Proud Of It

Summary: You wonder whether strangling your former best friend and new step daughter would be acceptable on your wedding day. Jacob/Janet, implied S/J.

Rating: G

Pairing: Jacob/Janet

A/N: I had never thought of this pairing before but one very special LiveJournal community helped changed my mind and transform me into a JC/JF shipper....

In the end she knew exactly what to say to stop the moment turning into some awkward Sunset Beach style cliched disaster. Later you laughed about it. A lot later. And not in front of her. Ever.

"Hey Dad!" Her voice apparently came out of nowhere and you both turned round to come face to face with her in the bridesmaid's dress she'd spent hours choosing, although she had sincerely objected to the name; she was no maid anymore and she was damn pleased with that fact.

"Hey Sweetie," He greeted her, momentarily letting go of your hand to hug his daughter. You felt oddly bereft of his touch but his hand quickly slipped back into yours. Not that you'd been worried of course.

"Hi Janet..." She paused, a mischevious glint in her eye appearing. You knew that look from years of friendship, and it usually meant something embarrassing was going to happen. Generally it would be to you, "Or should I say mom?"

You can hear your new husband unsuccesfully trying to smother a chuckle and you turn to glare at him which fortunately seems to stop him. For the meanwhile. You have a sneaky suspicioun that as soon as he is out of your earshot, he'll be doubled over with laughter.

You guess that Sam will be with him by the looks of her, almost ready to burst as she chokes down the giggles. Thankfully your embarrassment is interrupted by one of Sam and the General's children running up to the three of you, tugging on your friend's skirt. Sam picks up her daughter, eyes subtly scanning the crowd for her husband, but instead she rests the smiling girl on her hip, Annie's hair glinting in the spring sun.

"Annie?" Sam begins to tell the girl, always enraptured when her mother spoke, "I think you should meet your new grandma..."

You wonder whether strangling your former best friend and new step daughter would be acceptable on your wedding day. You hope the courts will treat you leniently. Extenuating circumstances and all. Maybe Daniel would be a good brief.

"I love Grandma Janet..." Annie announces suddenly out of nowhere, rousing you from your murderous reverie.

And as Jacob reaches to take his granddaughter in his arms, cooing to her and listening intently to her babbles, those words make you smirk as Sam leans forward to whisper in your ear, "I love her too."

Yep, you're Grandma Janet to the rescue. And proud of it.

The End