A/N: Hey guys, this is the first fic I have written alone. The idea came to me last night when I couldn't sleep so I wrote it down. I'm not sure if I like it but I thought I would post it anyways and see what other people thought of it.

I will continue if anyone is interested in it. O.K I will stop talking now and let you read, it's not very long but I will make any future chapters longer.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. SOB

The train came to a sudden stop, Hermione peered out of the window. They were passing through a field, nowhere near Hogwarts yet. Outside it was raining, the seventh year girl shivered.

"What's going on Hermione?" asked Harry alarmed. She put a reassuring hand over his. Hermione could tell he was scared, last time the train stopped on it's journey to Hogwarts they'd had a little visit from the Dementors.

"I don't know," she whispered back, "maybe I can go ask McGonagall. Head girl and boy are usually informed about this sort of thing."

"No." quavered Ron, "Stay with us."

Hermione nodded and the three sat huddled together until someone unexpected opened the compartment door.

Hermione Granger awoke with a start. She shivered slightly and glanced over at Harry and Ron, they were playing exploding wizard snap. A small smile lifted the corners of her mouth as she watched Ron slip a card from his sleeve and into his deck; she turned to look out the window. It was raining. Her thoughts wondered to her dream and she knew what was going to happen next.

The train screeched to a sudden stop.

"What's going on Hermione?" asked Harry alarmed.

"Ministry officials. They're checking the train." She put a reassuring hand over Harry's.

"How do you know?" asked Ron bewildered.

Hermione shrugged and attempted to sound offhand, "McGonagall told me," she hated lying to them. When she saw Harry's unconvinced face she added, "Harry, I'm head girl this year, they tell me this sort of thing!"

They sat huddled together until a tall wizard opened the compartment door. He looked around carefully, eyeing the three students suspiciously. Ron, who was never one for subtlety asked,

"What do you need to raid the train for?" he asked

The wizard raised a brow, "Just a routine check." With one final look around he left. Minutes later the train resumed its journey as if nothing had happened.

Ron snorted, "Routine check! Since when is that routine?"

"It's obvious," said Harry in a low voice, "after the death eaters attacked all those people last year, safety measures have been ridiculously high. They want to make sure nothing can get into Hogwarts that will put the students at risk."

Ron nodded darkly, then glanced at Hermione.

"What do you think Hermione?" He asked noticing her vacant look. Hermione gave a small shrug and looked back out the window. It was getting dark outside and the rain hadn't eased up.

Hermione twisted her hands in her lap uncomfortably. She wanted to tell Ron and Harry about her dreams; after all they were her best friends. But what if they laughed at her or didn't believe her? What if they thought she was crazy? These insecurities floated through her mind, and as poor as the excuse was, she decided to put off telling them once again.

Harry and Ron resumed their card game. Hermione sat in silence and was only disturbed from her thoughts when a second year boy walked into the compartment looking rather nervous.

"Hermione Granger?" He asked. When she nodded he continued, "You have to be up in the front carriage, McGonagall wants to see you for head girl duties." Hermione nodded again, waved goodbye to Ron and Harry and followed the small boy to the front of the train.

She opened the door gently to find Professor McGonagall seated inside with Draco Malfoy. It took Hermione a few long seconds to work out that Malfoy must be head boy; she inwardly groaned but said nothing.

"Take a seat Miss Granger." The teacher said. "I would firstly like to congratulate you both on your positions as head boy and girl. I expect you to set an example for the younger students to follow." She looked pointedly at Draco.

Both Hermione and Draco nodded before she continued; "You will be organising social events, helping teachers and other such things." She looked grim as she said the next part; "I expect you both know it is tradition for head boy and girl to share common room." Draco, who had obviously not known this, looked outraged. Hermione sighed, she had completely forgotten.

"I want no arguments!" added McGonagall. "That is all." And with that she swept out of the compartment leaving behind two speechless teenagers.

"Filthy mudblood." Draco muttered after a while. Hermione chose to ignore this, which angered Malfoy even more. All things considered, this year was going to be difficult to say the least.

Hermione sat in-between Ron and Harry in the great hall. They were talking merrily about anything that came to mind, and Ron was on his fifth bowl of chocolate sponge cake.

Dumbledore stood up and tapped his fork gently on the side of his glass for silence before he began his usual speech. Hermione was too tired to listen properly so, instead, she allowed herself to submerse into the little world in her head.

Before she knew it she was waving goodnight to Ron and Harry and just heading off to her new common room when it hit her. No one told her where the new common room was. Hermione started to panic. Damn. She thought looking around wildly.

"Lost miss Granger?" Hermione turned around to meet two sparkly eyes. She smiled at the head master.

"I don't know where my common room is." She mumbled.

"Of course, I was heading down there anyway, allow me to escort you," he smiled and led the seventh year girl up a flight of stairs and turning down a corridor Hermione had never been down before. At the end was a large portrait of a smiling mermaid.

"This is it, your password is 'blue-bird,' you and Mr. Malfoy may change it when you come to a suitable agreement on one." His eyes twinkled for a moment. "Goodnight," and with that he walked back down the corridor leaving Hermione standing in front of the portrait. The mermaid was brushing her hair.

The seventh year girl repeated the password the head master had given her and walked into the common room as the portrait swung open. She looked around in awe.

The walls were painted silver and red. There was a large fireplace and a sofa filled with comfortable looking cushions. There was a large bookcase in the corner of the room, and, there were of course two staircases, one leading up to Hermione's bedroom, and one to Draco's. Hermione Granger stifled a yawn and walked up the stair case to her room; only too ready to go to sleep.

She pulled on her Pyjamas and headed towards a door she could only assume adjoined to the bathroom. She assumed right.

As she walked in she was startled to find some one already in there. Draco stood in shorts and T-shirt brushing his teeth. He spat into the sink before turning to Hermione.

"Get out of my bathroom!" he snarled, Hermione was unfazed by this however and replied calmly,

"It's my bathroom too. "

"Shut up mudblood!" Malfoy growled, "You think you're so smart!"

"What is your problem Malfoy?" Hermione shouted, unable to control her temper.

"You are," he answered simply and with that he walked out of the opposite door leading to his room, leaving a seething Hermione behind.

"Drop dead Malfoy!" she shouted behind him, not knowing how ironic these words would soon be.

Draco Malfoy sat on his four-poster bed staring out of the open window. It was a cool night and after the rain had stopped, the sky had cleared up leaving the heavens slightly speckled with stars. It was a full moon.

Usually the sight of a sky that beautiful calmed Malfoy down, or at least put him in a better mood. Tonight however, that was not the case. Somehow, that girl managed to annoy him like no other could.

Draco gave a small sigh. He was back at Hogwarts and was thankful for it; he would not let that mudblood ruin that for him, it was after all his last year, and he wanted to enjoy it. He was glad to be back, away from the manor, away from his father.

It didn't take him long to fall into a dreamless sleep, oblivious to Hermione tossing and turning in bed only a few feet away.

Hermione looked at the clock, it was midnight. She heard a cry coming from Draco's room. She got out of bed quickly and ran to his dormitory. She hesitated, unsure if she should enter. Muffled voices could be heard from inside. One belonged to a man, it was cold and sent shivers down Hermione's spine. She could make out what they were saying,

"It's done now, he won't bother us anymore."

"Come on, let's leave. Dumbledore always knows what going on."

"Dumbledore's a fool."

She couldn't make out any more of the conversation as there voices were below a whisper. Hermione ran silently back to her room as she heard footsteps approaching the door.

Once she was sure they were gone, Hermione went back to Draco's room and pushed open the door.

The blonde boy lay on his bed, a knife sticking out of his stomach, his eyes glazed over, and a pool of blood was rapidly spreading onto the crisp white sheets. He was undoubtedly dead...

Hermione woke up in a cold sweat. Again.

She looked at the clock. It was midnight.