Sirius: Look who came back? It's Sniffy!

Sniffy: :huffs:

Sirius: Why it took you so long?

Sniffy: School, Christmas, lack of time and lack of muse.

Short response to Shinigami's review

How old are kids? Hilda and Kate are fourteen ( mentioned somewhere at Diagon Alley ), they are, well were twins. Mark and Lorna are eleven and they are also twins. Just to clarify Brenda is eleven also. I believe that other questions will be answered later in this chapter.

Chapter proof read – three times. But still feel free to inform me where it sucks.

Sorry for delay. I'm truly, deeply sorry.

Chapter twenty-one: Last roses of summer.

It was 5 am at 22nd August when Sirius Mufrid Black apparated home or rather tried too because when he concentrated on apparating in the main hall he was rewarded with rather painful itch of anti-apparating jinx moment before he fall backwards on his bum on the way which was leading to Hogsmeade.

He knew what it meant. Death Eaters were putting anti-apparating jinxes around the house when they were attacking. He launched to his feet and quickly concentrated at the back alley at the end of Grimmauld Lane. He made sure if he apparated in one piece before he rushed towards Grimmauld Place 12.

The house was looking like usual, grimly and unwelcoming. There were no lights in the window and no sign of presence someone unwanted. Sirius scratched his head before he walked to the front door and tried to open them. Tried, but any kind of password or spell he tried on it weren't working, so he finally decided to pound on the front door while silently hoping that someone would let him in.

Mirzam Black woke up with a start and fall on the floor. She blinked to clear her vision before she realized that she fall asleep in the rocking chair in Zahra's room. She remembered that she came here to wait for Sirius. She spent most of the night putting new wards around and she didn't have neither time nor possibility to inform Sirius about this so she decided to wait until he will come back.

She glanced at the clock on the wall. '5:15. Where the hell he is?' she thought before she heard pounding on the door.

"Speaking about devil" she muttered before she rushed to the front door and opened them with two flicks of her wand.

"Mirzam!" Sirius screamed and launched himself at her almost knocking her down on the floor.

"Good morning to you too, sweetheart" Mirzam mumbled sleepily.

"What that was supposed to mean?" he asked impatiently.

"What?" she asked.

"Anti-apparating jinx around the house. Do you realized how scared I was about you? I thought that the house is under attack" he yelled.

Mirzam put her hand on his mouth before she said "Everything is fine Sirius. I changed the wards around the house. I was waiting for you but I fall asleep"

Sirius looked like he was going to say something but Mirzam took his arm before she said "Let's go to the kitchen I will make coffee for you and I will explain everything then, okay?"

Sirius nodded numbly before he let her lead him to the kitchen where he sat down with a mug of strong coffee in front of him. Mirzam sat on the other side of the table with her mug of tea in front and explained last night revelation.

"You know that there is this funny powder, called Floo powder?" he asked finally.

Mirzam smiled at him before she replied "I recall your request to not disturb you when you were going to Hogwarts"

"I know, but I wasn't expecting the change of wards honey" he replied.

She watched him carefully. He was tired, almost falling asleep even if he desperately tried to give her impression that he wasn't. She knew what he needed and she voiced her idea "I will prepare a bath for you then you will go to catch some sleep before regular breakfast"

"Love you" he mumbled before he took last sip of his coffee.

Mirzam tucked Sirius into the bed, before she left the room to feed little Zahra. The little infant were at Grimmauld Place 12 for three days but she already won the hearts of whole family. Especially Talitha's. Mirzam's mother-in-law was so excited when Mirzam suggested that she and Sirius were going to adopt her.

'You are in the best arrangement sweetheart, two sons and a daughter is the best possibility of all for a family. Two heirs and a little girl at the end to take care of when the boys are older and away from home' Talitha's voice rung in Mirzam's head. She hadn't a heart to remain Talitha that before the next fall she will have another boy and another girl.

She sighed as she remembered that last year she was praying and begging any kind of deity she knew to let her leave Azkaban before the next fall and now she was raising two teenage boys and a little girl and she was slowly preparing for arrival of the twins in spring. Oh no she wasn't as obsessive as Dora with the arrival of the babies. Mirzam lived longer than Dora and she knew that many things can happen between August and April when the twins are going to be born. In her mind Harry was her and Sirius's son because James and Lily never saw him and it was Mirzam and Sirius who took care of Harry for last weeks. It was so natural to call him son and it wasn't causing problems with Raven.

'This two got along wonderfully, the one who didn't know that they aren't brothers would argue that they are' she thought as she opened the door of Zahra's room. She took a bottle with a formula for Zahra which she left under heating charm yesterday and picked sleeping infant. Zahra opened slowly her eyes and stared at her guardian. She knew with that six sense which some of the babies had that she was going to get her breakfast. Mirzam sat down in the rocking chair and started feeding Zahra with the formula when one slightly insane idea entered her mind.

'People still use in loco parentis, right? There is still a chance to adopt Harry without this whole mess with Lily and James' she thought as she gazed through the window. She saw scaffolding on the other side of the Grimmauld Place.

"Auntie Cissy took her duty very seriously, don't you think Zahra?" Mirzam whispered to Zahra.

Indeed Narcissa was rarely seen yesterday or it was what Belinda told her and then she took a duty in hospital wing. It appeared that Narcissa desperately wanted to be useful for the Order. She wasn't that bad ever, she just married wrong guy and suffered from it badly. But now Narcissa reminded Mirzam her own sister, strong minded, stubborn but still lovely Lily, this Lily which Mirzam got used to know.

Raven Black woke up with enormous headache and he barely managed to muffle a groan. He decided that he needed a pain reliever and he needed it badly. He shifted on the bed but managed to fall from the bed with loud thud. He cursed silently before he heard the footsteps on the corridor and soon he saw his mother standing in the doorway. Mirzam rushed to his side and helped him stood up before she asked "How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts, mum" Raven mumbled.

"Sit down and I will give you a pain reliever" Mirzam said softly.

Raven obeyed and saw her taking a vial from the desk. He gulped it quickly and sighed "That's better"

"It should be. It's one of the strongest pain relievers around. You may fall asleep again for a hour or two" she said softly before she tucked him under the coverlet.

"Did dad came back from Hogwarts?" Raven mumbled feeling that sleep was trying to claim him again.

"About a hour ago. He is sleeping now..." was the last words he heard before he let himself fall into peaceful sleep.

"Stop worrying about their reaction Tally" Achird sat on the bed and was watching his wife pacing their bedroom.

"How I'm not supposed to worry Achird. I'm fifty-eight and I'm too old for a child" Talitha hissed and didn't stop pacing around their bedroom.

Achird raised one eyebrow daringly before he said "Do I have to remind you what you told Mirzam. "You are in the best arrangement sweetheart, two sons and a daughter is the best possibility of all for a family. Two heirs and a little girl at the end to take care of when the boys are older and away from home" your own words Tally"

"I know, I know, but look at Mirzam, she is thirty-seven. Besides we don't know if it's going to be a girl. I always wanted to have a daughter of course but now, at my age" Talitha snapped and sat down on the bed.

"Witches doesn't have a longer cycle of procreation than muggle women for nothing, you know" Achird commented.

He was happy because of this and when he recalled what Sirius told him he wasn't going to be the only one. Mirzam and Belinda will be thrilled if they heard the news. For them it meant that Tally would be busy with herself mainly and with them briefly. Speaking about Mirzam, he caught a glimpse of her yesterday, she wasn't looking very well, it looked that something was bothering her and Achird felt bad that the closest thing he considerate as a daughter was worried about something and that he couldn't help her. At last now.

"You know what Tally? Take a warm bath and I will make a breakfast. Discussing important matters with an empty stomach is not helping" Achird suggested and stood up from the bed.

"Perhaps you are right" Talitha mumbled mild absently.

"Pancakes or normal English breakfast?" he asked from the doorway.

"Pancakes. Children likes them" Talitha answered from the bathroom.

Achird made two steps before he realized that he forgot his bath-robe and he quickly summoned stupid thing before going down to the kitchen. He opened the door to the kitchen and saw that the place wasn't as empty as he thought it would be.

Mirzam left her sons bedroom as soon as Raven fallen asleep. Raven's words from yesterday were bothering her very much even if she managed to pretend that they didn't in the early morning. Mirzam understood the meaning of her mother's words. While her father, a psycho with twisted childhood was threating whole wizarding population, her mother was different. Oh no, she didn't cared if the world would be falling on their knees before her husband or not, she wanted vengeance on Mirzam or Lily or both. But for what? 'For not being a part of Voldemort's supporters?' Mirzam thought. 'Probably. Probably that's why little Kate became her tool or because that old muggle phrase was right and there are happening rotten apples in the basket of good ones. Maybe something had happened when Kate Potter was a little girl, something what affected her psyche and made her a person she was. Dumbledore always told us that most of things which happens to us are the matters of our choices...' her train of thoughts were interrupted by opened door. She turned in her chair and saw her father-in-law standing in the doorway.

"Morning Mirzam" Achird walked to her and ruffled her hair.

"Morning. If you want coffee you will find it in the upper cupboard on the left side of the cooker" Mirzam said silently.

"Do you want one too?" he turned his face from the cupboard to look at her.

"As long as Tally is not going to join us in next half of hour. She doesn't like me drinking coffee" Mirzam muttered and eyed Achird movements.

He took two mugs and dropped a teaspoon of instant coffee to each one before he asked "Sugar or milk?"

"Both. Old habit" Mirzam answered.

"Something is bothering you or it's just old man delusion?" Achird asked as he put a steaming mug in front of her.

"You're right, something is bothering me but it's not a thing I can't take care of" answered Mirzam before she took a sip from her mug.

"Does Sirius knows?"

"He does. At this moment he is just too tired to talk about it. He is upstairs, sleeping" Mirzam said mild absently.

"How is Raven?"

"Asleep. He woke up half of hour ago with a headache. I gave him pain reliever with a sleeping potion. He will wake up in a hour"

"Not very talkative this morning, are you?"

Mirzam shrugged and said "It's too early"


"No. My sleeping habits"

"I should send you to the bed for a quick nap, don't worry about house. I think that Andie is going to wake up in next ten minutes and she will take care of the breakfast"

"Achird is right Mirzam. If you are feeling as you are looking you should go to the bed immediately" Andromeda's voice was heard from the doorway.

"I will not argue with you two. I'm going to the bed even if I think that it's a waste of time in my case" said Mirzam as she stood up from her chair and left the kitchen.

"How is she?" Andromeda glanced at her uncle.

"Bad, even if she says that she isn't. I feel that something is wrong but she will not talk with anyone, maybe with Sirius" Achird answered.

"She is worrying about Raven, Harry and Lily's offspring" said Andromeda.

Achird shrugged.

Andromeda peaked into the fridge "Do you know that we are out of the milk?" she asked from it.

"Are you a witch or not?" Achird asked.

"I am, but we are also out of eggs and few other minor things and as far as I think we were going to have pancakes for a breakfast" said Andromeda as she closed the door of the fridge and glanced at him.

"Do you want me to go?" Achird asked, silently hopping that she didn't. He could dress up of course but he was an old man with his weird habits and not leaving home without at last three coffees was one of them and he was in the middle of drinking his first.

"No, I will go I want to pick up some things on my way to the shop" said Andromeda and with a swish of her skirt she have gone.

"Try to understand a woman" Achird muttered into his coffee.

Remus Lupin woke up next to his fiancée. He took his time at looking at her for few minutes before yesterday conversation with Sirius entered his mind.

"I suppose that he fall from his broom about one time too much" Remus mumbled to himself.

"Sirius?" Dora's sleepily voice asked and she turned in her place so Remus could see her content smile.

"Sorry that I woke you up sweetheart" Remus said before he kissed her lips.

"So what Sirius have done this time?" Dora asked after Remus pulled away.

"He suggested new way of finding new allies at yesterday meeting with Heads of Departments" Remus said.

"It's a good thing you know" said Dora.

"Let me explain it. He suggested lifting all anti-werewolves legislations which was written by that toad woman. Just to quote him 'In the lights of latest events we need to search new allies, burning the bridges behind us is like cutting the branch we are all sitting on. And this is what we are doing by denying werewolves the rights which all of us have, like the right of life. How a werewolf is supposed to live if Ministry of Magic is narrowing the possibility of finding suitable job each year. You want to push this problem away, but by the way which you are using you are digging your own grave. Denying werewolves the rights which they need is sending them to Voldemort at your own will, because he can offer them what we denied them for so long. Most of werewolves in Great Brittan are married, have families, often they are the only one source of livelihood in their families. Yes, they are some rotten apples in this basket, but which one of you trows the basket away when you find one rotten fruit in it? Think about your own families, how would you act if someone close to you were a werewolf. Would you forget? Would you not care? Yes, there is need of some regulations, especially these occurring the time around the full moon, but besides that there is no need for shutting down every werewolf for the thing she/he can't control. We need new allies and we need them now that's why I'm asking for lifting all anti-werewolves legislation which was authored by Dolores Jane Umbridge'. Does he understands that we need him as a Minister of Magic?" Remus ended his explanation.

"He does, Remus, he does. He knows how it works Remus. We are in war and we need new allies. Sirius just pointed something what was blatantly obvious and he knows what he is doing, don't worry about him" Dora sat up on the bed and looked straight into his eyes.

"I just hope that he doesn't get sacked. Merlin it would be a record" Remus mumbled.


Rowan turned in her bed and tried to sleep some more but that voice which woke her up decided to interrupt her again.


"What's up Hermione?" Rowan mumbled as she sat on her bed and rubbed her eyes.

"Do you know that owl from the window, it's not mine for sure" Hermione pointed at brown owl which sat on the other side of the window. It was looking rather pissed if owl can be pissed.

Rowan jumped from her bed and opened the window letting the owl sit on her desk. Rowan grabbed Daily Prophet which was delivered by annoyed owl and unfolded the newspaper. First thing she saw was:

New Minister of Magic: Genius or a madman?

Excerpts from Minister's speech from yesterday at the meeting of Heads of Departments:

'In the lights of latest events we need to search new allies, burning the bridges behind us is like cutting the branch we are all sitting on. And this is what we are doing by denying werewolves the rights which all of us have, like the right of life. How a werewolf is supposed to live if Ministry of Magic is narrowing the possibility of finding suitable job each year. You want to push this problem away, but by the way which you are using you are digging your own grave. Denying werewolves the rights which they need is sending them to Voldemort at your own will, because he can offer them what we denied them for so long. Most of werewolves in Great Brittan are married, have families, often they are the only one source of livelihood in their families. Yes, they are some rotten apples in this basket, but which one of you trows the basket away when you find one rotten fruit in it? Think about your own families, how would you act if someone close to you were a werewolf. Would you forget? Would you not care? Yes, there is need of some regulations, especially the one occurring the time around the full moon, but besides that there is no need for shutting down every werewolf for the thing she/he can't control. We need new allies and we need them now that's why I'm asking for lifting all anti-werewolves legislation which was authored by Dolores Jane Umbridge'...

Rowan dropped the newspaper and rushed from the bedroom.

"Stop worrying about him Remus. He is an adult" Dora said.

Remus glanced at his fiancée before he replied "I know Dora but he should be careful around some..." the door of their bedroom opened and revealed shocked Rowan.

"Dad, did you saw new Daily Prophet?" she breathed and sat down on their bed.

"No, I didn't but if what I'm thinking about it's there Sirius is deep trouble" Remus sat up on the bed.

"I don't take what's wrong about it. I mean in Canada similar thing was done at last ten years ago if not eleven" said the girl with bushy, brown hair who just walked into Remus's and Dora's bedroom.

Remus jolted from the bed and grabbed the newspaper from the girl's hands. When he scanned the article briefly he felt that his knees weakened. Sirius Black was officially doomed.

Sirius was woken up by the slam of the bedroom's door. He sat up on the bed and rubbed his eyes before he glanced at Remus, furious Remus with a newspaper in his hands.

"It's official. You are an idiot. Don't you understand how much it means for the Order to have you as a Minister of Magic?" Remus took a deep breath and he was going to start again but gratefully Sirius was saved by another person who entered the bedroom.

"What he have done this time Remus?" Regulus asked and yawned.

"Did you saw new Daily Prophet Reg?" Remus turned to Regulus who leaned against the door frame with a look of total boredom.

"Yes I did. Impressing speech big bro. You just have to said it when I've gone to the bathroom, haven't you?" said Regulus and Sirius snickered silently.

Remus sighed in defeat before he said "Dress up I will talk with you in the kitchen. It's amazing that Mirzam is still sleeping"

"I'm not, thanks to you Remus" Mirzam mumbled.

"It's official. You are an idiot. Don't you understand how much it means for the Order to have you as a Minister of Magic?" Remus voice was heard on the other side of th corridor and it was what woke up Raven and Harry.

"I wonder what dad have done this time?" Harry asked.

"You are not the only one Harry. Do you think that we should check what had happened?" Raven asked.

"It's a good idea. How is your head?" Harry asked as he jumped from his bed.

"Fine. It doesn't hurt anymore" Raven mumbled as he tried to get out from the bed.

Harry snickered and helped Raven untangle from the coverlet before he handed him his bath-robe.

As soon as they left they bedroom they saw Achird who was walking in their direction.

"Sirius!" they heard Remus voice from Mirzam's and Sirius's bedroom.

Achird sighed "Werewolves speech" and Harry and Raven glared at their grandfather.

"Tell you later" Achird muttered and quickly walked into his son's and his wife bedroom with Raven and Harry following.

Raven examined his parents bedroom and saw Regulus leaning against the bookshelf he looked like he didn't knew if he should laugh or stay silent. In the middle of the bedroom stood Remus with a newspaper in his left hand and his right on his right hip.

Raven heard footsteps behind. He turned in his place and saw Rowan and Hermione standing in the doorway with look of total bewilderment.

"Can I ask what's going on?" asked Harry.

"Remus here tries to say that as soon as I get out from the bed he is going to kill me" said Sirius solemnly.

Remus huffed "You and I, Minister. Alone. In the dining-room. You have five minutes to get out from the bed"

Raven eyed the pile of sandwiches standing on the table. After Remus left his parents bedroom with his father tagging along about half of hour ago they didn't caught a glimpse of neither Sirius nor Remus at all. Mirzam quickly shooed them to the kitchen where she quickly prepared them sandwiches and toasts with cheese and jam and cups of hot chocolate, hot milk and coffee. Raven admired the way she was preparing breakfast, she looked like she didn't have done anything for whole life but prepared breakfast. Mirzam told them to wait for the rest children before they start eating.

It took maybe a minute since Mirzam put hot chocolate on the table for the rest of children to appear. Short after 'bunch of trouble' Talitha appeared with Narcissa, Belinda, Dora and Ted short after her. Regulus who got down to the kitchen with Mirzam and Achird was leaning against the counter and sipping his coffee from the steaming mug was eying the kitchen door with worry.

Suddenly they heard someone disapparating from the main hall. Regulus jolted from his place and quickly got into main hall. He came back in a matter of five seconds and breathed "Sirius and Remus are gone"

Raven scanned the occupants from around the table and saw that everyone was looking worried. Everyone but not Mirzam. She looked like she was trying to concentrate on something. Her right hand with a mug full of steaming tea was hanging in the air, her eyes were fixed on the sugar-bowl.

As soon as it came it gone. She put her tea on the table and cleaned her throat. The rest of the house occupants turned to her. She stood up from her chair and sighed before she said in barely audible whisper "Andromeda is dead"

24th August 1996 was a really rainy day. Sirius Mufrid Black, Minister of Magic, father of two sixteen years old boys and one little girl and guardian of two Potters girls and one boy was sitting at his desk in his office. The clock on the bookshelf was shoving ten minutes past 6am. Sirius was eying the pile of unopened letters from people who either called him a madman or a genius. He knew that all letters responses to his announcement from 21st August ( this one where he asked for lifting anti-werewolves legislations ). He didn't felt like dealing with those letters right now.

Andromeda's death hit him badly. She was his favorite cousin and in some way an older sister he never had. Her death made him realize that his family was in danger, now more than ever.

Sirius heard a soft knock on the door of his office and he turned in this direction. He recognized the footsteps outside. It was his father.

Two Blacks eyed each other before Sirius nodded and Achird walked to the armchair in front of Sirius's desk. They didn't need words to voice their fears.

"Everything is ready since yesterday. Mirzam is waking children up and Tally says that we can leave straight after breakfast. Remus is still with Dora. Severus sits with Ted and Neville in the kitchen already. Narcissa and Belinda left with Regulus five minutes ago. They are at the graveyard, checking if everything is looking as it is supposed too. Larry and Hercules are warding hospital wing" said Achird suddenly.

Mirzam grimaced when she put her 'funeral hat' on her head. She really hoped that she wouldn't need it for a long time. Her black jacket, another thing she wasn't keen on putting on since it always rested in the box labeled "For funerals" along with the hat, matching skirt and these stupid black high heels which she never wore on because she didn't liked high heels. She smiled grimly when she recalled that she told Sirius once that she will be putting on this high heels only at funerals and another grimly occasions. She turned around and checked if she looked like a wife of Minister of Magic should when she was going at a funeral.

"Can I look at you when you are putting on your make-up mommy?" asked soft voice from behind Mirzam, better known by the occupants of Grimmauld Place under name Lorna, Lily's Potter youngest daughter.

Mirzam smiled softly in the mirror at little girl before she said "Of course dear" Mirzam turned to her and put the 'funeral hat' on the bed.

"Do you want to brush my hair honey?" she asked softly.

Lorna nodded solemnly and waited for Mirzam to sat down in front of the mirror. Mirzam sat down on the chair and let Lorna brush her hair while she could eye carefully little girl. Lorna always amazed Mirzam because while she was Lily's daughter she looked like a carbon copy of her aunt. Lorna also was the only one from Lily's children who preferred to call Mirzam mommy. Mark and Hilda were fine with 'auntie Mirzam' or 'Mirzam' while Lorna always called her mommy. Mark and Hilda were fine with Mirzam's hugs when she was giving them to these two while Lorna preferred climbing on Mirzam's knees and cuddling. Hilda accepted Tally's help with dressing up for funeral while Lorna came to Mirzam and asked her if she could help her dress up and if she could stay in the bedroom while Mirzam was dressing up. Mirzam had a sneaky suspicions that Lorna did the same with Lily when she was... healthy.

"You look beautiful mommy" said Lorna softly.

"You too sweetheart. Come here for a hug" Mirzam hold her arms outstretched and soon she had Lorna on her knees and Lorna's head in her collarbone.

Mirzam sneaked her arms around little girl and hugged her tightly.

A moment of peace was interrupted by a cry of formerly sleeping Zahra. It appeared that Zahra wanted someone to change her diaper.

Mirzam sighed and was about to let Lorna go when she heard from the doorway "I will take care of her mum"

If Raven Black hated something more than dress robes when it came to clothing it was for sure a suit and if it was up to him he would stay at home. He wasn't keen on going at Kate's Potter funeral at all, but Sirius while agreed with him that yes, he wouldn't want to go at funeral of someone who tortured him for no reason too, but since Andromeda's funeral was following Kate's funeral Raven liking it or not was going on both funerals. Sirius huffed, Raven huffed but it ended with Raven in Sirius's bone crashing hug soon after.

Since Raven was ready and Harry was checking if others were dressed up too ( Rowan and Hermione throw him out from their bedroom for obvious reasons ) Raven decided to check if his mother was ready. He was about to enter the bedroom when he saw Mirzam and Lorna cuddling, he was ready to back of when he heard Zahra's cry. Zahra, sometimes called my family 'little Angel' or 'little Devil" ( depending from the fact if she was sleeping with full stomach and changed diaper or not ), was the first person in the house who was after breakfast, the rest of the family was still waiting for breakfast so it meant that it was all about diaper. Raven smiled to himself before he said at loud "I will take care of her mum"

He was rewarded by grateful look from Mirzam's direction before he walked to the crib and picked up mewling infant. Raven movements with little Zahra was like didn't have done anything for his whole life but changing diapers of his sister.

A sister, it was a funny thought. Zahra, an orphan, who survived only because her own mother didn't wanted her to get sick in cold rain, apple of Talitha's eye, was his sister. Adopted, but still sister. Harry was wary at first when he saw her but when Mirzam handed Zahra to Harry and the little infant snuggled closer to Harry in that exact moment Zahra got two knights in shinning armors in form of her older brothers.

Raven carefully dressed Zahra up and put her back to the crib just in time to see Thabit in the doorway. Thabit grinned before he quickly run to Mirzam and hugged her tightly.

"Auntie's hugs are always the best" said Thabit solemnly.

"Okay, what you have done this time, you little devil?" Mirzam asked after she pulled away from Thabit.

It was well known fact that Thabit always run to Mirzam for a hug when he did something mischievous. Raven snickered silently.

"Nothing" came the response from Thabit.

"Oh, really?" Mirzam raised one eyebrow daringly.

"Really auntie Mirzam. Unless you count dropping chines vase at the attic" mumbled Thabit.

"This one which belongs to your grandmother?" asked Mirzam.

"The same one, auntie" Thabit said and suddenly became very interested in watching his shoes.

Mirzam sighed and motioned to Lorna to stand up from her knees before she herself stood up from the chair and said "We will deal with it later, it's not that Tally needs it now or something. Let's go kids, I think that breakfast is ready"

Breakfast was standing on the table and most of house occupants was sitting at the table and eating or drinking their teas and coffees, but Harry saw that some of family members are missing, namely, uncle Regulus and aunts Belinda and Narcissa.

"Dad, where is uncle Regulus and aunties Linda and Narcissa?" he asked.

Sirius took a sip of coffee before he answered "Already at the graveyard. That's why Thabit is going with us and Draco is going with Severus and rest"

"Uncle Sirius why we are taking three separate portkeys?" asked Mark suddenly.

"Because it's safer to transport us in three separate groups than a big one besides we would batter each other if we took one portkey Mark" answered Hilda.

"Exactly. Thanks for the Weasley who will arrive at the graveyard their own way. Merlin thank them for spending last night in their own house. Regulus, Belinda and Narcissa are already there but it still leaves twenty-three people to transport at the graveyard, twelve children who can't apparate on their own in it. Don't even think about apparating Thabit unless you want to be grounded for the rest of holidays and yes I mean it" said Sirius on the one breath.

"Remus, Dora, Romulus, Hermione, Rowan, Kyle, Brenda and Hercules are taking one. Hilda, Mark, Lorna, Sirius, Raven, Harry, Thabit and I are taking another. Achird, Talitha, Severus, Draco, Larry, Ted, Neville are taking another one" explained Mirzam.

Thabit shrugged when Sirius told him to stay in one place for a moment. It was boring. They were standing in the middle of main hall waiting for the portkey to activate. Most of people left already. The rest who were still waiting was Potters kids, his cousins and his aunt and uncle and Zahra of course. Aunt Mirzam had to take her in the last moment since no one left to look after her when they were gone. Of course Raven tried to tell his parents that he would take care of her when they were gone and Harry quickly added that he would help to, but after both of them received a glare from uncle Sirius they shut up instantly.
Regulus examined his surroundings for fifth time. They were late, but that was expected. He really hoped that Thabit didn't done something drastic in last moment. Thabit was a good boy, smart, funny but sometimes hopeless, especially when it came to troubles. He seemed to attract troubles for whole time. Of course they weren't big troubles, rather small ones but still they were troubles.

"They are coming" yelled Narcissa.

"I didn't saw them" muttered Regulus.

"You were looking in wrong direction dear" said Belinda.

"Yeah, whatever" Regulus mumbled and jumped from the bench.

Three days later, at 27th August Remus Lupin was sitting in his favorite armchair in drawing room. Dora, Narcissa, Belinda and Mirzam throw him out from the bedroom because they wanted to prepare Dora to the wedding. Remus got a hint and grabbed his suit and dressed up in Sirius's and Mirzam's bedroom having Sirius comments as an accompaniment for whole time ( when Remus was dressing up in the bedroom Sirius was shaving in the bathroom ).

After Andromeda's death Remus expected that Dora and Ted would want to cancel the wedding, at last for few months. But Dora stated firmly that her mother wouldn't want it, her statement was backed up by Ted, Sirius, Regulus and Achird.

"Mr. Padfoot wants to ask Mr. Moony if Mr. Moony wants to not attend Mr. Moony's own wedding" Remus heard Sirius voice from the doorway.

"Time has come for Mr. Moony, Mr. Padfoot" said Remus solemnly and stood up from the armchair.

"Mr. Padfoot assures Mr. Moony that wedlock is not that back" said Sirius.

"Mr. Moony says that he has his reasons to be afraid wedlock because Mr. Moony saw how Mr. Padfoot ended when Mr. Padfoot got married" Remus answered.

"Mr. Padfoot assures Mr. Moony that Mr. Moony is not going to become Minister if Magic because it's Mr. Padfoot's job" Sirius pointed.

Kyle Lupin was anxious. His father was getting married. He wanted his father to be happy and he knew that he will be happy with Nymphadora but for whole summer Kyle was afraid that Dora would change her mind about dad. When he told his sister about his fears she comforted him and told him that Dora wouldn't have done something like that. But it was dad who was getting late.

"He was probably reading a book somewhere when mum and aunties kicked him out from the bedroom" said Thabit, happy like a madman because of two reasons. First, his father was getting married to the best woman around. Second, that little incident with chines vase remained his, aunties Mirzam, Lorna's and Raven's little secret because auntie Mirzam fixed this stupid thing as soon as they came back from the funeral.

"Here comes the groom" yelled Regulus from the door to the garden.

Kyle snickered when he saw his father and Thabit's father and uncle running in their direction.

Belinda Jones, hopefully Belinda Black in a matter of two hours, snickered when Mirzam showed her Regulus, Remus and Sirius. Narcissa who stood on Belinda's right was wearing deep blue dress, Dora who stood behind Belinda's back was wearing white dress, Belinda herself preferred beige while Mirzam, teased by the rest because she was the only one of them who could actually dress up in a red dress and look good in it, was standing on Belinda's left.

"Are you sure?" asked Mirzam.

"No second thoughts?" asked Narcissa.

"Do you wanna go first?" asked Dora.

"Girls!" Belinda mumbled.

The rest snickered silently.

Harry glanced at Hermione on his right and he smiled to himself. She got really well with Rowan and the rest of house occupants accepted her in a blink. As for himself Harry was happy, deliriously happy because Sirius sorted out this mess.

'Why I didn't thought about 'in loco parentis' sooner?' he asked himself.

In loco parentis allowed Sirius and Mirzam to adopt Harry and take guardianship over the rest of Potters children. Surprisingly for Harry and the rest of Potters Larry decided that Sirius and Mirzam had betters rights to take care of Potters offspring. Harry thought that main argument for Sirius and Mirzam to take them was Larry's age and the fact that he was single.

"Children needs both parents" said Larry during the discussion and that ended it.

When Sirius approached Harry with THE papers Harry jumped at Sirius and hugged him tightly. He wanted to be adopted by Sirius and Mirzam and they were keen of adopting him. That was all he wanted and needed.

What surprised Harry even more was Lorna's attitude towards Mirzam and Sirius. When the papers which allowed Mirzam and Sirius to take guardianship over Potters offspring was signed Lorna took liberty of calling Mirzam and Sirius mommy and daddy. She had a good contact with both of them and Harry suspicioned that not only Sirius and Mirzam didn't mind it but where in fact happy about this.

Harry glanced at Raven who stood on his left. He was currently busy with playing with Rowan's hair.

'Mr. Obvious' Harry snickered mentally and tightened his grip around Hermione's shoulders.

'Now look who is Mr. Obvious Black' a tiny voice in the back of his mind said.

'I'm not Mr. Obvious, I just... Just like to take care of Hermione. She doesn't have anyone here but me' Harry told the voice.

'Yeah whatever Black' muttered the voice in the back of his mind.

"That was a day" Sirius muttered and fall on the bed.

"What did you expected?" asked Mirzam from the bathroom where she was bathing Zahra.

"To tell you the truth..." Sirius started but when he concentrated on what he wanted to happen during the weddings he realized that he didn't wanted anything "nothing" he added after a moment.

"I'm not asking more question" said Mirzam as she entered the bedroom with Zahra in her arms "Here" she put little infant on Sirius's stomach "it's your turn to feed her. I'm going to help your mother with the laundry" she handed the bottle with formula to him.

"Why you are worrying about laundry Mirzam?" Sirius asked and sat up on the bed, holding Zahra close to his chest with one hand while the other hold the bottle.

"September 1st is coming" Mirzam reminded him "They need fresh clothes and to tell you the truth I don't want to spent their last day at home at doing the laundry or something like that" she said and she left the room.

"It looks like it's just you and I, Zahra" said Sirius to the infant.

"Fresh clothes?" Mirzam asked.

"In trunks" said Raven and Harry in unison.


"In trunks"

"Parchments, quills"

"The same mum"

"Two ways mirrors"

"The same"


"Mum! In trunks"

"Do you..." Mirzam started but Raven and Harry cut her off.

"Mum. Even if we forget about something we have two ways mirrors and owls to ask you to send it to us"

"Okay" said Mirzam slowly.

"Mum, stop worrying. Besides we need to get down. The moon will rise in a matter of minutes" said Harry and pulled big guns, his puppy dog eyes.

"Okay. You may go. I was going to check Hilda's, Mark's and Lorna's trunks anyway" said Mirzam slowly.

"Thanks mummy" said Raven and Harry in unison and in a matter of seconds Mirzam heard their footsteps on the stairs.

"Natural disasters" Mirzam muttered to herself while she tried to not smile.

"You sure that..." Remus started but Sirius quickly cut him off.

"Everything is fine, Remus. Stop worrying"

"I know but still... Sirius stop it!" Remus tried to shove Sirius who changed into Padfoot from his


"Bad dog" joked Romulus who just entered the basement.

"You can say so Rome" muttered Remus.

"If you call me Rome once again I'm going to hex you from now to Christmas Eve, Remmy" muttered Romulus and to emphasize his point he pulled out his wand.

"You are left-handed, Romeo?" asked Larry suddenly although he was still reading his newspaper.

"Yeah, why it's so important and don't call me Romeo" Romulus huffed.

"Not my fault that your father picked so long name for you" said Larry and he put his newspaper on the table.

"What was about this left-handed question?" asked Regulus who just entered the basement.

"It's kind a weird" said Larry and shrugged.

"Why?" asked Harry who appeared behind Regulus with Raven.

"Second born son curse" said Hercules and he pushed Raven, Harry and Regulus a bit to the middle of the basement.

"Rubbish" said Thabit and he jumped at Regulus's back "I'm first born and I'm ambidextrous"

"I'm left-handed. Sirius is right... pawed" muttered Regulus as he eyed his brother who was currently sitting on the floor.

"Lily was left-handed too and she was younger than Mirzam who is right-handed" said Larry.

"I had eleven brothers and all of them were right-handed" said Achird.

"But you are ambidextrous" reminded him Larry and Hercules.

"But I'm twelve" said Achird.

"Why are you discussing it?" asked Kyle.

"Because Larry is dying from boredom" said Achird.

"I'm not"

"Yes, you are" said Achird.

"Your discussion is pointless, you know. Hilda and Mark are left-handed so am I. Raven, Rowan, Draco, Neville and Lorna are right-handed. Thabit, Brenda, Harry and Hermione are ambidextrous. It hardly relates to the fact who was firstborn and who not" said Kyle.

"James was right-handed" said Larry.

"Your wife was left-handed" said Achird.

"So it's yours" replied Larry.

"She is not. She is ambidextrous like me" retorted Achird.

"That's why Sirius is right and Regulus left-handed" said Hercules.

"Remus mother was left-handed" pointed Larry.

"Ambidextrous" corrected Remus.

"My was left-handed" said Romulus.

"Right-handed, left-handed, ambidextrous. Couldn't have a better subject for a discussion?" said irritated Rowan who just entered the basement.

"Don't look at us we didn't started it" said Harry.

"Cissy is right-handed" said Achird.

"Linda is ambidextrous" added Regulus.

"Stop it!" muttered Remus.

"Moony you are PMSing again" said Sirius who just changed back to his human form.

"PM... what?" asked Larry.

"PMSing. Pissed Moony Syndrome" explained Sirius.

"It will die naturally. The moon will rise in a matter of minutes" muttered Harry to Raven.

Raven was relieved that this 'Right, left and ambidextrous' discussion had ended with full moon rising because all of them changed either into werewolves or their animagi forms. He was about to hit Harry with his front paw on the head when he was sent on the ground by a wildcat.
"Mrs. Black I can't find Harry" Mirzam heard Hermione's voice from behind the armchair.

"Why you need him?" Mirzam asked while still reading a book from Talitha about rising teenager boys.

"Mark and Lorna wanted to ask him about something. And I can't find Mr. Black to" said Hermione.

"Which one of them you need?" Mirzam asked from behind the book.

"Did they went somewhere?" asked Hermione.

"You can say so, Hermione. But if you need them I can call them" said Mirzam and she put the book on the table.

"The house is so silent" said Hilda who just entered the drawing-room.

"Where are Thabit and Kyle? I wanted to play Monopoly with them" said Mark who entered the drawing-room with Lorna a moment after Hilda.

"Probably in the basement" said Brenda who appeared behind them.

"Why?" asked Mark.

"Probably trying to help with granddad's, uncle's, dad's and Kyle's furry little problem" said Brenda as she jumped on the couch.

"Does they own a badly behaving rabbit or something like that?" asked Mark suddenly.

Mirzam snickered. She knew that she forgot about something lately but she couldn't put a finger on what it was. Now she remembered. Lupins men furry little problem.

"Why you are laughing mommy?" asked Lorna as she climbed into Mirzam's lap.

Hermione's eyes grew wider and she gasped "Badly behaving rabbit. I forgot that today is a full moon"

"What a full moon has to do with badly behaving rabbits?" asked Mark "What? Did I said something funny?" he asked after a moment when he heard Mirzam's, Hermione's and Brenda's laugh.

"They have problems with werebunnies in the basement" said Brenda mysteriously.

Mirzam officially cracked then. Werebunnies, honestly.

"Children" she chocked through fits of giggles.

"What?" asked Mark.

Hermione was watching Mrs. Black as she was explaining Mark and Lorna Lupins case. Hermione felt a bit envious about Harry. 'His mother is so wonderful person' she thought. True because Mirzam Black was for the all of kids from Grimmauld Place always kind, patient listener and – probably Thabit's words – 'The best aunt in the world'. Hermione was amazed how she could easily talk about different things like she knew everything about the subject. It didn't mattered if it was charms homework, werewolves, Death Eaters, animals, pizza's... Hermione knew that it was all about Mirzam Black being good listener. But most of all, she cared. Mirzam Black cared about all of them.
Two hours later Mirzam found herself in the middle of playing Monopoly. Lorna was sleeping on her knees. Mark was dozing on the floor, waking up from time to time when it was his turn to move the pawns. Brenda was dozing too, her head was resting on Mirzam's knee. Hermione and Hilda was yawning for at last ten minutes non stop.

"You should call it night Mirzam" said Dora from behind Mirzam.

"Not yet" muttered Mark.

"I will take Brenda to girls bedroom" said Dora and she gently picked sleeping girl in her arms.

"Did?" Mirzam asked.

"Tally bathed her and give her the bottle. Linda is on her way. She will be here in a moment" said Dora.

Mirzam watched as Dora and Belinda passed each other in the doorstep.

"I will take Mark upstairs. It's not a problem. I carried Thabit few times to the bed and Thabit is taller than Mark" said Linda as she picked sleeping boy.

"I'm not sleepy" mumbled Mark.

"Of course that you are not" Linda agreed with him.

Mirzam stood up from the ground while still holding sleeping Lorna "Girls. Get up from the floor. You should go to sleep to your beds"

"I don't want to" muttered Hilda as she rubbed her eyes.

"I know but you will thank me in the morning for not letting you fall asleep on a carpet" said Mirzam as she waited for girls to get up.

Mirzam watched as Hermione retried to her and Rowan's bedroom with a short "Night" and she gently pushed Hilda in direction of girls bedroom.

In the bedroom Dora was sitting on Brenda's bed and was whispering something to sleepy girl. Mirzam laid Lorna in her bed and she tucked the little girl into a coverlet and kissed her head before she approached Hilda's bed and did the same.

"I'm not sleepy mommy" muttered Hilda as Mirzam tucked her in.

"I know sweetheart, I know" said Mirzam softly and she kissed her forehead.

Both women left the bedroom when they were sure that three girls were sleeping.

"I will check how Linda is going, you should go to the bed too, Dora" said Mirzam.

"Good night. I will go but I'm not sure if I will fall asleep. Without Remus there it's so weird" yawned Dora.

Mirzam smiled after Dora as she headed in the direction of her and Remus's bedroom before she entered boys bedroom. Mark was fighting with Belinda who tried to put his pajama top on through his head.

"Go to sleep. I will take care of him" Mirzam instructed her.

"Good night to you too" muttered Linda as she left the room.

"Werebunnies" mumbled Mark.

"Yes, werebunnies" Mirzam agreed with him as she motioned to him to put his pajama top on.

"Do they exist?" asked Mark suddenly.

"You are not going to let me go without a story, are you?" Mirzam asked as she tucked him in.

"No" Mark agreed.

"So werebunnies..." Mirzam started a story.

"She will be mad. I tell you Linda" said Dora to Linda.

"Phew. That's the only one time we can talk about our hubbies without them breathing in our necks" answered Linda.

"You are right but still I don't think that she is going to like it" Dora pointed at the bed where both of them were sitting.

Mirzam was exhausted. Mark wasn't happy with a ordinary story, he wanted something original. So she finally told him a story about prince Mark the rabbit who cured werebunnies from they curse and married the princess of werebunnies and they have many little, cute bunnies. She entered her bedroom and fall on the bed. She was falling asleep when she felt that someone is tickling her right foot. She kicked the hand and was about to fall asleep once again when she felt that the hand started tickling her again.

"What the hell?" Mirzam muttered as she shoot into sitting position.

She heard giggles coming from under the bed and after few seconds she saw Linda and Dora smiling at her.

"Couldn't sleep" said Linda.

"I can" said Mirzam.

"Come on Mirz. We are going to have THE talk" said Dora.

"Why I need to be a part of it?" asked Mirzam.

"Because we say so" said Linda and Dora in unison.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Regulus turned to Sirius who stood on his left.

"Tell me what I'm supposed to think. It's my bed" muttered Sirius.

"You found them like that?" asked Remus who stood on Regulus's right side.

Both nodded.

"Maybe it's not what we are thinking" said Sirius hopefully.

"And what you perverts are exactly thinking?" asked Mirzam sleepily.

"You tell me. I'm not the one who sleeps with my in laws in the same bed" said Sirius.

"Blame them. They decided that since you are elsewhere we could spent the night gossiping about you guys" said Mirzam and she pocked Linda in her ribs.

"Ouch that hurt" muttered Linda.

"It was supposed to hurt" muttered Mirzam.

"Why about us?" asked Regulus suddenly.

"No reasons" muttered Mirzam.

"You know what girls, we will go to the kitchen..." started Remus but he was cut off by Mirzam and Linda saying.

"Go on. Have fun. We will join you in five minutes"

When the bedrooms door shut behind three men Mirzam and Linda glanced at each other and started giggling.

"They are not going to like our idea, are they?" asked Linda when she stopped laughing.

"Absolutely" Mirzam agreed with her.

Kyle took a sip of his hot chocolate and he purred as the warmth traveled through his body. Hot chocolate after full moon was a medicine for all his aches. He was about to take another sip when he heard footsteps on the kitchen stairs and soon he saw Mark.

"How is your furry little problem?" Mark asked as he sat down next to him.

"My furry little what?" Kyle asked.

"Problem" explained Mark.

"What you mean?" asked Kyle having vague idea about what Mark was talking.

"I meant how was the full moon?" asked Mark.

Kyle dropped the mug he was holding. Thankfully he drunk whole hot chocolate so he didn't ended with a hot chocolate in his lap.

"Who told you?" he mumbled.

"Auntie Mirzam. Yesterday. So?"

"So what?" asked Kyle.

"How was the full moon?" asked Mark.

"I can't believe that it's our last day here" muttered Harry as he sat up on his bed.

"You aren't the only one you know" Raven muttered back from the wardrobe.

"If you are looking for your jeans they are in the trunk" said Mirzam from the doorstep.

"I was looking for that shirt which said 'Black and proud of it' actually" said Raven.

Mirzam snorted before she said "Did you tried under the bed or in Harry's trunk?"

Raven glared at his brother. Harry snorted silently before he replied shortly "I like it"

"That's why Regulus bought another one for you. He actually bought one for each member of the family. Catch" Mirzam throw the shirt at Harry.

Achird Black glanced at his grandsons and snickered silently. 'Black and proud of it' honestly. He was about to comment their shirts when he saw that his sons entered the kitchen. Regulus was smiling and Sirius looked like he drunk a poison moment ago. Both of them was wearing the same shirts as their sons.

"Don't ask questions dad" said Sirius grimly.


Sirius sighed and Regulus snickered silently before he said "Sirius doesn't like his shirt"

"It's not that I don't like it because I like it. It's just..." Sirius started explaining but Regulus cut him off.

"He lost a bet and he has to wear that shirt for the rest of the day"

"It's too... Blackish" said Sirius finally.

"Good. Because you don't need you I.D. when you are wearing it" said Regulus.


"Dog breath"

"Flea ridden fur ball"





"Werebunnies" said Mark who just entered the kitchen.

"Were... what?" asked Thabit.

"Werebunnies" repeated Mark.

"Why I don't want to know anything more about it?" Harry turned to Raven.

"It's auntie's fault" said Mark.

"Why?" the others asked in unison.

Sirius laughed whole heartedly when Mark stopped explaining Mirzam's story and by the look around the table he wasn't the only one who found Mirzam's explanations amusing.

"Fancy playing Quidditch in the backyard" he asked finally.

"Are you kidding dad?" asked Raven and Harry in unison.

"No. Why are you asking?"

"Aren't you busy today?" asked Harry.

"I'm not. I mean I want to spend some time with my sons before they come back to school" said Sirius.

"Are we coming back home for Christmas?" asked Raven suddenly.

"Of course that you will come back home for Christmas. I mean what did you expected?" asked Regulus suddenly.

Exactly three hours later after exhausting game of Quidditch with the rest of men from the family Raven got under the shower and almost melted into a puddle. The game was funny, but tiring as hell. Raven was in the team with Sirius, Draco, Thabit, Harry, Achird and Neville. While Regulus, Remus, Romulus, Kyle, Mark, Larry and Snape were in another team. Raven and Regulus were seekers while Thabit, Harry, Draco, Kyle, Mark and Romulus were chasers, Sirius, Achird, Remus and Larry were beaters and Snape and Neville were keepers. Raven made a mental note to talk Thabit into playing in house team. That kid was marvelous on the broom, sure he was small, but Merlin he had a talent.

When he got out from the shower he saw Harry sitting on the bed with two letters in his hand.

"From Hogwarts" he said mysteriously.

They heard the footsteps on the corridor and soon they saw Rowan and Hermione in the doorway, both girls were blushing furiously and panting.

"Did you get them?" both of them breathed.

"Yes we did. We were about to open them when you entered" said Raven.

"I will read yours when you will read mine, okay?" asked Harry and he handed Raven his letter.

Raven opened the letter which was meant for Harry and saw Quidditch captain badge in it.

"Prefect" Harry said from above Raven's letter.

Rowan squealed and jumped at Raven.

"Why Ron isn't a prefect?" asked Raven suddenly.

"It says that former prefect resigned, for private reasons. You will have to ask him brother" said Harry.

At 1st September Raven and Harry were woken up by Thabit who run into their room yelling "Hogwarts! Hogwarts!" on the top of his lungs.

"6 am" muttered Harry "Can I kill him?" he asked as he sat up on the bed.

"Later" mumbled Raven.

Suddenly they heard Thabit's footsteps on the corridor it sounded like he was running as fast as he could and soon Raven was pinned to the bed by Thabit who looked like he just saw a ghost.

"Hide me" he mumbled.

"You little devil. I will kill you" they heard Draco's voice on the corridor but the young man who entered the room about two seconds later for sure wasn't Draco Black.

"Are you Draco?" asked Harry.

"Of course it's me, that little devil hid a boggart in my trunk" Draco pointed at Thabit who was hiding behind Raven's back.

He looked different. His hair which grew for about an inch during the summer weren't platinum blond but jet-black.

"Mum decided that it wold help me survive the beginning of the term. I mean... Gryffindor... Imagine the chaos" Draco muttered.

"So you were already sorted?" asked Harry.

"Yeah. That friend of yours Harry was sorted into Gryffindor too, also Hilda ended there. Now give me free access to that little devil so I can properly hex him to the hell and back before he will hide behind his father backs" Draco pulled out his wand.

"Daddy!" Thabit screamed on the top of his lungs with such a force that Raven thought that he will be half deaf for the rest of the day.

Sirius was watching kids as they entered the kitchen. They were joking, smiling and making noise. In four hours Grimmauld Place will be silent, empty and grim as ever. It was children who made this house a true home. Sirius smiled when he recalled everything what had happened during this summer. They cried more than once but they laughed as much if not more.
Regulus glanced at Sirius who was sitting next to him. Sirius matured so much during this summer. Sure he was mature before Azkaban but it seemed that having his family back, loosing Andromeda and becoming Minister of Magic brought him to the new level of maturity. Regulus admired how Sirius could divide his time between his family and his work. Regulus gaze slipped off from Sirius and traveled across the table to stop at his son face. Thabit was pestering Belinda to give him more pancakes but he stopped when Romulus's little girl, Brenda entered the kitchen. The girl sat down next to Thabit and smiled at him. Regulus snickered mentally. He knew the symptoms, after all he practiced his 'recognizing the one who is in love' skills at his brother and recognizing the symptoms and confronting Sirius about them was something.

Regulus smiled to himself, at the same time Thabit raised his head from above his plate and their eyes meet before Thabit smiled back. That was it. Everything was worth to see that smile on his son's face. Regulus was missing him already even if Thabit was sitting in front of him. 'Perhaps all of them feels like that' Regulus glance at Remus who was currently busy with lecturing Kyle about something. Sirius was talking with Raven and Harry, both boys were nodding solemnly from time to time.

Remus glanced at his younger brother who was sitting in the main hall of Grimmauld Place on the top of his trunk. Next to Romulus's were trunks of Brenda and Kyle and somewhere behind them were trunks of the rest of children. Remus wanted to say something to his brother but the words which he wanted to say didn't wanted to leave his mouth. Remus sighed and sat down on the other trunk, probably Achird's, facing Romulus.

"Romulus?" he finally extracted from himself.

"I will Remus" answered Romulus his unspoken question.

This is last chapter of Brother Brother II: Family Portrait. Hopefully in near future I will start writing Brother Brother III: 'I don't have a name for it yet'. As I said before there will be continuation, but I decided to stop it here because it seems – to me – that it would be more comfortable to you my dear readers if you don't have to scroll to let's say chapter thirty something or above. Somewhere around twenty it's just enough. Besides it's also easier for me to archive them on the computer since I keep each part in separate folders.

Please leave a review.