"Thomas! Are you up yet?" Hermione called up the stairs. Silence followed, and she ascended the stairs swiftly. Knocking on her son's door, she tried again. "Tom, we're going to be leaving in a few minutes. Come downstairs and eat breakfast." She heard him groan and mumble something in a tired voice. Walking down the hall a little further, Hermione stopped in her daughter's room.
"Elizabeth, do you have everything you need?" The twelve year old girl was like Draco in every way. Her eyes were a glittering gray and her hair was long and pale blonde. Her attitude was the only difference. She was the sweetest little girl. Hermione and Draco both decided that they raised her better than Draco's family had raised him, and that was why. Tom was more of a handful. He was going through his rebellious teenager stage, and he was driving Hermione nuts. He had his father's smile, but everything else came from Hermione. His brown hair, his chocolate brown eyes, and his intelligence. Thomas was going into his fourth year at Hogwarts; Elizabeth was in her second. Both children were accepted into Gryffindor, much to Draco's dismay.
"It's not like everyone who goes through Slytherin is going to become a dirt bag. I turned out all right, didn't I?" He complained when the notices had come.
"Of course you did. Don't worry, sweet heart. They'll do fine where ever they are put." Hermione smiled at her husband. Although they were both thirty-two years of age, they looked mostly similar to how they looked when they were married at eighteen. Elizabeth looked up at her mother and smiled.
"Yes, mummy. I can't wait to get back to Hogwarts." She exclaimed excitedly. "I know people think I'm weird for looking forward to school, but I actually like going. I'm going to try out for the Quidditch team this year."
"Are you?"
"Yeah. I want to be a Chaser."
"Your brother is the Keeper, you know." Hermione reminded her. Elizabeth nodded, vigorously. She took great pride in being Tom's sister. He wasn't quite as fond of her.
"I know! He's excellent! They look like they're having so much fun when they play. I want to do it too!" Elizabeth decided, picking up her heavy trunk and lugging it towards the door.
"Let daddy get that, okay? Just leave it by the door and go wait in the foyer." Hermione kissed her daughter on the forehead and the little blonde skipped off towards the stairs. Draco came up behind Hermione and kissed her cheek.
"They grow up so fast, don't they?"
"So fast. Pretty soon, they're not going to want to come home for Christmas." Draco chuckled.
"Thomas never wanted to come home for the holiday."
"Well I want them here for the holidays. I never realized how long the school year actually was when I was a student there."
"And now that you're a teacher there?"
"I'm old enough to Apparate home in time for you to come back from your position in the Potions Department. It's a much easier commute."
"True. I'm going to go drag Tom out of his bed." Draco kissed her gently before walking into Tom's room. Hermione sighed in content. She had everything she could ever want. Two beautiful children. An adoring husband. A teaching position at Hogwarts. Fourteen years ago, she couldn't even imagine life being this amazing. She watched Draco drag Thomas downstairs to the fire, where they all used Floo Powder to travel to London. Hermione respected her son enough to not ride the train with everyone else, even though she had to get to Hogwarts for the feast. Besides, it meant more alone time with Draco.
I hope you guys liked it! I'd appreciate your reviews on the whole story, and thanks a thousand times over for your reviews!