When Heroes Rise

Chapter 1

Trust Forsaken

We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.

-C.J. Jung

Harry Potter stood in a window of number 4 Privet Drive, staring out into the early morning. He had been up for hours it seemed. Nightmares plagued him and tainted what little rest he could find these days. The sun was barely peeking in the sky, and the city of Little Whinging, Surrey was already buzzing with activity. From an outsider view it was one of the most normal cities they would ever come across, but for those who knew the ins and outs of the city, it was another typical Monday morning. The morning rituals had begun everywhere it seemed. Men were hurriedly fixing their ties, women were putting the finishing touches on their makeup, and children were eagerly waiting to have permission to play outside in the warm summer air. The city would never be considered normal, but there were some aspects of it that cried of the perfect dream.

It also contained the fallen dreams of many. Harry thought. Of those who came to the city expecting an easy success story or of opportunities beyond their wildest dreams. With everything this city had to offer it appeared almost certain the magic would spread to everyone, but that's not always the case. Some people have to struggle and fight for their dreams. Some people actually have to work hard for things that come so easily to others. Some people want…just a little bit…more.

That what Harry had been striving for…just a bit little more.

It was just one week after he left King's Cross and just a few weeks after the events of the Department of Mysteries. It hurt to think about it. It hurt just to even get up in the morning. But here he was standing in the window of the littlest bedroom at number 4 Privet Drive pondering his life so far. It hadn't been an easy one and it hadn't been filled with a lot of happiness, but it was his all the same.

These thoughts continued for a while until they strayed towards the one thing that had occupied his mind and heart the last week.


The pain ripped anew as his shoulders heaved with an effort to suppress the tears and the sobs. He couldn't believe that he was gone. Really gone. He had been told time and time again that it wasn't his fault but he couldn't help what he felt. He knew with out a shadow of a doubt that this could have been prevented had Dumbledore only told him what his damn lessons with Snape meant. The visions had been planted in his mind all year long, and Dumbledore did NOTHING, but stick him in a room with that greasy git Snape and the dammed Occlumency lessons.

Then there was the Prophecy.

He was supposed to save the world…

Voldemort had to die by his hand or the world would succumb to darkness. Amazing how he, a boy of almost sixteen could save the world from this filth. He had to figure out a way to defeat the greatest dark wizard that has ever lived, and damn it all to hell he was going to do it.

He thought about everyone that had lost their lives because of Voldemort, his parents, Cedric, Bertha Jorkins, Sirus, and countless others. Not to mention the fear and the grief he has caused the wizarding kind.

There was so much he had to learn. So many questions still unanswered. He could hardly comprehend the fact that Dumbledore, a man who he once thought could do no wrong, could betray him like this. How could a man, this man use him like this. For the better part of a year Dumbledore avoided him and then on the same night that his Godfather was killed decided that he was going to drop a bombshell such as the Prophecy on him.

What a git.

Harry once heard a muggle saying, "It takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it." He never understood how true that statement was until this moment. Who could he trust? Dumbledore? Hell no. Snape? "Yeah right, the day I trust Snape will be the same day he washes his hair," he laughed silently. Ron and Hermione? Maybe, but the second something got out of line, Hermione would be running to tell Dumbledore and Ron would just say "bloody hell."

That was the problem with Hermione, Harry figured. She trusted far too much in the adults in her life and her books. She was naïve that way. She thought that she would read some spell in a book and she would save the world and win this war. And if it can't be found in her books then she would just ask some adult close to her and all would be well. He didn't need that right now. Hermione could never really understand what it's like to have the world on your shoulders, sure she could read about it, but she could never really truly understand it.

The same could be said about Ron. Ron was still living in a world of Gryffindor's good. Slytherins bad. He would never see the potential of having a Slytherin in the war against Voldemort. Not that Harry was going to deal with any Slytherins at the time being, but in the future he knew he had to keep that option open. He loved his friends. He really did, and he knew that he couldn't win this war on his own, but right now at this very moment his friends would be a liability he couldn't afford.



Harry sighed and turned away from the window he had been staring out for past few hours. For the most part of the week the Dursleys had stayed out of his way due to the warning given by Mad-Eye at King's Cross, but he guessed it was only a matter of time before that ran out.

He headed down the stairs in worn trainers and loose fitting clothes. He walked into the kitchen and found his uncle sitting at the table reading the newspaper per usual.

"Yes Uncle Vernon," Harry said politely, albeit difficulty.

Vernon sneered, "We're leaving in one hour for Majorca for two weeks, I don't want you up to any of your…funny business, while we are gone. And don't make a mess and none of those FREAKS in my HOUSE. Do you understand boy?"

Harry could barley keep the smile off his face, his relatives gone for two whole weeks. Damn life was good. "Yes Uncle Vernon."

His uncle just sneered at him once more and went back to the paper. Harry turned and went up the stairs and into his room. He closed the door and a huge smile broke on his face. Free of the Dursleys for two weeks. Brilliant.

Harry was jerked out of his musings with a tapping on his window. It was a light gray owl, he walked toward the window and let the owl in. It landed on his desk and looked quickly over at him.

"Hello little one, is that for me?" The little owl nodded its head and stuck its leg out.

Harry untied the letter and the bird promptly flew out the window. Harry looked over the envelope and it just simply read Harry Potter. He was just about to open it when three more owls came into his bedroom one of them being Pig, Ron's infamous little tiny owl. He set the letter he was holding down and untied the rest. He sent the owls out the window with the exception of Pig who he still had yet to catch.

"Pig, get over here!" Harry yelled. Pig obliged. Harry untied the letter and threw Pig out the window, "Bye Pig."

Harry grabbed all the letters and sat on his bed. The first one was from Dumbledore and the rest were from his friends. He decided that he really didn't want to get angry right now, so he would start with his friends first and Dumbledore's last for he was positive it wouldn't have anything he would want to read. He ripped open the first one, which just happened to be Ron's.

Hey Mate,

Just wanted to send you short letter saying that this would be the last of the letters for the rest of the summer. Dumbledore's orders. Sorry mate.

Harry was pissed. No he was more then pissed, he was raging. Dumbledore and his "orders" to hell with his "orders". Harry was tired of being a pawn in Dumbledore's game of magical chess.

I hope the muggles aren't getting you down and I hope you're doing all right, what with Sirius and everything.

Harry snorted, "Right Ron, I'm fucking peachy."

Well I gotta go. Hermione's coming over and I have to help clean HQ. Hope to see you at the end of the summer and once again don't let the muggles get you down.


Harry threw down the letter in disgust. That was all Ron had to say to him. Not even ten sentences? What the hell. He knew that they couldn't write much, but hell he could have written more if this was all they were going to say to each other for two months. Seriously its like he didn't even make an effort. Whatever. Next letter.


How are you, are you doing all right? I just wanted you to know that we're here for you if you need anything. Talk to us Harry. You have to talk to us we're your friends.

'I don't have to talk to anyone Hermione!' Harry was now seething.

It will only get better Harry if you talk about it. I read in a muggle book that there are certain stages to grief. I think that you're in one of those stages right now. I hope you come to accept it in time because that what the book says and its been proven it works. I'll show you when you if you come to HQ over the summer. I'm going to HQ in a while with my parents. It isn't safe to be in our home. Dumbledore's orders.

There he goes again! Making orders, who made him GOD?

I know we can't send any letters, but know that care for you and are here for you. We understand what you're going through and after reading through that book I think I can help you.

He snorted. "I am not some textbook patient; I will not be analyzed like some psycho!"

Well I have to go. I hope you have a better summer Harry.

Love from,


P.S. I can't wait for my O.W.L.S. I hope I did well!

Harry rolled his eyes at the last part of the letter. He was really angry at his friends and especially at Dumbledore. He looked at the last letter, which had some sort of feminine handwriting. He opened the letter and looked at the end it was from Ginny.


As you probably wondering, why am I of all people writing you a letter, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for allowing me to go with you to the Department of Mysteries and for giving me a chance to be your friend. You don't know how much that means to me. I know that it hurts that you lost Sirius, although I'm pretty sure that my pain is different form yours, no more, no less, just different. You knew Sirius as you godfather and confidant, he was also my confidant and my friend and I miss him. But instead of thinking of the bad times and the grief that I am feeling now I remember the good times. The times that he made me laugh and the times when he told me that everything would be all right. He leant an ear when no one else would. He was a brave, kind, loving soul and that is what I will remember him as. I don't think that anyone can compare their grief to one another and I'm not going to tell you that you have to talk to me, because maybe talking isn't the way you personally deal with your grief and problems. Your grief is your business. I just hope that letting me ramble on here helped you in some way.

Remember Harry that you will always have your memories and no one can take that away from you. I know that Sirius loved you, just like his own son. He told me that once; he also said that he was so proud of you. Not for the deeds you've done, but for the strong and brave and caring young man that you have become.

We share something you and I Harry and that's a connection to the vilest creature on Earth, Voldemort. He stole both of our innocence and we can't let him get away with that. I have a feeling Harry that you are going to be there at the end with Voldemort. It won't be Voldemort and Dumbledore, it will be you and Voldemort. And I know in my heart that you'll prevail. I believe everything you do and have done is for a reason Harry, but most of all I believe in you. I will be fighting there by you side till Voldemort's body is a pile of ashes on the ground and his soul is sent to the depths of hell. This is just as much your war as it is mine. I have a score to settle with Riddle and Malfoy and they will pay. Those bastards. Just know that when the time comes and you need someone there, I will be. I hope I see you soon Harry.



Harry was awed by the passion and courage displayed by little Ginny Weasley. Wait she wasn't little any longer. She was something else and he couldn't put his finger on it just yet. She sure had grown up from the little girl who put her elbow in a butter dish. He was also humbled by the fact that she believed in him. She had faith in him and for right now that was enough. He wouldn't let her down.

The next letter he was dreading. He was already pissed off at Dumbledore he didn't think he could get even more angry. He was wrong.


I hope that this letter finds you well. In regards to your safety for the summer, I've told your friends that letters would not be a good idea at this time. It would be beset if you stayed at Privet Drive for the whole summer, but I will see what I can do about letting you come to HQ for at least a week. I hope that you stay inside for most of the summer because it is imperative that we keep you safe. Your safety is very important to your friends, the order and myself.

'Yeah right, Dumbledore, I'm a tool, a weapon. That's all. Well guess what, this is one weapon that you are going to no longer wield.'

Over the next school year you will learn Occlumency with Professor Snape once again, it is imperative that Voldemort cannot penetrate your mind.

Harry actually let out a small dark laugh at this. "Like Hell, Snape is a git."

Again I am sorry for your loss of Sirius he was a good friend and a true hero of the light. Harry you must not succumb to your grief, do not let Sirius death be in vain. This just gives us another reason to defy Voldemort.


Albus Dumbledore

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

That was it. He was sick and tired of this. Sick and tired of trying to please everyone, but himself, of following orders that were supposed to be for his own good.

He had been manipulated and misled all his life. It was time he took his destiny into his own hands; time for him to make the right choice verses the easy one. It was time for Harry Potter to take a step of faith… not for the world, but for himself.