Hey all you out there in Reader Land! Um...I'm kind of nervous to post this, but here goes anyway. This is a shonen ai fic, so if you don't like it, don't read it. I'm not saying that to be mean, I just don't like flames is all. To be honest, I didn't like the idea of Kurama and Hiei as a couple at first, especially since I really don't think the show implies that in any way, but for the purposes of fluffy little fanfics like this one, I think it's an okay idea. Anyway, those of you in my "fan club" who don't like shonen ai, please don't hate me for this. I probably won't write too many of these kind of fics, unless I get really good ideas, that is. Also, all you Mukuro-lovers, don't take offense by this, please! Mukuro just happens to creep me out and I don't really like her. So if she's kind of mean, don't be mad at me for it.

Disclaimer time! I do not own YYH. I also don't own the original idea of the Crystal Heart either. The original source is a bonus story at the end of Demon Diary number 1, which I recommend you all read because it is very good and it will make you want to cry! So now, without further ado...ON WITH THE FIC!!!


"Why?!" Hiei cried in a mix of anger and sorrow. He wasn't suppose to be able to love. He wasn't suppose to, but he did. And now, now that he was finally able to admit how he felt, this was how she repaid him?!?!

Mukuro didn't answer him, only continued to stare out the window. She had rejected him. She had told him he was being idiotic, that nothing came of love but weakness. She could feel Hiei's smoldering eyes boring into her back, but it couldn't be helped. She had closed off her heart and she didn't know how to reopen it. In truth, she didn't want to reopen it, not for anyone. After a long silence, Hiei was finally able to control his anger enough to talk again.

"What can I do to prove my feelings for you?" he asked in as calm a voice as he could mange.

Mukuro didn't know what to say. She might not love the little demon, but she still felt for him as a friend and it hurt her to see him like this, ready do anything to prove himself to her. She sighed. What could she do now? She didn't want to break his heart. He had spent so long hiding himself away, surrounding himself in an ice that no one could melt. And now that he had finally emerged from his dark hiding spot, she knew that if she hurt him, he would bury himself deeper still and this time, he would never come out. She didn't want to see that.

She stared in silence at her reflection for a long moment. What to do? What to do? Then she had an idea. She would give him a task. An impossible task.

"Hiei," she said calmly, watching the smaller demon's reflection beside her own in the window. "Bring me the Crystal Heart, and I will accept your love."

"The Crystal Heart?" Hiei repeated to himself, as if afraid he would forget it and so lose his chance.

"It is said that whoever holds the Crystal Heart, holds happiness itself in their hands," Mukuro recited the child's tale she had heard long ago.

"I will come back with that heart, Mukuro," was all Hiei said before he was gone. Mukuro sighed and stared out the window once more, wondering if she would ever see the mislead little demon again.


'The Crystal Heart...If anyone would know what that is, it would be the fox,' Hiei thought to himself as he ran from rooftop to rooftop in the Ningenkai city of Tokyo. It wasn't long before he found himself on the tree branch outside his friend's window.

Kurama was at his desk, reading. He looked up, sensing Hiei's energy, and smiled as he set the book down. Crossing the room, he opened the window and Hiei jumped in.

"Hiei. It's been a while. What brings you here?" Kurama asked, still smiling.

"Have you ever heard of the Crystal Heart?" Hiei asked, getting right to the point. Kurama's emerald eyes widened in surprise.

"So, you do know of it then," Hiei concluded.

Kurama sighed. "Why do you want to know about the Crystal Heart, Hiei? I think you'll find it rather hard to steal, if that's what you're planning."

"Why is that?" Hiei asked. He wanted all the details. Nothing was going to stand between him and this heart. Nothing.

"Hiei, tell me why you want to know," Kurama said, his features becoming more serious.

"Why would it be hard to steal?" Hiei asked again. He didn't have the patience to explain himself to the former Makai thief. Kurama's stare hardened to a glare and he locked eyes with Hiei for a moment. But it was only a moment, and soon Kurama sighed and sat down on the edge of his bed.

"Hiei, if you tell me why this is so important to you, then I'll answer all your questions about it," Kurama said. He had had his suspicions when Hiei first asked about such a thing, but the look in the shorter demon's eyes confirmed his fears. He had loved Hiei for a long time now, but he was afraid that telling the half-Koorime so would scare him off. Now he saw that Hiei wanted the Crystal Heart not for himself, but for someone else, which could only mean that he didn't return the fox's feelings. Kurama felt like shouting at Hiei, grabbing him and forcing him to understand how much that hurt. But he had vowed a long time ago that if nothing else, he would make sure Hiei was happy. If this would make Hiei happy, he had no choice but the help him, even if it meant forsaking his own feelings.

Hiei told him the entire story, voicing everything Kurama had seen in those blood red eyes. Kurama wanted to point out how little Mukuro cared, how she had only given Hiei this task in hopes that he would never complete it, but he knew the smaller demon wouldn't listen. Hiei was stubborn like that.

"So, I told you why. Now you answer my questions," Hiei said sharply. Kurama side glanced at him. This was all too much. He needed time to cope with what Hiei had just told him. Glancing at the clock, he found his excuse.

"It's nearly two a.m., Hiei. Why don't we sleep for now and I'll tell you all you want to know in the morning?" Kurama asked, yawning in fake exhaustion.

"You will tell me now!" Hiei growled, standing up. Kurama sighed and forced a smile.

"Hiei, I promise you that the Crystal Heart will still be there in the morning," Kurama said in almost a pleading tone. Hiei opened his mouth to say something else, but Kurama cut him off. "You can take my bed. I'll sleep on the floor." With that, the crafty fox left the room to get the spare blankets and pillows from the closet.

Hiei, now alone in the room, stared at the empty bed. The truth was, he really was tired. He had been up the past week, going over way after way to confront Mukuro. And now, now that she had thrown his feelings back in his face, he felt worn, beaten, tired. He suddenly realized how the thought of the bed was making his eyelids droop and he was hard put to stifle a yawn.

"Damn fox," he muttered as he pulled back the covers and crawled into Kurama's bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

Kurama re-entered the room moments later and smiled at the half-Koorime curled up in his bed. Placing the blankets and pillows on the floor, he changed into his pajamas and brushed his teeth. When he laid down on the floor, however, sleep couldn't have been further from his mind. He stared at the ceiling, mulling over everything Hiei had told him. A wave of hatred and jealousy washed over him as he thought of Mukuro, and he immediately felt ashamed of it.

Sitting up, he turned to the sleeping form in the bed beside him. Hiei's face was turned towards him, as open and innocent as a child. He smiled sadly, reaching out a tentative hand to run it down the shorter demon's cheek. Hiei made a small, unintelligible sound, but didn't wake.

"Oh Hiei..." Kurama whispered, feeling his eyes begin to sting. Why? Why had it come to this? Maybe...maybe if he had told Hiei how he felt before, maybe things would be different now.

"All I want is for you to be happy," Kurama whispered softly, inhaling the deep, rich sent that was Hiei.


Hiei woke the next morning to find Kurama sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at him with an odd expression on his face. Hiei got the feeling that the fox hadn't slept and had in fact been watching him all night.

"Hiei," Kurama said slowly, and his voice was full of an emotion Hiei couldn't place.

"Hn. What fox?" Hiei asked, trying to shrug off Kurama's less then normal behavior.

"Are you sure that this will really make you happy? Mukuro will make you happy?" Kurama asked. His head was bowed, his bangs hiding his eyes in shadow.

"...Yes," Hiei answered, somewhat hesitantly. What was the fox getting at? Now Kurama looked up, and Hiei could see his eyes were bright with tears.

"The Crystal Heart," Kurama began, "Is a symbol of one person's love for another. Whoever holds the Crystal Heart--"

"Holds happiness itself in their hands," Hiei finished. "Mukuro said that too, but what does it mean?" Kurama gave a short chuckle at that, smiling as tears continued to stream down his face.

"I just want you to be happy, Hiei," Kurama said in almost whispered, extending a hand to cup the side of Hiei's face. Hiei was rather startled by the action and tried to pull away. But before he could, Kurama leaned down and gently locked his lips with that of the half-Koorime.

Hiei's eyes flew open. Kurama kept his closed. Soon, the shock of the fox's actions wore off and Hiei roughly pushed the red head, sending him falling to the floor.

"What the hell was that?!" Hiei growled. Kurama only looked up at him and smiled.

"You're happiness is all I ever wanted," Kurama said softly, raising one hand to his chest. Hiei's eyes widened in horror as Kurama plunged his hand into his own chest.

"Kurama?! What?" Hiei took a step back in confusion.

"I...tried...to tell you...before," Kurama managed, slowly removing his blood soaked hand from his chest. "You cannot...steal...the Crystal Heart. It...must be...given. I love you...Hiei. Be...happy." With that, Kurama fell forward in the puddle his own blood had created on the floor. His once sparkling emerald eyes were dull and lifeless. In his outstretched hand, he held the Crystal Heart. His heart.


"Lord Mukuro?" one of the guards asked.

"Yes, what is it?" Mukuro replied.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is the crystal heart?"

Mukuro sighed. "When a person loves someone with all their heart and soul, their feelings crystallize and that person's very heart becomes a beautiful gem, the ultimate expression of one's love."


So, love it? Hate it? Let me know. I still think it's so sad!!! Tell me that didn't make you want to cry, I dare you!