AN: To my beta-reader; I'm truly sorry for not waiting for your editing of this chapter but I couldn't wait any longer. Just know that I had emailed you this chapter months ago. I do hope that you won't be angry with me.

Special Thanks to those who reviewed:

en route; erica6060; Reignashii; Islaille; Triste1; Kean; Jisusaken; the guardian; Katana Haibane; Eternal Light/Fire Dragon; Soniya Himoura; RogueSummersLover; Shintachi; Tsunamifan/vanpets3; royal blue Kitsune; tiffany; blooded wyngs; Mermaid Ninja

FYI: In the anime, Kaoru's eyes are normally sapphire. Yet in a certain light, they were colored indigo. Strangely, in one episode, I noticed that Kaoru's eyes seemed to be a greenish hue…In my story, I chose indigo as Kaoru's eye color because I think it suits her character more. Pretty dumb I know but still.

Supernatural Love

Chapter Four: Source Unearthed


Kenshin narrowed his eyes dangerously, their violet depths glimmering amber. "Yukishiro." He growled.

The newcomer's lips twitched into a smirk, though his turquoise eyes had a deadly gleam in them. "Himura." He addressed the red-head, shifting his gaze only to acknowledge the others' presence with a nod of his head.

"What are you doing here?" There was a detectable tone of bitterness in Kenshin's voice as he asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to my next class, Himura. Not that it's any of your business." The gleam in his light-colored eyes was gone, replaced by a stone-cold glare.

It was no secret that Enishi Yukishiro and Kenshin Himura don't get along. To be blunt, they hate each other.

Enishi's twin sister, Tomoe, used to go out with Kenshin throughout most of their high school years. However, that all changed when Kenshin stumbled upon his supposed-girlfriend and Akira Kiyosato, the school's star quarterback (aka head jock), engaging in a private game of tongue-hockey for two in the middle of the football field.

Of course, Kenshin broke up with Tomoe after that. Unfortunately though, word began to spread around school grounds and it wasn't long before everyone knew about the 'incident'. Hell! Even the principal knew about it. Since Tomoe had a reputation for doing those sorts of things, most people supported Kenshin even when Tomoe had the nerve to spread a counter-rumor that she was actually the one who was betrayed by him.

This is where Enishi comes in. Being her brother, he believed that Tomoe was the victim and that Kenshin was the one who cheated on her. Add this to the fact that Enishi had a grudge against the red-head since the day Kenshin defeated him in kendo and claimed his spot as the best in the class, a title which was previously Enishi's.

The pair had more than enough of their share of scuffles, fist-fights and sword spars to last a couple of lifetimes, fortunately none of them were alarming enough for the police's involvement. In laymen's terms, no jail time.

Kenshin had thought that after graduation he wouldn't see the Yukishiros again. But it seemed that the fates were against him as Enishi had enrolled in the same university as him.

Why? Why are the Gods so cruel to him? Had he done something wrong in a former life? Was he a rapist? An unfaithful man? Or…Kenshin shuddered to think. A cold, merciless murderer?

His train of thoughts crashed into oblivion (AN: Not really much of a metaphor neh? Hohoho!) by the sound of Enishi's voice, bringing him back to the world of the living.

"I know you're there, come out." Enishi said bluntly, his eyes focused at something behind Kenshin's shoulder. Amazingly, he managed to show both his annoyance and amusement at the prospect of someone actually spying on them at the same time.

Kenshin and the others craned their necks, trying to see who Enishi was talking to, and saw nothing but the opened door of the room they'd just vacated.

Then, Kenshin felt more than saw someone settling besides him, the scent of jasmine filtering in his nose and arousing his senses. Unconsciously, Kenshin inhaled the fresh aroma and his stature relaxed, even amidst Enishi's presence.

Besides him, however, Kaoru was staring at Enishi blankly on the outside. Inside she was a jumble mess of different emotions that overlapped one from the other.

The irritation in Enishi's eyes was gone, though the gleam of amusement never faltered.

"Hello there Kaoru, long time no see." The light-haired man spoke, his words soft and almost…

Tender? Kenshin didn't know whether to balk at his long-time nemesis' uncharacteristic tone of voice or to be irked at the revelation that Enishi knew Kaoru and possibly vice-versa.

"Too soon a time if you asked me, Enishi." Kaoru said in monotone, her piercing cold indigo eyes glaring twin spears at the young man.

"You two know each other?" Misao asked, though the answer was obvious enough.

"Unfortunately, yes." Kaoru grumbled through gritted teeth. Her eyes never leaving Enishi's.

Kenshin resisted the urge to chuckle. It seemed that Kaoru's feelings aren't mutual with Enishi's.

Enishi pouted. Something that he had not done often and nearly causing Sano, Misao and Kenshin to faint in shock, and a mock-hurt look crossed his face.

"But Ru…I thought that you and me…Don't you remember the good times we had together?" Enishi asked.

Kaoru rolled her eyes. "I'd prefer not to, lest I risk my classmates thinking of me as a psychopath when I pulverize you into mince meat."

Enishi merely shook his head in fake sympathy. "Tsk. Tsk. You and I both know that you only said that because we have company. In truth, you want to jump into my arms and kiss me senseless."

In the background, both Sano and Misao made gagging noises while Megumi and Aoshi respectively rub their backs like the good girlfriend/boyfriend that they are. Kenshin was silent on the other hand, preferring instead to shift his slightly suspicious gaze from Enishi to Kaoru and back again.

There was an almost unholy gleam in Kaoru's indigo eyes as she smoothly replied, ignoring the antics of Kenshin and his friends. "The day I touch you intimately is the same day that I'll gladly drink hemlock."

"You better not get in my way Enishi or I'll make sure that your days in the Dark Realm are over." Kaoru said through a telepathic message.

Kaoru could almost imagine the devilish smirk on Enishi's face as he returned her link with his own.

"It seemed as if you have the roles switched my dear Kaoru. The whole campus is in my territory and as such, I am the one with the superior authority here."

Kaoru narrowed her eyes until they were two angry cat-like stilts.

"That may be so but you are merely a Source. Once outside of this school, I have power over you as I am of higher rank compared to you."

Enishi was quick to counter. "You and I both know that you only got there because of Lord Haitei. Were it not for him, you'd be nothing but a mere outcast in a society where kinship is sacred and outsiders are ridiculed and even persecuted. You are and always will be, my dear Kaoru, a ---."

"Enough!" Kaoru, in her moment of rage and anxiety, never noticed her ki rapidly rising. It wasn't enough to alert any other supernatural beings in the area but even Megumi, who is the least empathic of the group, could feel the angry aura that seemed to cloak the raven-haired girl.

"Leave Enishi, before I hurt you." Kaoru's voice was clam and slow, as if her reserve would crumble at the slightest bit of unleashed fury.

Enishi merely shrugged, looking unworried at Kaoru's glare, and walked off. Seemingly forgetting that his next class was in the other direction or maybe he did remember and just didn't care.

Kaoru continued to glare unwaveringly at Enishi's back until the young man was almost out of sight. Her arms were crossed and completed the deep scowl etched in her face, disrupting their smooth porcelain-like features.

But as Kaoru turned to face them, the scowl was replaced by a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Hello." Her voice was back in its mystic tone. "You must be Kenshin's friends. Sorry to interrupt your…'conversation' but I was getting tired of waiting. Pardon for my intrusion."

Kaoru pretended to hold up the hem of her skirt and gave a mock curtsy, the small grin on her face showing that she didn't mean any harm.

The look Megumi gave the raven-haired girl was a cross between skepticism and suspicion.

"How do you know Enishi Yukishiro?" The cinnamon-eyed girl's voice was dark, slightly threatening.

Kaoru merely raised an eyebrow, seeing the hidden accusations beneath the oh-so simple question.

She wasn't mad, not even irked. But Kaoru was amused at the prospect that an ordinary human would ever dare to challenge her.

If circumstances were different, the other female would've faced the sharp end of her claws by now. But that would only make her mission even more complicated than it already is.

Kaoru mentally sighed. Oh well, perhaps another time then.

"Hey, are you tone deaf? I asked you a question." The taller woman's voice was starting to get on Kaoru's nerves.

Kaoru tossed the irritating woman a glare, a corner of her lips twitching into a smirk when the other female backed off.

Pathetic. Kaoru thought. The woman talked big but she backed away the moment her opponent stands up to her empty threat.

"Yukishiro has been an irremovable thorn on my side since I've known him. I only tolerated his existence because both of us are well-acquainted with the same man and I do not want any trouble that couldn't easily be avoided." Kaoru answered fluidly.

Kaoru flicked the fingers of her hand close to her face. She watched in morbid interest as the hallway's lights cast a healthy shine on her well-manicured and French-tipped nails.

"Were it not for that reason, Yukishiro's body would most likely be decayed and infested with worms underneath six inches of the ground." The features of Kaoru's face were set, emphasizing the seriousness of her words.

"His authority must be that great over you then." It was Aoshi who commented.

"The man you mentioned, I mean. The one you both know." He expanded when Kaoru sent him a somewhat confused glance.

Kaoru drew her hand down and absent-mindedly shrugged her shoulders. "Perhaps."

Then a smile etched up the corner of her lips as she added. "But let's not talk about him or Enishi, I'd much rather hear about you."

Of course, the 'you' was directed at the others as well but Kaoru couldn't help but wink flirtatiously at the ebony-haired male human. After all, he did fill the three main categories every hot-blooded female would go gaga for in a man. Tall, mysterious and handsome.

Misao tossed Kaoru one of her deadliest glare which she merely brushed off. Kaoru wasn't afraid of the other woman; she could take her on any day and still have an easy win.

Kaoru is hardly the type to be overconfident but she knew how strong she could be; her sharp skills honed and perfected though long years of experience. She had her limitations though, just like every being that exists in this world and the next.

Kenshin cleared his throat, trying to ease the tension that hovered in the air since Enishi's arrival and now, Kaoru's presence.

"Umm, guys, obviously you know Kaoru and Kaoru, this is Aoshi Shinomori."

Aoshi nodded his head slightly at Kaoru. The raven-haired maiden returned the gesture with a faint smile.

'A Dark Shaman in disguise. Why doesn't that surprised me?' Kaoru made a mental note to talk to Aoshi another time, when they're alone and out of both human and supernatural being's hearing.

"Misao Makamichi."

Misao had lessened her glare at Kaoru and managed to give a grunt 'Hello'.

Again, Kaoru smiled in response. It was more sugary-coated this time though.

'She has the 'Eye'.' Kaoru silently observed the shorter dark-haired female. 'Though it has yet to be opened.'

"Megumi Takani." The cinnamon-eyed girl introduced herself before Kenshin could.

Kaoru again smiled.

'This one has the blood of the Alebaryo. I can feel it running through her veins.' The thought crept in her mind.

"Sanosuke Sagara."

The tall, brown-haired man saluted Kaoru and winked good-naturedly at her.

"Call me Sano." He said in a deep, throaty voice.

Kaoru smiled mischievously. 'He is a favorite of the Tree Spirits as a child, therefore giving him the gift of a 'green thumb' and unnatural strength and more heightened instincts.'

Kaoru resisted the urge to smirk. Kenshin Himura seemed to attract people linked to the 'other world' one way or another.

Maybe she should have a talk to Lord Haitei about making the redhead as a Source. It would surely help in lessening the percentage of unmasked 'gifted people' within the human society.


The highly shrill and irritating sound brought Kaoru out of her musings and seemed to capture the others' attentions as well.

'What the f! A banshee?' Kaoru thought, mistaking the sound as a banshee's wail.

"The tardy bell!" Everyone but Kaoru chorused.

Kaoru cocked an eyebrow. A bell that tells people when they're late? Late for what?

Kaoru didn't have time to ponder on this though because Kenshin soon grabbed her hand and the raven-haired female found herself being dragged by the redhead down the hallway.

"See ya later Kenshin!" Sano's loud voice faded as the distance grew farther.

"What's your next class?" Kenshin's question was hasty as the two continued to run.

"Anatomy." Kaoru was quick to answer.

"Good, that's my next class as well."


The door to the Anatomy classroom slammed opened and a pair of exhausted-looking students entered. Well one was exhausted; the other was annoyed at being hauled halfway across the campus.

The teacher pushed her wide-rimmed glass up her snotty nose.

"Himura, how good of you to finally grace us with your presence." She told Kenshin, instantly recognizing the redhead.

Her gaze shifted to the girl beside him and her eyes narrowed. "And who may you be?" She asked; the uncaring and accusing tone in her voice obvious.

Kaoru gave a gentle smile, earning sighs from most of the guys in the class. "I am Kamiya Kaoru and it's my fault that Himura-san and I are late. He was showing me around the school grounds when the bell rang."

Shocked, Kenshin whipped his head to glance at Kaoru. However, the raven-haired young woman didn't pay him any attention. Instead, she kept her gaze steady to the teacher, as if challenging her.

The teacher frowned for a moment and opened her mouth to scold the couple when something pricked into her mind. For a moment, her eyes seemed to glaze over (which didn't go unnoticed by Kenshin) and she murmured in a deadpan voice.

"Oh, it's alright. Just don't let it happen again." The reply stunned the whole class. Miss Tomiyoka was known by the student body as one of the strictest teachers in the whole faculty, only rivaled by Hajime-sensei.

Her Smile as brilliant as the sun, Kaoru nodded her head and pulled the stunned Kenshin behind her.

Shaking himself out of his reverie, Kenshin let Kaoru lead him and it wasn't until she released his hand did he sat in the desk besides her, as there were none left available.

Then, as if she asleep and pinched awake, Miss Tomiyoka gave a short startle. Noticing the awkwardness that ensued in her class, she cleared her throat and attempted to continue her lecture.

"Um, well…As I was saying…Today, we will take up the many reproductive organs of the human body, as well as the hormones they produce, and distinguish the difference they caused on a male and a female."

Miss Tomiyoka made her way to her desk where something bulky was placed atop of it and covered with a large white sheet.

"Let's start with one of the most familiar reproductive organs."

With that, the teacher reached out a hand to grab the sheet and pulled it off.

Most of the entire class let out scandalous gasps. A few girls giggled and more than one-fourth of the guys present were howling and/or whistling.

Kenshin's face turned plaster white while Kaoru merely cocked her head to the side as she supported it with her arm in unmasked boredom.

Miss Tomiyoka reached for one of the two life-like colored figurines and held it up for everyone to see.

"Now, this is the male penis. As you may know, there are several nerves found in this particular organ and the two sac-like bags here, otherwise known as the scrotum, are primarily used as storage for the male sperm cells."

With the unashamed and bored look commonly worn by Anatomy and Biology Professors, Miss Tomiyoka suddenly used her free hand to cup a well-sculpted scrotum.

Needless to say, a few fainted due to a sudden attack of nosebleeds amidst the howls, jeers, and blushes of the students.

Kaoru covered her mouth to stifle a yawn.

How boring.


"Well that was an interesting lesson." Kaoru quipped as she and Kenshin exited the classroom door.

A small blush crept up on Kenshin's cheeks. "It most certainly is." He agreed, almost shyly.

Kaoru resisted the urge to cock her eyebrows. She couldn't understand why Kenshin was blushing. After all, isn't copulation a normal and widely-practiced activity?

Besides, it's not like he hadn't done it already. What with his reactions to her midnight 'rendezvous' the night before.

Kaoru fought the sudden warm heat that threatened to creep up from her neck and cheeks. Goodness! He had practically radiated 'sex' during her 'administrations'. And the way he had looked at her…

Kaoru mentally shook her head. Focus, Kaoru girl. Focus! She scolded herself.

Kaoru strained to pay attention to her red-haired companion who appeared to be saying something.

"…So I think that you would probably enjoy it…"

Kaoru didn't understand what Kenshin was saying but she didn't want to seem like an idiot. "Ah…Umm…Yeah. Whatever."

Kenshin glanced at her direction. A concerned look in his face. "Are you okay? You look a little flushed."

Kaoru shook her head. "It's nothing. It's just the humidity here."

When Kenshin's concerned look deepened, Kaoru hastily continued. "But I'll get used to it. I'm fine."

Kenshin shrugged his shoulders. "Alright. If you say so."

Kaoru merely nod her head in reply and silence fell between them. Kaoru didn't mind it though; she needed time to think over her plans.

Like Kaoru, Kenshin had immersed himself in his own thoughts. Particularly about what Sano had said.

Sano placed a slender book on Kenshin's opened palms.

"Here Kenshin, do the things prescribed in the book and you'll know soon enough if Kaoru's indeed as you suspected or not."

Kenshin pocketed the book he tucked in the folds of his jacket. Stealing a glance at his female companion beside him, Kenshin wondered.

"Perhaps I should consider Sano's suggestion. As idiotic as it sounds."


To be continued.

AN: Well how was it? Hopefully, I had gotten better this time. So sorry that I haven't explained the whole 'Ghost Test' but really, you don't expect Kenshin to whip out the book in plain sight to Kaoru and say. "Okay, here's what we gonna do…"

On another note, I just want to explain about our raven-haired heroine's lack of feelings towards our multi-colored eyed hero. Although Kaoru is no stranger to the sexual and lustful side of men and can pretty much interpret people's emotions, she is unfamiliar with the more meaningful feelings like love and friendship. However, this isn't to say that Kaoru feels no attraction towards Kenshin whatsoever. The sparks are there between the two, only Kenshin is the one that notices it. Yet, he himself isn't even aware that he feels a connection with Kaoru. In short, the boy's in denial people! Just like in the series…Baka Kenshin…(grumbles)

Daemon: Don't forget to review! (mutters to himself: I sound like a wimp…)

Sapphire: (rolls her eyes) Whatever. Tune in next time for the next installment to 'Supernatural Love'

Daemon: Until then, Farewell!

Sapphire: Pa-alam! (smiles)

Trivia time! (Part 2)

Note: Be forewarned that most of the 'facts' below are of my own creations and I simply hate plagiarism.

Dark Shaman – Most people have different opinions about shamans. In my story, shamans are somewhat similar to spell-casters. There are several types of shamans, ranging from those that are able to control a specific element or are masters of the various arts of necromancy, sorcery and etc… A Dark Shaman is a person endowed with the powers of the darkness. They are able to melt into shadows and can even call upon demons and black spirits trapped in a parallel dimension. And, if the Dark Shaman is a master of his/her field, he/she is also able to travel to the Seven Tunnels of Purgatory to retrieve the dead and/or visit the Netherworld. Because they are widely scorned in the early times, shamans rarely ever dilute their secrets of the 'other world' to the humans.

Source – (My own idea) As their title suggests, Sources are humans who serves as messengers and guides of the two worlds. They are not to be confused with psychics and mediums because while the formers are trying to 'communicate' with the world beyond; Sources actually talk to their 'masters'. In laymen's terms, Sources are the 'eyes' and 'ears' of those they worked for in the Underworld. Sources are also sworn to complete secrecy.

Alebaryo – (AN: I forgot what Caucasians call them…) Alebaryos drive away malevolent spirits that haunts and/or possesses humans. They are also use bitter herbs as medicines and rarely believe in the efficiency of the medicines technology and science has given. Not surprisingly, they are widely despised by the supernatural community.

The Eye – More popularly known as the 'sixth sense' or the 'third eye'. People believed to be gifted with this ability are known to 'see what others cannot see'. In my story, persons with 'the eye' are not only able to see supernatural beings but they can also communicate with them. The most highly gifted people are also able to open and close portals that connect the two worlds. Most of them need not the instruments like the Ouji board and etc to use their powers.

Tree Spirits – A type of elemental spirit that live in forests and grassy places. They are normally harmless unless provoked. Some say that the reason why a tree continues to grow even if it's whole bark is cut off and the roots uprooted is because a Tree Spirit continued to live in that particular tree, lending it's own powers to help it. Like most elemental spirits, they favor human children because of their innocence and optimisms. Only a few children, however, are blessed by them with a small portion of their abilities.