Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Harry Potter.

'Shuichi thinking'

Needless to say, the wizarding school is very unusual. The first week of term is filled with magical classes.

Shuichi eats a light breakfast when schedules are passed out to the students. It seems Tuesday is his worst day with four classes. He goes to History of Magic first with Professor Binns, the only teacher who is a ghost. The class is so boring that everyone falls asleep except Shuichi. He is the only one taking notes but they are from the book, not Binns's lecture. Everyone is happy this class is only once a week.

Many Slytherins are looking forward to Defense Against the Dark Arts, but are greatly disappointed to find it just as bad as history. Shuichi hardly even pays any attention to Professor Quirrell. I can defend myself better without a wand. But why does he smell like a rotting corpse. Many students complain about the bad smell coming from Quirrell's turban, but reason it to be garlic.

Herbology may be Shuichi's favorite class, but it is a simple one. He has done a lot of research in the matter of plants in the wizarding world and knows quite a bit. Goyle, however, keeps killing his plants and Professor Sprout has to keep giving him new ones while trying to remain patient.

Tuesday starts out with Professor McGonagall in Transfiguration. The first words out of her mouth are not to disrupt her class and that she expects much from her students. This is one teacher Shuichi did not want to cross. After taking a couple pages of notes, the class begins to turn matches into needles. Shuichi is the first to succeed, later followed by Malfoy. They earn the Slytherins some house points to begin term. McGonagall ends her lesson with a two parchment paper due Friday. Shuichi finishes his paper in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Charms is a simple but time consuming class. Professor Flitwick teaches in a hands-on style. Astrology is at midnight. All the Slytherins are suppose to name stars, but it is more like a social hour.

Friday morning starts with Double Potions shared with Gryffindor. Malfoy keeps complaining about having to be in the same room as Potter. It's not like you see him everyday.

Shuichi arrives to the dungeon room before the rest of the class. Professor Snape is already at the head of the room. The desks are separated into two sections with an aisle down the middle. Shuichi sits in the back on the right side near the aisle.

"I would prefer if you sit in the front," comments Snape.

"You would prefer it," responses Shuichi. He remains seated and starts unpacking the necessary equipment.

Slytherins start to pour into the room filling the chairs on the right. Malfoy sits on Shuichi's right and says, "I've been waiting for this class all week." It is a known fact that Draco's area of expertise is potion making.

Gryffindors enter the room cautiously like a pride of lions. They all sit on the left side of the aisle.

Snape starts the class with a role call and instantly singles out Potter. The class takes a few notes, and then begins a simple potion to cure boils. The students pair up and Shuichi is partnered with Draco. Snape criticizes every potion except Shuichi and Draco's.

About halfway through class, a cauldron explodes. It belongs to an idiotic Gryffindor. You are in deep shit. Longbottom leaves for the hospital wing crying after Snape's lecture and insults and house points are taken away due to Potter's irresponsibility. This is going to be a long year.

Two weeks after the incident, the first years start flying lessons. As fate would have it, another class with house rivals together again. Thursday afternoon found the Slytherins and Madam Hooch waiting for the arrival of the Gryffindors. "Bet Potter got them lost," jokes Malfoy. Some laugh at his joke as the Gryffindors walk into the area assigned for class.

"Now that everyone is here," Hooch instructs, "step up to the left side of your broom, place your right hand over it and say up."

Potter's broom is the first one up quickly followed by Malfoy's. Shuichi manages to be the fifth person to catch his broom. After ten minutes of waiting, everyone has his or her broom in hand.

"Good, now mount your broom and hold with a firm grip. On my count you will kick off, hover for a moment, and lightly touch back down. Ready, three, two…"

Suddenly, that idiot Gryffindor starts to fly. Longbottom rises higher and higher into the air. Madam Hooch is screaming for him to come down. Longbottom is so frightened his hands begin to sweat. He loses his grip and falls back to earth. The broom just keeps rising until it is out of sight.

All the Gryffindors run to their fellow housemate, soon followed by Madam Hooch. Shuichi sees a shiny object on the ground a few meters away from the Slytherins. Malfoy follows Shuichi's line of sight and finds the Remembrall. He picks it up just as Madam Hooch takes Longbottom to the hospital wing.

"Hey, looks like Longbottom doesn't want this anymore," says Malfoy.

"Give it here, Malfoy," challenges Potter. Shuichi looks up is amusement.

"Why? He dropped it and obviously doesn't want it."

"Give it to me."

"No. If you want it, come and get it," says Malfoy as he mounts his broom and takes off.

Potter mounts his broom as well, but not before Granger warns him of the consequences. He ignores the muggle-born like everyone else and tails Malfoy in the air. After some close hits by Potter, Malfoy becomes desperate. He throws the Remembrall away from himself. Potter instantly follows the thrown object at a rapid speed. He catches Longbottom's gift with ease before it smashes into the wall.

Upon his landing, Potter is surrounded by cheering Gryffindors. But their victory did not last long as Professor McGonagall steps forward. "Mr. Potter, come with me," she sternly orders. Malfoy snickers as they walk past him and Shuichi stares after them.

When Shuichi, Draco, and his posse pass through the Great Hall doors, they see Potter eating with Weasley. Malfoy makes a beeline straight towards the Gryffindor table. Crabbe and Goyle flank Malfoy. Shuichi sighs before he reluctantly follows.

"Enjoying your last meal, Potter?" asks Malfoy.

"You're a lot braver on the ground with your protectors. You couldn't do anything on your own, Malfoy," responds Potter coolly. He hit a soft spot. Please control your temper, Draco.

"I can take you on anytime on my own. How abut a Wizard's duel?" Potter's brave expressions turns to one of confusion. "What's wrong? Never heard of it, Potter?"

"Of course he has," claims Weasley. "I'm his second, yours?"

Malfoy looks back at his companions. He looks to Shuichi, pleading for him to be his second. Draco knows he is the better choice of the three, but Shuichi will not follow Draco's every whim. Shuichi glares at him but slightly nods his head. He mouths, "You own me."

Malfoy turns around and says, "Minamino. Tonight at midnight in the trophy room. See you there." The Slytherins walk to their own table to eat dinner.

"It seems Potter hasn't been expelled," comments Shuichi.

"Apparently," replies Draco. "Thanks for being my second, Shuichi."

"No problem, but that is not what you are thinking. Care to tell me your little plan?"

Malfoy lightly laughs. "Nothing gets past you. We won't show for our little duel, but tip Filch offthat studentsare out of bed after curfew."

"Coward," mutters Shuichi.

"You plan on showing up?" says Draco, wheeling around to face Shuichi, "Why do you always have to do that? That is not a Slytherin trait. If you get caught…"

"Don't worry about me; I won't say anything about you," Shuichi interrupts Draco. "I've got to give you credit for thinking of this idea all by yourself, though. It is ingenious, Draco." Shuichi finishes his drink and exits the Great Hall.

Before heading down to the Slytherin Common Room, Shuichi heads up towards the Owlery. He is hit by a wave of shrill hooting from the school's and students' owls. Many fly near the ceiling and in and out of the various windows. Shuichi walks to a calm looking owl that is brown in color. He ties a letter with the name Shiori written elegantly on the envelope.

"Thank you," Shuichi softly tells the owl, "hope you can make it to Japan." The owl takes flight. Shuichi then leaves and goes to the common room to plan for tonight.

Shuichi stands to leave the common room fifteen minutes before midnight. Before walking out the door, he heard a faint "good luck" from Malfoy. Shuichi just nods and walks out.

He walks to the trophy room quickly and without any trouble. Yoko's skill at stealth helps Shuichi a great deal in all of his small exploits. Upon entering the room, he sees Harry and Ron as expected but also Hermione and Neville.

"Good evening," greets Shuichi.

Ron immediately asks, "Where's Malfoy…to scared?"

"He has other engagements, but I am well qualified for this. So, Potter, care to take your best shot?" Shuichi replies while raising his wand. Harry raises his as well. Ron steps back behind Harry. Hermione and Neville stand near the wall.

Hermione counts, "One…Two…Go!"

"Locomotor Mortis!" screams Harry as he takes a couple steps forward.

Shuichi gracefully steps to the side and annunciates, "Impedimenta!" Harry instantly stops all movements. He is frozen with his arm raised ready to cast another spell; however, he also cannot speak.

Shuichi gracefully walks to Harry. He stops in front of Harry and lowers his head to Harry's ear. He whispers, "I would have the thought the Boy Who Lived was capable of much more. You're going to have to get better for out next duel." Shuichi steps back. He wispers an antispell to allow Harry movement again, then says to everyone, "I think our little match has ended. And I suggest we return to our dorms immediately."

No sooner did Shuichi say this did a voice reach the students ears. "Sniff around, my sweet, they might be lurking in a corner."

"Filch," rasps Ron. Everyone runs out of the room quickly. They turn several corners, not knowing where they are running. Somewhere along the way Shuichi slips away into a shadowed corridor. He hides behind one of the many suits of armor. Shuichi slows his breath and heart down to a minimal pace that would go unnoticed. He stands in suspension while keeping his senses keen on his surroundings. Filch runs right past the Shuichi, but Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat, sniffs around a bit. She catches a scent and runs terrified back to her master.

Shuichi steps out of his hiding place and walks back to the Slytherin common room. He enters his dorm room and changes for bed. A curtain is pulled back and Draco pops his head out. "Well?" he asks.

"No problems. You should have come, it was quite fun," replies Shuichi. "Good night, Draco." With that, Shuichi crawls into bed, closes his curtains, and falls in a light sleep.

KaramsGirl123: Kurama is 11 years old. The Reikai Tentai will show up, but not anytime soon.

shadow dragon: Shiori will see Shuichi again. He is friends with Draco.

Curry:Shuichi was sommoned at 5 years old.

Whatcallmyself:Shuichi still has demon abilities. He is friends with Draco. Kurama was weak enough to be summoned because it takes 10 years to regain his former strenghth. Sorry, but no interest in Quidditch. Telling you about the Sorcerer's Stone would give the plot away.

duenna: The Reikai Tentai will come later on.

stuck-in-a-tree: Shuichi is friends with Draco.Yoko will eventually show up.

Shuichi's Schedule

Monday: historyat 10, defense against the dark arts at 1, herbology at 3

Tuesday: transfiguration at 9, defense against the dark arts at 10, charms at 11

Wednesday: charms at 9, herbology at 1

Thursday: herbology at 9, defense against the dark arts at 11,flying at 3

Friday: double potions at 9, transfiguration at 2,charms at 4

Thanks for all the reviews. And more are welcome. Sorry about not updating sooner, but I am extremely lazy.