Poem!! Ain't that something? Read and review folks! Just something I did to kick the boredom out of me. Done in...1 minute! Ha ha! Enjoy...

Oh My God Rosie

She was my Rose.

She had soft tender red rose lips.

I was so glad we got so close,

My fingers in her hips, sinking my fingertips.

She was my beautiful love

She had a strong will like of a thorn's

She flew above me like a dove

And our love was sworn

I swear that I was lucky

To have her by my side

Oh my God Rosie

Why did you die?

We were perfect

Why did you leave soon?

Now I'm stuck in the surface

Only now staring at the moon.

Oh my God Rosie

What have I done?

I love you dear Rosie

Do you forgive while being gone?

Now I'm an octopus

A monster to men

4 arms in my back and such

I have committed too many sins

Oh My god my Rose

I am standing by your grave

Did you die because of something of a dream I chose?

I'm sorry, you do not know how much I for you to crave

I'm really desperate, I'm really depressed

Rosie, dear, would you forgive me?

All I wish is that you're here, for me to caress.

Oh My God Rosie

If you can see me now

Honey, honey

Now you tell me to move on,

I love you dear Rosie

I'll do whatever you want

I'd do anything my dear lovely

All I want to hear is your forgiveness.

I love you Otto. You say.