Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans

A/N: Hi! Thanks for all the reviews. I'm sorry, I know I promised the update would be quick but it took longer than I expected. Even though I knew what I wanted to write, I just couldn't put it into words. So far it has to be one of the hardest chapters to write. I also promised a few reviewers that I would update by Friday and I actually got it finished midnight that night, however, something happened and it wouldn'tsave my quick edit and than I couldn't log back in. And today was spent at the beach--but now I can finally update! YaYe!! I hope you like it!!

Oh btw, those who are reading my other story--Tangled Up In Me--I will have the second chapter posted either some time later tonight or tomorrow. I actually finished the chapter, but I still need to make some last minute changes. Thanks for all those who review!!Oh and there will be some footnotes on the bottom based on this chapter and the last.

Not a Part of the Plan

Chapter 5

Robin rushed down the steps of the garage staircase, with the box of chocolate in his hand. It was already 6:05; he hoped he didn't keep Starfire waiting. Jumping off the fourth step, Robin landed on his feet and onto the garage floor. Straightening out his clothes a bit as he walked, Robin headed toward the T-Car. They had to use the T-Car instead of his R-Cycle because his bike was currently down all thanks to the HIVE. To his surprise Starfire wasn't anywhere near the T-Car or anywhere in the garage.

'Oh, I hope she didn't forget,' frowned Robin as a bunch of emotions seem to take over; worry, disappointment, hurt. 'But, Raven said she saw her all dressed up.' The masked leader leaned against the hood of the car, as he looked down at the box of chocolate. 'What if she was here, but I took too long and she left?' His mind panicked. He can't believe he messed up so early in the date.

"Robin!" a cheerful voice greeted from the bottom of the staircase.

"Star!" Robin said with much excitement. "I--um." It begun, he was struggling for words to say. "Wow, you look nice." His voice was soft because it wasn't until than did he realized just how nice Starfire looked.

"Thank you, Robin," beamed Star as she glided in front of him. "Friend Raven said the very same thing."

With the mention of Raven's name, Robin remembered the box of chocolate in his hand. "Oh, I go--this is for you," Robin quickly corrected himself as he handed Starfire chocolate.

Starfire's eyes lit up with enjoyment as she took the box of chocolate. "Thank you so much, Robin!" with those words, Starfire quickly embraced Robin for a few seconds. Robin swore that if their date ended right there he would be satisfied enough.

Robin let out a short chuckle as they pulled away. "Well should we go?" Starfire nodded her head as Robin unlocked the doors to the T-Car. This was it--he was finally going on date with Starfire, the girl of his dreams.

x x x

Robin rubbed the back of his neck as they sat in a booth of a small fast food diner. The ride to the diner was rather silent on his part. That he could live with, he was still struggling for the right words to say. He took note that he never felt this nervous before.

"Robin," Starfire spoke up, as he lowered his menu to see her beautiful face. He smiled. "What is a milkshake? Is it milk that is shaking? Is that even possible?"

Robin laughed, "No Star. A milkshake is kind of a mix between milk and ice cream. It isn't as solid as ice cream and it is thicker than milk, and it has several flavors." The masked teenager stared at the girl in front of him, who appeared to be just as confused as before. "Hm, well how about you just try some?" The waitress appearing just on time.

"Evening, I'm Elsie and I'll be your waitress for the evening. So what will it be?" the early twenties woman greeted with a smile.

"I'll have a cheeseburger, fries, a coke, and strawberry milkshake," ordered Robin as he lowered the menu. He figured Starfire would enjoy strawberry amongst chocolate and vanilla. "Star?" He glanced at the Tamarian.

"Um, I will have a cheeseburger and fries as well," smiled Starfire as she closed the menu. She wasn't quite sure what was good, but she remembered trying a cheeseburger and fries a while back with the other Titans. In her opinion it didn't taste as good as the substance known as mustard, but it was rather delicious.

"Alright, I'll be back in a few," smiled Elsie as she took their menus and walked off.

Robin gave a polite smile and turned his attention to Starfire, who was smiling at him. "I must thank you once again, Robin, for the wonderful chocolate. It is simply delicious," beamed Starfire.

"You're welcome Star. I'm glad you like them," Robin replied, making a mental note to thank Raven. He also wanted to ask her where she bought the box of chocolate. Starfire absolutely adored the chocolate and ate half the box during car ride there. He wanted to be able to buy some more, trouble was he never recognize the plain black box and all he knew was that had associated chocolates inside. Come to think of it, he didn't even know Raven liked sweets like rich chocolate.

"Would you like to try one?" Starfire offered, interrupting Robin's thoughts. She pulled from her bag the box of chocolate. Pulling the cover off, Starfire stuffed another piece of chocolate in her mouth and merely squealed in enjoyment. She pushed the box toward Robin.

"Sure," Robin shrugged as he picked up a chocolate and popped it into his mouth. To his surprise it was actually pretty good. The milk chocolate filled with cameral seemed to melt in his mouth.

"Care for another one?" Starfire smiled as she picked up one more, seeing the pleased expression on his face.

"Um, actually Star, why don't you save the rest for home?" suggested Robin as he put his hand over hers. Starfire looked at him with confusion. "Don't want to spoil your appetite." Realizing he was touching her hand, Robin pulled away trying to fight the color that crept onto his face.

Starfire who didn't seem to take notice of his action nodded her head in agreement. "You are right, Robin. Oh, Beastboy and Cyborg will simply love it. And friend Raven! I am sure even she would find it appealing." She smiled brightly as she closed the box.

Robin smiled, a part of him wondering just how Raven would react to such a situation. Before he could comment or change the subject, Elsie appeared with their dinner. "Here you two go," smiled Elsie as she placed their food on the table. "Anything else I can get ya?"

"No thanks. This is fine for now," Robin said, as Elsie nodded her head before leaving. The masked Titan watched the waitress walk toward another booth before looking at the food in front of him. It wasn't until than did he realize just how hungry he was. He hadn't eaten since breakfast.

"Robin?" Starfire spoke up, as Robin glanced up at her. She held the glass of milkshake in her hands; her eyes in a questionable bemusement. "Is this the milkshake as which I asked about?"

"Yeah, Star. Try it," smiled Robin. Still looking rather unsure, Starfire held the straw to her mouth and took a small sip.

"Oh this is splendid!" Starfire voiced rather loudly. Robin let out a small laugh, a few people in the diner glancing their way.

"Easy Star, if you keep chugging that down you'll be too full to touch the rest of your food," Robin said with a small smile, as he pulled the glass slowly away from her.

Starfire blushed as she swallowed the last gulp of strawberry milkshake. Staring at the cheeseburger and fries, Starfire smiled. "Oh, look Robin, mustard!" Her eyes fallen upon the bottle of mustard, her eyes widening with happiness.

Robin frowned as she squeezed a bunch of mustard on her fries and proceeded to her cheeseburger. "Um, Star. Let me do that," offered Robin with a small nervous smile as he took the mustard from her. The girl was ready to drown her cheeseburger in mustard. Lifting the top bun, Robin put a decent amount of mustard for Starfire.

"Thank you, Robin," replied Starfire as she stuck a mustard cover fry into her mouth.

"You're welcome," smiled Robin, as he took his cheeseburger into his hand. He nearly laughed; her innocence brought a whole new level of happiness in his life.

Starfire proceeded in biting into her mustard filled cheeseburger and eating a couple of more mustard covered fries. The boy had it bad.

x x x

Dinner went extremely well in Robin's opinion. They were now sitting in the theater, with about five minutes before the movie actually begins. Robin nervously shifted in his seat. Starfire's hand was already on the armrest between them. Stretching his arms out, Robin inched his hand toward Starfire, debating if he should make a move.

"Robin I am so excited for the movie," Starfire whispered, as she glanced at him.

Robin pulled back his hand and nervously laughed, "Me too Star." Scratching the back of his head, not quite excited about the movie. He was hoping they would catch Ocean's Twelve, but Starfire was so in love with seeing Series of Unfortunate Events. How could he say 'no'? No offense to the movie or anything, he just favored action and adventure over any other genre any day.

"I'm really having a good time, Robin" Starfire softly said, gaining Robin's full attention.

Robin glanced at Starfire, giving her a big smile. That definitely made his day. "Me too, Starfire, me too." Starfire smiled back as the lights dimmed, the trailers slowly starting.

x x x

to be continued

Chapter and Character Recaps:

I know these chapters have been going by rather slowly considering what I have planned for this story. However, after the sixth chapter it will pick up. It was just essential to have--for the storyline and to show the different kinds of relationships between the Titans I'm talking one-to-one.

In chapter four there was a little interaction done between Raven and Cyborg. This was to show their relationship as opposed to the relationship Raven has with Robin--with Cyborg she is a little more comfortable, jokes around a little more and even smiles a bit you get the hint by their mini dialogue.

Iknow I failed to put much interaction with Raven and Beastboy that will happen in a couple chapters from now--can't really say when. This happens for a reason.A little hint: at the moment we have just a glimpse of the relationship Raven and Beastboy have.

If you noticed there isn't much thought and detailed mentioned on Robin's part in this chapter. Same goes with Starfire. It is safe to say, the most details and thoughts a reader will get will be from Raven. MAJOR HINT THERE However, as the story goes on, more of their thoughts as well as details will be revealed. Heh, and since I'm on Robin and Starfire--I had a hard time writing this chapter. Bascially because I had to make sure Robin played the role that he needs Raven's help. So I apologize for a poorly written chapter.

If you haven't caught on by now--everything happens for a reason. Until next time, Take Carez!