Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the reviews! In case you didn't know, this IS the last chapter of this fic. So I've made it extra long! All questions will be answered… I hope. Lol. Jk. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Don't own them.
Note: Some flashbacks are just scenes of what happened before. I just didn't feel like writing "what happened before".
"In school, you are taught a lesson, then given a test. In life, you are given a test, that teaches you a lesson."
Kagome raced out the door was fast as she could to the well house. Without hesitation, she jumped in and was surrounded by a sea of blue lights. Soon her feet reached solid ground and she look up. A feeling of happiness overwhelmed when she saw that beautiful night sky instead of the roof. Climbing up the vines, Kagome hopped out of the well and headed over to Keade's village.
The forest surrounding her was cold and darker than usual. Shadows hung in every corner and seemed to follow her. Kagome shivered remembering she forgot to grab a jacket. But it didn't matter. She couldn't wait to meet the arms of Inuyasha and have his embrace warm her emotionally and physically.
As she walked along the dirt path, Kagome swore she saw a figure moving in the distance. Maybe it's a wounded person! Quickening her pace slightly, Kagome rushed over to the figure. He seemed to be sitting at the base of a tree, his face looking down, and black hair blocking off any trace of his identity. Kagome gasped when she realized who it was.
She cast a glance at the sky realizing it was a new moon. A smile bigger then ever formed on her face. She had never been happier. So happy to see him. Slowly, she walked over to Inuyasha.
Then something caught her eyes.
First of all, Inuyasha wasn't even looking at her, more at the ground. He seemed to have not even noticed her. Second, he seemed to be holding something in his hand. A picture.
A picture of her.
"Hey Inuyasha! I'm back!" Kagome greeted.
"Yo Kagome! Did you bring the ramen?" Inuyasha asked snatching the bag from her hand. He immediately began searching madly for the ramen boxes. What caught his eyes instead was a silver box shaped thingy with buttons on it.
"What the hell is this?" he asked pulling it out.
"Oh. That's a camera."
"Com-mur-a?" Inuyasha repeated dumbly.
"Yes. It kinda creates pictures. Like a painting only better. You just push this button and then a picture is formed."
"Oh." Inuyasha intelligently said, "Lemme try!"
"Alright." agreed Kagome holding the camera out. She quickly explained how to use it and backed away. "Now just aim it at me and push the button."
Inuyasha obeyed and a flash was emitted. It caught the hanyou off guard causing him to drop it and pull out his Tetsusaiga.
"Alright you demon! You thought you could hide in Kagome's con-mur-a, but you can't fool me!" He was about to slice it when Kagome stopped him.
"No Inuyasha! It's ok! It was supposed to do that!"
Inuyasha lowered the Tetsusaiga. "Why didn't you say so!?"
"Sorry." replied Kagome as she picked up the camera. Slowly, a small square picture rolled out of the slot (A/N: One of those quick and easily ones! ). She pulled it out of the slot, air dried it, then handed it to Inuyasha.
"There! Now you will always have a picture of me!" Inuyasha smiled.
End Flashback
Kagome smiled lightly at the memory. I'm surprised he kept it for so long. Kagome continued to make her way closer to Inuyasha, still puzzled on why he didn't seem to look up at her. She watched as Inuyasha slowly put the picture down on the ground next to him.
"Kagome…" he whispered barley even audible to Kagome's ears. Kagome was just about to call out to him when a slight gust of wind blew by, blowing the picture away from Inuyasha toward Kagome. It stopped right at her feet.
Kagome looked up to see if Inuyasha had noticed, and he had. But not in the way Kagome would've ever guessed, in her whole life.
Kagome watched as Inuyasha reached out a steady clawless hand for the picture. He slowly reached toward the ground beside him, expecting the picture to meet under his fingertips. Kagome expected him to realize the picture was gone and look up at her, but that was far from the truth.
Inuyasha's hands seemed to be running over the grass. Searching. Searching for the picture with just his hands. Not even bother to look at the spot, as if he couldn't see.
"But, it costs quite a price. Would you like to hear about it?"
Inuyasha nodded. "Yes. Tell me… please?"
"Very well. There is only one way to save Miss. Kagome's sight. That is to do a transfer sight."
"What's that?"
The doctor sighed. "It means that she would have to have someone willingly give up their eyesight for her. She would be able to see again, but the donor would be blind forever."
Inuyasha paled. How much will I sacrifice for Kagome's happiness?
Flashback 2
Inuyasha was slowly lead to by a nurse to the operation room. He had changed in to a patient's gown and was now about to fill in the complete part of the operation. Inside, he saw Kagome, lying on her own stretcher bed, looking so peaceful and calm. While he, was so nervous and terrified. He slowly lay on his own bed next to Kagome's and tried to relax.
"Don't worry Inuyasha. You will be asleep for most of it so you won't feel a thing."
This still did not calm Inuyasha. All he hoped was that he had made the right choice. Inuyasha slowly reached over to Kagome to link his hand with hers. He grasped it tightly hoping she would somehow hear him as he spoke.
"I love you."
Inuyasha's grip loosed as the nurses slowly wheeled Inuyasha bed off to the side, away from Kagome's. He held for as long as he could, reaching out as far as he could until the gap was too far. He continued to stare at her trying, to memorize every inch of her. His head, which had been tilted sideways to stare at Kagome, was suddenly forced up to look at the light.
He saw doctors and nurses crowding around him as he began to get drowsy. Casting one last look in to the brightness of the light, Inuyasha closed his slightly teary eyes, letting the darkness forever consume him.
Flashback 3
Inuyasha awoke to the sound of people calling his name. He could still feel the bandages around his head reminding him of the truth.
"Inuyasha. We are going to remove the bandages now. Are you ok?"
Inuyasha sat up. "I'm fine." he replied softly. Slowly the doctors removed the bandages, strip by strip. When the bandages were off, he opened his eyes to reveal nothing but darkness. His head tipped in sorrow and his ears dropped. Suddenly, he felt two warm
arms encircle him in a loving, tight embrace. He thought it was Kagome, but then recognized the scent as Mrs. Higurashi.
"I can't thank you enough."
Inuyasha nodded slightly. "How is Kagome?"
Dr. Moto's voice appeared. "She will be fine Inuyasha, thanks to you. She will most likely awaken tomorrow."
"That's great." Inuyasha replied in a monotone. The drive home was extremely quiet. Mrs. Higuashi broke the silence.
"So Kagome is getting her bandages off early tomorrow. Inuyasha, can you be up by seven?"
"I'm not going."
"What? But you have to! Kagome will want to see you!"
"I'm sorry, but I realize, that if she sees me, it will be harder to let go. I don't want her coming back to the Feudal Era anymore." stated Inuyasha fingering the jewel shards in his pocket, "I will leave tomorrow at 7. I'm sorry."
End Flashbacks
That was all she could feel. But this wasn't the same pain. It was deep in her heart. Her life seemed to shatter before her eyes. A slight sob formed deep within her. She couldn't stop the tears from falling. She covered her mouth to muffle the sound of her sobs. She didn't want Inuyasha to hear her cry. She didn't want him to know that she was there.
But why? Why didn't he tell me? Did he think I would be mad?
He wanted to protect you. It was too much for him. To let go. It was so hard. He didn't want to make it harder.
a voice said in her head.Kagome gasped. Without his sight, he couldn't really do much anymore. He won't even be able to help collect the jewel shards. He has felt weak all his life. Now he is even weaker.
He knew. He promised to protect you. He failed. He felt the guilt. He still had to protect you. Giving you his sight was the first step. Separating you from him was the final step.
He did it for me. He was willing to give up his dream. His life. For me.
He loved you. He would do anything for you.
Kagome's eyes were now red and puffy. Now Kagome felt all the guilt in her heart. It was her fault. She crushed Inuyasha's life.
But he crushed yours first.
Kagome slowly leaned down and picked up the picture. She snapped a twig in the process. Inuyasha's head snapped up.
"Who's there?"
Kagome didn't know what to say. Should I answer? She started in to his beautiful, unfocused violet eyes. Memories of him flooded her mind, causing more tears to fall.
It was his night. The night he was vulnerable. He didn't care. He couldn't get Kagome's face out of his mind. Clutching the Kagome's picture in his hand, he ran blindly out of the hut, ignoring the cries of his friends.
He continued running till he was near out of breath (A/N: Amazing how he didn't hit a tree. ). He was alone. Forever. Consumed by the darkness. At least Kagome, will never be alone.
Inuyasha felt for the nearest tree and sat down. He buried his face in his knees and silently cried. He pulled the picture close to his heart. Even though he couldn't see it, he still felt Kagome's warmth emitting from it. Slowly he laid the picture down next to him.
I hope you're happy wherever you are Kagome. I will never forget your face. You are the light that brightens the darkness within. I love you with all my heart.
"Kagome…" he whispered to no one in particular. A slight gust of wind blew by. Remembering, Inuyasha slowly reached down for the picture, but only felt grass. He froze. He had lost his only way of remembering her. He continued to feel around, but only felt broken pieces of grass. Feeble as they are, they seemed to break his heart.
Suddenly, a twig snapped in the distance, causing him to look up. Someone was near. Who was it? It could be a clumsy human, or maybe a demon. Inuyasha paled slightly. He might die tonight.
"Who's there?" he asked to the night. No answer. Only the silent ness of the night, which worried him.
"Hello?" he asked again.
Still no answer.
"Just my imagination." he stated.
Kagome couldn't answer. She couldn't speak. It felt like her voice was gone. Frozen in her throat. She swallowed, hoping to heal it. It didn't help. She knew what she had to do. She gathered her courage and took a silent step forward. Then another.
"Just my imagination." she heard him say.
No Inuyasha. It's me Kagome. Please forgive me.
Kagome slowly walked closer to Inuyasha. He still did not seem to notice her. She walked up until she was about a foot away from him. Then tapping his shoulder, she handed him the picture. Inuyasha looked surprised when hr felt someone touch him, but took the picture none the less.
"Uh…….gee….. Thanks."
Without even thinking, Kagome flung herself on to Inuyasha. She couldn't help it. She had to hold him, never let go.
"What the hell? Who the hell are you? Get off!" She didn't care. She continued to hold him tighter, feeling his hands trying to pry her off him. She held tighter. She had to tell him who she was.
"Inuaysha…" she said. That was all she could think of to say.
Inuyasha paled. He recognized that voice. It can't be. She can't be here. The well, the jewel shards… how?
"Oh Inuyasha."
"No…" he said quietly. "You can't be here. It's impossible. I must be drea-"
"No Inuyasha," Kagome interrupted. "You're not. I'm here. I came back. I missed you so much! Why did you leave?"
Inuyasha did not reply. He only encircled his arms around her tighter. He still didn't understand why she was here.
"Kagome… what are you doing here? Your not supposed to be here. It's not safe. I can't protect you. I-" he paused hearing sobs and feeling his shirt getting slightly wet.
She's crying. Why?
"I had to see you again." Kagome wiped some of her tears away. "Why did you give up your sight for me." Truthfully, she knew the answer, but she had to hear it from his mouth.
But he never answered. Instead he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers (A/N: Don't ask how he knew where her lips were. Just call it love. L-O-V-E. Lol.) Kagome eyes widened in shock. She was too shock to do anything, but instead melted under him. She was in heaven. The light from above seemed to brighten her spirit. Inuyasha, was being pulled from hell and in to the light. He eventually broke away.
"Stupid question" he mumbled, "I love you. And I just want you to be happy."
Kagome nodded digging her head in to his chest with a smile on her face. He just pulled her tighter to his chest, digging his face in to her silky hair.
Immediately she broke away after hearing the uncertainly in his voice. She stared in to his violet eyes. They seemed blank and empty. It hurt her to see him looking at her surroundings and not focusing on her. Hesitantly, he reached out and stroked her face. His eyes fixed in a strained expression as if trying to remember who she was.
"Kagome, please forgive me?" he asked, "I don't want you to get hurt. It's my fault you got hurt in the first place. Just let me live my punishment and leave. You're safer in your time."
Kagome just hugged him again. "No Inuyasha, I refuse to leave. I want to be with you. I would rather die with you than away from you."
Inuyasha flinched hearing of Kagome speak of death as if it were nothing. He felt warm lips on his, which startled him. But as quickly as it came, they were gone and the warmth was swept away.
"Inuyasha, I will only forgive you if you forgive me."
Inuyasha shook his head. "There is nothing to forgive. You must forgive me."
Kagome nodded and hugged Inuyasha tighter. "I do. And… Arigato, Inuyasha." she replied. And once again she felt his warm arms around her. Just like I imagined. Except, this isn't my imagination. This is real.
I'm not alone anymore. In fact, I was never alone. And I never will be.
Sniffle Wow. Some of that was hard to write. I hope you liked it. Sorry if anything was too OCO or OCC or OOC (I never know how to spell it!). And sorry if it may have dragged a bit. I tried to make it as interesting as I could.
Also, I've been getting a lot of pressure from Bridoublep saying I should write a sequel about if OR how Inuyasha gets his sight back. Let me know if I should!
And… check out my other story. It's a one shot called Only You. Really short. Like 6 pages. It's a Inuyasha/???? Pairing.
Please review!! All reviews, whether good or bad are appreciated! Arigato!
Ja nee!