Title: Broken Glasses 9/9

Author: Sivan Shemesh

Beta: Manon

Rate: PG-13

Warning: Angst. Violence. Jealousy. Fear of abandonment, and more troubles … Tissues are probably needed.

Disclaimer: Not mine ever were. Though I wished it every time I dreamt of Legolas, to be mine.

Spoiler: Total AU.

Summary: Jealousy can make you do foolish things.

Note: The twins in this story are older, but only in this story. Estel is 6 years old, while Legolas is 14 years old, and only an elfling compared to the other elves.

Note2: Legolas has a stronger connection with the nature than normal.


Two days later…

King Thranduil arrived at Imladris looking worried and scared.

"Where is Lord Elrond?" he demanded.

Thranduil felt the need to be with his son; he was sick with worry, not knowing what really had happened to his elfling.

Erestor had seen Elrond in the healing room, so he led the king there.

King Thranduil marched beside Erestor, a worried look in his eyes. When he entered the room his breath caught as he saw the little form of his princeling, unmoving, pale, his eyes closed.

"Greenleaf?" Thranduil asked as he reached closer to his elfling.

Thranduil could hear the soft words that were being murmured by the human boy who was sitting on the other side of the bed, "Lasto beth nîn. Tolo dan nan galad."

"Estel? Why are you saying that to him?" Thranduil asked the boy.

"Thrandy? What are you doing in here?" Estel asked confused to the king who stared at him.

"King Thranduil to you…" Thranduil grinned at the boy and then he continued, "I came for my son. Now, where is your Adar?"

"I do not know, he left me here to say those words, but Legolas has not yet moved," Estel replied, and Thranduil could see the anxiety in the boy's face.

"Estel, dear boy," Thranduil turned to him as he said with grace, "those words you are saying will not bring my son back to the light."

"Then what would?" Estel asked, staring at the king.

"A father's love, words of love, and the touch between adar and ion," Thranduil explained, and added, "While you go searching for your Adar, I will take care of my ion."

Estel nodded and walked over to the door, but before he left the room, he stared as the king took Legolas into his arms and began singing to him.

Estel left the room, searching for his Adar.

Thranduil kissed Greenleaf's forehead and then he kept singing to him with love, even the songs that he had learnt from his late wife, Süitruîn.

Thranduil could hear in the background Estel shouting to his Adar, "ADAR! THRANDY IS HERE!."

Thranduil tried to ignore it, but Estel kept shouting.

The king lowered his head over his elfling and whispered, "Come back to Adar, ion, I love you…"

The king gently rocked his son and continued to speak softly, all the while hoping that he could see his elfling smiling and talking to him again.

In his mind, the king wondered what happened to his elfling, and whose fault it was.

Was Imladris ever going to be safe for him?

He was indeed very worried about his elfling, and he did not know if he should allow Legolas to return to Imladris, at least not until he knew what had happened to his only son.

Thranduil felt his son shift slightly, and he stared down at his elfling. His Greenleaf had stirred, and Thranduil could not wait to see his son's blue eyes staring back at him.

The king, as he waited, kept singing of the nature. He could see how his Greenleaf was trying to open his eyes, and that it seemed hard for him. So Thranduil began encouraging his son, saying with soft voice, "It is me, your Adar. I am here, please ion, open your eyes, I do not want to lose you, I love you."

Greenleaf opened his eyes slowly. Thranduil offered him a small smile, and when he could see the blue eyes, he leaned down and kissed his ion on his cheeks, feeling very relieved.

Thranduil could sense the presence of Elrond and the boy, and then he heard the excitement in the boy's words.

"You came right in time, mellon-nin," Thranduil said and turned to look at them as his elfling shifted slightly under his hands, and continued, "I want to know what happened here, and why it nearly cost my ion's life!"

Thranduil held his son in a warm embrace, his hands rubbing the back of his elfling.

"You had better try not spoiling your son," Elrond said to him.

"What happened here?" Thranduil asked again, continuing to embrace his son.

"Your elfling was jealous…" Elrond replied as softly as he could, seeing the frown on his friend's face. He continued, "He ran away… and…"

"And what? How did it come to this situation where I almost lost my only ion? Care to tell me?" Thranduil raised his voice, his eyes locked with Elrond's.

"Things would have been different if your son had not run away. But he was always jealous every time I hugged Estel, and I would shout at him."

"Shout at him? You shouted at my elfling?" Thranduil could feel his anger growing.

"Yes, I did. He disturbed the other elves when he and Estel tried to catch each other, and my twins helped Estel to win the game," Elrond replied.

"Only he? And what about Estel?" Thranduil almost shouted at Elrond, reminding himself just in time that Estel and his elfling were still in the room.

"We should discuss it alone," Elrond only answered and walked out of the room, leaving the king behind. Estel remained still, but his eyes were bright with unshed tears.

"Estel, dear boy, could you…?" Thranduil started to ask as he laid his elfling on the bed, but Estel simply interrupted, answering right away, "I will watch over him King Thrandy."

"Hannon-le, Estel, and thank you of being his mellon," Thranduil said, and then did something that he swore he would never do. He knelt beside the boy, hugged him, and placed a soft kiss on Estel's forehead.

Then Thranduil left the room and walked toward Elrond's chambers.


Thranduil slammed open the door and glared at the lord that was sitting at his table. "What had happened? I demand to know the details, all the details, and do not even think to hide anything from me," he asked in a harsh voice.

Elrond stared at the king with fear in his eyes, and thought with a slight shiver, 'Is this the end of Imladris?'

Elrond spilled it all as he continued to stare at his friend, noticing first the shock, then the confused looks on the king's face. But he continued, and when he was finished, he could see the king sitting on his bed, and murmured, "Oh… Valar…"

"Mellon-nin?" Elrond asked him softly.

"I am taking Estel with me to Mirkwood, where he and my son will be safe, and Estel will watch over Legolas, and neither will have to fear at being shouted at, and you…" Thranduil said to Elrond, at the same time trying to decide what he should do next.

"What about me?" Elrond asked, feeling his heart sinking when the king said that he would take Estel with him.

"You… you… you will stay here watch over your children, and take care of them, as I will take care of my elfling and your boy," Thranduil replied.

"Are you certain?" Elrond asked him.

"I am. Now, will you please pack Estel's bag, and ready his pony?" Thranduil asked Elrond and, noticing the defeated look on the lord's face at the request, left the room with a large smile on his face.

Thranduil walked back to the healing room. At the threshold he stopped and stared at the scene in front of him.

His elfling was resting in peace as Estel sang to him.

Thranduil smiled, and then he entered inside the room.

He knelt down next to Estel and asked him softly, "Estel, do you wish to accompany me and Legolas to Mirkwood?"

"Yes!" Estel answered with giggle.

"Then it is settled, you are coming with us," Thranduil said, and embraced the boy.


"Greenleaf? Ion-nin, I missed you…" Thranduil pulled away from the boy and took his elfling into a tight and warming hug.

"Ada…" Legolas said softly, not quite believing that his Adar was there in the room with him.

"I am here, ion-nin and so is Estel," Thranduil said softly to him and looked fondly at the boy that was smiling at his elfling.

"Estel?" Legolas said weakly.

"I am here, mellon-nin," Estel assured him and then added with excitement in his voice, "I am coming with you to Mirkwood."

"He is?" Legolas asked as he stared at his Adar.

Thranduil nodded to him, and kissed his elfling on both cheeks.

"Will you tell us a good night story Ada?" Legolas asked him.

"You know I will, ion-nin, and you will pick the story," Thranduil replied and gave Estel a hug too.

The End?