I do not own Inuyasha....okay? Oh who wants to know something interesting? This was going to be a song fic, but I didn't like the song after a while, so guess what song it was, come one I challenge you!! Well you do not have to guess but you know! Its fun!
Summery: Inuyasha begins to think his life isnot worth living anymore. Can some one save him? And will they make it on time?
I feel so alone so lonely, why do I feel like this? My friends care about me and all I feel is loneliness why? Why can't I be happy? Why? That is all I can think now, but its too late.... I have to do this, then I can end the pain no one will miss me I know it. They will forget about me very soon, I hope....No that isnot true....I want them to remember me, not forget me, I don't want to make them sad either, but....no they wont care I know they wont, that is why I have to do this, I know I do. But is that true? Why, why do I keep thinking about them? Why? They wont miss me, we fight all the time and I don't think that they would care would they? No they wouldn't they don't care, I know they don't so what should I do know? I have it, but should I go through with it? Would they miss me? I don't know, but why, why am I thinking about them? Why should I care? We hate each other right? I cant ask you now, its to late, so now I stand here with the moon in my face, the new moon, now I know that I cant recover from this, you wont find me like this, you cant and.....do I want this?
Mystery person!!! POV
I could tell he was doing something some thing, I smelt his sent in the air though it wasn't like it used to be, and it was different, like something had changed. I didnot know what it was, I donot think I want to know, but what had that half-breed get himself into now? I had to know, and I smelt something odd, I knew it shouldnot be there, and that smell was blood. Why would he be bleeding? I don't understand, it wouldnot make sense, that was it, I had to see what happened to him. Now.
Inuyasha POV
I lifted it up, 1,2,3 and it would be done, right? Then why am I afraid to do this, why am I so.... scared? I shouldnot be, I can do this, I know I can...but...I don't want to...I am afraid, what will be there, if I die? No, I cant think about that, I have to do it now, because it is now or never, time to do it, I have to.... I saw the metal showing my reflection, I look like a wreck, if someone found me, they would think that I was down on my luck...that is if I still look human... I lifted the sword up carefully, where did I get this thing? I cant remember...I think it was just there one day....well, I wonder who will take the tetsugia...will Kagome take it? Or will Seshomaru take it? I don"t care, it dose not matter. So I take the plunge and slit it by my throught, nice and quick I wont feel pain will I? I can feel my body fall to the ground and my neck hurts....I didn't cut far enough....now I am in pain....it hurts so much, but I wont cry out. Because if I do, then they will hear me, and then, then the pain will never end, it will continue for such a long time, I just want it over now, please, let this pain end.
Mystery Persons POV (you know who it is, right??)
there he is, but there is something wrong with him, his hair, his silver hair, was now black, and his body looked much weaker, and his sent, that is what is killing me, I can smell blood on his body, but he smells...like a human...not like a half-demon, just like a human. I took a step forwards, and he did not hear me, I took a few more and he still was not noticing my presence, he might be doing this to annoy me, and then again, this might not be Inuyasha, this could be someone else who I have mistaken him for. No, the sent is too similar to Inuyashas. But, no, Inuyasha wouldn't hurt himself like this human has, no, I highly doubt it. But, damn, I have to see who this human is. I walk closer to his injured body, and look at it closely, he has a cut across his neck, that is it that was the only wound on him. I grabbed his arm, and turned him over so I could see his face. I let go when I saw my brothers face, slowly he looked at me, and said softly "Seshomaru?"
Inuyasha POV
why, why would he be here, what did he want? To kill me? I would allow that, I do not care anymore, I just want this pain to end. But why dose he looked shocked? Why dose he look angry, and hurt, and so many more things? His eyes, they never show emotion, so why are they showing it now??? Why is he looking at me, is he confused? I do not understand, I do not understand him dose he want me to be confused, why would he care? "S-Seshomaru, why, are you looking at me? Do you want me dead? You can, and you can have the tesigua because that is, why you came right?" it was becoming harder to talk, my vision is starting to fail me, my eyes are blurry, and I can not make many things out, but why? Why can I not see? It is getting so hard to see, I just want to sleep. But he has not answered me, I cannot see him anymore and I am becoming scared, did he leave, dose he even care? Will he leave me to die? Or is he getting ready to kill me himself? Dose he even care that I am going to die here? I can't hear any thing anymore, not even my breathing, so why am I scared now? I thought this is what I wanted, right, I wanted to die, I wanted my life to end. But I am so afraid I try and call out to him, he is the only person here, I try to say his name, but I can not make my voice come out of my thought, did I die? Am I dead, am I gone now? But I don't want to be! I want to live! I do not want to die! Seshomaru save me! Help me, my brother, I want his help, I am so afraid, and I am cold, why do I feel like this? I do not want this, no, no I don't want to die.
Seshomaru POV
"Inuyasha, Inuyasha answer me now, can you hear me, Inuyasha?" I was not worried, I know that he will live, at least I hope. But why do I care about him living? Why should I? I do not care if he lives or dies, but I just want to kill him in a real fight. "That is what you want to think" I can hear that in the back of my head, well its wrong I only want him to live, because I want to kill him, that is the truth. Great now hes starting to shake, very violently too. "What did you do to yourself, little brother? Inuyasha, you will answer me now, understand? Answer me little brother, answer me now!" He wasnt responding to my voice and his body has stopped moving, I could leave him hear, and pretend he is dead. But something in me wont allow that, I lifted the Half-demon into my arms, and started to walk away with him. "Inuyasha, why did you do this to yourself? Why?"
Okay I made a lot, and ummmm tell me if you liked it!!! And if you didnt! Thank you! And if you liked it, I will make more later! Thanks!