A/N: Finally I decided to put this one up. I wrote this fic last May, but I dont have the time or even the guts to post this. This is my first ever fic. So please REVIEW!
Title: The Secret Kept
Author: villainvalkyrie
Disclaimer: I dont own anything! J.K. does!
The Secret Kept
by: villainvalkyrie
Chapter 1- The Bad Break-up
Hermione lay on her bed and stared blankly at the ceiling above her, utterly lost in miserable thoughts of a bad break-up. She had been trying to recover for some time, but to no avail; she just kept thinking about him. Often, Hermione found herself wondering if he was suffering as much as she was.
"Why did I have to do it?" She thought to herself as more tears fell. Becoming angrier she thought "No- what am I thinking? Why did HE have to do this to me?" Pools of tears would gather unbidden in her eyes, while rains of unhappy thought splashed through her mind. And when she blinked, a dam was broken and hot tears streamed out of the sides of her eyes.
She looked both helpless and frustrated, as she had for the past week. Her thoughts forced her to stare at the ceiling and cry, day after day, even though she knew that she was being foolish and useless.
There came a point where Ron got really pissed, he picked up Hermione by the shoulders and started shaking her.
But this was the wrong move. Hermione simply started sobbing harder than ever, and Ron's heart consequently melted into a puddle. 'Oh, bloody hell' Ron thought, running a hand through his hair. Realizing his mistake, he stopped shaking her and just hugged his friend tightly.
"Look Hermione, I know you love him so much. And there's nothing in the world I would do to take away that happiness. But this is getting too out of control. That bastard just repays you with shit after all the love you gave him. He's still the same prat we know at school. And look what you've doing to yourself because of him, you're a wreck. He doesn't deserve all this Hermione, and he certainly doesn't deserve you." He whispered in her hair.
Hermione was shocked to be hearing these words from Ron. He's not usually the softie kinda type of guy. But she's glad that Ron's there, ready to comfort her in the time of need. Ron also ordered to Hermione that Ginny should stay with her, at least until her grief resolved somewhat, and that she needed to get out of her room. At this Hermione, accepted Ginny but flatly refused to come out of her room.
Hermione's mouth twisted into a watery smile at that memory, knowing that even if he had deserted her, she still had good friends to help her. She tilted her head sideways so that she was facing the pile of Chocolate Frogs, flowers, and other sweets from Honeydukes that Harry, Ron and Luna had sent. Hermione knew that they would do anything to make her feel better, but all of their efforts were useless. The memory of that day was engraved in her mind, every detail, every thought, along with every moment. And she replayed it like a movie over and over again in her mind
Almost a week ago, after her check-up in St. Mungo's about the terrible flu she's having. Hermione decided to pay Draco a visit, since they rarely spend time with each other after he and Harry were appointed as Junior Head's of the Auror's Headquarters.
During the war, Draco decided to join the light side to defy his father. At first the Order thought he's a spy sent by Voldemort, but Draco proved them all wrong. He revealed all the information he knew about Voldemort's plans of attack. Draco joining the light side helped to lessen the grief, destruction and chaos that was a part of the wizarding community at that time. That is why he is considered as one of the heroes of the war. Now, after the war Draco is a highly respected Auror together with Harry.
When the war ended, Draco and Hermione were assigned to be obliviators because many muggles saw some of the events of the war. Because they were partners and needed to go to many places together, they spend more time together than with their friends. Thus, they got to know each other and became close. In the end, they even grew to love each other. They became a couple officially at the Victory Ball at the Malfoy Manor. Draco wanted to make his proposal unforgettable, so he asked Hermione to be his girlfriend in front of the all of the guests, including friends, family and the whole Ministry of Magic.
Many people were stunned about the news. Some were furious, like Ron who broke his wine glass by only his hands, and Pansy who walked out cursing Hermione under her breath. Surprisingly, Harry took the news calmly. He said that he knew there's something going on between them from the very start, and people, like Ron are just too thick to notice.
It if weren't for Harry, Ron would've punched Malfoy in the face right then and there. It took him a mouthful of self control, congratulating and shaking hands with Draco, but he hastily whispered "If you hurt just the tip of Hermione's nails, I swear I'm going to kill you" Draco just smirked at him but he knew he was bloody serious.
Hermione grinned at the thought and apparated to the old battered phone booth. She dialed the combination for the entrance of the Ministry of Magic and did what the voice instructed. While waiting for the floor to go down, she absentmindedly played with the necklace hanging on her neck while slightly humming under her breath. Hermione couldn't wait to see Draco, she missed him terribly. As she reached the entrance, she hurriedly went to the golden gates and went up to level 2.
As she closely reached her destination, Hermione heard muffled sounds of moaning inside Draco's office. Immediately, she became nervous but her heart was pounding with rage of anger. She did not bother to knock for she knows what awaited She slammed the door open and shocked at the scene she has been dreading, unfolding in front of her. There she saw Draco sitting in his chair, snogging a woman who's seemed to be seated comfortably in his lap.
The moment Draco saw Hermione standing in the doorway, his face immediately drained to a pale shade of white. He abruptly stood up from his seat, forgetting there was a woman in his lap. The woman tumbled on the floor and Hermione recognized her immediately as Pansy Parkinson, Draco's former girlfriend.
She took a deep breath and trying hard not to cry she looked intently to the man coming towards her.
Just from his seat, Draco could tell Hermione was trying valiantly to hold back her tears. He felt a sense of guilt conquering him. However, he pushed it aside with arrogant carelessness.
"Herm, I-I ca-"before Draco could finished his sentence, Hermione slapped him hard across the face, leaving a red mark against his pale cheeks.
"You—you bastard." is all Hermione could utter. She quickly fled towards the golden grilles. She wanted to be away, away from Draco and away from the world.
Instinctively Draco went after Hermione, because he has longer legs than her, he quickly caught up to her. He grasped her arm and before she could move further, he wrapped her arms around her small waist. When he saw her face, he felt the guilt again, but this time no matter hard he tried, he can't push it aside. Her eyes already betrayed her; tears were streaming from her chocolate brown eyes and down to her rosy cheeks. Her lips trembling and her eyes were bloodshot of tears.
"Leave me alone! Let go of me!" Hermione screamed while she punched the side of her fist to his chest. Draco did not really care; the guilt inside him seemed to make him numb.
He also noticed that they were making a scene. Everyone from their own cubicle is looking up to see what the commotion is all about. But Draco did not give a damn; all he cares about is how to explain to Hermione about what she saw, without knowing about that will.
"Hermione, listen to me. It's not what you think it is!" he said, now holding Hermione by the shoulders.
"And what is it then? Just a fling? How could you do this to me? Am I not enough?" she said, trying to let go of Draco's grasp. She could not because it was like his hands were stuck on her shoulders. They would not budge.
Hermione's words truly hit him hard. Its like his world turn upside down, he don't know how to react. "Mione' its..its hard to..well, its hard to explain or even to understand—"he said. Their faces are just inches apart. He felt the urge to just kiss all her anxieties away. But he held it back.
"Try me." Hermione said simply and stopped struggling from his grasp.
He knew this was going to happen. Hermione is not some ordinary girl whose just going to walk out without another word, she's the type that's always looking for answers and she's not going to stop until she get them.
Draco shook his brain looking for a valid excuse, he doesn't really know what to say. He can't let her know the truth, its just going to break her heart even more.
A minute passed, still Draco remained silent.
Hermione did not bother waiting for his answers for she knew she wouldn't get one. She just lowered her head and took a deep breath. She wiped her tears and reached for her necklace underneath her robes which she was playing with earlier. It was the necklace Draco gave her when he asked her to be his girlfriend. He said it's the symbol of his happiness, and he wants her to take care of it.
The necklace has a white gold chain, with a heart pendant. It has a dragon in the middle of it and its eyes are made of those rare blue diamonds. Truth, it's really magnificent.
"Draco," she said, breaking the silence. "I...I think...its best to give your happiness to someone else. I know you'll be much happier with her than you were with me." And with those sad words, she handed Draco the necklace. She knew that it was the right thing to do. As they said: 'if you love somebody set them free, if they come back they're really yours, if they didn't it was never meant to be.'
Draco felt as if the world crashed down in his shoulders, he can't believe he's giving up the woman he truly loved because of that blasted will. But there's nothing he can do, because no matter hard he tried---there's no way out.
He closed his eyes before replying. "I guess" in very small voice. Not bothering to say further more, because when he speaks its like life is being sucked out from him. And it scared him to breathe when he's this close to Hermione---at this moment; because for sure he's going to miss the sweet and extraordinary scent she has that he truly loved.
Somehow, her anger was converted to sadness. She nodded slightly and forced a smile. "I guess this is the way it's going to end" Fresh tears were running carefree in her face. And with that, she walked to the gates, never looking back.
"Forgive me Hermione..." Draco thought as he stood there as she fled, "There are just things in this world that even a smart girl like you won't understand."
He did not bother chasing her again, for he knows Hermione have given him his freedom.
Hermione snapped out of her reverie when she heard a light tapping sound in her window. When she opened it, a large brown barn owl came swooping in with a letter tied on its leg. She gave the owl some owl treats and reached out for the letter. Immediately, Hermione noticed that it bears the St. Mungo's seal.
Little did she know that, that letter would change her life forever.
A/N: Finished reading? Good! So what do you think? Do you think I should continue? I really dont know if I should, so please tell me! Just press the 'Go' link below and tell me what you think! PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW!
Before I forget, many thanks to my beta-readers! They gave me such wonderful ideas and helped me revise this fic.