Edonil: And here it is. The last chapter. Chapter Numero Fifty. I made it to fifty chapters! So, uh… I don't really have much to say. Thanks to all you reviewers! You're awesome! Especially RefugeofSouls! 27 Reviews! (I think Puck of Cleyra is in second place for most reviews with 6. Correct me if I'm wrong!) But thanks to all of you! I love you all! (And I'll love you more if you review at the end!)

Advertisement: To read some of my original stories, check www(dot)edonil(dot)com! Now with a pretty colour scheme.

Disclaimer: If I owned FFIX, this wouldn't be on FanFiction, it would be on FictionPress.

Blood Warning: I know you really don't want to not read the last chapter just because of blood, but if you have an unreasonably queasy stomach, email me (edonil(at)edonil(dot)com), and I'll tell you what happened without the large amounts of gore. (And by large amounts, I mean blood is spurting and people are convulsing on floors.) You have been warned.

Edonil: And so, without any further ado…

To Change

Chapter Fifty

Avylonn gasped. Pain… Fire… Numbness… Slowly, she began to lose feeling. Gazing down, she stared in dull surprise at the lack of aura- her mother's dagger- protruding from her abdomen.

Huh. What on Gaia…? I never thought he'd stab me. He must really be insane, to not use magic…

Poor Saniiro. He won't know what's happened to me. I guess it doesn't matter, though. Father is going to destroy that life-crystal thingy…

That brought her out of her haze!

Shoot! Uh… Uh… Ok, girl, you have a knife handy. Just go and stab your father with it! It'll be easy. Your body's numb, so just pull out the dagger and-


((Change POV))

He glared at the girl. Why wasn't she dying! Troublesome thing. Maybe he should cut out her tongue; then she might not be able to make any more noise. It really was quite distracting!

Striding forward, he pulled the dagger from her belly and yanked back her head to gain free access to her tongue. Stupid girl. Emotionless, he reached forward to end her annoying shrieks.

"Wait! Stop!"

Something… Something entered his mind. Words… Yes, she was saying something… She… Her voice… It sounded familiar… What…?

((Change POV))

"Wait! Stop!" Kuja paused. Avylonn gave a sigh of relief. There must be some mind in there, waiting to be let free… "Father! Please, don't kill me! Mother… Mother wouldn't like it! Please, Father! Think! You have changed! You know you have!" Tears fell in a silent flood down her cheeks. "Father, I know the world is cruel, but please, prove to everyone that you've changed! You aren't a psychotic killer! You're normal! You're just like any other Treno lord…"

Kuja gave a snarl, and yanked at her hair, making Avylonn gasp. "Father! Please! You don't want to do this! Please, Father… AAAAAAH!"

((Change POV))

He snarled. What was this rambling? Something was telling him that she was saying something important… He shoved it aside. No matter; she was being annoying. Gripping her hair firmly, he tried to stab out her tongue. He missed, catching her cheek instead. Blood spurted from the wound. The girl shrieked. Annoying sound. But apparently the more he tried to shut her up, the louder she was. Drat.

Striking her across the tattered ruins of her face seemed to have some effect; she only whimpered after that. Good. Nothing was going to distract him.

((Change POV))

Avylonn convulsed. The pain… Even gasping hurt, now. The pain in her abdomen, the pain in her eyes, the pain in her cheek, the pain covering her entire body…

Why me? Why is it always me? Why was I kidnapped and raised by a psychopathic dictator? Why did I finally return to my loving family, only to discover my mother is an assassin and my father tried to destroy the planet? Why is my father trying to kill me? Life is so not fair…

At least things can't get much worse. Dying would be a blessing, now. And it would be a good thing, too, I suppose; Garland can't use me if I'm dead. I suppose it would be best for the world if all three of us died. At least then Garland wouldn't have his Angels of Death to do his bidding.

He's probably laughing, now. His Third Angel is near death, convulsing on the ground. His Second Angel is preoccupied with boring matters of state. His First Angel is trying to destroy all life. Everything's probably going exactly as he planned it.

Life is so not fair.

((Change POV))

Garland laughed. His Third Angel was near death, convulsing on the ground. His Second Angel was preoccupied with boring matters of state. His First Angel was trying to destroy all life. Everything was going according to plan.

Life was so awesome.

((Change POV))

Come on, girl. You have to stop whining. Zidane might go against your orders, and come and save you, and…

Die? You know he will. There's no hope for it; you're going to die, and apparently it's going to be slow and painful, and Kuja's going to destroy all life, and Garland is probably in hysterics. All exactly and perfectly horrible

Wait a second. I could… Would it work? I can't see, and I can't concentrate on aura's, but Garland trained me… I think it might.

I'm still gonna die. Oh well. I suppose everybody dies eventually. Just so long as I take him out with me.

Goodbye, Life.

Taking one final, painful breath, Avylonn gripped her mother's dagger and leapt for her father, listening for the sound of his breathing.

((Change POV))

Time slowed. As Avylonn flew through the air, she gained speed- and power. Slowly, the feathers of her hair turned to black. Her skin paled to white. Her eyes burned a fiery red.

She Tranced.

Normally, Kuja might have been able to defend himself. But he was insane, unable to remember even his own name. His Trance was not powerful enough to stop the knife from embedding itself in his chest.

He was powerful enough to let lose a blast of pure magical energy as it pierced his body. The energy burned hot and white.

((Change POV))

When Zidane cautiously entered the Crystal's chamber in Memoria, he saw nothing but the Crystal. Further inspection gave way to the body of Crims, lying bloody on the floor. Still more searching found a knife, and two curious piles of ash, one purple, the other red. Frowning- but not daring to touch them- Zidane let them lie. Kuja and Avylonn were not here. Hopefully Avylonn had gotten out…

((Change POV))

"And in the year 1387, the Angel of Death Kuja disappeared, along with the woman Avylonn. Their exact whereabouts is still questioned to this day."

Sixteen-year-old Sarah III til Alexandros, Great, Great, Great Granddaughter to the Queen Garnet the Magnificent, smiled. Such a nice story. She'd heard a local theatre group was creating a play out of the legend. She hoped it were true; she'd love to see it. The Legend of Kuja was one of her favourites.

Too bad he didn't change, like he told the Almighty Eidolons, Sarah thought. He might not have disappeared, then. That would make the story so much happier.

Oh well. I guess it would've been boring.

Still, it's too bad he didn't change.

The End