Chapter 13

Rin looked at the blonde in front of him, playing with his lower lip between his teeth. "I wonder if I'm going to make it." He whispered, wondering about the mission they needed to do for their SeeD exam.

Zell shrugged. "I almost failed with the written test..." He crossed his arms, uncomfortable. The blonde felt Seifer lean close to him. "I really want to pass." He muttered, looking at Seifer next to him.

Seifer nodded in agreement, all though it wasn't Seifer's first time. "You'll pass, don't worry babe."

Rin pouted, leaning his hand in his hands. "I won't, I'm to nervous."

Both blondes watched him, frowning. "Don't think that Rin." Zell leaned over the table and patted on Rin's head, trying to comfort the raven haired boy a little. "You will make it, I'm sure of it."

Rin smiled at them, trying to act like he trusted them, but he was sure he wouldn't make it. He watched the two blondes in front of him and couldn't help but feel slightly jealous, he wanted to have what they had with Squall. But he knew that wouldn't happen, not really. All though he talked much more to Squall then he had before there was no feeling between them, at least not from Squall's side.

Zell grinned, tapping on Rin's pale hand when he noticed Squall looking around in the cafeteria. When he caught Rin's attention he pointed towards the brunette, an amused grin on his face.

"Oh..." Rin breathed and wrinkled his nose.

"He's probably looking for you." Zell decided and bounced in his seat. "Did you two kiss all ready?"

Rin made a face, not amused by Zell's joke. "Shut up Zell." He pouted and got up, walking over to Squall. The brunette noticed him and gave a faint smile. When Rin reached Squall he smiled, unsure what to say.

"I need to talk to you." Squall said and grabbed Rin's hand, pulling the boy out of the cafeteria.


Rin felt himself being pushed on the couch and frowned, watching Squall silently. "What's wrong?"

Squall sat down next to him and wasn't sure how to start. "Rin, I like you." He said then, watching for a hint of emotion on the boy's face. When he saw Rin smile brightly he looked away. "And I know you like me..."

Rin nodded in agreement, his stomach turning, he felt nervous, waiting for Squall to tell him the words. When Squall looked at him again his smile started to fade a little, taken aback by the serious and emotionless look that played on the brunette's face in front of him.

"But in this business there is no place for emotions and feelings," He told Rin, watching the boy's happy face turn into a hurt one. "Do you understand what I'm saying Rin?"

Rin looked at his hands, tears burning at the back of his eyes. He closed them for a minute, letting out a lost and heavy sigh. When he looked at Squall again he tried to smile but it failed. "I understand." Rin told him, his voice shaking with emotion. "You hide behind that stupid mask of yours..." Rin continued, getting up. "Why?"

"I don't hide behind a mask." Squall breathed.

Rin shook his head, pain shooting through his whole body. A tears slid down his face while he looked at the brunette, his secret love. "Yes you do, and one day someone will break it....and you won't be able fix it." He hissed the last words.

Squall looked up at him, lost in his own emotion. He stood up and took Rin in his arms, ignoring the balled fists that were hitting him softly. "I'm sorry Rin." He whispered softly, closing his eyes.

"No you aren't." Rin whispered back, leaning his head against Squall's chest. He looked up and kissed Squall on his lips while he pushed Squall's arms away from around him. "I love you." He told Squall and then left before Squall could give him an anwser.

Squall watched Rin leave. When he heard the door close behind the boy he closed his eyes. "I love you too." But the words were unheard.


Zell opened his eyes, lying next to Seifer on his bed. "Do you think we will always be together?"

Seifer's eyes shot open but he didn't look at Zell. He thought for a while, watching the ceiling. "I don't know, I hope so."

The smaller blonde smiled. "I love you Seifer." He felt Seifer shift on the bed and soon Seifer was hanging above him, looking down at Zell with a large smile on his face.

"And I love you Zell." Seifer said and kissed the top of Zell's head.

Zell closed his eyes, still smiling. "What will happen to us after the exam?"

"I don't know." Seifer replied honestly. "Maybe we will stay together."

The blonde nodded. His smile faded when he remembered the students who were against their relationship. "Do you think we should act like we used to in public?" He asked softly, hoping Seifer would say 'no'. But he knew Seifer would agree that they had to try and go back to their old roles.

"Maybe we should, it will safe us trouble in the future." Seifer hated to go back and act like he hated Zell but if it would keep Zell safe, he would do it. "But I want you to remember that I love you."

"I will." Zell grinned and pulled Seifer close, the tips of their noses touching. "And you have to remember that I will always love you."

When they heard the door slam both shot up.

"I hate him!"

Zell raised a brow when he heard Rin's voice. "Rin?"

Rin stepped inside Zell's room, his eyes red and puffy, he was still crying. "I don't hate him, I love him." Rin pouted. "But he doesn't love me..." The boy sat down on the bed, looking at the two blondes who were now sitting next to each other. "I don't think he even want to stay friend with me." He whispered the last part, shocking himself with the words.

Zell pouted, looking at his friend. "He does like you Rin, maybe he just doesn't know how to show you."

Seifer got up from the bed. Zell and Rin looked at him with questioning eyes. "I'll be back soon babe, sorry about this Rin."

Rin tried to smile and nodded. "Thanks Seifer." His words were shaking again.

Seifer made his way out of the dorm room, in search of a certain brunette. When a students passed him he asked where Squall was, the student told him he saw Squall walking to the gates and so Seifer made his way outside.


Squall stopped walking when he heard a familiar voice. He rolled his eyes and turned around. "What do you want Seifer?" He asked, placing his hand on his hip.

"I told you what would happen if you hurt Rin's feelings."

The brunette crossed his arms. "Leave me alone Seifer." He turned and started to walk away.

"You are so fucked Squall, you owe me a fight now."

When Squall heard this he smirked and turned around, drawing his weapon. He was suppose to go to the fire cavern, but this could be a good work-out. "Let's hurry up then."

"I'm so going to kill you for hurting Rin..." Seifer muttered, drawing Hyperion. "And don't ever come near him again," Seifer decided. "you have hurt him enough all ready..."

Squall nodded in agreement, knowing he had hurt the boy all though he hadn't wanted to.


Please review!
Thanks for the reviews:
Silver Salamander: Yay yay, no water >.
Lovelove-chan :
Cloti : Thanks!
Griever Weapon: Thanks
Hikari Heijin : I'm glad you like this story!

Awww the last chapters ! I hope you all liked the story, I know I did.
It ends where the game starts. Now we know why Seifer kicked Squall's ass
This time there won't be a sequel but I'll probably start writing a new story soon
So look for it !