Disclaimer: I don't own FMA or any of the characters… Sadly, as I would love a Havoc and a Fuery.
Author's Notes: Japanese in this story is as follows:
Taisa: Colonel (Roy)
-shoui:2nd Lieutenant (Havoc)
-souchou: Sergeant Major (Fuery)
-chuui: 1st Lieutenant (Hawkeye)
-san: Mr./Mrs./Ms. (sign of formality)
Also, in my stories, Fuery is ALWAYS spelled Kain Fuery. Because I have official pictures which tell me to spell it that way. I will never spell it otherwise. :p That being said, enjoy!
Stray Dog
By Dejiko Mew Mew
He looked so helpless out there, shivering in the rain... I couldn't help but pick him up.
I never asked him what had happened that night, what events caused him to be in the condition which I found him. I can still clearly recall the cigarette, struggling to stay lit in the rain, dangling carelessly from his lips. I remember his distant, soulless eyes and the depth of the sorrow that loomed within them.
"Havoc-shoui!" I had called as I ran towards him, my umbrella falling to the ground as I had instantly abandoned my grip on it. I quickly removed my coat and wrapped him in it. I placed my hand upon his forehead. "You're burning up! What are you doing sitting out here in this weather?"
And though our eyes met then, I felt invisible to his gaze. I wouldn't wait for an answer as I took his arm, placing it around the back of my neck, and lifted him upwards. I brought him home with me.
It was awkward, of course, at first. I had brought blankets for him to warm up in, and I made hot tea. Though my attempts at conversation never bore fruit, somehow I knew he was trying to convey his gratitude.
After that, it was as though time was standing still. Minutes turned into hours and Havoc-shoui's temperament had not changed. The worry was becoming increasingly painful. I sat down beside him.
At the very least, the color was returning to his paled face. I was unaware of how to ascertain any further information, however. It would be silly to ask him, as one could clearly see that he was upset about something. I would simply have to wait patiently, by his side, until he was ready, until he was well.
... That was three days ago. Havoc-shoui seems to have completely recovered, though he had shown little signs of it when he left my dorm that night.
It's... just strange, really. The feelings I've been having since then, I mean. For some unexplainable reason, I've found myself coming home and feeling empty. Last night, I closed the door behind me and fell to the ground, crying. I didn't know what made me feel so sad, but the tears kept falling. I... never got to sleep.
But it doesn't stop there. I found myself picking up on things I otherwise would never have noticed... Like the way that Havoc-shoui's smile becomes a bit pained whenever in the presence of the Taisa...
I skipped work today. It's not like me, but I haven't been myself since then. My body acted on its own and I soon found myself at that place, where I found Havoc-shoui that night. It looked quite different in the sunlight, a perhaps not-so-intimidating location. My eyes drifted then to the gate beside where he sat then, and next to the house beyond it. Was Havoc-shoui visiting someone here? I wondered. It seemed to be quite a nice place.
And then, the owner emerged from the house. I stood wide-eyed as the familiar figure came to the gate. He narrowed his eyes at me and passed through, looking right down upon me as he spoke.
"Did you need something, Fuery-souchou?" Taisa asked suspiciously.
"N-No, of course not!" I bowed. "This... is your house, Taisa? It's nice..." Small talk... Hopefully he wouldn't get angry with me.
"Why are you not at work?" he questioned. I froze, completely forgetting I had ditched today.
"Uh... Well... That is..." I stammered. I was caught. I wanted to ask the same question back to him, but of course I couldn't. He was in a higher position than me, and besides... I was in the wrong. "My apologies, Sir... I'm on my way right now."
I didn't wait for another reply from him as I turned away and headed off. And yet, I stopped and faced him once more. My body was doing it again... Moving on its own. My mouth would follow next.
"Taisa... Sir..." I spoke up. "Was Havoc-shoui here... three nights ago?" I couldn't believe it. My mind was not functioning properly at all! What was I doing, asking such a thing?
But Taisa's expression didn't waver. He seemed to reflect on it for a moment.
"He was," he decided to answer. "What about it?"
I couldn't expect any further answers, nor should I have prodded for any in the first place. "Nothing at all, Sir," I smiled. "I'll return to work now." I bowed once more and left him in peace.
Work was the last place I had wanted to be. As of late, just looking at Havoc-shoui has made me dizzy... I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach and my heart beats uncontrollably.
I stepped into the military headquarters and bowed as low as possible. "Hello, everyone... I'm... sorry I'm late," I apologized.
"Fuery-souchou," Hawkeye answered almost instantaneously. I raised my head. "We thought you were sick... Havoc-shoui just left for your house to make sure you were all right."
"H-H-Havoc-shoui did...?" I replied nervously. It happened again. My face flushed and I felt very faint. I shook my head out. This was not the time to be... whatever it was I was then. "I'll go get him and let him know I'm all right," I bowed once more. "I'll be right back!"
On the way home, all I could think about was how happy I was that Havoc-shoui was so worried for me. Of course, I scolded myself. I shouldn't be thinking about such things. It was natural, since I had kind of looked out for him. It was, perhaps, his way of showing appreciation.
When I arrived, Havoc-shoui was outside sitting on the front porch. He looked up at me and his eyes widened in surprise.
"Fuery!" he marveled, rising to his feet. "You're... ah... Well, you seem all right." He laughed a bit then, his token cigarette lifting upwards with his smile.
"I'm sorry to have worried you..." I blushed... Yes, blushed. Why? I don't know.
"I guess... we should get back to work then..." Havoc-shoui suggested, scratching the side of his head. I frowned a bit and nodded. He noticed.
"Are you sure you're all right?" he questioned, placing a hand on my shoulder (which caused me to jump a bit). "You've been... different lately..."
"Is that a good or a bad thing?" I asked quickly—I shouldn't have. I cursed my body's recent rebellion against me yet again. Havoc-shoui was, of course, caught off-guard.
"N-Neither, really... Just an observation..." he shrugged. "Did you want to take the day off? I think you should rest..."
"I don't..." I started. I was able to catch myself this time before any more words came out.
"You don't... what...?"
It was hard... They wanted to come out. The words echoed in my mind over and over again, dying to be heard. I looked at Havoc-shoui with a bit of pain in my eyes... "I don't... want to be alone right now..."
To Be Continued!