Hello readers! I'm actually trying to finish this fic before summer ends because I have a few more ideas for other fics on my mind. So, have a fun summer and happy reading!


Disclaimer: Nothing owned by me.

Chapter 28: Training and Pissing off 'The Man'


The only thing that was even the slightest bit visible in this dark, dank space at the moment was the outlines of four hunched over figures.

Their faces were not visible in the sliver of light that came through the small space between what appeared to be a door and the floor.

One of the figures moved his head towards the door and then towards where he thought his companions might have been sitting.

"So? What now? It's been at least three days since they pushed me in here with you three but since then the only time the door has opened was when Rio came to tell us not to eat the food they send in and when they actually brought in the food. What's going on?"

That was the hoarse whisper of Kai Hiwatari. Yes, it had indeed been three days since he had initiated the last phase of the plan, to trap Boris, by getting himself captured. After being captured he recalled being hauled into some sort of box and then swaying back and forth until the box was opened. He assumed he had been sent to Russia aboard a cargo ship of some sort. He was then thrown into this dungeon type of room where he and his companions had a bit of a reunion. Their reunion however was interrupted by someone named Rivera which turned out to be Ozuma's cousin Rio in disguise. She had only stopped in to inform them that they must avoid eating the food they were given by Boris's men because it has some sort of brain manipulating drugs in it. They had survived these past three days off the bread and cherries she had given them before leaving.

"I don't know," came Ozuma's voice sounding as if he hadn't spoken in years, "when they captured me they tortured me for about an hour and then they just stopped. My wounds healed and Tala told me that has something to do with Miriam getting hurt. After that me and Tala were taken to Boris who tried bribing us but we just made fun of the bastard and managed to royally piss him off."

"Yea and when Rei got here Leo or Luke, that's his undercover name, came by and told us that they had managed to convince Boris that physical torture wouldn't affect us much so he's cancelled his plans for that. But he would probably try to mentally torture us, most likely by spitting out threats to our families and the girls." Kai heard Tala whisper somewhere to the right of him.

"That's bullshit though. He's just trying to get into our heads. A few days ago we heard someone outside the door talking about how no one should mess with 'The Man'. 'The Man' this; 'The Man' that that's all we ever hear his slaves talking about. I say we should just try getting under his skin by showing everyone around him what a bitch he really is. Next time he wants to see us I'm gonna piss him off until he breaks down or something. So then we…"

Unfortunately, Rei's little rant was interrupted when the door to their little room swung open. The boys blinked a few times to let their eyes adjust to the light that was pouring in from outside the room.

There stood a tall purpled haired man with a slightly wrinkled and pointed face. He was looking down at all of them with a triumphant look on his face.

'This is Boris! They must be joking! This guy looks like a dickhead.' Kai thought to himself, not the slightest bit intimidated by 'The Man'.

Rei took one look at the man and then turned his face back to the other three, all whose faces were now more visible because of the light pouring in.

"So, anyways, before I was so rudely interrupted," here Rei shot a glare towards Boris, " I was saying that we should find out who 'The Man' we've been hearing about is and kick his ass. I mean he has got to be a dumbass if he wants people to walk around calling him 'The Man'."

Tala and Ozuma broke out laughing at the look on Boris's face and Kai simply smirked at Rei who looked quite smug about his comments.

"Ahem." Boris coughed a bit to get the boys' attention.

Rei turned around and looked enquiringly at the purpled haired man before looking away and complaining about how rude people were these days.

"Rude? Who are you calling rude? You're the one who deliberately ignored me. Didn't your mother teach you to respect your elders?" Boris snapped.

"Didn't your mother teach you not to barge in on people's conversations?" Rei inquired with a smirk.

The boys watched with satisfied smirks as Boris seemed to struggle with himself about how to deal with Rei before he seemed to calm down a bit before smirking at the boys in return.

"I hope you do realize that you're my captives and as such you should watch what you say around me." He said and puffed out his chest as if to intimidate them.

"I hope you realize that we don't give a damn and that you look like a dickhead." Tala simply retorted.

"We'll see how well you can retort back in a few minutes in my office. Guards take the prisoners and follow me." Boris said.

"Why, you gonna tie us up and bang us like you did to your bodyguard? You disgusting old man!" Ozuma yelled after him as a guard pushed him down the narrow hallway behind Boris.

Boris paused for a second before turning around and walking over to where Ozuma and his guard had stopped. He walked over and leaned in so that their faces were barely an inch apart.

"What my bodyguard and I do in private is none of your business young man." Boris whispered, looking Ozuma up and down with a smirk with that last remark.

Ozuma shuddered a little before he was pushed forward by the guard.

'The elders better have us out of here soon or I'm going to wring that old man's neck!' Ozuma thought as he glared at the man ahead of him.


Miriam Linto was panting for breath as she continued to spar with her pink haired opponent.

"Hey…pant…Miriam…we've been…pant…going at this for…pant…two hours." Mariah breathed out delivering a roundhouse kick that was easily dodged by Miriam and then proceeded to duck just before her blue haired opponent's right hook made contact.

"Yea maybe you guys should take a break. Hey Aaliyah, you ready?" Paree said before looking towards her cousin to see if she had managed to get all her protective fencing gear on.

"Yea yea…good fight guys." Aaliyah said, complimenting Mariah and Miriam's sparring session.

The tired, blue and pink haired girls sent Aaliyah a small smile before sitting down to watch the two cousins fence.

"I wish I could do that." Mariah said over the sound of the clashing swords.

"Mm hmm." Miriam simply replied as she watched transfixed as the small battle ended with the tip of Aaliyah's sword against Paree's neck.

"You win," Paree muttered, taking a seat next to Miriam, before continuing, "I was thinking that if we split up into pairs of two then we could have a better chance at finding the guys when we go to rescue them."

"Yea I was thinking the same thing. If I went with Aaliyah, and you two went together then we shouldn't have too much trouble if we encounter any guards. It'd work cause one could use hand to hand combat and the other weaponry." Miriam said looking at Mariah and Paree, then at Aaliyah who simply nodded her head in agreement.

"Yea, we should do that. Anyways enough with the scheming I'm hungry let's get something to eat." Aaliyah said getting up and going to the kitchen. The others also got up and left the gym in Bikonai mansion and headed in the same direction as there blue and black haired friend.


"Tell me, who are your counterparts?"


"I suggest you tell me now or there shall be dire consequences."

"Oh my god! 'The Man' is gonna take out the stick that's up his ass and spank us with it."

"You are increasing my ire."

"Then go ask one of your bodyguards to help you decrease it."

"You are not improving your situation I'll let you know!"

"And I'll let you know that we don't care."

"Tell me now!"

"No! Don't you understand the meaning of no! Then again I doubt your bodyguards have ever said no to providing you with their …services."

That basically summed up how the conversation between Boris and his four prisoners had been going for the past hour. And the boys could tell that he was becoming very irate.

Boris' assistants who went by the names of Daniel, Rivera, Luke and Juliet were trying hard to suppress their laughter at their boss' reactions and the strange color his skin was turning while he spluttered in anger trying to come up with something adequate to say to the rebellious teens boys in front of him.

"Hey a dude? You okay your turning kinda purple? Unless that's just a late reaction to that weird stuff you eat." Tala said pointing to the glass jars of some kind of clear jelly stuff on Boris' desk.

"And purple totally doesn't suit you by the way." Ozuma added with a small smirk after catching the amused glance and thumbs up that Luke and Rio passed him. He knew the assistants were Rio, Drake, Leo and Julie in disguise.

"I'm going to try one more…" Boris tried but was interrupted by Kai who drawled in a bored voice saying,

"Yeah, yeah. We've heard it all in movies. Can't you come up with something original you cook!"

Boris had had it. He let out a strange strangled cry and looked around with a wild look in his eyes. He knocked over some books and a small globe from the top of his desk before storming out the door. His bodyguards following and a slightly slower pace.

"Looks like someone needs anger management classes." Rei said with s smirk. The "assistants" and the boys started laughing at this but paused when hearing another scream from the hallway.

"I think 'The Man' heard you." Kai said before shrugging and adding "who cares?"


There you go. I know it's a short chapter but I hope you like it. Please review and I'll update again really soon
