Hey y'all.. Been gone a while, much?

Yeh. Well Guess What! I've become popular! Nahh, just joshin'.

Absolutely no excuse but as usual I will make one.

Apes enslaved my planet and turned my mind into goo, it just recently has been reconstructed. But I have always had the slight feeling that it was kinda gooey in the first place.

Recent News.. Well I got my belly-button pierced (I never really wanted to but I just wanted to be spontaneous. Shocked everyone really, quite worth it) And I partially got it a deep blue quill's request, you know the kinky man that he is.

Oh and new favorite song: Closer (acoustic) by Maroon 5 but the lyrics, although slightly altered, are nine inch nail's. The chorus alone is amazing. Just look it up if you're not familiar with the work. But when Adam sings it... ohh drool...

Oh yeah, let me thank the reviewers...

deep blue quill: I was actually thinking about dying and then I was like "No, I couldn't possibly do that to my readers. They would, well kill me. Hmmm, now that I think about it, my fate seemed pretty resigned. Oh and I am sorry about slipping up about your affinity for navel-ular (see we both make up words) jewelry.. p dot s dot I had a great honeymoon, let me not give anything else away, its only a T rated fic.

Potc-and-hpfan: you can have the way I wear my hat or the way I sip my tea... but my cheddar-y goodness? No no you can't take that away from me.

Alswytha: geez kiddo I'm not that old :cough cough: at my ancient 16 years of age I bestow upon you my wisdom and thoughfullness, as well as some deliciously hormone filled pages of romance-y stuff. Updations all around!

Lady-Crymsyn: Why thank you, all my chapter title names go through strict and rigorous processes..err actually I write the first thought that comes to my head after scanning through for spelling errors (which always slip through my fingers, blasted monsters) But thank you for your appreciation.

Lilchica: oh you will find out soon, if you beg on your knees on a floor covered with rust nails for two and a half hours whilst humming the theme song from 'Happy Days'... or scroll down...

Ladysnake: Do you really want to know the answer?

Natyslacks: You are forgiven because I haven't updated for ages..why thank-y though its July and my birthday was in february..hmm I'll pretend your wishing me an early birthday for next year! Thanks...

Bookworm1214: hmmmmm... I hope its romance-y but I gotta keep the hormones, because obviously their the true star of the story (and believe me they HAVE been acting like divas, the nerve of them asking for their own trailers)

lilred-07: hmmm... backing away slowly... You can have my purse...

Mysteriousucharm: The beauty of cliffhangers really... NO! muahhahahaa this is a fake update.. I will never tell you...

Superchic16: s-s-sorry about your one wish thingy going astray.. But you used the word bloody in a review so you receive a prize (a subliminal mention everytime bloody is used in my story)

Nathiam Femi: No prob, I don't apologize for mine. As horrid as it is.

The Updation you've all been waiting for...


Chapter 11: Lustful Tips and Venomous Lips

Draco Malfoy strolled through the halls. His arrogant swagger that used to make the girls swoon, now turned them away into fits of giggles. But Draco Malfoy also saw their resolve dwindling, and that's why he knew that his plan was bloody (a/n: Subliminal: Superchic16) brilliant.

However, he did find it odd that on his normally crowded route he came across no girls. He shrugged it off as a mere coincidence. And perhaps a good sign that his plan had already progressed farther than he would have imagined so early in the day. (A/n: but this a thing we call dramatic irony, hmmm poor boy). He continued until he reached the massive oak doors of the Great Hall.

He first noticed while walking into the room, the fact that it was a major sausage fest. Then he got past the breakfast menu and saw that there was not a girl to be seen in the entire room. (A/n: he he he, that pun was most definitely intended).

He walked to his seat warily eyeing the hall and he shrugged his shoulders. The breakfast before him seemed so much more important than that MAWADMACI paln he had deliberated over for days. Soon he was shoveling down large amounts of the food like every other boy in the hall (with the exception of Guy Townsend– a vegetarian– and Hermione's crush of two years).

The breakfast continued like this for about ten more minutes. But the absence of the female population seemed a loss at the teacher's table. Except for Hagrid, who completely forgot about it when he tried to remember where to put his food.

The breakfast was just starting to clear up when the doors to the Great Hall flew open and rattled on their hinges. Their stood the girls, all done up with very shiny pink lips. Draco smirked and began in a pass-it-on whisper "the plan shall start in the hall".

But when the message reached the ears of Harry and Ron, they believed they had been told "the clan should fart at the yule ball." They nodded their heads, not entirely sure of what they were agreeing to, but they would fight to the death for their right to agree to it. (A/n: sounds oddly Voltaire-ish)

"IN MY MOUTH!" a shout erupted from the professor's table as Hagrid had finally realized the answer to his earlier quandary.

Both Harry and Ron looked to Draco who nodded, their plan was to commence. Then Draco mouthed 'Oaf' and nodded his head in an elated Hagrid's direction. They both shrugged their shoulders and silently agreed. Something that they've been doing all too much with that certain Slytherin.

The girls simply came in and grabbed a biscuit each. Leaving the Great Hall with as much thunder as when they entered. Each boy mentally gulped (except for Hagrid who massively gulped down two sausages in his enormous mouth) (A/n: there has been too many bloody ..Subliminal: Superchic16 ...excepts in this story)

The boys exited with as much enthusiasm as the delivery men depart from Dominos with (a/n: take that as you wish).

The girls were waiting outside patiently, almost...expectantly?

Their pink lip gloss looked so utterly snog-worthy, and that's why they were out there, snog the girl you fancy until they snog you right back. Make sure they snog you back!

Each guy made their move towards their prey. A list had been constructed earlier so that their would be no two guys snogging one girl. Luckily there was an even ratio of boys to girls in seventh year. Almost too convenient (a/n: muahahaha my author-ity allowed me to make this so easy).

Ron and Harry moved towards Lavender and Parvati respectively. They giggled and looked at each other. A knowing look in the other's eyes.

Draco quickly found Hermione. She just stood their looking so completely and utterly shag-worthy that he could not resist a moment longer.

He used his aforementioned swagger and made his way to Hermione who looked highly amused about something. He stopped, and their noses nearly touched. Draco shivered with anticipation. He would finally snog the un-snoggable Hermione Granger.

From up close he noticed that she had a small scar under her chin. He made a mental note to ask her where she got it when they weren't about to snog.

He moved his lips slowly to hers and he licked his own in anticipation. She however seemed unfazed that she was about to be thoroughly snogged by the self- proclaimed sex god of the school (though she had heard from other sources as well).

Finally, his lips crashed upon hers with such force. He was finally going to taste her sweetness. He could begin to distinguish her taste. It was like dynamite mixed with Atomic...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" He screamed. And he soon realized he wasn't the only one. Other boys were running and screaming, conjuring large vases and dunking their heads in them with the same animal ferocity that was meant to be attributed to the kisses they were supposed to be administering.

"BLOODY (Subliminal: Superchic16) HELL!" Screamed an even doubly red Ron.

The boys retreated back to the dorms. The Slytherins slithering, the Ravenclaws clawing, the Hufflepuffs huffing, and lastly the Gryffindors gryffinding.(a/n: heh)

Revenge was fresh on everyone's mind.

One just completed.

And one just beginning.

But one thing was for sure.

This would be Potter's greatest war.

Sad, really.

(A/n:) completed my updation :what what: soo review and I won't make you wait as long.


I love you all, mostly platonic (except for you deep blue quill)

and one more bloody (Subliminal: Superchic16) for the road.