Hello! Welcome to Ghost Gal, part one of a trilogy. For those of you who have read this, you'll probably be surprised at how much I am going to change this.

Fortunately, The Ultimate Enemy and every episode after that were brilliant. Unfortunately, it changed this series drastically. And, I didn't want to make this an AU, so I couldn't keep it the way it was either.

So, a lot has been done to this story. I think that's all my notes for now, so please enjoy my many edits and have fun! I sure did.

Summary: A near death "accident" lands Danny in the hospital. Jazz's over obsessive protectiveness of her brother gives her an insane idea on how to help. But when she manages to make herself a Halfa like he is, something else is making its way into him…

Thanks to chapter one's reviewers:

LABOBuren, Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet, Penguin, ChibiSess, Phantomhawk422, lucyrocks73, Anonymous, A.Nonymous, soccergurl1990, cheerin4Danny, DragonInTheShadows, PhantomAlchemist, Anomaly25, The Fuzy Llama

Disclaimer: Danny Phantom is owned by Butch Hartman and Nickelodeon Studios.

Ghost Gal

Chapter One

"So how do your free days feel?" Sam Manson walked along the side of the road, kicking at rocks with every step. She wrapped her coat around her tighter, getting a small chill from the late Autumn wind.

"Got to admit, no ghosts, it feels pretty good," Danny replied with a grin. They traveled the dimly lit street of Amity Park, enjoying the hard-earned leisure.

For the first time in months since his accident, he hadn't seen, heard, or fought a single ghost in five days. This meant he could actually get home on time, do his homework completely, and hang out with his friends, Sam and T-

"Tucker! That was my foot you just stepped on!" Sam complained, jerking away from the boy, who's nose was nearly plastered to his technology, and closer to Danny.

"Sorry, it's just incredibly dark out here," Tucker said, lagging a couple feet behind. "And I would use my PDA for light, but I haven't replaced the battery yet. My MP3 player isn't working right and the light is dim anyway."

"Here. How bout' this?" Danny asked. He held out his hand and green light formed a mini ball of ectoplasmic energy.

"Perfect." Tucker fixed his red beret on straight, giving up on his MP3 player and shoving it into his pocket. "Hey, just so you know, it doesn't exactly make sense that we're walking around in 50° weather, with no particular purpose, at (he checked his watch) eleven o' four at night."

"You know Danny, he's actually right. Why exactly did you call us to come out here?" Sam asked curiously. She jumped onto his back piggy style and surprised him, but he managed to keep his balance, holding onto her ankles.

Danny smiled mischievously. "I've got a surprise for you. I wanted to thank you for you know...helping me with the ghost fighting. You're my best friends and I'm lucky to have you."

"Thanks. So what do we get?" Tucker asked,

"Tucker! Grateful much?" Sam asked. "That was really sweet Danny." She gave him a smile and he looked down, blushing madly.

"Yeah, thanks Danny, but still, what do we get?" Tucker asked. She smacked her forehead, sighing at his bluntness.

"Three tickets to 3 Days Grace in Duslin," Danny announced excitedly, pulling three small slips of paper from his coat pocket.

She stared down at him beneath her and nearly fell off of him. "Are you serious?" He turned to look at her and she could see the smile on the half of his face she could see. "Oh my gosh, Danny!" Sam yelled, absentmindedly wrapping her arms around him tightly.

Tucker shouted "Yeah!" several times, complete with his own victory dance. "I'm going to a concert, I'm going to a concert…"

"I can't believe we're going to only be less than a bunch of seats away from 3 Days Grace!" Sam said, resisting the urge to let out a very, not her, squeal.

"We'll be even closer. I got second row seats. Sorry, first row was already sold," he said, shrugging.

"Danny, still you are so awesome," Tucker said seriously. "How'd you afford it?" he asked. "And what did your sister say about not being invited? Or is she?"

"Nah, I'm getting her something else. Probably a book or a necklace or something. So it's just us. And well, I kind of persuaded my parents to let me have an allowance for a while. That was about a month ago, and since then I've done chores and other crap like that. But it was worth it," he replied. "I mean, you like it, right?"

"Duh! Thanks Danny," Sam said again. "It really is sweet." He looked down again, blushing excitedly and she jumped off of him. But just as she did-

Something whizzed by his face fast, missing it by a few inches. Sam screamed in shock, ducking and Tucker yelled with her.

"What was that?" Tucker asked, his eyes wide. But then a streak of blue exited from Danny's mouth.

"I'm going ghost!" he cried. Two blue-white lights flashed around him, changing him from the pale, blue eyed, raven haired teenager, to the hybrid silver and black suited hero Danny Phantom, with green eyes and white hair.

"Where did it come from?" he asked, rising a couple of inches from the ground. So much for a ghost-free vacation.

"What was it?" Tucker asked, crouching low.

"It was an arrow," Sam said, walking back to them. She held up a wooden stick built with a sharp edge on the tip. It was indeed an arrow.

"You guys get down," Danny ordered from above.

Sam and Tucker obeyed and ducked low. Danny stayed high in the air, watching his friends carefully and watching intently for the origin of the arrow.

"I AM THE BOX GHOST!" yelled a familiar voice. The fat moron hovered below him a couple of feet. But that was weird…the Box Ghost didn't have weapons unless you counted his arsenal of boxes. Certainly not arrows though.

"Great. What are you doing here?" he asked, annoyed. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sam and Tucker get up from the ground.

"Showing you that you ridiculous circular container can not hold me!" he shouted, louder than necessary.

"That's because I let you out and sent you back to the Ghost Zone. Which is where I wish you would stay," he grumbled. "Hey Tucker, toss the Therm-"

The Box Ghost appeared right next to him in the next second and grabbed his shoulders roughly, sending him hurtling to the ground. He landed on the concrete hard, blinking stars out of his eyes.

"You ok-" Tucker started.

"Yeah, toss me the thermos!" Danny cut him off by saying. "What do you say we just keep him in here?" He caught the container in his hands and his best friends laughed.

He flew to the ghost's level, taking the lid off. The Box Ghost continued to rant, dodging around jerkily. "You cannot hold me, ha ha!"

"Wanna bet?" he challenged. "Here's hoping you don't come out of the Ghost Zone for another day. Which, knowing my luck will be possible." He pressed the button on the side of the Fenton Thermos and a blue-white vortex opened, trapping the idiot ghost inside with a final defeated "No…!"

"Hey Danny, nice catch!" Tucker yelled from below. "You would think after the fiftieth capture, the Box Ghost would get it by now."

Danny had about been ready to reply when he lurched forwards, feeling something sharp sink into him from behind. His breath came in fast as pain leaked into him and the world started to fade…

"Something wrong?" Sam asked, her eyes narrowing. "Danny?"

Again, he didn't answer, unable to as his vision grew dark. His green eyes slid in and out of focus, starting to glaze as it became harder each time.

"Hello, earth to the ghost kid!" Tucker yelled. She elbowed him, trying to get him to shut up and looked up.


His green eyes closed and he pitched forward, almost in slow motion, landing flat on his stomach on the hard ground. He changed into his normal self instantly, unconscious before he'd even hit the ground.

Sam let out a terrified scream, rushing to him and Tucker's greenish blue eyes widened, his face paling fast.

An arrow was planted in Danny's back as a pool of dark blood was already staining his shirt.

Yeah, I'm quite morbid sometimes. Hmm…let's count up the number of times I've beaten the crap out of Danny…I've shot him, I've stabbed him, shot him with arrows three times, killed him at least five times…I have a strange sense of enjoyment by tearing the crap out of the hero apparently.

Okay, Jazz and the other characters come into the next chapter. This story is mainly a Jazz/Danny story with their point of views of course. Those of you who have read this will probably be surprised at how much it does change, so, please R&R!
