Welcome back to Images! Yes, I know, I haven't updated this one in like forever, but duty calls as always; unfortunately that duty is school.
This is not a new version, in fact, most of the chapters are pretty much copied, but the parts that I went to fast on have now been slowed down, especially chapters 3-7. So I'd say this story is much, better than it was, and with a new chapter, coming soon!
So, thanks to my chapter one reviewers from a while ago and onto chapter one! (This is one I didn't change all that much, but it goes better with the new episodes/movies now)
Chapter One Reviewers:
Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet, Penguin, iceprincess89283, mooondragon-1001, Bonnine Mizuhara, Phantom Alchemist, The Fuzy Llama
Disclaimer: Danny Phantom is owned by Butch Hartman and Nickelodeon Studios.
Chapter One
Valerie's Warning
Danny Phantom phased through the Casper High library wall and flew hurriedly past the Biology classroom. He sped up as she heard a faint buzzing from a machine closing in on him.
He just about fell of the air in shock when he heard a voice echoing in his ear.
"Danny, where are you?" Tucker Foley said. He and Sam Manson were hiding behind the girl's gym locker room.
"I'm trying to get away from your homicidal girlfriend," Danny replied seriously.
"I didn't ask you what you were doing, I asked you- Hey!" Tucker said into the radio.
Sam snatched it from his hand. "Danny, where's Valerie?" she asked. Tucker glared at the Goth girl.
"I don't know. I can't believe we broke into the school," Danny said, continuing to fly.
"Number one, it's our school. And number two, we're not the ones breaking in; you used your ghost powers to get us in, we didn't have to break a lock or a window. Valerie's the one who did," Sam said.
Tucker snatched the radio away from her. "Now, where are you at?"
"Near the girl's bathroom," Danny said, flying slightly slower.
"What does it look like?" Tucker asked with glee.
"I'm not in it Tucker, I'm just outside the hall," Danny replied, annoyed. He couldn't hear Valerie's glider anymore. Which was exactly what worried him.
"You are so gross," he heard Sam say in the background. He couldn't help but laugh.
"Danny, how did Valerie chase you down to the school anyway?" Sam asked, snatching the radio away from him again.
"No idea. Valerie's starting to creep me out," Danny replied.
"Really ghost kid?" said a voice.
Valerie, dressed in a red suit that always reminded him of a large beetle, stepped out of the darkness, pointing a large energy gun at him.
Danny yelled in shock.
"Are you okay? Hello?" Sam's voice rang in the mic. He didn't respond, if Valerie heard them she would either know immediately who he was or go after them too.
"Wanna check out my new weapon? I do, and you're perfect for practicing," she pulled her hand back on the trigger.
Danny jumped, soaring into the ceiling. He heard shots behind him and went intangible.
However, the gun had been designed to strike even with his powers. It blasted him and he smashed through two floors and into the school's attic.
He stood up angrily. He couldn't see a thing; the darkness totally enveloped him.
"Danny!" Tucker shouted through the microphone.
"Yeah, Tuck?" he said at last.
"Are you alright?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, you guys lay low, and stay quiet," Danny ordered. "Valerie caught me. The last place I saw her was by the girl's bathroom."
"Where are you now?" Sam asked
"The attic."
"How'd you get up there?" Tucker asked.
"Tucker! Give me that back!" Sam shouted in the background.
"I had it first, back off!" Tucker responded.
"Guys, not now," Danny pleaded.
"You have no idea what you're doing!" Tucker shouted, ignoring him.
"Oh I don't? That's what you thought with the game too, but I kicked your-"
"Guys!" Danny shouted again.
"Your girlfriend's trying to kill our friend! Why don't you go get her and make yourself useful?" Sam snapped, reaching for the radio.
"Guys!" Danny yelled.
"Wait, don't touch that!" Tucker yelled.
The mic in his ear emitted a static noise and Danny sighed. "Tucker? Sam?" he tried. There was no reply. He shook his head. He might as well go and find them.
He phased through the floor.
"Glad to know the gun works."
Danny flipped around. Valerie stood behind him, her eyes wide in surprise behind the red mask. It creeped him out seriously.
"What?" he asked, confused. He backed away slowly, watching her every moment. The truth was…as much as he trusted Valerie…he didn't trust Valerie. Not with a freaking weapon in her hands. Valerie grinned and looked down. Danny followed her gaze and gasped.
His arm was turning back to his human form, as well as his feet.
"Crap!" he yelled. He turned to fly the other direction, but his powers weren't working. Or not... He turned to go intangible and found it worked, but barely. Valerie grabbed his arm to stop him, and her hand went straight through, but stopped in the middle of it.
He yelled in pain. "What did you do to me?" he asked. He watched in horror as he saw both human form legs appear. He tried wrenching his hand away, but she held a firm grasp.
"This gun is perfect, don't you think? It'll take your little ghost powers away for twenty four hours. Plenty of time for me to get rid of you," Valerie taunted. "And all thanks to my buddy Vlad."
Danny gasped. "What? Vlad?"
"Oh no! I wasn't supposed to say that!" Valerie said, slapping her free hand against to her mouth. "But it's not like it matters; you won't get the chance to tell anyone." She raised another gun.
Danny managed to get his arm out at last. He shoved her on the shoulder hard and she was caught off guard. He ran as fast as he could.
"Hey! Come back here!" she yelled, running after him.
He looked down. His arm felt fine now, but was covered in blood. And he could feel his body change. He turned a corner and-
"Fenton? What are you doing here?" Valerie asked, reaching the corner.
"Nothing. Valerie? Why are you dressed like that?" Danny asked innocently, hiding his bloodied arm behind his back.
She suddenly gasped and pointed a gun in his direction. "You really think I'm stupid, don't you? You're the ghost kid Fenton?"
"What…what are you talking about?" he said.
"What did you do to your arm then?" she challenged, stepping forward. Before he could pull away, she grabbed his arm—but by now he looked normal.
"Are you okay?" he asked, pretending to be concerned.
"Tell the truth," she said. "There's no reason why you should be here!"
The lights overhead suddenly flashed on. Danny and Valerie stared around, but there was no one there. Danny assumed Tucker had hacked into the power systems.
Valerie gasped and pulled her finger back on her trigger. "Now prove it, look at your hair!" she yelled.
Danny looked up and saw that half of his hair was still a silvery-white color. He backed away into the wall just as energy struck him from Valerie's gun.
He summoned all of his power. Just go intangible, please...
It was no use; his powers weren't working. His last defense: he tried shoving her again, but she pushed him first and he—
Phased through the wall.
"Ha!" he said, landing on, what was most likely ground. "Apparently, the gun didn't work."
He smiled. He was in a tight space and he couldn't see anything. But he was away from Valerie at least.
"I'd better go and find Sam and Tucker before she does," Danny said to himself. The small space echoed his words and sent cold chills rushing through him. He shivered.
He closed his eyes and searched for his intangibility power. He opened them again and walked into the wall.
"Come on," Danny whispered, stumbling.
He vaguely remembered what Valerie had warned.
"This gun is perfect, don't you think? It'll take away your little ghost powers for twenty four hours..."
He panicked. It wasn't true; it couldn't be true. He closed his eyes and tried again. This time he tried to phase his hand through. The wall and him remained solid.
He was trapped inside the wall.
Please R&R and tell me what you think. I didn't change much with this chapter, but I had to make it fit better with Reign Storm. And even if you've read this story, I'm seriously editing this one, so here's a sneak peek to chapter two!
Chapter Two: Escape
He rubbed it, confused. Whatever he had hit his hand on had felt different than the wall. And it was definitely smaller...
He swung his hand back and grasped something cold, small, and round.
It couldn't be...He grasped it tighter and turned it. Yes! It was a doorknob.
"Boy, now I feel really stupid," Danny said, grinning to himself. He heard his echo, but now felt confident, and slightly embarrassed.
He probably wasn't even in the wall. He was probably inside a teacher's closet or office. He laughed to himself. He was definitely not going to tell Tucker or Sam about this incident; he would be laughed at forever.
He grabbed the doorknob and turned the handle. Surprisingly, it didn't lead to a room, but outside, the south side of the school. He stepped out into the cold night air and shrugged. Well, at least it got him out of there.
He turned around to close the door and gasped. There was no door. Just a brick wall where he had exited.
Lateraina Wolf