IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm sorry if it seems boring in the beginning. It WILL get interesting, trust me.

DLN: Um, please don't kill me. Sigh I really want to write this fic, and I'll continue my other ones soon. I'm very sorry if the readers, who are waiting for my other fics, are waiting for a very long time. Meanwhile, here's another fic to keep you entertained! Hehehehhe...nervous laugh then sweat-drop here's the summary! Again, please don't get mad!

Summary: Life sucks. It's true. A hidden secret, shedded tears, uncontrolled-emotions, and a precious treasure being taken away. This all equals up to being different. Being a freak. I can't let anyone get close, for if they do, they just might regret it. I just can't...but what if I do? Ty/ Hil

DLN: Heh! Does this sound like my other fic, Dark Memories? No worries, it's not, lol. It's completely different. Here's the disclaimer!

Disclaimer: I don't own Beyblade.

DLN: Okie, just to tell you, but this was inspired by a fic I read about being different! And also if you have ever read any of my fics before, then you would know that I like switching P.O.Vs often. So don't yell at me if you don't like that. o.O

Chapter One

"HILARY!" A woman's voice called, as she climbed out of a red convertible, dragging several stuffed suitcases out along with her. "So what do you think?"

A girl, with brown hair, climbed out of the convertible, her ruby eyes glancing up at the house in front of her. Her eyes then darted over to the woman and narrowed, while she crossed her arms in front of her.

The woman sighed, putting down the suitcases, and running a hand through her hair. "Hilary! You think that about every place we move to! Can't you at least try and enjoy living here?"

Hilary rolled her eyes and shook her head, glaring at her.

The woman gave another sigh as a man carrying a big brown cardboard box walked up to her.

"Where would you want this, Mrs. Tatibana?" The man asked, indicating to the box.

Mrs. Tatibana pointed to the house. "Over there would be fine."

The man nodded, and walked over to the door of the new house.

"Come on Hilary." Hilary's mother motioned Hilary to come with her, with her hand. "Let's get inside. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow." She then disappeared through the door of the house.

Hilary gave one last glance up at her new house, before entering it. "Doesn't matter where I go..." She thought. "There's really no place where I belong..."

Next Day At School

Normal P.O.V (I'm not exactly switching point of views but... aw, just let me write like this hehehe )

Today, Rosedale High School is getting a new student. But this student, was no ordinary student... This student was... Hilary...

"What if we get a new cute boy?" A girl named Carly asked, twisting one of her light brown pigtails. "Oh! And what if he's a genius! More brilliant then Albert Einstein!" She then stifled a few giggles, with her hand.

"Oh be serious, Carly!" Marina laughed and wrinkled her freckle-covered nose. "Not many new students enter our school, and are smarter then Albert Einstein."

A short girl named Stacy spoke up. "Maybe we'll get a girl that's a major bully. She might take away my notebooks and stuff." She shivered, and everybody laughed. Stacy turned bright red. "Well, she might, and then you'd all be sorry!" That silenced everyone. There were enough bullies around here.

"Don't worry." A boy named Fred bragged. "I can take care of any bully. Even the toughest kind." A murmur of sarcastic "Yeah rights..." and "Sure you can..." comments went around the room, causing Fred to roll his eyes, glaring at his classmates.

A girl sitting in the far-left corner, named Arimi, surveyed her textbook, but couldn't help hearing her classmate's conversations. She tucked a strand of her brown hair as her icey blue eyes lit up with curiosity. A new classmate! How great! They would probably end up not being her friend however...

Footsteps from out in the hall made everybody scramble for their seats. An uneasy silence settled over the class as the footsteps stopped in front of the classroom door. A couple of students took deep breaths as the doorknob slowly turned.

Their principal, Mr. Ritchie, walked into the classroom with their teacher, Ms. Arrow.

"Good morning, students." The principal greeted, grinning. Mr. Ritchie had messy brown hair and wore dark rimmed glasses, which nearly fell off. He pushed the glasses up his nose before speaking once again. "I would like to introduce you to your new student, Hilary."

Ms. Arrow glanced at the open door, as if waiting for something to pop out. Seeing nothing she peeked her head out of the door. "It's okay, Hilary. You can come in now."

A timid (she is in this fic only in the beginning...she'll be like herself soon...) girl with brown hair up to her shoulders, walked in with her eyes glued to the floor, looking as if she'd rather be anywhere but here. She finally looked up, her ruby eyes scanning the classroom. Her eyes then returned back to the floor.

"Class, please welcome Hilary Tatibana." Ms. Arrow introduced, indicating to the new student. "Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself."

Hilary glanced up at the teacher, and cast her a confused look, cocking her head to one side.

Ms. Arrow frowned. "Oh that's right. I forgot. I'm sorry, Hilary." She apologized to Hilary, while now it was the students' turn to cast Ms. Arrow a confused look.

Ms. Arrow placed a finger on her chin, tapping it lightly, as if in a deep thought. "Let's see...where you should sit..." Several hands rose up in thee air, waving and volunteering as Ms. Arrow finished her sentence, but she just ignored the hands. "Hmmm, you could sit next to Arimi over there."

A few girls chorused, "What?", as everyone turned around at stare at Arimi who was looking very shocked.

"M-m-me?" She stammered, pointing a finger to her chest.

Ms. Arrow nodded and smiled, putting her hand on Hilary's shoulder, causing her to jump slightly. "Now put up your hand up Arimi, in case she doesn't know where she's sitting."

Arimi meekly raised her hand as Hilary strolled over to the empty desk beside her. She gave Hilary a weak smile, before burying her face inside her textbook again.

"I'm sure that you have everything under control now, Ms. Arrow." Mr. Ritchie started, receiving a nod from Ms. Arrow. "If you do not, then I want you to let me know." The door closed with a loud click as Mr. Ritchie left.

"Now I'm sure some of you want to know more about Hilary, so I'll give her a piece of paper to write down some things she wants to tell us. Then when she's done, I'll read it to the class." Ms. Arrow announced, handing Hilary a clean sheet of white paper, along with a new sharpened pencil.

"Why can't she say it herself?" Fred blurted out.

Ms. Arrow's gaze directed to Fred as she gave him a small smile. "I believe that is none of our business at the moment." Again, confused glances went around the room.

Hilary stared at the paper in front of her, nervously picking up her pencil and began scribbling wildly on her paper. The once blank space was now full and ready to be read. She raised her hand signaling that her paper was ready to be read.

Ms. Arrow picked up Hilary's paper, clearing her throat and began to read. "Hi, my name is Hilary Tatibana. I'm fifteen years old, just like most of the rest of you. There's not much to say about me however. I love writing and drawing and my parents say I have a creative flair. I may be shy when first meeting people, but get to know me and I can be many other things. I am very sensitive and easily hurt, so it's sometimes hard to make friends for me. I come from a small country bordered by Russia and the Black Sea. I have been to over 20 or so schools my entire life. I stayed at that country until I was three, the longest time ever in one place. It was a wonderful life until..."

"Until what?" A girl named Mary blurted, her eyes widening.

Ms. Arrow cleared her throat and finished off her sentence. "Until my family was forced to leave."

"Why did you have to leave?" A boy named Leo asked, turning around to look at Hilary.

Hilary ignored her classmate's wandering eyes, as she stared down at her shoes, as if it was the most interesting thing she'd ever seen.

Ms. Arrow, seeing that Hilary was uncomfortable, responded for her. "Oh, that is not important now." She then dismissed the students for their next class. (Making you wonder yet? Again, I'm sorry if it seems boring in the beginning... )

At Lunchtime Normal P.O.V (I have to tell you this...hehehehe )

A group of fifteen-year olds, and fourteen-year olds met at a specific lunch table, which they occupied every lunchtime. The wind could be heard rustling through trees outside the window as a ghostly sound was made from the winds.

"I think she's strange." A chirpy boy with blond hair and blue eyes that were twinkling replied bluntly. "Haven't you noticed she doesn't talk?"

"Come on, Max." Laughed a boy with black hair and cat-like golden eyes. "Maybe she's just shy."

"But Rei, I think it's weird too." Another boy spoke up, taking a large bite of his sandwich. His slate-blue hair rustled in the wind as his gray eyes stared at the table. "And what about that story of her country?"

A boy with eyes which seemed to be hidden by unruly messy brown hair nodded, his glasses slipping off his head, causing it to fall on the table. "I agree with Kai and Max. Why do you think her family had to leave? Do you think they're criminals?" He proceeded to pick up his glasses and place it on his head once again.

Max's eyes got big. "Maybe Kenny's right! Maybe they're jewel thieves, or something! What do you think, Tyson?"

The four boys gaze directed to the one boy who wasn't talking at the moment. "Huh?" The last boy looked up at the group and removed a strand of his navy blue hair from his eyes. "What was that?" He asked, his eyes matching his hair, clouded with confusion.

Rei sighed, and rolled his eyes. "What's up with you, Tyson? Usually you would be the first one to talk."

"Oh..." Tyson laughed nervously. "Um yeah. I just felt a little...out of character today."

Rei nodded. "Now we were asking you if you thought the new girl was strange."

"You mean Hilary?" Tyson wondered, receiving another nod from Rei.

"Well..." Tyson started, uneasy. "I think she's...okay..."

"Okay?" The four boys chorused.

Tyson blinked before responding. "Yeah...I sort of feel like I know her...maybe connected to her..."

"Connected?" The four boys leaned forward, interested in what Tyson had to say.

Tyson leaned back, surprised. "Well, I'm not saying she's strange but there's definitely something strange about her."

The four boys nodded leaning back into their seats and eating once again as if nothing happened.

Tyson then gave a sigh of relief. He took a small bite out of his chocolate chip cookie, but even while he was eating, he couldn't stop thinking about the strange new girl...Hilary Tatibana...

Later After School Normal P.O.V

Hilary was fiddling around with the lock on her school locker. "Why is it these things never seem to open when you want them to?" She thought, frustrated. She frowned, and banged on the locker, to release some of her stress. She sighed, about to give up when she heard a voice behind her.

"Hey. Need any help?" A cheerful voice asked.

Hilary turned around to face none other then Tyson. She froze for a moment but managed to shake her head no.

Tyson shrugged. "Suit yourself."

Hilary nodded, and went back to trying to open her locker, while Tyson watched her with an amused expression at her failed attempts. Hilary finally gave up, knowing that she couldn't do this. She gazed at Tyson and crossed her arms in front of her chest, as if to say, "Fine, you can help me."

Tyson grinned and went towards the locker. "Just watch the master. Now what's your code?"

Hilary handed him a sheet of paper with her code written on it.

Tyson briefly viewed it and seconds later, her locket flung open. "Ah-ha! I told you I'm the master!"

Hilary gave Tyson a light smile as she jammed some books into her locker, while taking out a few at the same time.

" it?" Tyson asked, as Hilary nodded, trying to balance her books in one arm. "Just out of curiosity...remember that story you told in our home room class? Why did your parents have to leave the country?"

Hilary's eyes widened and she dropped the books in her hand. She hastily picked them up and slammed her locker shut. She had a frightened expression in her eyes and she looked from right to left as if looking for some route of escape. She quickly shook her head, and ran down the hallway out of Tyson's sight.

Tyson stared after her, raising an eyebrow. Hilary was sure strange. There was something very different about her. Something that separates her from all the other peoples. Tyson just had to find out. No matter what, he was going to find out the truth...

DLN: Okie, so how do you like it? Confused yet? OMG! This is the first time I ever wrote a chapter all in one point of view! Lol! Anyway, if you enjoy this then read all my other Ty/ Hil fics if you like. Hehehehe, sorry if it was boring! Well bye for now! Oh and here's a teaser question.

Question: What do you think makes Hilary different?

DLN: There are actually two reasons, some people know this because I told them while chatting to them, hehehehe. Well ja ne!