Lilly Evans threw her arms around her father and buried her face in his neck. Nick Evans squeezed her tightly as he kissed the top of her head.

"Bye Dad." Lilly whispered before turning towards the barrier separating Platform 9 ¾ from the muggle station.

"Lilly—" Her father stopped her, grabbing her arm and turning her around. "I can't believe this is your last year in school. It seems like just yesterday you were scared as a rabbit getting on that train. I'm going to miss you next year, you know." He thrust his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small box. "Here. I hope you like it. It isn't much."

"Thanks Dad." The train whistle blew loudly and shrilly. "I've got to go!" She said quickly before she gave her father a quick peck on the cheek, grabbed her bag, and ran towards the train. She was going to her 7th and final year at Hogwarts, and unknowingly heading into the most confusing year of her life.

James Potter and Sirius Black stood with Mr. and Mrs. Potter near the gate.

"Now boys, I've given you each a few dollars to buy food on the train. I also gave you extra underwear in case you get---"

"MUM!" James interupted loudly. "Please, we know." Sirius snickered loudly and was about to make a smart remark when the train whistle blew.

"Bye boys!" Mrs. Potter said grabbing James and planting a kiss on his cheek with a loud smack. Sirius started to laugh, but before he knew it, Mrs. Potter had grabbed him and kissed him as well. This time it was James' turn to laugh. The boys said goodbye to James' father and turned to see their other two best friends, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew heading towards the train as well.

"Oy! Moony! Wormtail!" Sirius yelled loudly as he started off towards them. James nodded at his parents, smiled, then followed his best friend into the sea of students returning to Hogwarts.

Lilly was walking down the narrow hallway on the train when she heard her name being called.

"Lilly?" She turned around and saw her friend Jessie Moore waving at her, beckoning her towards her compartment. She smiled weakly and turned around, heading towards Jessie. Jessie took her bag and threw it into the compartment, then stepped aside and let Lilly in. Lilly sat down on the seat opposite Jessie's and sighed.

"You okay?" Jessie said, leaning against the door jam and propping her knee up against it.

"Yeah, I just can't believe this is my last first day of school." She smiled wistfully. "Oh well—we'll move on." Jessie nodded, then poked her head out of the door and broke into a huge grin.

"Great, here comes the dream team." Jessie muttered before their other best friend Beth Walker walked in with her boyfriend, Remus. Along with Beth and Remus came Sirius Black and James Potter. Lilly rolled her eyes and scooted farther towards the window. She and James had been annoying each other since they were first years.

"Where's Peter?" Jessie said as she walked up to Sirius and slipped her arms around his waist and planted a kiss on his nose.

"He's not coming back this year, he's going to Durmstrang--Hey Evans!" Sirius said, then jabbed James in the ribs and pushed him towards Lilly.

"Hey Evans," James said, turning slightly pink,

"Potter," Lilly said, scooting even closer to the wall. "How was your summer?"

"Fine." James stumbled. "And yours?"

"Fine-- You had a good vacation then?"

"Yeah—"James said, and then muttered under his breath, "Until now." Lilly looked a little hurt, but just rolled her eyes and turned to stare out the window again. Remus threw his and Beth's bags onto a chair and they sat down by Jessie. He reached across the aisle and gently took Beth's hands. She was sitting across from him, smiling sweetly. Somehow, Lilly ended up sitting across from Jessie and Sirius, who couldn't keep their hands off each other, and beside James. She didn't mind—James was extremely good-looking, and to tell the truth, she'd had a crush on him since 5th year. She just acted like she hated him so nobody would suspect her real feelings. After everyone was seated and settled, talking about how their summers had been, Lilly pulled out the box her father had given her. She lifted the lid. A small charm in the shape of a snowflake sat in a small fluff of cotton. When she pulled it out of the box, she found it was hanging on a simple silver chain.

"That's really pretty." A voice whispered, very close to her ear. Lilly snapped her head up and looked into the most gorgeous pair of hazel eyes she had ever seen—James'.

"Thank you. My father gave it to me as a going-away present. I'm really going to miss him next year. We're all each other have, you know?" Lilly ran her index finger over the charm, then unhooked the latch and moved her hair out of the way, forgetting that she was supposed to be annoyed with James.

"Here." He said, taking the necklace from her. "Let me." He brushed her hair out of the way and then hooked the necklace around her throat.

"Thank you--James." Lilly muttered as she let her hair fall around her shoulders once again.

"My pleasure." James said, realizing after he said it, with a little too much enthusiasm. He turned pink again, then shifted in his seat and leaned his head on the back of the seat.

"Stupid." He thought, "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!!" He hit his head lightly against the back of the seat, emphasizing each word with a thump.