A/N: I finally found time to finish. Okay, I lied. There will probably one more chapter after this one. This one will be really short, and brief because the next chapter is going to be awesome. Also, very very soon (like... when the next chapter updates, which won't be very long), my website will be up. Like a good one. Please check it out because I'm a loser and I need more friends D:

Chapter Eleven: Under-Description from the Author

It was weird. I wasn't used to sleeping beside anyone, since Draco usually slept with his wife. Of course, I had to stay with Severus, since I wasn't allowed to stay in Draco's house and I was quite afraid of going home. I wasn't sure if Draco even had feelings for me anymore, but if he did, then he wouldn't let me walk away easily.

Severus had crawled into bed much later than I had, since he had gone off to talk to Dumbledore. I pretended to be asleep when he got back, since I wasn't sure I even wanted to talk about anything with him. It was morning now and Severus still slept, which was quite unlike him since I knew him as an insomniac. His large nose was right up against my neck and once and a while made a small whistling noise. It was quite pleasant, when really thought about. No one ever cared enough to want to be that close to me, even Harry tended to turn the other way after he had fallen asleep, but Severus' body demanded to be as close to mine as possible. A snort came from Severus. "I'm up," he mumbled as he tightened his grip around me (like he was stretching.)

I wasn't sure what to respond with, since I wasn't positive that he was actually awake. He could have still been in the waking up stages. "Okay," I finally said.

"School isn't happening today," he murmured. I actually felt his lips against my back. "We have to prepare."

The day was essentially a blur. The students were kept in the common rooms and everyone left a close eye on them. It was amazing how all of the teachers were very leery of Severus going along, but none of them were too concerned about me. I didn't tell Wren or Richard, or even Natalie, that I was there. It was best if they didn't know because then they wouldn't really worry. Severus began warning me of certain people to avoid, and, in private, which ones I should save if the opportunity arose. I wasn't sure I wanted to save anyone, but I prepared too. I would save people I didn't like for Severus. It was amazing how fast everyone worked and how quickly everyone was prepared. There were a lot of people, and I barely knew any of them. They all mingled together as we prepared to fight, but I was alone. It was a mix-match of pointed hats that lined up all preparing to enter the most dangerous place for wizards, and, well, anyone. I remembered though that there was someone else who was alone. Severus quickly caught up to me. He mentioned that he knew very few people and the ones that did know him, didn't trust him very much. He held my hand as I attempted to transform. When I was done, he transformed as well.

People started falling, fast. They were strong, but, I think that we were stronger. Severus and I were separated rather quickly and I did my best to protect the people on our side, until I couldn't tell the difference between them. To me things were black and white and I think that colour separated them. It was hard to tell who was who, so I flew up and decided to save who Severus had requested. It was pointless for me to fight. Soon enough, I was being shot at from below. I wasn't sure if it was the death eaters that were attacking me, or if it was people that were on my side. It was hard to tell. I did my best do dodge, but my limbs got fairly wounded. My wings really were what was most important. I swooped down and picked up whomever I was told to. I had two in my arms who recognized me as Severus' companion. It was easy to tell that they really were close friends of his, or they used to be before he was dubbed a traitor. It was kind of sad for Severus really because when the Death Eaters said he was a traitor, they refused to speak to him and then when the 'good wizards' found out he had been a Death Eater, they shunned him as well. "Kali," I heard a shout from below.

The two in my arms told me not to worry about it, but I swooped down anyway. It was Lucius and he was wounded. I thought about leaving him there. Then I'd have no competition with Severus. My tail, however, had other ideas and wrapped itself around his waist. It took me a while to figure out how to fly out of the room, since I had no more room for more people. I was shot. My wings had lots of holes in them now and I was finding it harder to fly. Crashing through a window, I made my way outside. It wasn't half as bad outside, since it was muggle infested. I changed as quick as I could, so that no one would really notice me. Severus' two friends did their best to cover my nudity as we fled. Lucius was abnormally quiet while we walked someplace that I didn't know existed.

"This is it," one of his friends said, opening a door to what seemed to be an apartment. I wasn't really too impressed.

I collapsed on the couch and closed my eyes. "Thank you Kali," the other said.

"I'm not sure we even needed the help," the first man laughed. "But I suppose Severus asked you to help."

"He did," I replied.

I heard Lucius take a deep breath. "I'm surprised you even bothered to save me there," he stated.

"Severus asked," I said, plainly.

"You always do what he says?" he asked in a mocking tone.

"I just feel like I owe him," I reasoned.

I opened my eyes to look at him, but when they opened everything was still black. I fell unconscious quickly.

A/N: Sorry about this being short. It gets a lot better. I'm not really good at describing fight scenes, and I can't really have Kali describe what's going to happen next. So probably one more chapter. I hope I can end it then. Anyway. Thanks for reading. One more to go.

Thanks to my reviewers DeathlyNightshade, xxXGoddessXofXdeadXloveXxx and Gail Phoenix! Note to Gail Phoenix: I'm really glad you like it. Sorry it's confusing, I'd prefer to make things complicated. And I love messing up everyone's lives, I don't think I could enjoy writing fan fiction if I kept it close to what JK Rowling wrote. I'd feel weird, but now I only feel –kind- of weird. I'm really glad you enjoy it!

Thanks to everyone that reads too!