DLN: I'm very glad you seem to like this fic so far. This chapter will give you hints on Hilary's second secret. I guess this is where the drama takes place, hehehe. If you do not see Tyson a lot, please do get angry. His time will come...soon...maybe sooner then you think. Here are notes to the reviewers. Some new, some old. Hehehe, get new reviewers but keep the old. None are silver because they all gold! XD

DeejayXiao: Is she a mute? Hmm, maybe...read to find out! Ps. I love your new fic, Through the Looking Glass.

New Moon Night: Really? Thanks a bunch! Huggles you Ty/Hil's my favourite too!

Tika: Yup, you know. Just don't tell anyone, lol.

Tailsy101: Glad you enjoy my fic so far. Hope you'll continue to enjoy it.

You/Kai fic fan: Maybe this chapter will give you some hints, in able to help you answer that teaser question.

Nami Kahaku Kai's GF: Oh, I thought it was boring because not many stuff was happening but I'm glad you didn't think it was. XD

Hutchy: Unfortunately, I can't answer your questions but can only give you more hints in this chapter.

Diamond Core: Maybe this chapter will give some clues of why her family had to move. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Beyblade. Sigh This sometimes gets on my nerves. o.O


Chapter One

Hilary's P.O.V

They had put me into a cell...

Thick walls surrounded me. Cold light came through the bars, showing the mattress where I had to sleep. My heart thumped painfully as I thought about how long I had to stay here in this dark and lonely place. Feet that would lead people to there worst nightmares, possible.

Unable to bear the thought, I sat down on the bare mattress, trying hard not to cry. Show no fear... Where were my parents? What was happening? I thought about how my friends were probably talking and having fun. They didn't know I was being tortured.

"Feeling lonely?" A tiny voice asked anxiously.

Startled, I jumped in my seat, and snapped out of my hazy daydream. It had all seemed so real. I turned my head slowly, to face a girl who was carrying her lunch tray, worried written all over her face...Arimi...

"So...um...would I be able to sit here?" She asked another question, shuffling from one foot to the other.

I nodded. A bit hesitant, I might add. I didn't want people knowing about my...difference yet...

Arimi's worried expression changed into a huge grin as she slid into the seat next to me, and took out her lunch. "So how do you like it around here?"

I shrugged, grabbing my oatmeal cookie, while taking tiny bites out of it.

I thought back of how I actually thought of the school when I first stepped foot into it. Compared to my old school, it was extremely bigger. My old school wasn't very huge, which made it easier for me to not get lost. Now in this new place, I might just one day step foot into the wrong classroom. The worst part is, is that I can't ask for help...

Everybody here seems to know each other. Like a big, close family to which I did not belong to. They stared at me and giggled, and muttered things about me behind their hands. I felt like an alien from outer space, rather then a newcomer from the city. How I wish I could tell someone about all my feelings and thoughts...but I can't...

Arimi's huge grin suddenly drooped down to a frown. "So what's your favourite class so far?" She asked another question, once again. Her tone of voice this time was very squeaky and sounded like it was breaking down.

I shrugged once again, feeling uncomfortable of all these questions, which I could not answer to.

"You're just like the others aren't you?" Arimi whispered, her voice dripping with sadness. "You don't want to be friends with me either? Isn't that right?" Arimi carried up her lunch tray, and got ready to leave, her eyes brimmed with tears.

My eyes widened as a look of shock crossed my face. I shook my head vigorously. I held up my arm and grabbed her wrist, to stop her from leaving. I shook my head again, to show her that I did want her here with me.

She stared at me confused, but sat down anyway, with a happier look on her face. After a few moments of silence, Arimi suddenly spoke up. "Just out of curiosity, why don't you talk? You really don't have to answer me."

I turned away from her, avoiding her eyes. I just couldn't tell her now. Soon, but not now. I turned back towards her and shook my head.

"Not right now?" Arimi asked, while I nodded, "I understand." She smiled at me and I smiled back. And that's how an ever-lasting friendship was beginning to blossom...

Hilary's House

Normal P.O.V

The brown-haired girl ran upstairs when hearing eerie scratches. She went into her mom's bedroom. Seeing that no one was there, she took a step back, frightened. Feeling uneasy...dizzy...

She looked down and saw a thick red liquid oozing all over the floor. It was blood. As the metallic smell of the blood reached her nose, she swayed back and forth ready to faint, but she couldn't. She had to find her parents.

Where were they? Maybe they stepped out when this had happened. Should she go ask for help? No, her mom might be still in here...somewhere...

She ran to her room and stopped right in her tracks at the sight that beheld her eyes. She dropped the books she was carrying, making a loud noise echoing throughout the room. Her eyes widened, as she opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out.

There was her mother, dead. Her face slashed with what seemed like knives. The blood, fresh, dripping slowly down her face, staining her fluffy white pillow. The blood...it was still fresh...that means there's a possibility that the killer might still be here...lurking in the shadows...

She stumbled quickly out her room and ran downstairs towards the kitchen. She opened the door to the living room with a loud creak Then she saw it...far worse then even her worse nightmares. Far, far worse. It was...


Hilary glared at her mother, as she ejected the videotape out of the slot. She stood up and took the videotape from her mother's hands, proceeding to put it back into the slot.

Her mother grabbed it out of her hands again, and scolded her. "Hilary! You aren't supposed to be watching any scary movies! There are no good parts in these awful scenes!"

Hilary stomped her foot and ran to the kitchen, pulling her mother along with her. She stopped right in front of the refrigerator and pointed at a picture taped on it. A picture of her 15th birthday.

Mrs. Tatibana sighed and ruffled her daughter's hair. "I know you're 15, honey, but I'm not allowing you to watch this."

Hilary threw her hands up in expiration, and ran to the living room.

Mrs. Tatibana could hear the loud thumps from her shoes, as she always half stomps, half walks, when she gets angry. A second later, after the thumps stopped for a second, Mrs. Tatibana held her ears as she heard a loud slam. Her predictions were correct. Hilary had locked herself in the closet again. She always did that when she was angry.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. Hilary's mom walked over to the door and opened the door. "Listen, this isn't a good time to..." Her sentence cut off as she saw who she was. She let out a surprised gasp, and raised her hands up to cover her mouth, eyes widening.

The figure in front of Mrs. Tatibana, let out a low growl and pushed her out of his way so that she fell to the ground beneath him. "You worthless woman. You were always so weak." He smirked, and walked to where the living room closet was...to where Hilary was...

"No!" The woman cried, holding onto the man's leg. "Don't hurt Hilary! You can do anything, but just don't involve her!"

The man rolled his deep blue eyes and shook the woman off. "Get off of me you pathetic, woman." He continued walking to the closet. He opened the lock with no difficulty at all, to reveal Hilary...

Hilary's P.O.V

Humph! Mother treats me like a child! It was just a damn fucking movie for pete's sake! As I sat there muttering things, I failed to notice the footsteps coming closer and closer... When I had noticed the burst of light entering the closet as the door opened, I saw him...

I knew why he was here, and I knew I should run...but I couldn't. I felt so numb...so weak... Feeling almost hypnotized I stared into his eyes. Just stared. I knew he would have came sooner or later, waiting for me, and yet I hadn't believed it was possible.

I looked away from his deep eyes and glanced at him. He hasn't changed. His dark black hair, messy as usual. The evil in his heart, worser then ever.

"You..." I mouthed, as an evil smirk made it's way on his face.

"Still can't talk, huh?" He stared at me, his eyes surveying me up and down. "It was probably because of that idiotic woman over there." He directed his thumb over to where my mother was sitting on the ground, staring at the man in fear.

I looked away from him, staring at the ground, trying hard not to cry. I bit my lip, thinking back of what he told me when I was younger. He hates people showing emotion...emotions are for weaklings he says... (He's not like Kai okay? He's evil! You hear me? Evil! Lol. I mean, Hilary's Cough stranger is, lol.)

The tall man reached forward suddenly, his cold hands circling around my neck. He held his hand up along with my neck and body, and pinned me to the wall.

I struggled. Trying to get out of his cold hands...so cold... I couldn't breathe. Still struggling, I tried to catch a few short breaths.

"Stop struggling, girl." He muttered angrily. "Or I'll kill you now."

I stopped struggling, trying my best to not show the fear in my eyes, which was radiating off me at the moment.

He smirked, and loosened his grip. Enough for me to breathe, but not enough for me to get out of his grip. "You know what I want from you, right?" He asked, as I nodded quickly. "Good, and if you don't get it for me, you know the consequences." He then let go and dropped me on the floor.

I slumped against the closet wall, rubbing the swollen part where his nails held my neck.

"If you value that precious treasure that was taken away, then you would find it quickly." He grinned evilly, showing his sharp fangs. "I'm going now but heed my warning, because I will be back." He reached for the closet doorknob, then with horrified eyes, I watched as he slammed it shut. A locking noise and then the sound of a key, dropping to the ground. I heard a cry from my mother then the slam of the front door. After that, it was all complete silence.

I pounded my fists on the door. Grabbing the handle, I pulled with all my strength. It refused to move. Again I slammed my hands against the wooden door until the flesh stung so much I had to stop. Tears ran down my face, and I dropped to my knees.

What did he do to Mother? Has he done something to her?

I stood up, ready to bang on the door again when I heard the sound of someone sticking a key into a lock. Then the door opened. Stumbling forward, I saw my mom there, with tears in her eyes.

It pained my heart so much to see my mother like that. I did the one thing I could think of doing at the moment. I reached forward and hugged her.

"He's back..." Mom whispered softly, to no one in particular.

I nodded, hugging her tightly, trying to comfort her in any way I can.

The worst thing is, the man was no stranger who barged in on us. Who threatened us. Who hurt us. This man was none other then someone who was one with my own flesh and blood...That very man was my living, breathing father....

Now, I have to survive through this horrid nightmare. Everything was reliving itself again. The memories, the happenings, they were all coming back to me now. I knew that my past was back...it was back to haunt me, once again...

DLN: I'm done now! So what do you think? Have you figured out the answer to the question yet? The first answer, most of you guessed. But the second, none of you did. Maybe this chapter gave you some clues about the second answer. Here's another teaser question!

Question: What did you think Hilary's father wanted from her?

DLN: It's hard, but I would like to know what you think it is. Well bye for now! I'll continue writing soon.