Chapter Nine
reaching the castle

"About how long is it gonna take for us to fucking get there?" Inuyasha growled at his older brother impatiently. They had been walking for about three days searching for the castle and there was no sign of the Tamagatchi clan castle. Inuyasha was getting incredibly antsy from taking so long to reach his daughter. He had patched things up with Kagome and if he could also with Akima, they could have a chance at living together like a real family.

"We shall be approaching soon, brother," Sesshomaru replied.

"It's ok, Inuyasha," Kagome said, taking his hand into hers. "We'll find Akima soon."

"I hope," he said back.

Miroku and Sango walked behind them, surveying the scene. It was almost like before when they were collecting the Jewel Shards. That was before Naraku had been destroyed too. But that was all in the past now. Suddenly, Miroku had a question.

"What if there's someone more evil than Naraku?"

The group stopped walking. Sango looked over at her husband with wide eyes.

"What are you talking about, Miroku?" her voice was shaking softly.

"I've been thinking……maybe Naraku isn't the end of our worries. Sure, he's dead and we've had our period of peace but what if there's someone bigger and more powerful than he was? Maybe this is our destiny… forever rid this land of our power."

"Miroku," Inuyasha put a hand on his shoulder. "You're forgetting that we're only mortal, so to speak. There are limitations to how long we can keep doing this. I say this is our last big mission like this, ya hear?"

Miroku nodded. "Yes dear friend. That's all."


Kaguya entered the training hall where Akima was currently training at. She pushed back the door just as Akima had stopped fighting. Her demon eyes looked at her evenly.

"Well, Kaguya. What do I owe the pleasure of visit?" Akima sarcastically greeted. Kaguya tried to calm her rising temper and began.

"There are people arriving her to the castle. People that are certainly not welcome. Your first mission as a Tamagatchi clan member is to rid us of these intruders," Kaguya smiled, purposely holding back information.

"Sure. It was getting boring just battling an ugly old lady like you."

Akima sidestepped Kaguya and walked to the main hall. She'd been there so long at the castle she knew how to get anywhere without giving it a second thought. Lord Tamagatchi was sitting on the throne, in his usual handsome clothes. Akima bowed before speaking.

"So….Kaguya has already informed me of your orders. I'll kill these intruders with everything that I am," Akima vowed. Lord Tamagatchi smirked.

"I admire your loyalty. Now go, the intruders have been spotted in the forest. Greet them will you?"

And with that, Akima dashed off.


"I think I see something," Sango said. "Look up ahead."

Miroku, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Kagome caught up to see a castle on the other side of the forest. Kagome smiled and thought she would be reunited at long last with her daughter.

"Akima's got to be here," Inuyasha said, wrapping one arm protectively around his mate's waist. "I know it."

Something made the trees rustle. Everyone stopped moving, listening closely. They weren't alone. Inuyasha growled and took out Tetsusaiga, Sesshomaru doing the same with Tokijin.

"Well,well,well. Look what the wind blew in," said an airy voice nearby. A demon swooped down at top speed (matching Kouga's perhaps) and with his/her nails, cut Inuyasha right in the arm. He growled and gripped his weapon tighter.

"Look you bastard. Come fight me like a man, unless you're scared!"


The demon jumped down to reveal her short white hair……hazel eyes….dog ears…..and super long nails. Kagome, Miroku, and Sango could not recognize the girl before them, but the demon brothers recognized the scent.

"But……how did you….." Inuyasha was at a loss for words.

"Long time no see, father. What are you doing here at my home?" Akima asked coldly.

"Akima…….?" Kagome whispered. She could not believe her daughter had changed so drastically. It was unreal.

"We came for you! Let's go so we can change you back to normal….." Sesshomaru said. Akima laughed.

"Normal? I was weak before but I'm strong now. Much stronger. You see, I did a little bit of training while I was there and let me tell you, it was worth it. So now, I'm probably stronger than Dad there. How's about I show you myself, huh?"

Without warning, Akima dodged the others and went straight for Inuyasha. She raised a claw at him, using the Tetsusaiga to block the attack. Their eyes met and Akima went for a kick beneath him. Inuyasha dropped his guard and met with the dirt.

Akima pinned him. She brought her clawed pointer finger to his cheek and brought it to a deep cut.

"That's for abandoning me and Mama. This…." she scratched him again, watching blood run down his face. "is for leaving me a freak to society. And this is for being the fucking bastard you are!"

Before her entire hand went down, it was caught and wrapped behind her back. She tried to get released but Sesshomaru's grip was stronger. Kagome ran over to Inuyasha, using her hand to stop the bleeding.

"Are you okay, Inuyasha?" she asked. He got up on his elbow and nodded silently.

"Let me go!" Akima screamed to Sesshomaru but he wouldn't budge.

"Akima……" The girl-demon looked up and saw her mother, looking at her with tears in her eyes. "Mama…..I……," Akima looked down at the grass below her. "Mama, I didn't mean any……"

"Why Akima?" she let the tears fall. "Why did you change?"

Someone came from behind Sesshomaru and snatched Akima from his grip. It was Lord Tamagatchi, slinging Akima over his shoulder.

"Bastard let go of my daughter," Inuyasha growled. Lord Tamagatchi smiled and as quietly as he came, he disappeared into the darkness with the young apprentice.