1Disclaimer: I am not Amy...she is not me, we are not a family.

A/N: Thanks to Fred...you rock chick...just enough of a kick in the pants to get me going. Thanks roomie! Mick...thanks, for saying... "this ch is pretty great" you know what it means to me. BTW for those of you who read this and wonder much like Mickey did (she's a little slow) what Nietzcshe is/means: Nietzcshe (Pronounced NEE-CHEE) is a actual person. He is a philosopher and writer. He is considered one of the greatest minds of the 20th century.

Chapter 22 - A Niche for Nietzcshe

Luke walked into the living room, Lorelai and Rory were balled up on the couch flipping through channels.

"Please tell me that today we can pick up this mess." He said kicking through the wrapping paper.

"Soon." Lorelai said. "No rush, we have all week to do it. I mean, it is kind of tradition to leave it until the last moment." Lorelai said.

"Yeah one year it wasn't until Valentines day." Rory said.

"I may never understand you two."

"Many will enter, few will win." Lorelai said.

"I am going to go clean up the garage, put my new tools away..."

"Have fun." Lorelai said eyes still locked on the flipping channels.

"OOOooo oooo go back!" Lorelai said.

Rory turned the channel back.

"Pretty woman?"

"Hello yes, TBS Pretty Woman." Lorelai said.

"I hate this movie."

"Uh...no way!" Lorelai said.

"Oh please, it is so far fetched."

"Hits a little too close to home does it?"

"What? Are you calling me a prostitute?"


"Ok, close to home minus the prostitution."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"You my dear are caught in a timeless movie plot."

"Oh what is that?"

"Rich guy falls for, not so rich girl,girl falls for guy. Then, there is that moment when he is introducing her around most likely, and she hears the snotty women, it is always the snotty women say she is trash, not right, doesn't fit, pick your insult really, they have all been used. Girl starts thinking. Thinking is the number one killer of all movie love. Girl thinks, drops boy. Boy is stubborn. Boy doesn't get dumped boy always dumps girl. It isn't boys style to beg to reconcile. Girl is miserable. Boy is miserable. One day not to far down the line, boy sees girl, someone who looks like girl, or anything that she ever wore, thought or liked. Boy comes for girl, girl pushes boy away, boy pursues girl, girl eventually caves. They live happily ever after."

"Do you see happily ever after anywhere around?" Rory said annoyed.

"Well no."

"Then it isn't very close to home is it?"

" No, see, you are screwing it all up. Look at any Hugh Grant movie, Bridgett Jones, Two Weeks Notice...you shouldn't mess with a classic."


"Come on Rory, call him." She said putting her hand on her shoulder.

"No!" Rory shouted.

"Why not?" Lorelai called but it was too late Rory had already walked out of the room.

She walked out the back door and stood on the porch. She saw Luke working in the shop, and decided to go hang out in there for a while, keep warm, and avoid any further questioning regarding her, and Logan and the contents of the letter he had given her.

Lorelai was relentless in her search to know what was going on with them.

"Hey." Rory said walking in.

Luke put down a chisel and looked up at her.

"Whats up?"

"Nothing...mom has just always been much better at laying around than I am."

"Tell me about it."

"So you like the tools grandma got you?"

"Yeah, they are really nice, I still think it is too much, but I can't go another round with her."

"You lack my mothers stamina in that area."

"I must. How about you? Have all your loot packed up?"

"Not yet, like mom said, I have another week before I go back."

"Yeah, sooo...." Luke said not sure why she was there.

"Yeah...I..." Rory said feeling Lukes uneasiness she turned.

"You know..." Luke said stopping her.

"You can talk to me you know." Luke said fumbling with a wrench in his hands.

Rory turned.

"I know. I just don't know if there is anything to talk about." She said.

"Been there." Luke said.

"It is just so confusing. I mean, I love him you know...but...I don't know...because of that, I fear him too you know?"

"I know all too well, I was terrified of your mother for eight years."

"Yeah, but that is different, you two have been crazy about eachother forever, you have things in common, you have...I dunno, you are from the same place. Logan and I...well we might as well live on two different planets."

"Have you met your mother? We are definitely from different places, but, we have, found a common ground and that is where we live. I mean, you have to stop thinking like that. Your relationship, its for you, and him. It isn't for anyone else. No one has to understand it or approve of it. The two of you are the only ones who will ever understand it." Luke said.

She looked at him. She never thought of him as a wise man. A strong man, a kind man, a loving man yes, but in this moment she looked at him as a wise man.

Rory sat in silence for a moment.

"You love him?" Luke said.


"He didn't break up with you in that letter did he?" Luke said.

"No." She said.

"What are you doing standing here then?" Luke asked.


"Go, call him. Go see him. If you wait, you will always regret it." Luke said.

Rory knew he was speaking from a place that has much more knowledge of that subject than he would like.

Rory walked out the door and popped her head back in.

"Thanks Luke."

"Go." He said pointing.

Luke walked back in the house as Rorys head lights faded out the drive way.

"Where is she going?" Lorelai said as he walked in.

"I think she has something to tell someone." Luke said.

"Ah...so my little analogy worked." Lorelai said.

Honestly Luke, didn't know if it was him, or her, or her mother that made her get in that car, he wasn't going to guess. He just hoped that when she got to where ever she was going, she would find the answers she was looking for.

Luke kissed his wife.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you." He said rubbing her tummy. "And I love you." He said in a baby voice.

"I am soooo telling everyone." Lorelai said laughing.

"Go ahead. Just remember, once this baby comes I am the one who keeps you in coffee, you don't want to jeopardize that do you?" He said.

"Burying it with Hoffa." She said.

It was 10:30 by the time she arrived. She didn't know if he would even be there. To be honest she didn't know where she would find him. She knocked on the door and waited going over what she was going to say when she saw him.

Colin answered the door and looked her up and down.

"He isn't here." He said.

"Do you know where he is?" She asked.

"Yes." Colin said.


"Why should I tell you?" Colin said.

"Colin, please."

"You break his heart." Colin said.

"I want to fix that."

"For how long? Until you decide that he isn't I don't know what enough for you."

"Colin, that isn't fair, where is he?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because I love him."

It was then he appeared in the door behind Colin.

Colin looked at him, rolled his eyes and walked away angry.

"Hi." She said.


"I got your letter."

"Yeah." he said.


"Yeah, he is better with words than I am."

"Now, we just have to find the reason in the madness."

He remembered what he had written.

There is always some madness in love, but there is also some reason in madness.

"Yeah, we do." He said.

"What else is love but understanding and rejoicing in the fact that another person lives, acts and experiences otherwise than we do." She said. She knew they would never be the same, but now she realized, that was something to embrace, not run from.

"Nietzcshe." he said.


"I love you Rory." Logan said. "It is as simple as that."

"I love you too, and it will never be that simple."

Rory walked into her childhood home feeling more adult than she ever had. She entered the living room and found Lorelai sleeping on the sofa, movie credits rolling on the TV screen. She walked around the couch and sat beside her.

"Mom." She whispered.

Lorelai stirred.

"You're home."


"How's things?" Lorelai said groggy.

"Things are good." Rory said and smiled.

"You're smiling. I missed that."

"I did too."

"So..." Lorelai said scooting over and pulling Rory onto the couch with her. Rory curled up with her mother and rested her head gently on her pregnant belly.

"We are good. I love him mom."

"I know you do." Lorelai said stroking her hair.

"How weird is it, that there is a little person in there?" Rory said touching her mothers stomach.

"Extremely weird. What is weirder, is that, you were in there."

Rory scooted down so her mouth was close to her mothers stomach.

"How do you like my old room? Do me a favor...don't touch anything." Rory teased.

Just then Lorelais stomach moved. The baby had kicked.

"Was that?" Rory said jumping back a bit.

"Your younger siblings first...shut up? Yes, I think it was." Lorelai said as a smile swept her face.


SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!!! Lorelai has Luke, Rory has Logan, Sookie has Jackson, and I have Nate. But, I found time to write...now you find time to review. Chapter 23 is up and going to keep those reviews on flowing.