Title: Lost and Found

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Summery: Post "The Gift" Buffy looses one life but gains another. She finds herself in another galaxy with no memory of her past, but a strange sense of duty that only intensifies when she meets a team of explorers from Earth. Stargate Atlantis xover.

Author's Note: My first SGA xover. Please be kind. Reviews appreciated. Enjoy.

Chapter One

First Meetings

The bright light danced around her and she could hear the crackling of the electricity and feel it as it coursed throughout her body. She heard the voices of her family, her friends, and even some of her enemies in the back of her mind, but as the pain became too much to bare, all sound and sight subsided so that all that remained was darkness.

And then the visions came...

But she could never figure out quite what they meant. They were of a woman, the same one that she saw diving off of some kind of platform strait into pool of light. The woman spoke but she could never make out the words. It confused her, but they were just dreams, and she quickly learned to ignore them.

She got up and looked outside. She had gone into her home few hours before, unusually tired and took a nap that lasted a lot longer than she had intended, but there didn't seem to be any crisis going on at the moment. But of course, as soon as the thought entered her mind, she heard someone knock on her door and called for them to enter.

"Shonna," A tall man with long dirty blond hair said as he entered. "There are strangers approaching."

"From where?" She asked. She didn't like the sound of that. But, if they were an obvious threat, he probably would have been a little more panicked than he actually was.

"They came through the Ring." He informed her.

"Are they traders?" She asked.

"None that I have seen."

"Yeah, but you're new." She reminded him. How was he supposed to know the faces of all the past traders, she had just assigned him to the position of watchman six months earlier.

"That is true; in any case I think you should talk to them."

"Of course," She said with a sigh as she exited her small home.

She walked outside into a crisp, cool fall evening. The sun was setting and in the haze of dusk she could make out four figures approaching. They wore bulky clothing, but that was all she could see at the moment. But when they came closer one face in particular looked familiar, though it did take her another moment to place it.

"Teyla!" She called when she realized where she had seen the approaching woman. "Long time no see." She said excitedly. The last time she had seen the Athosian woman was at least a year ago when she came through the Ring looking to trade. She looked at the clothing Teyla and her companions wore and noted that they did not look like the clothing that she had seen her race where before. She found it strange but did not comment.

"Shonna, it has been a while. How are you?" Teyla asked.

"You know, the usual." She said, not really wanting to get into it, she knew that Teyla was just being polite. "So, what brings you to our little village?"

"We are very short of supplies and were wondering if you would be interested in trading with us." She explained.

Shonna figured as much. And she thought about it for a moment. Finally she spoke.

"How am I supposed to trade with you when I don't even know the names of your companions?" Shonna asked, indicating the three men who stood beside Teyla.

"Sorry." A dark haired man apologized. "I'm Major Sheppard, this is Lieutenant Ford, that's Dr. McKay, and you've obviously already met Teyla."

She looked at them for a moment, taking in their strange appearances. "You're not Athosian," she finally said.

"No, we're not." Dr. McKay answered. "We're actually not from around here."

"That much," She said while glancing at their strange clothing, "is obvious."

They did not say anything, but she saw a slight smile appear on the face of the youngest one. He had remained quiet the entire time, she was beginning to suspect that he lacked in personality. But, she was glad to see that she was wrong. She clapped her hands together and continued.

"Well, there isn't much I can do in the way of supplies, at the moment. The nearest agricultural fields are days away." She looked around at the rocky terrain that surrounded them and added. "We can't grow much of anything around here. We can send for more, but it will be about a week."

She didn't know why she was so quick to offer their supplies to these people. She didn't even know most of them, but she had always felt that she was a good judge of character, and she liked them, despite McKay's smug appearance.

"Why do you stay here?" Sheppard asked her, wondering why there would be a village in a place that couldn't grow food.

"What can I say? I like the seclusion." She replied simply, and then continued on the original topic.

"Since it will be a while before your supplies come, you're welcome to stay here until then." She knew that it could be a potentially dangerous situation to let them stay there, but she felt compelled to help. She led them into a larger building that was filled with many long, wooden tables, and not much else.

"This is the dining hall." She informed them. "I can have a few tables moved and put in some beds. You'll be all set." She said to them brightly. It was the only building that had enough room for them all. The houses were all too small to house more than two people, and while she could have split them up, she opted to just have them all stay in there, it would be a little cramped at meal time, but they would make due.

"Thanks again." Sheppard said and watched as she left to go find spare beds. She was odd, he thought, but not in a bad way. He was surprised at how quick she was to help them, even though she didn't know who they were or where they were from. He looked around the one room building that was made out of little more than stacked logs and noted the serious lack of decoration, or color.

"She seems nice." He said to Teyla. "How do you know her, anyway?"

"I came here a couple of years ago looking to trade." She explained.

"So, what's the deal with her anyway?" He asked, curiously.

"She's the village leader." Teyla replied.

"Really? her?" Sheppard asked, raising his eyebrows. "She's so young."

"Do not be mislead, I hear that she is an able warrior, and a strong leader. She has apparently contributed greatly to the stability of the village. Before her, they were very dependant on other towns for almost all of their supplies. And though they can't grow anything around here, they have several farms and other establishments elsewhere."

"So, where are the rest of the village inhabitants?" Shepperd asked as he looked outside the small, but many, windows. He could not see anyone outside, and he wondered if this town wasn't some sort of ghost town.

"They're around somewhere." He heard a voice say from behind. He turned to see Shonna had returned and was carrying a basket of fruit and bread in her arms.

"Here." She said, handing Sheppard the basket, "This is for you. I'm sorry it isn't much, but if we had known that we were going to have guests, we would have prepared something. You'll have a better dinner tomorrow."

"This is fine, thanks." He told her, smiling gratefully.

Behind her stood four young women and one man, they walked over to their leader and asked her something. She nodded her head and they began to rearrange the tables to allow for more room for beds, which were then brought in. The beds weren't exactly comfortable. They were actually consisted merely of wooden benches with thin cushions piled atop of them. But Shepperd didn't complain, grateful that they wouldn't have to be camping out on the cold, hard ground outside.

When the rearranging was done, many of the village's inhabitants came into the dining hall, curious about their new guests. They sat and ate and talked casually with the strangers. Shonna sat in silence, keeping a close eye on the newcomers. She knew that they would not harm her, or her neighbors, but there was something about them, she thought. Not Teyla, just the men, and it frustrated her that she couldn't put her finger on it. It was an uncanny sense of familiarity that washed over her every time she rested her eyes on them. She sighed, and got up, knowing that she would drive herself insane if she let it bug her any further. Maybe she was just naturally uneasy around strangers; perhaps it was simply a side effect of losing your memory. In any case, there didn't seem to be anything she could do about it, and they all seemed nice enough. If they didn't, she wouldn't be helping them.

She left the building and headed towards her own house, only a few yards away. Everything was close there. The buildings were mostly one roomed and they were all built around what was now their dining hall, which also served as a meeting room. The village was small and lacked the things that some of the bigger towns had, but the neighbors were all close nit, and there was a sense of family amongst them all. She entered her own home, still able to hear the chatter from the nearby building. This was going to be an interesting week, she thought as she drifted into an uneasy sleep.

So that's it. There's the first chapter. If you're confused, more will be explained in the next one. Also, as you all can probably tell, I am in desperate need of a beta reader, preferably one that knows their SGA stuff because I'm a little bit fuzzy in that area. If you're interested please email me. My email address is . Thanks.