "I'm buying it for you, don't say anything. I saw you looking at it earlier." Hermione looked at him for a second, and then just nodded giving him a small smile.

George quickly bought the books then ushered Hermione to a carriage waiting to head back to the castle. "Wait here, I'll be right back." Then he placed his packages into the carriage with her, rummaged through one of them then handed Hermione the book he had bought for her. "To keep you entertained while you wait." He said with a wink. "I'll be as fast as I can."

He started to turn and walk away, but Hermione caught his sleeve before he could, "Thank you," was all she said. George just smiled at her before walking away. She smiled back at his retreating form, then opened the book and began to read.

She was halfway through her second tale when the carriage door open and George climbed in with her. Seconds later she felt the carriage begin to move. "You didn't have to come back with me." Hermione told him.

"I know. I wanted to. Plus this way for at least a little bit I'm increasing the distance between myself and Malfoy, which makes it harder to kill him."

"You realize he might not even know about the contract. His father sent it, not him. It's one of the reasons I haven't told Harry and Ron, they would go kill him. Even if he has no clue what is going on."

"You're being more reasonable about this than I would be."

"We've lived through enough fighting. Why should they fight Malfoy over something that he had no control over either? Now if he had sent the petition in, I would be standing by the sidelines cheering whoever wanted to kill him on. But right now, as far as I know, he's just as much a victim of this as I am."

George looked at her for a moment, and then said, "You're probably right."

The carriage then slowed to a stop. George then hopped out of the carriage, got both of their packages, and ignored Hermione's protests that she could carry her own things. "Where's your room?" He asked. Before Hermione could say anything about him not being allowed in the castle because he wasn't a student he said, "I owled Dumbledore before while telling Harry and Ron you weren't feeling well. Told him I was bringing you back and seeing you safely to your room. By the way, Harry and Ron hope you feel better and said they would check on you tomorrow."

Hermione just nodded. She was a little surprised at how George was acting. Her and George had always been polite to each other, but it had never gone farther than that. Now he was going out of his way to take care of her and make sure everything was okay, that no one bothered her. She wasn't sure where this was coming from, but Hermione decided she liked this side of George. She showed him the way to her room, then whispered the password and invited him in. One of the luxuries of being Head Girl was having her own room, and own common room, although that she had to share with the Head Boy. She heard a whistle from behind her.

"Wow, this is nice. Maybe I should have tried harder to do better. Then I could have gotten a room like this. Although this room would be better without the green and silver." The entire room was a mixture of maroon, green, gold and silver. It really was lovely, and green had always been one of Hermione's favorite colors.

"Hmm, I've always liked green." She said aloud, just to get a rise out of George. He shot Hermione a look, which she returned with a smile and a giggle. "I wasn't raised to hate Slytherins from birth. I choose my favorite colors before I knew house colors. I wouldn't change my mind just because in one place it represents a house full of prats."

George sighed, "And once again you are right. I suppose I won't bug you about liking green," as an afterthought he added, "not to much anyway." He then gestured Hermione to the door with her initials on it in gold. "Now you're under orders to go hide in your room for the rest of the day. I'll have the House Elves send up dinner for you around 6. Is that alright?" Hermione nodded her assent. George then gave her what was supposed to be a quick hug, noticing that she barely came up to his chin. Resting his chin on her hair he whispered to her, "It will be ok. I'll make it be okay."

"Yeah, how?" Hermione asked him, her head resting against his chest.

"Not sure, but I'll figure it out."

Hermione gave a small giggle then pulled herself away. "Bye George." She said as she turned and walked into her room.

George then picked up his things and walked out. He passed Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall on his way out and nodded to them. Professor McGonagall looked surprised to see him, but Dumbledore whispered something to her and she relaxed.

"She's fine," George told them. She's up in her room and I've already asked a House Elf to take her some dinner up later. I told her to stay hidden in there until tomorrow. And yes, she's already made me promise not to go kill Malfoy, at least until we know for sure who sent the contract, him or his father."

"It was Lucius who sent the contract." Dumbledore said. "We just don't know why."

George nodded before telling the professors he really needed to be going and if they would mind if he came back later to check on Hermione.

Before McGonagall could comment Dumbledore assured George it would be fine. "Just floo to my office, the password is 'candy corn'."

Once George was out of ear shot Professor McGonagall started to protest but Dumbledore cut her off, "Minerva, he wants to help. And you and I have both seen what the Weasley twins can come up with, both together and on their own when they try. Let's wait and see what he comes up with. Now why don't we go have a private dinner in my office and see what we can come up with?"

"Only if you tell me why I get the feeling that you already have a plan."

"My dear Minerva, why do you always think the worst of me?"

Once George had passed Hogwarts gates he apparated back to the flat Fred and him shared in London. It was a nice place, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes business had been steadily increasing since it had first been opened. In fact, the twins were currently discussing whether or not to open a new branch in Hogsmeade. They felt pretty certain that Dumbledore would let them rent the Shrieking Shack. It hadn't been used since Lupin's school days. Besides, who wouldn't love the idea of a joke shop in a haunted house? He quickly put his purchases away and magically wrapped his gift for Charlie and Ashley's baby. He couldn't wait till it was born and had a name, then he wouldn't have to refer to it as an it.

Letting out a deep breathe George's thoughts wandered back to Hermione, there had to be a way to help her. He just couldn't think of one. He decided the most logical approach would be to read over the actual Marriage Law. He had only skimmed it when it first came out, knowing his father would never petition a bride for him without his knowledge and consent. No matter how much Molly wanted more grandchildren. While reading through it George took special notes about how a witch could proceed after she had received a petition, she could either marry the offered wizard, or leave the wizarding community. However if a witch received more than one petition, she could choose which to accept. The words choose which to accept ran through George's brain over and over. He then stood up and apparated to his parent's house.

"Mum!" He yelled as Molly almost dropped a bowl when he appeared in the kitchen.

Molly Weasley just laughed, "Well its not every day one of my twins just appears in the middle of my kitchen. You can't expect me to not be a little surprised."

George just laughed as his mother set the bowl down and gathered him a large hug. "Is Dad home? I needed to talk to the two of you about something."

Just then they two Weasley's heard a voice come from the front of the house, "Molly! Molly where are you?"

"I'm in the kitchen with George Dear."

Arthur hurried into the kitchen, nodded hello to his son and then turned to Molly. "Terrible news."

Molly gave her husband a look, clearly telling him to explain.

"I was in the department that is dealing with the marriage petitions because of the bloody stupid Marriage Law. I saw a copy of one being put into a file of unanswered. It was for Hermione, from Lucius Malfoy for his son."

Molly fell into the chair that had been next to her, forgetting to even scold her husband for his language in her shock. She then noticed George wasn't surprised.

"I saw Hermione in Hogsmeade today, she already told me. She had a time turner 3rd year and they are counting those hours to her age, so according to the Ministry she turned 18 a few days ago. That's why I cam actually. I read over the Marriage Law, the only options she has is marrying Malfoy, leaving the Wizarding world, or marrying another pureblood that petitions for her." Pausing to look at both of his parents, "We all know letting Hermione leave the Wizarding world would be a tragedy, and we also know there is no way she can marry Malfoy. He'll either kill her or break her, and enjoy every second of it. That's why I came to ask if Dad would send in a petition for Hermione for me. It wouldn't be the perfect solution I admit, the perfect one would be for Fudge to stop being a bloody git and recall the law, but that doesn't look like it's happening any time soon, so I figured this was second best."

The elder Weasley's looked at each other for a second, before Mrs. Weasley asked her son, "Have you talked this over with Hermione?"

"No, I have permission from Dumbledore to go back to Hogwarts later and check on Hermione, I planned to talk to her about it before Dad sent in a petition. I just figured I would rather have your support before I took it to her. I know Mum's been hoping for years that Hermione and Ron would get together so that Hermione would be her daughter-in-law. Just like she has been hoping for Harry and Ginny."

Molly started to protest but George cut her off. "Mum, you love both of them as your own children already, but everyone can tell you wouldn't mind it being official. You and Dad probably would have adopted them if it weren't for the fact that Hermione already has parents, and Harry would never give up the Potter name." Molly had the decency to blush at this, which made the male Weasleys laugh. "Think about it Mum, this way you at least get Hermione in the family."

Arthur looked his son over for a moment before a giant grin swept across his face. "I agree, as soon as you get Hermione to accept I will send it in. All it will need is my signature." Arthur reached inside his robes to pull out a piece of parchment, upon closer inspection George saw it was a marriage petition with his and Hermione's names on it. George sent his father a look, questioning him. "Well when I saw it I knew we couldn't let Hermione marry Malfoy. Charlie, Bill, and Percy are married. Fred has been seeing Angelina on and off for years, and Ron is with Luna. You were the only single son left. I knew if I managed to convince you to do it you both at least stood a chance of a happy life. I would have never sent this if you hadn't agreed to it."

George just started laughing. "Well I guess I can no longer deny being related to Dad, every once in awhile we do think alike." Giving his parents grins and a hug each George stepped back, "Now I just have to convince Hermione, I wonder how long that will take. I'm going to use the floo, Dumbledore gave me the password to his office. Bye Mum, by Dad." He called as he walked over to the fireplace, grabbing a handful of the powder they heard him call "Dumbledore's Office," then a mumble which they guessed was the password.

Molly and Arthur just exchanged looks, "Well I'm happy he was fine with this, but something makes me wonder if he didn't come to that conclusion a little too quickly then he would have for someone he only liked as a friend."

Molly just smiled, "Well if he does care for her as more than a friend that's fine. Hermione is a good girl, and if they ended up falling in love I would be perfectly fine with that. Everyone deserves a loving marriage, even a prankster." The kitchen then erupted into laughter.

George stepped out of the fireplace coughing as he beat the ash off of his robes. Seeing as he was wearing a basic black, the ash was stubbornly refusing to remove itself from his robes. Muttering under his breath, George muttered a quick cleaning charm before acknowledging the two professors giving him amused looks.

"Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall."

"Hello Mister Weasley. Come to check on Miss Granger I suppose."

"Yes sir. I've talked with my mother and father and we think we have come up with a solution that while not perfect for Hermione is better than the other two options."

"And what would that solution be Mister Weasley?" asked Professor McGonagall.

"My father has already drawn up a petition for Hermione in my name if she'll accept me. I planned to ask her as soon as I next saw her."

"Very well Mister Weasley. I'm sure everyone in this room agrees that a marriage to you would be better for Miss Granger than a marriage to Mister Malfoy. I must ask however. You are not in any way being forced into this are you? You said your father already had a petition made up in your name."

"My father and I had the same idea, he had planned to ask me if I would be willing to, he saw a copy of Malfoy's petition for her. He wasn't going to send it in unless I agreed, but I brought up the subject first. If anything is forcing me into this its my own concern for a friend."

"That is what I thought, but when dealing with something like this, it never hurts to ask and be sure. Professor McGonagall please take Mister Weasley to Miss Granger's rooms, and Mister Weasley after you and Miss Granger have finished talking if she says yes please bring her here. We will have many things to discuss."

"Yes Professor Dumbledore."

George then followed his old professor towards Hermione's rooms. The walk was relatively silent until the reached the portrait leading into the Head's common rooms. Then Professor McGonagall turned to George and said, "If at all possible avoid hurting her, I know that sometimes things happen that are unavoidable, but please, do try not to hurt her. She has become like a daughter to most of the staff, and I'm sure we could all come up with quite a few inventive things to do to you if you were to hurt her."

George gulped before replying, "Professor, she's my friend, I would never try to hurt her. Give her a canary cream, maybe, but never intentionally hurt her."

This brought a smile to the professor's lips, "However if you did ever give her a canary cream, she would probably hex you, so you might want to avoid that as well." The two shared a smile and then Professor McGonagall spoke the password and the two walked in.

The common room was empty so George went and knocked and Hermione's door. "Hermione it's me, George. Will you let me in?" After a moment the door opened and a curly head peeked out.

"I'll leave the two of you alone to talk," said Professor McGonagall as she left.

George gave a nod in her direction before focusing his attention back on the girl in front of him. She had a few tear stains on her cheeks, she had been crying again. George took her in his arms cradling her head against his chest. "It's ok," he whispered. "We think we have a solution to your problem. Why don't we go in your room and talk." He felt Hermione nod against his chest, then she pulled away and led him into her room.

George took a second to look around the room, it had off-white walls with light blue carpeting, bed covers, and a light blue couch. There were a few small book shelves full of books and her desk was piled with a few more and some assignments. Her cat Crookshanks was spread out on the bed looked up at George, stared at him, then laid his head back down. Giving the cat a nod, George led Hermione over to the couch and had them sit down. Turning to face her he gently took her hand.

"You have another option Hermione. You can marry another pureblood wizard, you don't have to marry Malfoy."

Hermione let out an undignified snort, "And who would I marry George? Who do I know that would marry me just so I wouldn't have to marry Malfoy?" She felt the tears streaming down her cheeks again. She was sick of crying today, but couldn't seem to help it.

"I would." George whispered. Hermione looked at him for a long moment.

"You're joking."

"I'm not, my Dad has the paperwork all drawn up, all it needs is Dad's signature. He'll sign it as soon as he hears you've said yes." Hermione just looked at him in shock. George laughed, "Don't look so surprised. Dad saw a copy of your other petition, made up his own, and had planned on asking me if I would, considering I'm the only single Weasley son. I just beat him to it. I asked for his and Mum's blessing to petition for you before he brought it up. Mum's thrilled about the idea, she's always wanted you as a daughter, this way you would be."

Hermione just continued to stare at him, trying to process all of the information. "George," she said, "I can't ask you to do this."

"You're not," he cut her off, "I'm offering. Now either say yes to me or start planning your wedding to Malfoy."

She started to laugh then, "Well when you put it like that, how can I say no?"

"You can't. That's why I phrased it like that," he said as he poked her.

Yelping in pretend outrage Hermione poked him back, soon they were involved in a full poking war and nearly fell off the couch when a House Elf came in bringing Hermione's dinner. "Oh, Mister and Miss, we was not told in the kitchen that they were to be two of you for dinner. I can go get more if you so wish it."

"That would be kind, as long as it is not an inconvenience for you."

"Not all kind Mister, I'll bring it right up."

Turning to Hermione, "I hope you don't mind, I'm starving."

"No, its fine." She quickly transfigured a small end table to a table more suitable for eating, and small stools into chairs for the two of them. They each took a chair and within seconds the House Elf had returned with two trays of food. He placed them on the table and told the two a House Elf would come up later and clear the dishes if they just left them on the table.

The two ate their dinner in relative silence, each lost in their own thoughts. As soon as they finished George told Hermione that Dumbledore wished to see them in his office. Hermione nodded and the two headed up there.

When they entered the office they saw Professor Dumbledore playing a game of Wizard's chess with Professor McGonagall. The game continued for a few moments until Professor McGonagall won. "Never been one for Wizard's chess I'm afraid, but alas, it does pass the time." The adults quickly put the chess set away before turning to the students. Professor Dumbledore then pulled four chairs close to the fireplace and invited everyone to sit. "So I presume since you are both here that Miss Granger has agreed to your proposal Mister Weasley." Both parties mentioned nodded their agreement. "Very well. Fawkes will go then and inform Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley will send in the petition. When it arrives, Hermione can sign it. Now the things we need to discuss are how to proceed after that, I'm sure you both know the wedding must be within a month of the signing of the petition." Both heads nodded. "Now the questions remain what to do with Miss Granger here since she still has several months of schooling left. I already have one suggestion that I think the two of you will approve of. There are many empty chambers here in Hogwarts, even a few for families when we have married professors whose families wish to live with them. We can open up on of those and have the two of you live there. Hermione would be here for her studies, and George you would still be able to apparate to Diagon Alley during the day to help your brother with your business. Would that be acceptable to you both?" The two nodded their acceptance of the idea. It was in fact a relief to have Dumbledore help them plan what to do. It made things easier. "There is one more thing, I suggest the two of you marry as soon as possible. I was thinking perhaps Friday evening. It would give you some time to plan everything, but is also soon. I do not trust Lucius to not try and fight this, even with him in Azkaban. If you are already married then there is nothing that he can do."

"Of course Professor." George replied, "Is that ok with you Hermione?'

"I still feel that all of this is happening very fast, but I know that Professor Dumbledore is right, it's wiser to get everything done so Lucius can't do anything then to take things slow and tempt him."

"Very well. I must say Miss Granger, you are handling this far better than anyone has a right to expect of you, you have made myself and Professor McGonagall very proud." Hermione blushed at the praise and mumbled a thanks to her professors. "Now for just one last thing, I think, at least in private we four can dispense with the formalities, I would prefer it if the two of you called me Albus. Although Hermione I must ask that you continue to call me Professor in front of the other students. George since you are no longer a student I will not require that of you."

"I agree with Albus. I would prefer to be called Minerva."

"Thank you Albus, Minerva." Hermione said quietly. "So what should we do now?"

"I was thinking of inviting Mrs. Weasley here for the week. She can help plan the wedding and whatnot. I think all we need to do tonight is perhaps form a guest list. I'm naturally including the entire Weasley Clan, including wives and girlfriends, and Harry. Is there anyone else the two of you would like to add?" asked Albus.

"I would like to include Lee Jordan. Fred and I are still good chums with him."

"Of course," replied Minerva writing down all the guests and how many rooms would need to be opened up. "And you Hermione?"

"Lavender and Parvati. We were never stuck together at the hip, but I did room with them for six years. I think they should be included. As well as all of the professors, they all know us. Especially if we have the wedding here at Hogwarts."

"Professors, at my wedding. Who would have ever thought?" George mused, which resulted in Hermione poking him. "Hey now!" He exclaimed as he grabbed her finger, "We don't need to start that again." Hermione just laughed and stuck her tongue out at them.

Albus interrupted before anything more could be said. "Well if that is all for tonight Minerva and I will send out invitations to those not attending Hogwarts. Hermione you and George can tell the students, and Minerva and I will tell the teachers. Hermione be sure to tell them that Wednesday evening we will arrange for a trip to Hogsmeade to buy dress robes if they would like. It is rather short notice. George if you like we can have the House Elves ready a room for you and you can stay here for the week."

"Thank you Albus. For tonight I decline, but if you would open a room for me for Monday through Friday I would take it. I have a few other things that I will need to do for the rest of the weekend."

"Of course George, in fact I'll go with the House Elves and attempt to find a good permanent residence for you and Hermione and you can just stay there."

George nodded his agreement, "That sounds excellent Albus."

"Oh, and Hermione," Minerva interrupted. "You are hereby excused from all classes this week."

Hermione stared at her Head of House in shock, "But Professor! This is NEWTs year! I can't miss class!" George let out a silent chuckle behind her back.

"Hermione I'm sure you already know most of what is being covered, and if you like I will get copies of this weeks assignments for you and help you with them myself. If you and I went over them one and one, it would take much less time than if you went to class. And you will have other duties this week, like planning your wedding and moving your things into your new quarters."

"Yes Albus," Hermione replied. It did make sense she decided. She then turned to George, "So are you leaving then?"

"Yes, I should go. I will see you Monday evening alright?'

"Of course."

"Albus, Minerva, thank you for everything." George then leaned down and gave Hermione a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving Dumbledore's office. As he walked away Hermione lifted a hand to the spot where his lips had touched her skin, wondering why he had done that.

Walking through the corridors of the school, George wondered the same thing.

End Part One

Well here's part one. I hope you guys liked it!