Hey people! Erm… this was originally chapter 2, made by me, but my sister wrote chapter 2 instead… so here's something you can read to entertain yourself whilst I go sunbathe and sip lemonades.

This chapter is super short. Sorry about that… ((Grins weakly))

Oh yes. I've got loads of reviews! Thanks, people! ((huggles))

A/N: Sorry, people, had no time to add in the extra readers, so just read this chapter that was ORIGINALLY supposed to be chapter 2… hey give me feedback whether the Chapter 2 my sister wrote "Fishie" or this one was better, kay? I know you're thinking I'm real lazy, but that's not the reason, I've been super busy… so to entertain you I'll post this chapter… )


Neko Mew Midorikawa: OOPS! Sorry… until I have time I'll have the next chapter up and you'll be in it okay? Enjoy this one! Thanks for reviewing!

suga CraZie: Yup, you were the lucky, lucky, lucky one… Thanks for reviewing! You'll be in the real 4th chapter, really.

blah: ): Sorry, but I can't put you in here, I was like searching around in the computer, and then I came across it, and found it quite funny, even though quite short too, and I wanted to post it, but it's impossible to add any readers here… you've been a loyal reviewer of the fic! Thanks loads!

trohS-ylloH: YIKESS! This chapter is certainly NOT satisfactory… no reader's in it… sigh! Sorry… well, we'll see the next chapter… sorry a lot… thanks for reviewing anyway!

Raven Januarye Key Kaedae: Hey! Well… sorry… I can't leave you in here… it's like a really short notice chapter, and it's supposed to be chapter 2, so watch out for the 5th chapter okay? That'll be the real 4th chapter… Um. Oops. Okay. Sorry about that. Thanks for reviewing!

wildo: Yah! It's supposed to be random! WOOHOO! Thanks!

crazed-gal: Hey Rei En! Sorry… but yeah… erm… I can't put you in, this is chapter 2, originally… so read it okay…?

Hiei's Pet monkey: HAHA! Sugar… hmm… well this was originally the 2nd chapter… thanks for reviewing!

don'taskmewhy0991: Hey! You changed your name! Nice name… Thanks anyway for reviewing! Sorry, this probably won't satisfy you, I just pulled this out from nowhere… sorry!

Iluvetoread: CONGRATULATIONS! You are the 33rd reviewer! Sorry, I had no time to update then. I am super busy after all… please read, and I hope you won't be too disappointed…

Psychogrl: SORRY! This isn't actually a next one; this is just to entertain you while I study like really hard… thanks for reviewing anyway! I'll keep in mind you're to be in the next chapter!

Jaye Black: Hey thanks for reviewing three times in a row! YAY! I got higher than my sister! Oh yeah, uh huh, oh yeah, uh huh… Lils Evans is one of your best pals? Cool… BIG PROBLEM, this isn't exactly the next chapter, but I AM random… ((Evil grin)) thank you!

Kaibygirl: Hey everyone who requests will be in the fic! But unfortunately this isn't exactly the next chapter, but you'll be in the next one! Thanks for reviewing and I hope you'll continue doing so…

Atled Willy: Yup, sheer randomness is FUN… whoopee! Well I'm twelve ((GASP as the careless author reveals her secret identity)) this year and yah… so… thanks! I don't like mint ice cream… haha…

foaly4eva: You'll be in the next chapter. Pinky promise. Well, thanks for reviewing!

Fishie: Well, wait till next chapter. All of those who requested WILL be in the next chapter. This is for entertainment, see! I mean this chapter, yeah. Thanks for reviewing!

Wow. 16 reviewers. And Jaye Black reviewed thrice, so 18 reviews… wow. Sorry, this chapter is NOT satisfactory, but bear with it, please, I spent like so long typing all the replies… please review? And read!

(Originally chp2) Chapter 4: Intelligence back… and gone again.

Continued from the previous chapter…


Holly: Excellent! But it isn't like you are deprived of hairs. You should look in the mirror.

Foaly: ((scowls)) But, all centaurs are hairy!

Artemis: Pony! Eek! Pony is sooooooo hairy!

Root: For once, Artemis said something right.

Trouble: Hey! Look! Foaly dropped his stupid sucking out intelligence thing! Let's return Artemis's intelligence!

Holly: No! No! Artemis can be under MY control when he's soooo stupid.


Artemis: Pony! WEE!

Holly: Hey! Look! Artemis wants you to wee!

Foaly: I'm not a genius for nothing.

Grub: And I'm not called Grub for nothing.

Trouble: And who wants to know the origin of Grub's name!

((Everybody glares at Trouble and points meaningfully at Artemis))

((Trouble snatches the sucker thingie and quickly squashes it against Foaly's head. Foaly screams like a girl while intelligence is sucked out and brought back to Artemis's brain))

Artemis's intelligence has returned…

Artemis: Why am I holding Foaly's tail and standing in this undignified manner?

Holly: ((shrugs)) How would I know? I'm just an innocent little elf.

Trouble: Yeah, and you called Holly pretty.

Artemis: WHAT? I DID? ((Though very 'undignified', he runs to the toilet and vomiting noises can be heard. Then, he runs back, looking MUCH better))

Foaly: Ow… You sucked out all my intelligence! And one of my tail hairs.


Artemis: What's that strange machine over there? ((Picks up))…

Foaly: Uh oh…

Artemis: ((icily)) Foaly? Have. You. Been. Sucking. My. Intelligence. Into. Your. Brain? ((Glares until Foaly cowers under Artemis's gaze))

Foaly: No!

Holly: Yes!

Root: Shut up!

Holly: Don't listen to him, Artemis! He's lying!

Neutralgal: Ooh, look, you characters have a problem here, right? And I, the creator of this incredibly stupid story, will watch and talk as well.

Holly: You got that right.

Artemis: So THAT'S the creator of this incredibly pathetic and lame fanfic. Did YOU make me act like a stupid toddler?

Neutralgal: Well, of course I did! You wanted to ride on Foaly. And unluckily I did not grant your wish.

Trouble: This fic is like, so bad. Can you just release us back to Eoin Colfer?

Neutralgal: ((rolls eyes)) Like, no way.

Foaly: You made me lose one of my precious tail hairs! And my extra intelligence!

Neutralgal: Well, it was ME who let you have Artemis's intelligence in the first place. I'm just being obliging. And I don't know why.

Artemis: May I be excused for interrupting? You used the word obliging wrongly. You should phrase it such that-

Neutralgal: Shut up, Artemis. We don't need to listen to your lectures.

Artemis: ((indignantly)) But, I was just being helpful!

Foaly: So much for gratitude.

Holly: So… neutralgal, could you give Artemis's intelligence back to Foaly?

Artemis: Holly! What do you mean, back?

Holly: ((wide-eyed)) I can't believe a genius like you can't figure out what I'm saying!

Artemis: Well, it's not BACK, you know. Originally it was my intelligence.

Foaly: I want Artemis's intelligence! ((Attaches sucker thing to Artemis's head, other end to his own head and sucks Artemis's intelligence into his brain))

So now Artemis is back to stupid. Got it, readers?

Foaly: ((inches away from Artemis, who is drooling, and I don't know why)) don't let him get near me. Don't let him get near me. Don't let him get near me…

Holly: Come on, little Arty, crawl to that hairy pony!

Artemis: Pretty pony! Me wanna ride!

Neutralgal: Oh no…

Trouble: Oh yes!

Holly: May I inquire why you are always so pleased when Artemis becomes stupid?

Trouble: You are too!

Neutralgal: Oh no, oh no…


Neutralgal: Unfortunately, BEETRoot, there is no plot.

Root: ((turns beetroot in colour)) What did you just call me, mud girl?

Neutralgal: ((innocently)) Erm, nothing. Just called you a kind of vegetable.

Holly: Wait! Commander, don't explode! I mean, don't explode YET! I mean – oh forget it! Hey, neutralgal, why don't you just make Artemis ride on Foaly?

Neutralgal: Intelligence back… and gone again.

Holly: Tsk tsk tsk…

A/N: Yah. Laugh. That's all. Whoopee. Please review; just drop a line, please? Thanks! And I won't be updating for quite long, so you'd better be grateful ((squints at everyone))… haha! Review! (Foaly jumps into the spotlight) And… I don't like flames. You flame me, I flame you back. Toodles. I've gotta go to my manicure ((cough cough)) and fix that stupid machine- oh never mind.

That totally sounded like Foaly. Well. It WAS Foaly. Foaly, get lost, you stupid centaur!