Summary: "In our family portrait we look pretty happy, we look pretty normal. Lets go back to that". Sequel to "Reunion". Sirius and Regulus Black are together again. They had to learn like family works. 6year fic.

Pairings: Harry/Hermione, Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks. More pairings soon.

Sniffy: I'm sick. I fell lonely and nobody likes my fics. I'm going to hide somewhere in the corner and I will start crying.

Sirius: Forgive her. She has a fever and only one review for last chapter of Reunion. She is in bad mood at all.

Regulus: This story make a sense if you read Brother Brother: Reunion first. If you didn't, go back and read it.

Sirius and Regulus: READ ENJOY AND REVIEW ( the last for our sake )

In our family portrait
We look pretty happy
We look pretty normal
Lets go back to that
In our family portrait
We look pretty happy
Lets play pretend, act like it goes naturally

Chapter one: Family Portrait

Harry thought it was all Thabit's fault. It was third day after their OWL's results arrived and day after Thabit came with his 'brilliant' idea. To make a family portrait. Mirzam thought it was wonderful idea, Sirius and Regulus seconded. Remus was unsure for first hour and after Sirius convinced him, he agreed. Andromeda, Ted and Dora agreed eagerly.

So there he was Harry Potter in official robes along with Thabit and Kyle and they waited for girls to arrive.

Dora, Andromeda, Mirzam and Hermione entered the room. Harry thought that he never saw something breathtaking beautiful like four women in full-dress. Andromeda had long silver dress with long sleeves, she had also the necklace made of pearls, and her messy hair was combed into nice bun. Mirzam hair was long, wavy and most of it was falling on her back, expect one part which was covering right part of her face, the fridge had gone. Her dress was crimson, sleeves flared to her hands, she has two silver rings on her fingers and a silver necklace with ruby. She looked healthier lately. Hermione was simply... beautiful. Her bushy hair was wavy like Mirzam's and pulled on her back, she had navy blue dress and golden necklace with sapphire. Dora's dress was similar to Mirzam's with little exception it was navy green, she also has golden necklace with emerald and golden ring on her finger, her hair was long, curly and brown like her father's, her eyes were grey like her mother's eyes.

"It's my normal face" Dora answered before she sat down on the couch.

"Where are the boys?" asked Andromeda sitting down next to Dora.

"Should be here any minute," said Mirzam sitting down nest to Andromeda.

Hermione sat down next to Mirzam and Harry decided to sit down on the arm of the couch next to Hermione. Then Sirius, Remus and Regulus. Sirius looked like he decided to shave at last, his black hair was short and he looked like as when Harry saw him in the pensieve. Regulus on the other hand decided to leave his long, black hair and pulled them into ponytail, he was shaved like usual, Remus has his usual chin-long hair which was more grey than brown, he looked a bit ill, just like Kyle 'Full moon approaching' thought Harry. All three was dressed into navy blue robes. Ted come into the room after them, he had his Auror uniform.

Regulus sat down cross-legged before the couch, Thabit on his left and Kyle on his right. Sirius stood behind the couch so he was between Mirzam and Hermione. Ted next to Sirius behind Andromeda and Remus sat down on another arm of the couch, next to Nymphadora, she put her hand on his knee and he wringed hers.

"Ready?" asked Sirius.

Everybody nodded and Sirius pulled his wand and charmed the paintbrush to start painting.

About hour later the portrait was finished and everybody was watching it closely.

"It looks wonderful uncle Sirius," said Thabit.

"It should. I was good in art generally," said Sirius.

Mirzam snorted, "Yes he was unless you count my portrait which he decide to paint years ago"

"I was drunk. Hey but it could come as cubism" said Sirius.

"Yeah, whatever Mr. Picasso" Mirzam snorted again.

"You don't like paintings?" asked Hermione.

"I don't, I like photography" Mirzam answered.

"She is addicted to making photos. You should saw her flat, she has so many books and photographs that it's hard to turn around and not joust on something" said Sirius grinning.

Mirzam stuck her tongue "Photography is real art Sirius. You can catch on photography more than on the paint"

"I wasn't talking about photography my dear, I was talking about the mess in your flat" said Sirius.

"THUD" Mirzam hit Sirius hard on the head with 'Great Encyclopaedia of Difficult Spells'.

"Do you always wander around with this book?" asked Harry.

The whole room erupted in laugh.

"We should hang this somewhere" said Regulus.

"Maybe in the study, it would look stupid in the kitchen" said Remus.

"Main hall?" asked Mirzam.

"I'm with Mirzam it should be in main hall" said Regulus.

"Let it be" said Sirius.

Sirius: See that nice button? Please review. Flames welcome.