Breaking the habit by Linkin Park (theme song of 'Chibi Hell')

Memories consume

Like opining a wound

I'm picking me apart again

You all assume

I'm safe here in my room

Unless I try to start again

I don't want to be the one

The battles always choose

'Cause inside I realize

That I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for

Or why I have to scream

I don't know why I instigate

And say what I don't mean

I don't know how I got this way

I know it's not all right

So I'm breaking the habit tonight

Clutching my cure

I tightly lock the door

I try to catch my breath again

I hurt much more

Then any time before

I had no options left again

I don't want to be the one

The battles always choose

'Cause inside I realize

That I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for

Or why I have to scream

I don't know why I instigate

And say what I don't mean

I don't know how I got this way

I know it's not all right

So I'm breaking the habit tonight

I'll paint it on the wall

'Cause I'm the one at fault

I'll never fight again

And this it how it ends

I don't know what's worth fighting for

Or why I have to scream

But now I have some clarity

To show you what I mean

I don't know how I got this way

I'll never be all right

So I'm breaking the habit

Breaking the habit tonight

Title: Chibi other words...Babysitting Chibi Kai

Summary: If it looks like Kai, sounds like Kai, but isn't Kai, then what is it? Chibi Kai!

Lil' Chibi Kai falls out of a tree...yes a tree...and lands in Kai's arms. Only thing is, Chibi Kai is sweet and innocent. Strange, huh? What was it that made Kai so heartless? Expect weird stuff, sick stuff, wacky crap and heaps of bad jokes. Thanks and I hope you enjoy. If you don't, then blame my friend, who seemed to find this story funny. If you want her e-mail address, phone number, home address or anything else, then don't hesitate to ask. Thanks.

Rated: R (for recommended-LOL)

Theme: Humor and dark, dank secrets

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Authoress: grEMLin EviL (ha, ha suck shit, it's me again!)

Chapter 1:

The old woman wailed as she threw her hands up in the air, wandering around.

"Ahhh! My poor, poor little kitty cat!"

Spotting Kai as he stood nearby training, the woman staggered over.

"Boohoo! My poor little kitty, kitty cat! Stuck up in a tree!"

Kai backed away, glancing nervously around him.

"What? What?"

"Oh, please, please kind sir, help me, please!"


"Oh, thank you! Thank you, sir!"

The old women dragged Kai to the bass of an extremely tall tree. She pointed into the branches.

Kai took a grip of the tree and started to hump it.

(A/N: Like a dog...Hehehe...just kidding...Muahahahahahahaha-cough, cough-hahahahahahahahahahaha)

Kai took a grip of the tree and started to shake it, hard. The whole tree shook and the old women squealed. Suddenly, a small body fell from the branches. Kai caught it and found himself staring into a face exactly the same as his own, only smaller and younger.

Kai quickly dropped Kai, who was only wearing a G-string. (A/N: And this time I'm deadly serious. LOL)

The old lady stared.

"You raped your own brother!!!" she yelled.

Kai gasped.

"WHAT? NO! I don't know where he came from-WAIT-I don't even have a brother!"

The old women continued to scream.

"You kept him in your pants and he fell out!!!"

"What?" Kai stared at the crazed women.

"Get my kitty cat, you rapest! I want my cat! Now! You child molester!"

Kai growled and with an evil smirk he pulled his blade out of his pocket. He aimed at the branch on which a cute little tan kitten was clutching. Kai's blade sliced through the branch and he had just enough time to view the kittens wide blue eyes before the branch fell.

Luckily, the kitten landed on its feet. Unluckily, the branch landed on top of it.


The old women stared at the red and tan mess. Suddenly she gasped for air, clutching one arm. Almost in slow motion, she kneeled over. Dead.

Kai sighed. This really wasn't his day.

Kai quickly took Chibi Kai to his house to get him some clothes. Once dressed, Kai took him to Tyson's house. Unfortunately, Hilary was back from her trip to Australia. She took on look at Chibi Kai and let out a delighted squeal.

"Ohmygod, ohmygod, he is SO cute!!!"

Kai groaned. He had plenty of bad memories of this sort of this sort of thing from when was little. And even though he was now 17, girls continued to coo over him. It was the main reason he was doing a crash course in martial arts, especially self-defense.

Chibi Kai, on the other hand, was allowing her to pull him into the large kitchen. When Kai entered the room, he found Chibi Kai seated in front of a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. Tyson was glaring at Chibi Kai, who was almost glowing with innocence.

Kai realized what the only difference between himself and Chibi Kai was (A/N: Except for age of course). Chibi Kai didn't have the blue tattoos on his face.

Before Kai could do anything, Hilary turned to Chibi Kai and asked:

"So, what's your name?"

Chibi was almost beaming as he gazed up at Hilary.

"Kai Alexander Hiwatari," said Chibi Kai. There was a shocked silence. Chibi frowned.

"Is something wrong, Hilary?" he asked in a small, rather pathetic voice.

"No-no-nothing!" stammered Hilary. She, everyone else, was glancing at Kai, Chibi Kai, then Kai, and Chibi Kai, then Kai, then Chibi Kai etc.etc.

Tyson frowned.


Both Chibi Kai and the older Kai looked at him.

" Kai," said Tyson, confused. He pointed to the older Kai.

"What is your full name?"

Kai rolled his eyes before replying.

"Kai Alexander Hiwatari."

There was another shocked silence. Hilary squinted at the two Kais.

"Hey, you two look heaps alike!" she exclaimed.

"Well duh!" said Kai. He was about to explain that he was Chibi Kai and that Chibi Kai was he, but the Chibi spoke first.

"Can I stay here, Hilary? Please?"

Hilary looked at Tyson, who glared at Chibi Kai.

"No," Tyson finally said.

Chibi Kai's lip quivered. A big, fat teardrop fell from his eye. He sniffed, then slowly turned away. Tyson's face softened.

"Oh, alright, you can stay," he said gruffly.

"Yeah!" Chibi Kai yelled as he threw himself at Tyson, hugging him around the stomach. Kai shuddered. This was going to be torture.